Alaca Hoyok Orenyeri Museum in Corum Turkey (Alacahöyük Örenyeri Müzesi Çorum Türkiye)
Ancient riches of Anatolia
At the Alacahöyük Museum, works from the Chalcolithic, Old Bronze, Hittite and Phrygian periods are exhibited. The most important pieces in the museum are the finds of 13 kings of the Early Bronze Age. The museum also contains ethnographic artifacts such as carpets and rugs belonging to the region, wooden agricultural tools, weaving looms and piercing, cutting and firearms of the Ottoman period.
Alacahöyük, 45 km from Çorum province. South of the town of Alaca 17 km. It is located on the north-west of Bogazköy, 34 km from Ankara and 210 km from Ankara. Alacahöyük Village in the distance is located in residential area.
15.9.2015 Hethitisches Hattusa
In Hattusa (UNESCO-Kulturerbe) erkunden wir ausführlich die mächtigen Zeugen der 4000 Jahre alten hethitischen Hochkultur: Museum, Tempel, Paläste, Stadtmauern und Reliefs. Nach der Besichtigung des Felsheiligtums von Yazilikaya geht es weiter nach Kappadokien.
Felsheiligtum von Yazilikaya
Çorum AlacaHöyük & BoğazKale Tanıtım Filmi
Çorum AlacaHöyük & BoğazKale Tanıtım Filmi
Çorum AlacaHöyük & BoğazKale Tanıtım Filmi
Hattusas Bogazköy Hitit Baskenti Çorum
Cevheri Köyü Sungurlu Çorum / TURKEY | 4K Havadan çekim
Havadan Cevheri Köyü Sungurlu Çorum 4K çekimle görüntülenmiş ve sizlere sunulmuştur.
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FPV Pilot Yusuf ERGİŞİ
Features F29128718
(29 Dec 1987) On Digibeta Pal in the AP Archive
QUOTE REF TURKEY; Approx 6,500 Hittite tablets excavated near Hattusha
FE29128718 and sent to Germany for cleaning before the first World War,
BVU+1 have finally been returned for display at Museum of Anatolian
Civilisations (Date shot December 1987)
(natsot) WTN 1;10MINS
T/I 32;04
TURKEY SHOWS; vs sealed crates arriving at airport, cusotms
Ankara inspection. cs address tags. ls boxes loaded onto trucks. vs
crates arriving at museum, officials opening crates, tablets
unwrapped and revealed to camera, experts handling them,
stacked in racks. vs lady expert making notes from Cuneiform
text on tablets.
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2012Hititya (Hattuşa-Yazılıkaya-Alacahöyük/Çorum) HD
The Hitittes lived in the Central Anatolia between 1850-1150 B.C. The capital city was Hattusa ,today's Boğazkale, in the province of Çorum in Turkey. Also the second important city was in Alacahöyük ,in today's Alaca , also in Çorum. The famous 12 men carved on a rock is in Yazılıkaya, only couple kilometers away from the Hattusa. The Hitittes,being the super power of the known world by then, are famous for many things but perhaps the most important thing from the world's history point is the first written peace treaty known in the history of the Near East, i.e., The Kadesh Treaty signed between the Pharaoh of Egypt Ramesses II and Hititte King Hattusili III in 1259 B.C.
Hattusa and Alacahöyük are both easily reached from Ankara by bus ,some 150 kms away and there are hotels in Hattusa too, along with a museum both in Hattusa and Alacahöyük. Alacahöyük is only 60 kms. away from Hattusa. There are touring firms with programs to both historical sites and they can be found on the net. Personally, I was very much influenced by the 12 men carving, it is some 3500 years old and still very beautiful... #-))
PS 1: The original sound track of the video has unpleasant yells of visitors, the sound of my foot-steps and the wind. For those who do not like the accompanying music to their taste,
please turn off the sound...Thanks...
PS 2: Please visit my page on Youtube Ali E. ISIK to view also Museums in Hattusa and Alacahöyük under the title 2012Hititya (Müzeler/Çorum) HD.
Hattusha, Royal City of the Hittites Cotafamily4's photos around Bogazkale, Turkey (slideshow)
Preview of Cotafamily4's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Learn more about these videos:
The Gate Opening To History Hattusha
The Gate Opening To History Hattusha
Çorum Müzesi---2008----2.bölüm
Çorum Müzesinin 2.versiyonudur..Mayıs 2008'de çekilmiştir
(15 Dec 1987) QUOTE REF TURKEY: About 10,000 Hittite tablets of cuneiform script
WTNEVM were sent to Germany 70 years ago, just before the
28.12.87 First World War, to be cleaned and returned to Turkey. The
LN126206 tablets were found at an excavation at Bogazkoy near the
ancient city of Hattusha, the capital of the Hittite empire.
They date back to 2000-1500 BC. According to specialists
the tablets include writings related to government affairs,
lives of Hittite Kings and Queens, and religious texts.
About 3,300 of these 10,000 Hittite tablets were returned to
Turkey in earlier years but the remaining bulk arrived in
Ankara recently after an agreement between Turkey and East
Germany. The tablets were transported from East Berlin in
sealed boxes and were opened in Ankara to be displayed at the
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations.
Date Shot: 15.12.87
KCS 625 WTN natsot 21.30mins
TURKEY VS arrival of sealed boxes at Ankara's Esenboga Airport;
Ankara customs officials control boxes and seals; CS address tags
on boxes; boxes being loaded onto trucks; VS trucks arrive
museum building; officials of the museum opening the boxes
and controlling the contents; CUs tablets in boxes;
tablets removed by an expert working for the museum; 16
boxes in the museum; VS tablets stacked in racks; expert
reading the cuneiform text and making notes; GV inside
museum, and Hittite section where tablets will be exhibited;
VS other artefacts in the museum from the Hittite
civilization; map of Turkey ZOOM on Bogazkoy where the
tablets were found; exterior shots of the Museum of
Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara.
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Hattusa - a day with the ancient Hittites Grahamandmandi's photos around Bogazkale, Turkey
Preview of Grahamandmandi's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Learn more about these videos:
Boğazkale Hattuşa belgeseli
1998 (2)Alacahöyük Gecesi 2
1998 senesinde çekilen görüntülerin 2 nci kısmı
1968 yılında açılan Çorum Müzesi, 2000 yılında yeni binasında hizmet vermeye başladı. Çorum Müzesi Arkeoloji ve Etnografya salonları ile interaktif uygulamalarıyla sanatseverleri bekliyor.
#tv19 #tv19habermerkezi #özelhaber
Boğazkale, Çorum Hitit Başkenti Hattuşaş
AOR17 - Chinarallye
Allgäu Orient Rallye 2017 - Bogazkale. Ein absolut historischer Platz wo wir hier übernachtet haben. Es war angenehm warm und dan den vielen Kilometern der vergangenen Tage war es sehr ruhig. Bis auf ein paar schnarchende Baumfäller. :-)
Ḫattuša ist heute eine bedeutende Ausgrabungsstätte. Die ausgegrabenen und restaurierten Überreste von Ḫattuša und dem dazugehörigen Heiligtum Yazılıkaya sind heute als archäologisches Freilichtmuseum zugänglich und bilden das Zentrum eines historischen Nationalparks. Im Ort befindet sich ein Museum mit Funden aus Ḫattuša. Übrigens einer von 9 Orten der Türkei auf der Liste der UNESCO Weltkulturerben befindet.
Dann ging es zum ersten Mal OFFROAD und danach nach Ankara ins Hippodrom