Karlsbad #3
Rychlé zakončení Karlových Varů s dronem a jako bonus dron lítá nad Poděbradský hřbitovem. Je vidět na Polabec, Kluk, Sokoleč.
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Patrik Spacek je herní vývojář, grafik, kreativní ředitel, hlavní grafik na virtuální realitě a občas zajde do fitka nahonit sval :o)
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Koses, Carlsbad, April 28, 2006
With our friends Koses in Karlovy Vary we made short walks in the countryside. It was cold and the spring was just beginning. We visited cemetery and their garden out of town. For few minutes the sun broke out from the clouds, but mostly it was raining. Katka nevertheless decided to water the trees and vegetable patch.
Při návštěvě u Kosů v Karlových Varech v dubnu 2006 jsme chodili na procházky po okolí. Byla zima a jaro teprve začínalo. Byli jsme se podívat na blízký hřbitov a na jejich zahrádku mimo město. Chvíli prokouklo sluníčko z mraků, chvíli pršelo. Nicméně Katka vytáhla konev a zalévala stromy a zeleninový záhon.
Karlovy Vary
Karlovy Vary or Carlsbad (Czech pronunciation: [ˈkarlovɪ ˈvarɪ] ( ); German: Karlsbad; Russian: Карловы Вары) is a spa town situated in western Bohemia, Czech Republic, on the confluence of the rivers Ohře and Teplá, approximately 130 km (81 mi) west of Prague (Praha). It is named after King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, who founded the city in 1370. It is historically famous for its hot springs (13 main springs, about 300 smaller springs, and the warm-water Teplá River). It is the most visited spa town in the Czech Republic.
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365.006-6 absolvovala 1.8.2019 TBZ ... | ... viz komentář
Dne 1.8.2019 absolvovala rekonstruovaná lokomotiva 365.006-6 (ex belgická řada 1206) TBZ v úseku trati Přerov – Břeclav a zpět (Lv 90069/90068). Lokomotiva je určena pro společnost CER Cargo Holding ( která již s těmito lokomotivami má zkušenosti:
Ze stránek společnosti CZ LOKO - 20.12.2017
Dvousystémová elektrická čtyřnápravová lokomotiva EffiLiner 3000 o výkonu 2 910 kW a max. rychlosti 120 km/h představuje komplexní modernizaci vyřazených belgických lokomotiv Class12, na níž se pod vedením CZ LOKO podílelo více než 10 firem českého a slovenského železničního průmyslu. Celý projekt začal v roce 2013, kdy CZ LOKO dovezlo do Česka 12 těchto vysloužilých elektrických vozidel od belgického státního dopravce SNCB a začalo s jejich komplexní modernizací. CER Hungary se stane prvním zahraničním uživatelem této elektrické lokomotivy od CZ LOKO
Uvidíme jak, celá rekonstrukce populární belgické řady 12 bude pokračovat. Zřejmě se již pracuje na dalších vozidlech s evidenčními čísly 007 a 008, protože v obvodu stanice Přerov – „Balkán“ jsou odstaveny pouze čtyři lokomotivy původní řady 12, a to 002, 010, 011 a 012
GV Panorama of Prague. King Charles IV bridge with statues. Street scenes in old city of Prague.Canals and water wheel in old city. Pan up Presidential Palace, guards, statues etc. Prague with St Vitus Cathedral in bg. Pan up doors and interiors St Nicolas Cathedral. Old Jewish cemetery and synagogue interiors. Former Jewish quarter with shuttered shops. Old square where Kafka's father had shop - CU Statue of religious fighter John Huss. Main street in commercial centre of Prague. GV Office building with slogan on roof 'Socialism brings peace'. Secretaries working in office - leave work - come out of office into street. Viola looks in shop windows - enters antique shop and inspects statuettes. Viola buys plant - various shop windows. Hungarian, Bulgarian and Cuban cultural centres, interiors Cuban centre - people discussing. Viola buying foreign and Czech magazines. Pedestrians looking at American car parked in street. Viola enters 'Dum Mody' dress shop - tries on coat. Fashion show - audience applauds. Viola in supermarket, buys goods, trhough check-out, into street. People queueing in self-service restuarant, eating at tables. Various neon signs at night. MCU Sign 'Big Beat' outside dance hall. Young people twisting to band in dance hall. 