Pequeñas Princesas Disney En El Parque de Bolas De Lol Surprise
. Hoy las pequeñas Princesas disney van al parque de Bolas para niños de Lol Surprise a divertirse. Elsa, Ana, Ariel, blancanieves y la pequeña Rapunzel estan aburridas! Las Muñecas de las princesas disney deciden ir al parque de bolas L.O.L nuevo que han abierto en el reino! Abriran Bolas Sorpresas de Lol Pets que vienen con 7 capas y sorpresas diferentes. En este parque encontraran los mejores juguetes lol dentro de las bolas!
Un Loco Dia de Playa De Las Princesas Disney
Princesas Disney - Charlie Charlie Challenge
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Rodando al Destino
SUBTÍTULOS EN CASTELLANO, INGLÉS O ITALIANO, en el vídeo, abajo a la derecha.
SINOPSIS de Rodando al Destino: Desde niño Fran padece Ataxia de Friedreich; una enfermedad degenerativa del cerebelo que le hace perder progresivamente estabilidad, equilibrio y fuerza en las extremidades.
El documental explica la historia de su vida a través de los testimonios de familiares y amigos. Se muestran las dificultades, alegrías y tristezas que Fran ha vivido y que le han llevado, a pesar de todo, a vivir una vida intensa y feliz.
Con el tiempo terminó yendo en silla de ruedas y actualmente es muy dependiente, puesto que no puede siquiera ponerse en pie. Pero lo más fascinante que tiene Fran es la pasión y alegría con que vive su vida a pesar de las dificultosas circunstancias que atraviesa, y cómo contagia es alegría a la multitud de personas que pasan por su vida.
¿POR QUÉ?: En 2015 realizamos la película por el imprevisto regalo que ha sido la aparición de Fran en nuestras vidas. Creemos que un documental de su vida es un bello modo de transmitir la novedad que supone ver cómo alguien con tantas dificultades vive con tanta intensidad y con tanto deseo de una vida grande.
Queremos ver de dónde nace su deseo y por qué ha ido creciendo a través del encuentro con personas concretas que ha conocido durante su vida. No se trata, pues, de generar compasión hacia él, ni de sensibilizar o reivindicar nada de tipo social; a nosotros nos interesa entender por qué Fran puede vivir feliz con las duras circunstancias que atraviesa y la huella que ha dejado en todos sus amigos.
Tenemos la esperanza de que esta historia sirva para ayudar a otras personas en situaciones similares, así como ayudarnos a comprender mejor cómo todos podemos vivir mejor a través de lo que a cada uno nos toca vivir.
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TikTok: @albertescuder
Aún no sé de qué trata este canal... pero me encanta mi vida, las buenas historias, el audiovisual, crear y hacer crecer proyectos y negocios (emprender que tan pedante suena), la música, comer, beber… Welcome!!!
Город мечта - Майами, штат Флорида | США 2020
Добро пожаловать в Соединённые Штаты Америки, город Майами штат Флорида, США 2020
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Como Colar Piscina de Plástico. Nesse vídeo vamos ver como colar fazer um reparo numa piscina de plástico, piscina de PVC que está furada. Essa colagem para fazer o reparo da piscina de PVC foi realizada com o adesivo de poliuretano para calçados. Esse adesivo é encontrado em loja de produtos para sapateiros, loja de couros. Antes de fazer a colagem é muito importante fazer uma boa limpeza com solvente apropriado. Na falta desse solvente pode-se usar um removedor de esmaltes de unha ou outro solvente que tenha acetona ou MEK.
Morar com Viviane Mosé
Primeira palestra do Ciclo MORAR - Espaços de Afeto com Viviane Mosé, realizada em março de 2016, no Sesc Santos. O programa que contou com palestras, oficinas, atividades e vídeos trouxe uma importante reflexão sobre o morar na terceira idade.
