GEN. ARTIGAS MAUSOLEUM. Montevideo, Uruguay
Praça Independência: mausoléu do general Artigas
Artigas Mausoleum - Plaza Independencia - Montevideo - Uruguay - November 2010
Artigas Mausoleum - Plaza Independencia - Montevideo - Uruguay - November 2010
Mausoleo Artigas - Montevideo(Uruguay)
Das Mausoleum Artigas in Montevideo.
Nationalheld José Gervasio Artigas(in der goldenen Urne) flankiert von 2 Gardesoldaten als Ehrenwache.
【K】Uruguay Travel-Montevideo[우루과이 여행-몬테비데오]독립광장, 아르티가스 위령소/Plaza Independencia/Artigas Mausoleum
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
가장 먼저 몬테비데오의 중심이라 할 독립광장으로 향한다. 독립광장에서 나를 맞는 것은 호세 아르띠가스 장군이다. 그는 1825년 우루과이가 브라질로부터 완전한 독립국가가 되는데 큰 기여를 한 독립의 아버지로 추앙받고 있다. 그런데 사람들이 아르띠가스 장군 밑으로 내려간다. 지하에는 뭐가 있는 것일까? 동상 지하에는 아르따가스의 유골을 모셔놓고 기억하는 넓은 위령소가 마련돼 있다. 당당한 독립국가로 설 수 있게 한 국민 영웅에 대한 최고의 예우가 느껴진다.
[English: Google Translator]
The first head to be called Independence Square, the center of Montevideo. It is ahreutti gas Gen. Jose meet me at the Independence Square. He is revered in Uruguay in 1825 full independence the country has contributed to the independence of the father are from Brazil. But people go down to the ahreutti gas under General. What does that basement? There is a large statue of underground storage place Souls enshrined the remains of cattle are in accordance gas maryeondwae. The highest honor for a national hero felt able to stand as imposing an independent state.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
El primer jefe que se llama Plaza de la Independencia, el centro de Montevideo. Es el gas ahreutti general José nos vemos en la Plaza de la Independencia. Él es venerado en Uruguay en 1825 la plena independencia del país ha contribuido a la independencia del padre son de Brasil. Pero las personas bajan al gas ahreutti en General. ¿Qué significa ese sótano? Hay una gran estatua de subterráneos lugar de almacenamiento de las almas consagradas los restos de ganado están en maryeondwae gas conformidad. El más alto honor para un héroe nacional sentía capaz de presentarse como la imposición de un estado independiente.
■클립명: 남미009-우루과이01-01 독립광장, 아르티가스 위령소/Plaza Independencia/Artigas Mausoleum/Independence
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이영준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 2월 February
남미,America,아메리카,우루과이,Uruguay,Uruguay,,이영준,2011,2월 February,몬테비데오,Montevideo,Montevideo
José Gervasio Artigas Mausoleum Plaza Independencia, Montevideo
Video walk from Matriz Square to Artigas Mausoleum, Independence Square, Montevideo
Video walk from Matriz Square to Artigas Mausoleum, Independence Square, Montevideo
Video Paseo de Plaza Matriz al Mausoleo de Artigas, Plaza Independencia, Montevideo
【K】Uruguay Travel-Montevideo[우루과이 여행-몬테비데오]로도 공원/Rodo Park/Jose Rodo/Classic/Performance
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이곳은 몬테비데오 시민들이 가장 즐겨 찾는 휴식공간인 ‘로도 공원’! 우루과이의 대문호 호세 로도를 기념하여 만든 공원이다. 아르띠가스가 독립의 영웅이라면 로도는 근대기의 정신적 지주 역할을 했던 사람이다. 근처에서 귀에 익은 클래식 선율이 나를 끌어당긴다. 매주 주말 밤에 있는 몬테비데오 시립 교향악단의 ‘시민을 위한 연주회’ 리허설 현장이다. 밤 9시 공연이 세 시간이나 남았음에도 거의 빈자리를 찾아 볼 수가 없다. 격식보다는 일상의 연장이 느껴진다. 편한 차림새, 편한 사람, 편한 자세로 보는 공연이다. 기다림 자체도 하나의 유희로 만드는 사람들. 목표를 향해 쉴 새 없이 달리기보다는 그 과정을 즐길 줄 아는 사람들. 서울에서의 삶이 아득해져 간다.
