KOLONADA HUGE waffle from Czech Republic
Huge waffle from Czech Republic called Kolonada. It is a traditional biscuit waffle from in a round shape and thins. There are two layers of waffle and a thin layer of chocolate cream in between. It tastes creamy and light. If you are going to visit Europe and Prag then you have to fast this old vintage waffle you can buy in every supermarket.
Opavia Tradicni lazenske oplatky Kolonada 200g Original Czech Spa Round Wafers with Chocolate Filling
Carefree and Nano Hoedown Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Marienbad Singing fountain experience in the Czech Republic ExperienCZE
Music: Petr Hapka - Skladba pro fontanu
Bohemian park Marianske lazne
Minijature bohemian park
Tip na výlet - Rožnovské Pivní Lázně
Rožnovské pivní lázně jsou známkou dobrého piva, odpočinku a luxusu. Koupel v pivní lázni je něco úžasného .... všem doporučuji !! Chuť místního zlatavého moku je široko daleko bezkonkurenční. Mapu najdete zde :
Letní sraz Lady Bikers Prague ❤️
První letošní testování kamer při příležitosti sletu Pražských motorkářek :)
Czech Food Plate 捷克食物拼盤
Czech Food Plate 捷克食物拼盤
Mercy mercy mercy GyML Band
GyML Band, kapela šložená zejnéma z hráčů z Gymnázia Mariánské Lázně vystoupila na 2. ročníku Jam Festu nesoucí název Jazz Jam. Více na jamfest.webnode.cz
Plavec ve fontáně v Pardubicích
Kašny a fontány v létě lákají k osvěžení. Někteří lidé vedro nevydrží a jdou si do fontány rovnou zaplavat... jako jeden plavec v Pardubicích na třídě Míru. Při sportovním výkonu ho zachytil kamerový systém městské policie.
Fontána v Plzni před náměstím
Fontána poblíž náměstí.
Opavia Kolonáda reklama
Opavia odkazuje na národní tradici lázeňských oplatek a přitom jsou to právě jejich oplatky, které považuji za opravdu nejhorší. Když to srovnám s oplatkami, které jsme si, coby čerstvě upečené, koupili v Luhačovicích, nemohu se ubránit dojmu, že Opavia to pěkně fláká.... Opravdový lázeňský originál totiž chutná o dost jinak - přesněji řečeno: výrazně lépe.
Trying snacks from Czech Republic
(Not sponsored) these snacks were super yummy. Hope you enjoyed
Bohemian Spa Wafers in the Universe.mov
Bohemian Spa Wafers introduces the best wafers Universe has to offer
OMG!! DAS haben wir in Tschechien erlebt :-) | Lost Place Pension Nimrod
Hallo Ihr lieben Zuschauer. :-*
In diesem Video wollte ich euch zeigen, was wir bei unserem kleinen Kurzurlaub erlebt haben. Es ist mal was ganz anderes auf diesem Kanal aber ein wenig Abwechslung kann ja nicht schaden :-) Am Sonntag kommt wie gewohnt ein neues Video.
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Eure Isa
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♥ Vielen Dank fürs Angucken. ♥
18.08.2016 Marianské Lazně Kolonáda
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Chocolate Wafers How to Cook Guide Recipe
Grate four ounces of chocolate, and mix with it two tablespoonfuls of flour and one-fourth of a teaspoonful each of cinnamon, cloves and baking powder. Separate six eggs. Add one cupful of powdered sugar to the yolks, and beat until very light; then add the grated yellow rind and the juice of half a lemon, and beat five minutes longer. Now add the dry mixture, and with a spoon lightly cut in the whites, which are first to be beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture into buttered shallow pans, having it about half an inch thick. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. When the cake is cool, spread a thin layer of currant jelly over one sheet, and place the other sheet on this. Ice with vanilla icing; and when this hardens, cut in squares. It is particularly nice to serve with ice-cream.
In gastronomy, a wafer is a crisp, often sweet, very thin, flat, and dry biscuit, often used to decorate ice cream, and also used as a garnish on some sweet dishes. Wafers can also be made into cookies with cream flavoring sandwiched between them. They frequently have a waffle surface pattern but may also be patterned with insignia of the food's manufacturer or may be patternless. Some chocolate bars, such as Kit Kat and Coffee Crisp, are wafers with chocolate in and around them.
Communion wafer
A communion wafer is a type of unleavened bread consumed as part of the Christian ritual of communion.
Spa wafers
Special spa wafers (Czech: lázeňské oplatky, Slovak: kúpeľné oblátky) are produced in the spa towns of the Czech Republic (e.g. Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, etc.) and the Slovak Republic (e.g. Piešťany).
Christmas wafer
Christmas wafers, whose patterns often depict religious scenes, are an Eastern European Roman Catholic Christmas tradition celebrated in Polish, Slovak, Lithuanian and Italian families during Wigilia (Christmas Eve Vigil).
A variation of a wafer, considered a part of the traditional cuisine in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, El Salvador, Venezuela, and México, is known as an oblea. It is usually eaten as a dessert with two pieces filled with arequipe, dulce de leche (milk caramel), and/or sweetened condensed milk in the middle. In some places, they might contain cheese, fruits, or chantilly cream, among others.
Pink wafer
A pink wafer is a wafer-based confectionery originally made by Edinburgh's Crawford's Biscuits in the United Kingdom. It is now made by United Biscuits, the company that took over the firm in 1960, still using the Crawford's name. The snack consists of crème sandwiched between wafers (dyed pink).
Freska is an Egyptian wafer sold only on beaches in the summertime. It is made from two thin circular wafers filled with a thin layer of honey syrup.
Some wafers are produced with a chocolate covering.
See also
External links
Media related to Wafers (snack) at Wikimedia Commons
Oddsocks' cycle trip. Part 2
Cycle trip through North and West Bohemia.
From Jičín, via Liberec, Czech Switzerland national park, Ústí nad Labem, Mělník, Lidice, Žatec, Most, Jachymov and Cheb to Plzeň in September-October 2008