Psicóloga, psicanalista e especialista em elaboração e implementação de políticas públicas, Viviane Mosé trouxe elementos reflexivos sobre a relação entre o lugar e o espaço, sob a ótica da filosofia e da poesia, abordando os significados, valores, sensações de quem envelhece e o “lugar” para envelhecer.
O Ciclo MORAR - Espaços de Afeto está relacionado às implicações do viver em comunidade, repúblicas, condomínios e outras formas de habitação. Realizado entre março e junho de 2016 no Sesc Santos, propôs um debate sobre qual tipo de moradia estamos construindo. Em todos seus variados aspectos: arquitetônico, localização e acessibilidade para a pessoa idosa. Autonomia, relações de afeto e familiares também foram debatidas no Ciclo MORAR.
La Educación Prohibida - Película Completa HD - [All languages]
La Educación Prohibida, Estreno Mundial 13 de Agosto del 2012
Sitio Web Oficial:
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Se permite y alienta la copia, modificación, adaptación, traducción y exhibición pública de esta película, siempre que no existan fines de lucro y se mantengan estas mismas condiciones. Copyleft 2012. La cultura se protege compartiéndola.
Licencia: Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0
Twitter: @EdProhibida / #YoViLep
La escuela ha cumplido ya más de 200 años de existencia y es aun considerada la principal forma de acceso a la educación. Hoy en día, la escuela y la educación son conceptos ampliamente discutidos en foros académicos, políticas públicas, instituciones educativas, medios de comunicación y espacios de la sociedad civil.Desde su origen, la institución escolar ha estado caracterizada por estructuras y prácticas que hoy se consideran mayormente obsoletas y anacrónicas. Decimos que no acompañan las necesidades del Siglo XXI. Su principal falencia se encuentra en un diseño que no considera la naturaleza del aprendizaje, la libertad de elección o la importancia que tienen el amor y los vínculos humanos en el desarrollo individual y colectivo.
A partir de estas reflexiones críticas han surgido, a lo largo de los años, propuestas y prácticas que pensaron y piensan la educación de una forma diferente. La Educación Prohibida es una película documental que propone recuperar muchas de ellas, explorar sus ideas y visibilizar aquellas experiencias que se han atrevido a cambiar las estructuras del modelo educativo de la escuela tradicional.
Más de 90 entrevistas a educadores, académicos, profesionales, autores, madres y padres; un recorrido por 8 países de Iberoamérica pasando por 45 experiencias educativas no convencionales; más de 25.000 seguidores en las redes sociales antes de su estreno y un total de 704 coproductores que participaron en su financiación colectiva, convirtieron a La Educación Prohibida en un fenómeno único. Un proyecto totalmente independiente de una magnitud inédita, que da cuenta de la necesidad latente del crecimiento y surgimiento de nuevas formas de educación.
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Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell
Cameron Russell admits she won a genetic lottery: she's tall, pretty and an underwear model. But don't judge her by her looks. In this fearless talk, she takes a wry look at the industry that had her looking highly seductive at barely 16-years-old.
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Try Not To Laugh: SAVAGE 100000000% EDITION
Hey its another try not to laugh how about that, this time a try not to savage edition, incredible.
The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter
Investigative journalist Will Potter is the only reporter who has been inside a Communications Management Unit, or CMU, within a US prison. These units were opened secretly, and radically alter how prisoners are treated — even preventing them from hugging their children. Potter, a TED Fellow, shows us who is imprisoned here, and how the government is trying to keep them hidden. The message was clear, he says. Don’t talk about this place. Find sources for this talk at
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
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Types of People in the Shower
Lets be real, most people are freaks in the shower. Not me though, I'm just a full fledged performer & I like to make out with the wall. Which type are you?
-- SHOT ON --
▹Canon 80D // EF 35mm f/2 IS USM
Thanks for watching and don't forget to keep smiling. You're worth it! xoxo
Dime qué te duele y sabrás por qué por Txumari Alfaro PARTE2
Dime qué te duele y sabrás por qué por Txumari Alfaro PARTE 2 de 2.
