Places to see in ( Asti - Italy ) Cattedrale di Asti Santa Maria Assunta
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy ) Cattedrale di Asti Santa Maria Assunta
Asti Cathedral, the episcopal seat of the Diocese of Asti, is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Asti, Piedmont, Italy. It is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to Saint Gotthard, and at 82m long and 24m in height and width, is one of the largest churches in Piedmont, the highest expression of Gothic architecture of the region, and among the best examples of Lombard Romanesque appreciable in northern Italy.
It is likely that the first construction of the cathedral started around the fifth or sixth century, and tradition has it that it replaced series of earlier buildings including a primitive church built on the crypt of the martyred saint, Secundus of Asti. Among other of these buildings still apparent is St. John's Church, used today for baptisms. Around 1070, the building collapsed, partly as a result of a fire that set by Adelaide of Susa in her dispute with the bishops. In 1095 the rebuilt Cathedral was consecrated by Pope Urban II to preach the first crusade.
The bell tower was rebuilt starting in 1266 by the magister Murator Jacopo Ghigo consisting of seven floors, plus an octagonal spire, and it is visible in Theatrum Statuum Sabaudiae, a tome which was the result of an ambitious project undertaken by Duke Charles Emmanuel II in the 1660s consisting of two large volumes completed and printed 1682 in Amsterdam, by publisher and cartographer Joan Blaeu. It is a collection of images of places and buildings under the dominion of Savoy in the late seventeenth century which at the time included Savoie, Nice, Piedmont, Aosta Valley, and Liguria.
( Asti - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Asti . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Asti - Italy
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Asti - Duomo - Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta - interno ed esterno - videomix
Questa Cattedrale, con i suoi 86,50 metri di lunghezza e 24 di altezza e di larghezza, è la più grande chiesa del Piemonte, ed anche il più insigne monumento gotico della regione.
Iniziata agli albori del XIV secolo, al tempo del vescovo Guido di Valperga, e dedicata alla Madonna Assunta, fu continuata da Mons. Arnaldo De Rosette e terminata sotto il vescovo Baldracco Malabaila, nel 1354.
La chiesa che è giunta a noi è comunque assai diversa da quella progettata dai 'Magisteri muratores' Antonio Neucoto e Macario nei primi anni del '300. I secoli hanno portato alla Cattedrale aggiunte, molte delle quali di grande pregio artistico.
Nel 1470 le famiglie astigiane dei Pelletta e dei Troya fecero edificare il magnifico portale laterale sud, in stile gotico fiorito; verso la metà del '600 le famiglie nobili Zoia, Asinai e Cacherano fecero costruire le cappelle barocche sul lato nord, dedicate rispettivamente a San Teobaldo, a San Giovanni Battista e allo Sposalizio della Vergine. Due preziose tavole poste in queste cappelle (una Madonna e santi e lo sposalizio della Vergine) sono di Gandolfino d'Asti, un importante pittore degli inizi del '500; sue sono anche le parti rimaste di un polittico successivamente smembrato e incastonato nell'altare del SS. Sacramento.
La decorazione barocca dell'interno risale invece alla fine del '600 e fu voluta dal vescovo Innocenzo Milliavacca, milanese; è opera dei pittori Francesco Fabbrica e Bocca per le volte, e di Pietro Pozzi per i pilastri e le pareti. La cappella dell'Epifania fu decorata invece dall'astigiano Gian Carlo Aliberti; sull'altare un altro astigiano, lo scultore Giovanni Groppa, realizzò la splendida statua in rame dorato raffigurante la Madonna Assunta.
La parte absidale della chiesa, in origine più piccola, fu portata alle attuali proporzioni dall'architetto Bernardo Antonio Vittone, nel 1764, al tempo del vescovo Paolo Maurizio Caisotti, che riprese un progetto iniziato cinquant'anni prima dallo stesso vescovo Milliavacca. Venne allora arretrato ed ampliato il coro con le due absidi laterali con tre nuove arcate di volta; nel nuovo presbiterio fu collocato il nuovo, grandioso altare centrale. L'antico coro ligneo realizzato nel 1477 dal pavese De Surso (che si può ammirare oggi nella Pinacoteca Civica di Palazzo Mazzetti) fu sostituito con uno nuovo, opera del maestro artigiano Salario di Moncalvo.