[English: Google Translator]
This is Montevideo citizens are the most favorite getaway of 'also park'! A park made to commemorate the daemunho Jose also in Uruguay. If gas is ahreutti independence hero who was also is the spiritual role of the modern Holding group. Pull me near the familiar classical melodies. Weekly concerts for the citizens of Montevideo Philharmonic Orchestra in a rehearsal scene at night on weekends. 21:00 The concert can not find a vacancy in nearly three hours namateum. Formal feel than the extension of the day-to-day. Comfortable outfit, an easy person to watch performances comfortable position. Waiting itself as one of the people who make the play. I know how to enjoy the process rather than people running toward a goal without a new shelter. Life goes on in Seoul becomes ahdeuk.
[Spanish: Google Translator]
Se trata de ciudadanos de Montevideo están el refugio favorito de la mayoría de los 'también aparcar'! Un parque hizo para conmemorar el daemunho José también en Uruguay. Si el gas es héroe de la independencia ahreutti quien también era es el papel espiritual del grupo de la explotación agrícola moderna. Sácame cerca de las melodías clásicas conocidas. Conciertos semanales para los ciudadanos de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Montevideo en una escena de ensayo en la noche los fines de semana. 21:00 El concierto no puede encontrar una vacante en casi tres horas namateum. Sensación formal que la extensión del día a día. Cómodo equipo, una persona fácil de ver actuaciones posición cómoda. Esperando a sí misma como una de las personas que conforman la obra. Sabe cómo disfrutar del proceso más que personas corriendo hacia una meta sin un nuevo refugio. La vida sigue en Seúl vuelve ahdeuk.
■클립명: 남미009-우루과이01-05 로도 공원/Rodo Park/Jose Rodo/Classic/Performance
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이영준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 2월 February
남미,America,아메리카,우루과이,Uruguay,Uruguay,,이영준,2011,2월 February,몬테비데오,Montevideo,Montevideo
Montevideo, Mausoleo de Artigas y Plaza Independencia
Visitamos a nuestro libertador en el mausoleo donde se encuentran sus restos, recientemente restaurado. Espero les guste. y recuerden que tenemos una pagina en facebok llamada Piscuajo Channel, denle like, besoooos
A pedido de los suscriptores hemos abierto una cuenta para donaciones que ayuden a conocer mas nuestro pais, cuenta PAYPAL Desde ya muchas gracias por estar y hacer crecer nuestro canal.
Los invitamos a visitar nuetra pagina en Facebook ...URUGUAY PISCUAJO CHANNEL
En medio de la plaza Independencia se encuentra el mausoleo del general José Artigas. En su interior se recuerdan los episodios más importantes del padre de la Patria Oriental. Hoy, en el centro de la plaza Independencia de Montevideo se encuentra una estatua que rinde homenaje a este hombre que con tesón lucho por un país libre. Debajo de esta se encuentra el mausoleo donde descansan sus restos. Unas escaleras a ambos lados de la estatua ecuestre de bronce del prócer conducen al recinto subterráneo.
Mario Caira TV, Argentina
Mausoleum Artigas - Montevideu - Uruguai
Este viernes serán trasladados los restos del Gral. José Gervasio Artigas, desde el Palacio Legislativo hacia el Mausoleo de la Plaza Independencia.
El acto será difundido a todos los hogares del país, por VTV a partir de las 14.40 horas.
Mausoleo de Artigas - Intercanal - Montevideo - Urugu
Mausoleo de Artigas - Intercanal - Montevideo - Uruguay
URUGUAY Artigas en Plaza Independencia
Ana Olivera en Homenaje a Jose Gervasio Artigas - Plaza Independencia, Montevideo Uruguay
[여행VLOG] 우루과이 몬테비데오 여행, 대한민국에서 제일 먼 나라 / Uruguay Montevideo Travel
이번에는 남아메리카! 대한민국의 지구 반대편, 멀고먼 우루과이의 수도 몬테비데오로 갑니다.
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Caballada Artigas en Plaza Independencia - Montevideo
Near 300 riders brought their horses from all parts of Uruguay to protest against the removal of the rest of liberator Artigas from his mausoleum at Independence Square, Montevideo
Mausoléu de Artigas Montevideo Uruguai
Praça Independência (em espanhol: Plaza Independencia) está localizada na cidade de Montevidéu, Uruguai, no limite entre a Cidade Velha e a área central, anteriormente conhecida como Cidade Nova.
