Yugorosgaz: Muzikom za ljubav i mir u svetu-Memorial Park Bubanj/Nis-Serbia, Part of Concert
Memorial Concert Music for love and peace in the world
Srpska Omladinska filharmonija Naissus/Serbian Philharmonic Orchestra Naissus
Conducted by: Zoran Andric 07/10/2016.
Concert dedicated to the commemorate and homage to the late Mr. Vladimir Koldin - General Manger of the Rusian-Serbian Company Yugorosgaz, like a General Patron of the Naissus Philharmonic Orchestra.
ROSSINI - STABAT MATER, Memorial Park Bubanj, Nis-Serbia Conducted by Z. Andric
Soloists: Sanja Kerkez-Soprano; Natasha Rasic-Mezzosoprano;
Paolo Antognetti-Tenore; Federico Benetti-Basso
Choir of Belgrade Soloists
Conducted by: Zoran Andric
Memorial Park Bubanj-Nis, Serbia, Recorded live at open area. 14.July, 2019. Sound engineer M. Obradovic
The timing of full Concert recording
Epitaf to Music (0.00 – 4.30)
Conferans and mesage of M.Frusoni (4.30 – 13.25)
ROSSINI- STABAT MATER (13.30 - 14.00)
1. Introduction (14.09 – 24.07)
2. Aria-Tenore (24.20 – 30.30)
3. Duetto – Soprano I, II (30.52 – 36.50)
4. Aria – Basso (37.18 – 41.53)
5. Choir & recitativo-Basso (42.09 – 46.48)
6. Quartetto (47.10 – 54.15)
7. Cavatina-Soprano II (54.35 – 58.56)
8. Aria Soprano & Choir (59.22 – 63.44)
9. Quartetto & Choir - A capella (64.05 – 68.54)
10. Finale (69.15 – 76.00)
All Rght Reserved by Serbian Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Naissus
Serbia / Niš urban vibe, modernist-brutalist buildings, Bubanj Memorial
Read the blog post and tour recommendations about Niš:
Niš Modernist architecture gallery:
Niš is a lovely town in the southern part of Serbia. Like many former Yugoslavian towns, it has a healthy urban vibe, still not affected by the malls culture. Streets are full of people enjoying good street shopping and dining. Architecture is a mix of neoclassic facades and interesting modernist buildings. As you go further away from the city center, some interesting Brutalist apartment blocks dominate the landscape.
The most striking Brutalist feature of Niš is the impressive monument at Bubanj Park, built to commemorate more than 10,000 Serbs, Gypsies and Jews who were executed here during world war two.
MOZART-REQUIEM in Memorial Park Bubanj, Nis-Serbia, 2018.
III Traditional FREE CONCERT Music for love and peace in the world
Serbian Youth Philharmonic Orchestra Naissus
Choir of Belgrade Soloists
Conducted by: Zoran Andric
Soloists; Sanja Kerkez-Sopran, Natasa Rasic-Mezzosopran,
Janko Sinadinovic-Tenor, Ivan Tomasev-Bass
Solo Trombon - Luka Mihajlovic
Perfomed at Memorial Park Bubanj in Nis-Serbia, 07/15/2018.
Bubanj Memorial Park (Спомен парк Бубањ)
Aerial recording of Bubanj Memorial Park, Niš, Serbia
Serbia in Camper: Bubanj Memorial (Nis)
Buongiorno Italia! Sei in Serbia ed oggi ti porto a vedere il Bubanj Memorial, una commemorazione storica dedicata alle vittime della guerra, sei a Nis, sei sulle Puntine del Mondo.
Se è il primo video che vedi ti ricordo che in questo periodo stiamo viaggiando in Camper senza autostrada attraverso tutti gli stati dei Balcani, ossia: Slovenia, Ungheria, Serbia, Romania (confine), Macedonia, Grecia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia ed Erzegovina e Croazia.
Le Puntine del Mondo è il canale del sito lepuntinedelmondo.it, qui troverai tantissime videorecensioni dei posti meno conosciuti e più belli da visitare in italia e nel mondo, nonchè tanti video dietro alle quinte che spiegano la vita in camper, videorecensioni, ecc. Sul sito invece troverai tutte le recensioni con le mappe che ti indicano su Google Maps le posizioni GPS dei luoghi d'interesse, fontanelle, parcheggi, ecc.