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Military Lessons: The U.S. Military in the Post-Vietnam Era (1999)
The Vietnam War called into question the U.S. Army doctrine. Marine Corps General Victor H. Krulak heavily criticised Westmoreland's attrition strategy, calling it wasteful of American lives... with small likelihood of a successful outcome. In addition, doubts surfaced about the ability of the military to train foreign forces.
Between 1965 and 1975, the United States spent $111 billion on the war ($686 billion in FY2008 dollars). This resulted in a large federal budget deficit.
More than 3 million Americans served in the Vietnam War, some 1.5 million of whom actually saw combat in Vietnam. James E. Westheider wrote that At the height of American involvement in 1968, for example, there were 543,000 American military personnel in Vietnam, but only 80,000 were considered combat troops.
Conscription in the United States had been controlled by the President since World War II, but ended in 1973.
By war's end, 58,220 American soldiers had been killed, more than 150,000 had been wounded, and at least 21,000 had been permanently disabled. According to Dale Kueter, Sixty-one percent of those killed were age 21 or younger. Of those killed in combat, 86.3 percent were white, 12.5 percent were black and the remainder from other races. The youngest American KIA in the war was PFC Dan Bullock, who had falsified his birth certificate and enlisted in the US Marines at age 14 and who was killed in combat at age 15. Approximately 830,000 Vietnam veterans suffered symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. An estimated 125,000 Americans fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam draft, and approximately 50,000 American servicemen deserted. In 1977, United States President Jimmy Carter granted a full, complete and unconditional pardon to all Vietnam-era draft dodgers. The Vietnam War POW/MIA issue, concerning the fate of U.S. service personnel listed as missing in action, persisted for many years after the war's conclusion.
La Educación Prohibida FULL HD
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¿Qué es?
La Educación Prohibida es una película documental que se propone cuestionar las lógicas de la escolarización moderna y la forma de
Where The Bears Are - Season 5: Episode 1 HONEYMOON BEARS
WHERE THE BEARS ARE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are also available on VIMEO ON DEMAND!
Our Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, Mother's Day and 4th of July and Valentine's Day Specials are also available on VIMEO ON DEMAND!
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WHERE THE BEARS ARE is a web series following the exploits of 3 bear roommates sharing a house in the hills of Silverlake. It is The Golden Girls meets Murder She Wrote with big, hairy, gay men.
In the fifth season opener, Nelson and Todd take a long delayed honeymoon to a clothing optional resort in Palm Springs, but their much anticipated romantic getaway quickly takes a dark turn. Meanwhile back in LA, Reggie finds a surprise waiting for him at his boyfriend Captain Coley’s house and Wood hires a hot new Sporting Wood model who only has eyes for business partner George Ridgemont. Nelson: Ben Zook. Todd: Ian Parks. Reggie: Rick Copp. Wood: Joe Dietl. Winters: Chad Sanders. Martinez: George Unda. George Ridgemont: George Sebastian. Captain Coley: Tim Hooper. Cyril: Scott Beauchemin. Diesel: Jeff Wilcox. Eduardo: Josef Arellano. Damien Cassidy: Paolo Andino. TV Reporter: Jorge Rodriguez.
Wakaliwood's BAD BLACK (Full Movie) - English Subtitles & VJ Emmie
SUPA FANS! @Wakaliwood is banned from Twitter for posting content that was threatening and/or promoting violence. If you believe this is unfair and that Ugandan filmmakers should be treated equally and no different than any other genre filmmaker, please help start a conversation. Thank You! #FreeWakaliwood
Wakaliwood SUPA STORE! T-Shirts, DVDs, Posters & more!
Pls help seed & share the TORRENT!! Watch Bad Black & Who Killed Captain Alex: GLOBAL DESTRUCTION in over 30 languages! Including Klingon & Latin for da Pope!
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Bad Black SOUNDBOARD Cooming Soon!