Pochi anni dopo, nel 1768, fu ultimata la decorazione ad affresco del nuovo presbiterio e dell'abside. L'autore fu il pittore com'asco Carlo Carlone, aiutato dal concittadino Gaetano Perego. Le due eleganti tribune che accolgono i due organi contrapposti sono del 1766, opera del moncalvese Bartolomeo Varale. L'antico organo del Grisante, deterioratosi nel 1844, fu sostituito da uno più poderoso dei fratelli Serassi di Bergamo, e posto sulla tribuna lato sud. Il concerto di sette campane risale al 1844 ed è opera dei fratelli Barigozzi.
La parte più bella della costruzione, perché più mossa, con notevoli effetti di ombre e di luci, è il lato sud; oltre al portale gotico sono rimarchevoli le strette finestre, altissime; il tiburio ottagonale e soprattutto il possente campanile romanico, risalente alla precedente Cattedrale (1266) ed abbassato in epoca napoleonica.
Voglio ancora ricordare, in questa breve presentazione della Cattedrale di Asti, le opere pittoriche di Guglielmo Caccia, detto il Moncalvo, e di Gandolfino d'Asti, che ornano la sala capitolare e le sacrestie della chiesa.
Asti - Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta - interno - videomix
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Asti - Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta - esterno - videomix
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Asti IL CALICE DEL MIRACOLO, Cattedrale Santa Maria Assunta
Asti IL CALICE DEL MIRACOLO, Cattedrale Santa Maria Assunta
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Le campane di Asti - Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Asti, Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta
Concerto di 9 campane in Sib2
Scala Ave Maria (1^-4^-5^-6^-7^min-8^-9^-10^-11^)
Fuse da:
2^-3^-4^-5^-6^-7^: Barigozzi nel 1844
1^ (Campanone) : Barigozzi nel 1904
8^ e 9^: Achille Mazzola nel: 1958
- Le campane Barigozzi sono in Sagoma Normale -
6 maggiori: Ambrosiano
7^: Ambrosiano (Manuale)
2 Minori: Fisse
Distesa a 4 campane (3^-4^-5^-6^) per la Santa Messa Festiva delle ore 18.00 nella Domenica delle Palme (h.17.30)
Ed ecco il video che tanti aspettavano, purtroppo il parroco mi ha spiegato che il Plenum (poichè la Baudetta non viene mai suonata!) suona solo per le messe mattutine celebrate dal Vescovo e le due piccole solo per i carillon, raramente suonati! Questo purtroppo è tutto, speravo in una suonata solenne ed ho fatto un buco dell'Acqua, comunque vi do appuntamento a Giovedì santo per l'inizio dei video del Triduo Pasquale A presto e BUONA SETTIMANA SANTA!
Duomo di Asti
Duomo di Asti. Ricostruzione. Ricostruzione 3D di monumenti Storici tramite software VisualSFM e CMPMVS da foto
ASTI - Alla scoperta della città
Ricca di monumenti del periodo medioevale, posta lungo la Via Francigena, Asti è la città natale di Vittorio Alfieri. È conosciuta in tutto il mondo per i suoi vini.
Palazzo Medici del Vascello e Torre Comentina - Torre Troyana - Piazza Medici – Collegiata di San Secondo – Teatro Comunale Vittorio Alfieri – Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta – Torre dei Natta – Palazzo Asinari Veraris di Costigliole – Chiesa Consolata e Monastero – Chiesa San Paolo – Torre e Palazzo dei Guttuari – Collegiata di San Secondo – Cripta – Pinacoteca Museo - Museo Civico – Palazzo Mazzetti - Battistero di San Pietro - Torre Rossa – Chiesa San Giuseppe - Torre De Regibus – Chiesa di San Martino – Casa Alfieri – Chiesa di Santa Caterina.
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Una strepitosa corale giovanile tedesca al duomo di Asti!
Naples Cathedral
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy ) Collegiata di San Secondo
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy ) Collegiata di San Secondo
The Collegiate Church of San Secondo is a basilica catholic among the oldest of Asti . With the adjacent town hall and overlooking the square of the same name, is the heart of the city. Dedicated to San Secondo , patron of the city, according to tradition, it arose on the site of his martyrdom and burial. The precise epoch of its foundation is not known, the oldest document mentioning the church is of 1 August 880 and deals with a placito in which Baterico viscount astense in the period of the Supponides mentions some properties of the church.