Desde 1882, durante o governo de Máximo Santos, havia uma lei que aprovava um orçamento para a criação de um monumento a José Artigas, fundador de nuestra nacionalidad; a pedra fundamental foi colocada em 25 de agosto de 1884, no entanto, o monumento demorou a se materializar. Juan Zorrilla de San Martín esboçou as ideias gerais em A Epopeia de Artigas; em 1913, uma comissão declarou vencedores do concurso de projetos o italiano Angelo Zanelli (1879-1942) e o uruguaio Juan Manuel Ferrari (este terminou por ser dispensado).
Foi finalmente inaugurado em 28 de fevereiro de 1923 ao final do mandato presidencial de Baltasar Brum.2
Durante a ditadura civil-militar (1973-1985), através do decreto-lei N° 14.276, de 27 de setembro de 1974, foi decidido a criação de um mausoléu para abrigar os restos mortais de Artigas, que estavam no Panteão Nacional do Cemitério Central até 1972 e, posteriormente, na posse dos Blandengues. Obra dos arquitetos Lucas Ríos Demalde e Alejandro Morón, que acrescentaram ao monumento um mausoléu de granito com amplas escadas até o subsolo que guarda a urna com os restos mortais de José Artigas; uma pirâmide truncada permite que o sol penetre diretamente até a urna. Em 19 de junho de 1977, na presença do presidente de fato Aparicio Méndez, o mausoléu foi inaugurado. Com a volta da democracia no Uruguai, muito se questionou este uso do nome, imagem e os restos mortais do herói nacional para a exaltação de uma ditadura que implicava negar os ideais democráticos republicanos e representativos de Artigas. Durante 2009, o presidente Tabaré Vázquez propôs e insistiu na possibilidade de transferir os restos mortais do herói para a nova Torre Executiva, mas isso provocou muitas críticas da oposição,3 e até queixas dos descendentes do herói.4 Deverá ser implementada a lei de 2001, segunda a qual deverão ser escritas frases célebres do ideário artiguista nos muros do mausoléu.5 O dia 23 de setembro do 2011 foi trasladada a urna com os restos do herói até o Quartel dos Blandengues. Urna que será restaurada e decidido seu próximo destino.
Montevideo, Uruguay — City Walking Tour【4K】????????
Welcome to Montevideo, Uruguay. This is a City Walking Tour in 4K around Old Town or Ciudad Vieja, Plaza de la Independencia, Artigas Mausoleum, Palacio Salvo, Peatonal Sarandí and Mercado del Puerto by Wanna Walk.
Montevideo is the southernmost capital city in the Americas and the biggest city in a charming little country called Uruguay. We start walking from the Artigas Mausoleum in Plaza de la Independencia, in the neighbourhood of Ciudad Vieja or Old Town. From this place we can watch beautiful art deco buildings, colonial homes and landmarks including the towering Palacio Salvo and neoclassical performance hall Solís Theatre and Mercado del Puerto, a popular port steakhouses market. This is a 4K Virtual Walking Tour of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Montevideo is situated on the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Rio de la Plata. The city was established in 1724. The city is the financial and cultural hub of a larger metropolitan area with a population of around 2 million (Uruguay's population is about 3.5 million).
Wanna Support?
Named 'country of the year' by the Economist, Uruguay is the most socially advanced country in Latin America, it top ranks on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion.
Walking Tour Ciudad Vieja
Old Town Montevideo Walk
Walking Tour Videos Uruguay
Must See and Visit Attractions in Montevideo, Uruguay: Small in size but rich in history, there are tons of things to do in Montevideo. Uruguayan capital has a beautiful Old Town, in the heart of the city, full of history and attractions.
Montevideo Old Town Walk
Mercado del Puerto Tour
Pedestrian Walking Street
City Walking Tour Montevideo Uruguay
Best starting point is the Plaza Independencia (Montevideo main square). From here you can see the remains of the city walls and town gate, which is the beginning of the original Old Town. This is a nice area to walk around in. From old to new parts of the city. Some places to go shopping, a few places to eat as well. Clean area with a lot of people out and about. Locals and tourists all mesh in this area. I found it to be worth the stroll down the street to check it out. Good spot for some pics!
There are two explanations for the name MONTEVIDEO: First comes from the Portuguese Monte vide eu which means I see a mountain and the second could be the location of the city in a map as Monte VI De Este a Oeste meaning The sixth mountain from east to west.