Age of Deceit (2) - Hive Mind Reptile Eyes Hypnotism Cults World Stage - Multi - Language
An information packed documentary ranging from topics to the Upside Down Cross to Alister Crowley to The Beatles to Sigil Trances to Archetypal Symbolic Programming to Subliminal Magic to 5G Hive Programming to Project Mauntak to Triggering MK Ultra Programming to Witchcraft in Hollywood to transgender CEOs to Ancient Witch Covens to Ley Line Satellite Cities to the City of The Fallen Angels to The Curse of Griffith Park to just so much more.
XtremerealitcyCheck... Like really cutting edge info. Check it out.
Free Truth Productions
The whole Truth n nothing but...
Icelandic: fallinn engill
Italian: Angelo caduto
Hebrew: מלאך שנפל
Japanese: 堕天使
Javanese: widodari tiba
Georgian: დაცემული ანგელოზი
Kazakh: құлаған ангел
Khmer: ទេវតាធ្លាក់ចុះ
Kannada: ಬಿದ್ದ ದೇವದೂತ
Korean: 타락한 천사
Latin: fallen angel
Lao: fallen angel
Lithuanian: kritęs angelas
Latvian: kritušais enģelis
Malagasy: anjely nianjera
Maori: anahera hinga
Macedonian: паднат ангел
Malayalam: വീണുപോയ ദൂതൻ
Mongolian: унасан тэнгэр элч
Marathi: पडलेला देवदूत
Malay: malaikat yang jatuh
Maltese: waqa 'anġlu
Myanmar (Burmese): ပြိုလဲကောငျးကငျတမနျ
Nepali: गिर परी
Dutch: gevallen engel
Norwegian: Fallen engel
Chichewa: mngelo wakugwa
Punjabi: ਡਿੱਗ ਦੂਤ
Polish: upadły anioł
Portuguese: anjo caído
Romanian: inger decazut
Russian: падший ангел
Sinhala: වැටුනාවූ දූතයා
Slovak: padlý anjel
Slovenian: padli angel
Somali: malaa'igtii dhacday
Albanian: engjell i rene
Serbian: пали анђео
Sesotho: lengeloi le oeleng
Sundanese: malaikat fallen
Swedish: fallen ängel
Swahili: malaika aliyeanguka
Tamil: விழுந்த தேவதை
Telugu: స్వర్గం నుంచి పడిన దేవత
Tajik: фариштаи золим
Thai: เทวดาตกสวรรค์
Filipino: nahulog na anghel
Turkish: düşmüş melek
Ukrainian: занепалий ангел
Urdu: باغی فرشتہ
Uzbek: tushgan farishta
Vietnamese: Thiên thần sa ngã
Yiddish: געפאלן מלאך
Yoruba: angẹli ti o ṣubu
Chinese: 堕落的天使
Chinese (Simplified): 堕落的天使
Chinese (Traditional): 墮落的天使
Zulu: ingelosi ewile
Afrikaans: transhumanisme
Arabic: بعد إنسانية
Azerbaijani: transhumanism
Belarusian: трансгуманизма
Bulgarian: трансхуманизъм
Bengali: transhumanism
Bosnian: transhumanizam
Catalan: transhumanisme
Cebuano: transhumanism
Czech: transhumanismus
Welsh: trahumaniaeth
Danish: transhumanisme
German: Transhumanismus
Greek: διανθρωπισμό
English: transhumanism
Esperanto: transhumanism
Spanish: transhumanismo
Estonian: transhumanism
Basque: transhumanism
Persian: transhumanism
Finnish: Transhumanismi
French: transhumanisme
Irish: trashumanachas
Galician: transhumanismo
Gujarati: ટ્રાન્સહ્યુમેનિઝમ
Hausa: transhumanism
Hindi: ट्रांसह्युमेनिज़म
Hmong: transhumanism
Croatian: transhumanizam
Haitian Creole: transhumanism
Hungarian: transzhumanizmust
Armenian: տրանսմունաբանություն
Indonesian: transhumanisme
Igbo: transhumanism
Icelandic: transhumanism
Italian: transumanesimo
Hebrew: טרנסומניזם
Japanese: トランスヒューマニズム
Javanese: transhumanisme
Georgian: ტრანსჰუმანიზმი
Kazakh: траншуманизм
Khmer: transhumanism
Kannada: ಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್ಹ್ಯೂಮನಿಸಂ
Korean: 트랜스 휴머니즘
Latin: transhumanism
Lao: transhumanism
Lithuanian: transhumanizmas
Latvian: transhumanismu
Malagasy: transhumanism