Il personaggio è ragazzo Veneto che lavora e si diverte a fare il fulltimer (colui che vive in camper) con un vecchio camper d'epoca mansardato e completamente restaurato.
Attenzione, questi video contengono un linguaggio particolarmente Veneto ossia scurrile e moralmente intollerabile. Se ne sconsiglia pertanto la visione ad un pubblico che non abbia raggiunto la veneranda età di anni 18 (anni 21 per il Regno Unito) e/o ad un pubblico sensibile.
Studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che per vivere bene bisogna:
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focus VR. Spomen park BUBANJ Nis 18042019
Memorial park Bubanj
Memorial park Bubanj by Linda Isaku
#etwinning project Roots
Elementary school Sreten Mladenovic Mika Nis
Discovering the Spomen Park (Memorial Park on Bubanj Hill, just outside Niš!
Discovering the Spomen Park (Memorial Park on Bubanj Hill, just outside Niš!
Spomen park Bubanj
Узвишење Бубањ југозападно од Ниша, које сече главни друм Ниш--Скопље, удаљено је 2 km од концентрационог логора на Црвеном Крсту. Немачки фашисти су га претворили у стратиште на које су камионима даноноћно доводили из логора Србе, Цигане и Јевреје и ту их стрељали. Убијено је око 10.000 логораша и затвореника Специјалне полиције и казненог завода. У овој фабрици смрти стрељане су група за групом родољуба са југа Србије. Читав терен Бубња испресецан је рововима у којима су закопаване стрељане жртве. Пред повлачење Немаца су заробљени Италијани откопавали ровове и палили лешеве, како би се уништио сваки траг учињеног зверства. Стратиште је 1950. првобитно обележено спомен-пирамидом, а нови, монументални споменик, рад вајара Ивана Саболића, откривен је 1963. Комплекс је парковски уређен, меморијална стаза је дуга око пола километра, а рељеф у мермеру величине 23x2,5 m састоји се од пет композиција које симболизују „машину за убијање, вешање и стрељање, бунт народа, капитулацију освајача и победу, и трима бетонским обелисцима који симболизују уздигнуте руке са стиснутим песницама. Од 2004. године у оквиру комплекса је и капела саграђена од стакла и метала, рад архитекте Александара Буђевца.
Best Attractions and Places to See in Nis, Serbia
Nis Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Nis. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Nisfor You. Discover Nisas per the Traveller Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Nis.
This Video has covered Best Attractions and Things to do in Nis.
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List of Best Things to do in Nis, Serbia
Red Cross Nazi Concentration Camp
Skull Tower
Nis Fortress
Archaeological Hall
Monument to the Liberators of Nis
Bali-Begova Mosque
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Bubanj Memorial Park
Vinski Podrum Malca
St. Sava Park
10-12K Serbians Slaughtered at Bubanj
Everywhere you go in Serbia there are monuments to remember the dead. Serbs suffered mass loses in both World Wars and in the 90's.
The first thing I show is the three fists that represent the 10-12K men , women and children that were killed in 1942 and 1943. The large 23.5 foot marble structure shows the 5 parts of the killing machine:execution and firing squads, civil revolts, surrender of the German invaders and final victory over the oppressors.
This park is located just outside of town on a large hill surrounded by pine trees! Great place for a bbq, picnic, or day out with your kids.
Cost Of Living In Nis, Serbia In 2019, Rank 362nd In The World
These data are based on 874 entries in the past 18 months from 50 different contributors. Please help us to update the data, thank you.
VELICANSTVENI MUZICKI SPEKTAKL / Majesty musical spectacle.
SUBOTA/Saturday. 15.07.2017. Memorial Park Bubanj, Nis - Serbia.
BUBANJE memorial park spomenik
This is BUBANJE memorial park for the atrocity of World war II. It is in Nis in Serbia on the way to the new graveyard of the city.
German execution squads established sites in Bubanj forest to which Serbs, Gypsies and Jews were brought by trucks. Mass exterminations were carried out from February 1942 to September 1944,including about 10,000 inmates and detainees killed by the Special Police and local penal authorities. The entire area is intersected by trenches in which the shooting victims were buried. Before the withdrawal of the Germans as the Red Army advanced into Yugoslavia in 1944, captured Italians were ordered to dig up the trenches and burn the corpses of the victims in order to destroy all traces of the atrocities committed there.
Spomen Park Bubanj
Spomen Park Bubanj
Bubanj , Nis ( zatvararanje MTB sezone ) 2018
Oktobar 2018