Walking in Montevideo (Uruguay)
Ciudad Vieja, Peatonal Sarandí
Uruguay Walking in Montevideo
The city’s gate is called Puerta de la Ciudadela. Don't forget to see the Palacio Salvo, this building is emblematic of Montevideo. Also, check Teatro Solís, a landmark in Ciudad Vieja or Old City district in Montevideo.
Most Searched Today: Palacio salvo, old city, General Artigas, Statue, Buildings, Montevideo Video Walk, Main square, Starting point, National hero, Presidential Offices, Downtown Montevideo, free walking tour, Uruguay 4K
Let's walk in Peatonal Sarandi where we can find street markets and shops. It’s an amazing place to immerse yourself in Uruguayan culture.Then we visit the Old Market where you can eat the most typical Uruguay's foods and listen Montevideo's traditional music. This is pretty close to the Buquebus port and one of the busiest areas of the city.
What to see in Montevideo
Montevideo City Walking Tour
Uruguay 4K
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Montevideo, Uruguay — Walking Tour【4K】????????
Welcome to Montevideo, Uruguay. This is a City Walking Tour in 4K around Old Town or Ciudad Vieja, Plaza de la Independencia, Artigas Mausoleum, Palacio Salvo, Peatonal Sarandí and Av 18 de Julio by Wanna Walk.
Montevideo is the southernmost capital city in the Americas and the biggest city in a charming little country called Uruguay. We start walking from the Artigas Mausoleum in Plaza de la Independencia, in the neighbourhood of Ciudad Vieja or Old Town. From this place we can watch beautiful art deco buildings, colonial homes and landmarks including the towering Palacio Salvo and neoclassical performance hall Solís Theatre and Mercado del Puerto, a popular port steakhouses market. This is a 4K Virtual Walking Tour of Montevideo, Uruguay.
Montevideo is situated on the southern coast of the country, on the northeastern bank of the Rio de la Plata. The city was established in 1724. The city is the financial and cultural hub of a larger metropolitan area with a population of around 2 million (Uruguay's population is about 3.5 million).
Wanna Support?
Named 'country of the year' by the Economist, Uruguay is the most socially advanced country in Latin America, it top ranks on global measures of personal rights, tolerance, and inclusion.
Walking Tour Ciudad Vieja
Old Town Montevideo Walk
Walking Tour Videos Uruguay
Must See and Visit Attractions in Montevideo, Uruguay: Small in size but rich in history, there are tons of things to do in Montevideo. Uruguayan capital has a beautiful Old Town, in the heart of the city, full of history and attractions.
Montevideo Old Town Walk
Av 18 de Julio
Walking Street
City Walking Tour Montevideo Uruguay
Best starting point is the Plaza Independencia (Montevideo main square). From here you can see the remains of the city walls and town gate, which is the beginning of the original Old Town. This is a nice area to walk around in. From old to new parts of the city. Some places to go shopping, a few places to eat as well. Clean area with a lot of people out and about. Locals and tourists all mesh in this area. I found it to be worth the stroll down the street to check it out. Good spot for some pics! Montevideo, Uruguay — Walking Tour
There are two explanations for the name MONTEVIDEO: First comes from the Portuguese Monte vide eu which means I see a mountain and the second could be the location of the city in a map as Monte VI De Este a Oeste meaning The sixth mountain from east to west.
Walking in Montevideo (Uruguay)
Ciudad Vieja, Peatonal Sarandí
Uruguay Walking in Montevideo
The city’s gate is called Puerta de la Ciudadela. Don't forget to see the Palacio Salvo, this building is emblematic of Montevideo. Also, check Teatro Solís, a landmark in Ciudad Vieja or Old City district in Montevideo.
Most Searched Today: Palacio salvo, old city, General Artigas, Statue, Buildings, Montevideo Video Walk, Main square, Starting point, National hero, Presidential Offices, Downtown Montevideo, free walking tour, Uruguay 4K
Let's walk in Peatonal Sarandi where we can find street markets and shops. It’s an amazing place to immerse yourself in Uruguayan culture.Then we visit the Old Market where you can eat the most typical Uruguay's foods and listen Montevideo's traditional music. This is pretty close to the Buquebus port and one of the busiest areas of the city.
What to see in Montevideo
Montevideo City Walking Tour
Uruguay 4K
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