Maori: transhumanism
Macedonian: трансхуманизам
Malayalam: മനുഷ്യത്വവാദം
Mongolian: transhumanism
Marathi: ट्रान्सहुमनिझ्म
Malay: transhumanisme
Maltese: transumaniżmu
Myanmar (Burmese): transhumanism
Nepali: transhumanism
Dutch: transhumanisme
Norwegian: transhumanism
Chichewa: transhumanism
Punjabi: transhumanism
Polish: transhumanizm
Portuguese: transumanismo
Romanian: transumanismului
Russian: трансгуманизма
Sinhala: අධිරාජ්යවාදය
Slovak: transhumanism
Slovenian: transhumanizem
Somali: transhumanism
Albanian: Transhumanizmi
Serbian: трансхуманизам
Sesotho: transhumanism
Sundanese: transhumanism
Swedish: transhumanism
Swahili: transhumanism
Tamil: மீவு மனிதத்துவம்
Telugu: రూపాంతరణ
Tajik: transhumanism
Thai: transhumanism
Filipino: transhumanism
Turkish: transhumanism
Ukrainian: трансгуманізм
Urdu: ٹرانسمیشنزم
Uzbek: transhumanizm
Vietnamese: siêu nhân
Yiddish: טראַנסהומאַניסם
Yoruba: transhumanism
Chinese: 超人
Chinese (Simplified): 超人
Chinese (Traditional): 超人
Zulu: transhumanism
3000+ Common English Words with British Pronunciation
3143 most frequent english words with british sound, randomly presented.
Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or spoken english text.
American english version:
The list of words is available here: (same order as in the video).
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2015-12-03 - Translations available as subtitles in 35+ languages!
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3143 palabras comunes en inglés con su respectiva pronunciación con acento británico, presentadas aleatoriamente. Conocer estos términos permite comprender al menos el 85% de cualquier texto en inglés, ya sea escrito u oral.
► FR
3143 mots le plus fréquents en anglais avec leur prononciation britannique respective, présentés aléatoirement. La connaissance de ces mots vous permettra de comprendre au moins 85% de tout texte en anglais, oral ou écrit.
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3000+ Common English Words with Pronunciation
3134 most frequent english words with sound (american pronunciation), randomly presented.
Knowing this vocabulary will permit you to understand at least 85% of any written or spoken english text.
Enable the captions clicking the CC button and then choose a language from the settings menu! If you want a translation for a not available language just ask for it!
Word list (sorted alphabetically):
Word list (sorted as in the video):
British pronunciation version:
► ES
3134 palabras comunes en inglés con su respectiva pronunciación, presentadas al azar. Conocer estos términos permite comprender al menos el 85% de cualquier texto en inglés, ya sea escrito u oral.
► FR
3134 mots le plus fréquents en anglais avec leur prononciation respective, présentés aléatoirement. La connaissance de ces mots vous permettra de comprendre au moins 85% de tout texte en anglais, oral ou écrit.
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Suspense: Will You Make a Bet with Death / Menace in Wax / The Body Snatchers
There were several variations of program introductions. A typical early opening is this from April 27, 1943:
This is The Man in Black, here again to introduce Columbia's program, Suspense.