In another of the 940s, the church became a parish at the beginning of the century, it was extra muros , that is, outside the concentric city as it was used as a cemetery church. After the incursions of the barbarians in the ninth and tenth centuries the body of San Secondo was moved to the cathedral inside the city. There are no certain documents of this displacement, but in some documents of 880 , the cathedral is named as Santa Maria Assunta and San Secondo.
According to the Incisa , the translation took place under the episcopate of Bruningo , even if there are no certain documents of the matter; it is certainly thanks to this bishop, who lived in the tenth century , that the first works of enlarging the church were carried out, thus transforming the factory into the third nerve center of the city, together with the fortified bishop's residence, the Castelvecchio and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta .
Since the 11th century , the Collegiata del Santo has been in the forefront of Asti's policy, in this sense, no bishop power managed to deprive it of autonomy, becoming over the centuries the melting pot of the common forces and aspirations, but also an important area of exchanges and economic activities, worthy of the title of San Secondo de mercato.
The pre-Romanesque structure of the church can not be rebuilt, except for the presence of the crypt; the oldest part dates back to the 6th / 7th century , consisting of four small columns surmounted by Corinthian imitation capitals with a double row of leaves. Two side walls and two wrought iron gates delimit the cella confessionis, inside which there is a sixteenth-century reliquary , in silver, containing the bones of the martyr from Asti.
According to a typically high-medieval process, the presence of relics in a church increased or shifted the pole of political, demographic, commercial attractiveness, close to the same church; it is thought that this contributed to the settlement of the Longobard ducal court , mentioned in a document of 940. The church has a longitudinal plan, divided into three irregular naves, of which the central is the largest. The central nave ends with a pentagonal apse . The left aisle ends with a flat apse, while the right is circular. The facade, with the typical Roman setting gabled divided into three parts, has at its center a rosette in brick with elements Renaissance . The side doors are from the sixteenth century, the central door is eighteenth-century.
( Asti - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Asti . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Asti - Italy
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Best Attractions and Places to See in Asti, Italy
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List of Best Things to do in Asti
Colle Santuario Don Bosco
Cattedrale di Asti Santa Maria Assunta
Palazzo Mazzetti / Museo e Pinacoteca Civica
Festival delle Sagre di Asti
Collegiata di San Secondo
Cripta di Sant'Anastasio e Museo Lapidario
Battistero di San Pietro
Torre Troyana
Pasticceria Giordanino
Museo Paleontologico Territoriale dell'Astigiano
Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta - Duomo di Novara
Le origini del Duomo Novara a si trova nel cuore della città di Novara, in Piazza della Repubblica, le sue origini risalgono più o meno al 350 – 400, con la prima basilica cristiana dedicata a Santa Maria; tra il XI e il XII secolo venne demolita la prima basilica e ne venne eretta una nuova in stile romanico, a croce latina con tre navate e matronei, è presente un quadriportico all’ingresso e all’interno fu decorata con affreschi: dal XV secolo la chiesa subi enormi restauri, crearono delle cappelle dalle navate laterali e sostituirono il coro con uno a pianta rettangolare; nel 1860 vennero costruiti il nuovo triburio e la nuova lanterna. Nel XIII secolo venne gradatuamente restaurata in stile Barocco su progetto di Benedetto Alfieri, terminato poi nel 1836 con il progetto di Alessandro Antonelli, ed è arrivato fino ai nostri giorni. Per quanto riguarda gli interventi al Duomo Novara di restauro dell’edificio in epoca moderna, per gli esterni sono durati 12 anni e si sono conclusi con i lavori al campanile romanico nel 2009, per gli interni sono iniziati nel 2011 con la volta dell’altare, nel 2014 con le navate e le cappelle laterali e andranno a terminare a metà del 2018 con l’ultimo intervento all’interno: la navata centrale; con un altezza di circa 35 metri e una lunghezza di 45 metri e una larghezza di 14 metri crea un enorme volume interno. La Rivolta Ponteggi s.r.l. ha realizzato due strutture gemelle che corrono lungo i pilastri centrali della navata composte da due file di cavalli per i 45 metri di lunghezza e da 14 puntate in altezza, ancorate ai pilastri mediante la tecnica detta”a cravatta” , che consiste nel creare una struttura in tubo e giunto che fissa la struttura alla struttura portante del Duomo senza mettere il tassello, e quindi bucare le colonne. Le due strutture gemelle sono collegate a quota 28 metri con travi prefabbricate reticolari per creare il sotto ponte di sicurezza, sopra di esso un altra puntata di cavalli e collegate sempre da una struttura a travi reticolari.
