The Book Czech Girls ET Contact Ivana, ILona Podhrazska, EBE-OLIE,CC.-
CC.-Subtitl. (12. Dimension ) ET Contact from Czech republic Ivana Podhrazska is spiritism telepathic medium. Ilona Podhrazska writing messages... Contact with Humanoid EBE OLie from 12 Dimension we have contact from 1993 Year! and my name ILona Podhrazska : Our Book is w and my name : ILona Podhrazska ……………………………………………………………..My e- mail: , , a Česká kniha : ............................ Our Group Facebook: And i hope will more books ..... My Skype name is : ILona – Podhrazska and My e-mail is: ============================================= if you want to donate money for new Laptop here is my address: and my adress for PayPal is : ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ilona.podhrazska@seznam. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Budete-li chtít přispět menší částkou k nákupu nového notebooku. Děkuji! Zde je odkaz: My Bank: Česká spořitelna, a.s. Moje jméno: Ilona Podhrázská : číslo účtu: 0000003047970083/0800 ……. Pro Českou republiku- For Czech Republic. ================================== / if you want to donate money for buying a new laptop.Thank you! Here is from foreign country, abroad : ( Bank name: Ceska sporitelna, a.s. ) My name: iLona Podhrazska : IBAN : CZ8808000000003047970083 , BIC: GIBACZPX