Our stars tonight are Miss Agnes Moorehead and Mr. Ray Collins. You've seen these two expert and resourceful players in Citizen Kane - The Magnificent Ambersons in which Miss Moorehead's performance won her the 1942 Film Critics' Award. Mr. Collins will soon be seen in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Technicolor film, Salute to the Marines.
Miss Moorehead and Mr. Collins return this evening to their first love, the CBS microphone, to appear in a study in terror by Lucille Fletcher called The Diary of Sophronia Winters.
The story told by this diary is tonight's tale of... suspense. If you've been with us on these Tuesday nights, you will know that Suspense is compounded of mystery and suspicion and dangerous adventure. In this series are tales calculated to intrigue you, to stir your nerves, to offer you a precarious situation and then withhold the solution... until the last possible moment. And so it is with The Diary of Sophronia Winters and the performances of Agnes Moorehead and Ray Collins, we again hope to keep you in...
THE MAN IN BLACK: ... Suspense!
Carl Sandburg's 79th Birthday / No Time for Heartaches / Fire at Malibu
Carl Sandburg (January 6, 1878 -- July 22, 1967) was an American writer and editor, best known for his poetry. He was the recipient of three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and another for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. H. L. Mencken called Sandburg indubitably an American in every pulse-beat.
Sandburg was born in the three-room cottage at 313 East Third Street in Galesburg, Illinois, to parents of Swedish ancestry. At the age of thirteen he left school and began driving a milk wagon. From the age of about fourteen until he was seventeen or eighteen, he worked as a porter at the Union Hotel barbershop in Galesburg.[1] After that he was on the milk route again for eighteen months. He then became a bricklayer and a farm laborer on the wheat plains of Kansas.[2] After an interval spent at Lombard College in Galesburg,[3] he became a hotel servant in Denver, then a coal-heaver in Omaha. He began his writing career as a journalist for the Chicago Daily News. Later he wrote poetry, history, biographies, novels, children's literature, and film reviews. Sandburg also collected and edited books of ballads and folklore. He spent most of his life in the Midwest before moving to North Carolina.
Sandburg volunteered to go to the military and was stationed in Puerto Rico with the 6th Illinois Infantry during the Spanish--American War, disembarking at Guánica, Puerto Rico on July 25, 1898. Sandburg was never actually called to battle. He attended West Point for just two weeks, before failing a mathematics and grammar exam. Sandburg returned to Galesburg and entered Lombard College, but left without a degree in 1903.
He moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and joined the Social Democratic Party, the name by which the Socialist Party of America was known in the state. Sandburg served as a secretary to Emil Seidel, socialist mayor of Milwaukee from 1910 to 1912.
Sandburg met Lilian Steichen at the Social Democratic Party office in 1907, and they married the next year. Lilian's brother was the photographer Edward Steichen. Sandburg with his wife, whom he called Paula, raised three daughters.
The Sandburgs moved to Harbert, Michigan, and then to suburban Chicago, Illinois. They lived in Evanston, Illinois, before settling at 331 S. York Street in Elmhurst, Illinois, from 1919 to 1930. Sandburg wrote three children's books in Elmhurst, Rootabaga Stories, in 1922, followed by Rootabaga Pigeons (1923), and Potato Face (1930). Sandburg also wrote Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, a two-volume biography in 1926, The American Songbag (1927), and a book of poems called Good Morning, America (1928) in Elmhurst. The family moved to Michigan in 1930. The Sandburg house at 331 W. York Street, Elmhurst was demolished and the site is now a parking lot.
Sandburg's collection, The War Years was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. His Complete Poems won him a second Pulitzer Prize in 1951.[4]
In 1945 he moved to Connemara, a 246-acre rural estate in Flat Rock, North Carolina. Here he produced a little over a third of his total published work, and lived with his wife, daughters, and two grandchildren until dying of natural causes in 1967.
Sandburg had his ashes interred under Remembrance Rock, a 5-foot-high granite boulder located behind his birth house.[5][6]
Sandburg supported the civil rights movement, and contributed to the NAACP.