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy )
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy )
( Asti - Italy ) is a city located in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, about 55 kilometres (34 miles) east of Turin in the plain of the Tanaro River. It is the capital of the province of Asti and it is deemed to be the modern capital of Monferrato
The city dates to pre-Roman times and still a few ruins remain. In the 10th-13th centuries, Asti rose economically and politically to become one of the most powerful independent cities in Western Italy. The old medieval town still maintains many of the historic palaces and towers built by the rich families -Asti was known as the city of 100 towers (in fact there were 120 of which about 15 survive). Eventually power struggles between Turin and Milan led to Asti’s demise as an independent city and the city changed hands frequently over a 300 year period until it fell under control of the House of Savoy in 1575, regaining some of its former glory. The city is divided into the new Baroque (1700’s) town centred around the Piazza Alfieri named after one of Italy’s most famous poets who was born in Asti and the medieval town centred on the Piazza San Secondo with the Romanesque San Secondo Church and Crypt. Today Asti is the main commercial centre of Piedmont's wine area, but still retains a friendly small town feel and is a good base for touring Piedmont. Asti is 40 minutes drive from Turin and one hour from Milan.
There are several medieval churches in Asti, including
Collegiata di San Secondo on Piazza San Secondo, build on the site of Asti’s patron saint’s martyrdom (119 AD), rebuilt in XIII century, located in the old market piazza and houses the bones of the sacred saint of Asti in the crypt and the Palio d’Asti banners in a chapel.
Cathedrale di Santa Maria Assunta in Piazza Cathedrale. Built in XIV century, one of Piedmont’s most important gothic churches.
Medieval City, the central part of Asti still comprises of narrow paved streets, ancient buildings, towers palaces and churches, with many parts of the old wall still intact. Great for wandering around.
Torre Troyana (Trojan Tower) Piazza Medici 13th C. Asti was know as the “city of 100 towers” – in fact there were 120 of these fortified family bolt-holes, of which about 12 still survive. This tower is open to visitors on weekends to walk up the summit.
Torre Rosso (Romano), end of C.Alfieri. Oldest surviving tower dating back to roman era (1st C) formerly part of the old gate
Palazzo Civico, Piazza San Secondo. An old palace, used as the mayors office and other Asti commune offices. Visitors allowed on the first floor halls.
Historical Archives, Palazza Mazzola, Via Cardinal Massaia, opposite Cathedral. Houses a large collection of historical documents and maps, including a room dedicated to Palio di Asti.
Teatro Alfieri, Asti’s theatre, built in 1860, resembles an opera house and was recently renovated. Often if someone is there they will let you wander around.
Palio di Asti, this historic bareback horse race is the oldest one of its type in Italy originating in 1273, when the Astigiani staged a race beneath the walls of the enemy city of Alba causing great devastation to their vineyards. Wars between Asti and Alba have long since ceased, although to this day there is intense rivalry between the cities, and the Palio horse race is now held every 3rd Sunday in September. All the ancient borgo (boroughs) of Asti, and many nearby towns enter both a horse and a contingent for the medieval parade preceding the Palio. The parade starts at the Cathedral and winds through the historical medieval town ending up on the Palio arena on Piazza Alfieri. There are 3 heats, followed by an interlude for the flag-throwers to show their skills; then the final is raced (usually after several deliberate false starts) and the winner claims his prize - the precious banner with the picture of Asti’s patron saint, the Palio di Asti.
Feste Della Sagre, every second weekend in September. Every small town and commune in Piedmont holds a “Sagre” festival celebrating their special food dish and local wines. The Asti Sagre is the “Sagre of Sagres” where some 50 or so provincial towns and communes build a thematic stand in the Campo Del Palio and for two days over the weekend hold an eating festival.
Douja D'Or, for 10 days between the Sagre and Palio, Asti holds the Douja D’Or (gold goblet) wine tasting competition and symposium.
Palio Degli Sbandieratori, Piedmont's flag-throwing teams are justly famous and every Asti Borgo and provincial town sponsors a team, who compete in the Piazza San Secondo in a night time spectacle during the Palio week.
( Asti - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Asti. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Asti - Italy
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Città e Cattedrali - Asti
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy )
Places to see in ( Asti - Italy )
Asti is a city and comune of 76 164 inhabitants located in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, about 55 kilometres east of Turin in the plain of the Tanaro River. Asti is the provincial capital of one of most important wine areas in Italy and lends its name to some illustrious wines. The city dates to pre-Roman times and still a few ruins remain. In the 10th-13th centuries, Asti rose economically and politically to become one of the most powerful independent cities in Western Italy, with extensive trading rights granted by the Holy Roman Empire.
Central Asti is quite compact and there is a large and reasonably well preserved historical centre which is easy to walk around. The train station is close to the centre and there are 2 large and convenient parking spaces in the centre (except on market days) at Piazza Alfieri and Campo di Palio. Also parking in the old city at Piazza Roma and Piazza Catena, but be cautious of restricted streets.
Collegiata di San Secondo on Piazza San Secondo, build on the site of Asti’s patron saint’s martyrdom (119 AD), rebuilt in XIII century, located in the old market piazza and houses the bones of the sacred saint of Asti in the crypt and the Palio d’Asti banners in a chapel. Cathedrale di Santa Maria Assunta in Piazza Cathedrale. Built in XIV century, one of Piedmont’s most important gothic churches. Medieval City, the central part of Asti still comprises of narrow paved streets, ancient buildings, towers palaces and churches, with many parts of the old wall still intact. Great for wandering around.
Torre Troyana (Trojan Tower) Piazza Medici 13th C. Asti was know as the “city of 100 towers” – in fact there were 120 of these fortified family bolt-holes, of which about 12 still survive. This tower is open to visitors on weekends to walk up the summit.
Torre Rosso (Romano), end of C.Alfieri. Oldest surviving tower dating back to roman era (1st C) formerly part of the old gate
Palazzo Civico, Piazza San Secondo. An old palace, used as the mayors office and other Asti commune offices. Visitors allowed on the first floor halls.
Historical Archives, Palazza Mazzola, Via Cardinal Massaia, opposite Cathedral. Houses a large collection of historical documents and maps, including a room dedicated to Palio di Asti. Open weekdays in normal hours, €2.50 admission. Teatro Alfieri, Asti’s theatre, built in 1860, resembles an opera house and was recently renovated. Often if someone is there they will let you wander around.
Museum and Crypt of San’Anastasio, 365 Cso Alfieri, 8th C . Mondays closed admission €2.50. Bapistry di San Pietro, Cso Alfieri /Pzz. 1Maggio, Romanesque church and museum complex (Paleantological and Archeological) built 12th C modeled on Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, with cloisters, tower and pilgrims hospice. Closed Monday, admission €2.50. Synagogue and Jewish museum – visit by appointment only. Scassa Tapestry Workshop and museum. Scassa specializes in making tapestries based on famous paintings.Visits are free by appointment.
Palio di Asti, this historic bareback horse race is the oldest one of its type in Italy originating in 1273, when the Astigiani staged a race beneath the walls of the enemy city of Alba causing great devastation to their vineyards. Feste Della Sagre, every second weekend in September. Feste Della Sagre, every second weekend in September. Palio Degli Sbandieratori, Piedmont's flag-throwing teams are justly famous and every Asti Borgo and provincial town sponsors a team, who compete in the Piazza San Secondo in a night time spectacle during the Palio week.
( Asti - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Asti . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Asti - Italy
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Asti (Italy) - July 2016
Video by Andrey Shagin
Видео: Андрей Шагин
Asti [ˈasti] About this sound listen (help·info) is a city and comune of 76 164 inhabitants (1-1-2017) located in the Piedmont region of northwestern Italy, about 55 kilometres (34 miles) east of Turin in the plain of the Tanaro River. It is the capital of the province of Asti and it is deemed to be the modern capital of Monferrato (Montferrat in English).
Cerimonia d'ingresso