'Communist Youth' official dance in former aristocractic ballroom. GV New blocks of flats in Grague suburbs. Men and women working on building site - new blocks under construction - people moving into new homes - tracking shot completed estate. GV Exterior chocolate factory. CU Clock showing 0903 hrs (time for phycical exercises). Women factory workers doing physical exercises before commencing work. Various stages in production of chocolates - painting chocolate cockerels and packing etc. State nursery, children fed, parents collect children after work. GV Farm buildings on collective farm. Hay on lorry, pigs and cows fed, cows milked, Milk dairy - dried milk produced. MCU Sign 'Karlovy Vary' (Carlsbad). Exterior and sign 'Moser' glass works. Glasses being blown, fired and engraved. Moser drinking club ceremony - glasses rocking on table - toasting - manager displays show case of famous glasses. GV Exterior Skoda motor car works. Men and women mechanics working on cars on production line - bodies fitted to chassis cars on rollers - driven out of factory. GV Exteriors Brno turbine works. Men and women working on factory floor, turbines revolving - CU 'Workers Brigade' certificate showing realisation of production targets. Pan elevated GV Bratislava and sign 'Bratislava'. Bratislava street scenes - new blocks of flats. Oil Installations at Bratislava. CU Sign 'Vienna, Budapest' at Czech border with Austria. Car entering across Czech border - Czech officials at border crossing point. River Danube at Bratislava.
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Tribute to 2Lt Carl S. Goodman, American Ardennes Cemetery
A short video from a cemetery in Belgium where Carl is buried. Carl was shot in his B-17G, S/N 42-38096 Big Time over small village of Sanov, Czech Republic, on Aug 29, 1944 and was KIA with other 8 crew members. There was only one survivor.
They all will never be forgotten.
Spring Jewish cemetery - Opava 2017 | Czech republic | 4K
This video was recorded by Samsung galaxy S6 and Phantom 4 and edited using Adobe Premiere Pro (After effects for the special effects).
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Lány u Kladna - Lány ,Czech Republic
Lány je obec v České republice, 35 km západně od Prahy, ve Středočeském kraji, mimo hlavní silnici směrem na Karlovy Vary. Má 2196 obyvatel. Jeho hlavní dominantou je zámek, sloužící jako letní sídlo československých a později českých prezidentů. K dispozici je také muzeum sportovních aut a muzeum T. G. Masaryka, prvního prezidenta Československa. Prezident Masaryk i jeho manželka jsou pohřbeni na místním hřbitově.
Lány is a village in the Czech Republic, 35 km (22 mi) west of Prague, in Central Bohemian Region, outside the main road towards Karlovy Vary. It has 2196 inhabitants. Its major landmark is a castle, serving as a summer residence of Czechoslovak and later Czech Presidents. There is also a sports car museum and Museum of T. G. Masaryk, the first President of Czechoslovakia. Both President Masaryk and his wife are buried in the local cemetery.
The pet cemetery-Pet hřbitov v Praze / Reportage
Jessica Jones Reportage:
The pet cemetery in Prague
Pet hřbitov v Praze
Eran & Shira The Travellers - Czech Republic Attractions, Prague ערן ושירה - אטרקציות בפראג, צ'כיה
המדריך המקיף לפראג, צ'כיה - ההסבר והמידע הניתנים כאן מתחת הם באנגלית בכדי לאפשר לכם לזהות את האתרים השונים במדריך כפי שהם נכתבים בשפה המקומית. דירוג המלון בו שהינו הוא דירוג אישי שלנו, כאשר 5 כוכבים הוא הטוב ביותר, וכוכב אחד הוא הגרוע ביותר.
פראג – המוטו המרכזי: השלום הוא הפתרון היחיד בכל מצב
סצנת אוכל מרכזית – רבים לא יודעים אבל תפוח האדמה הגיע לאזור צ'כיה לפני כמה מאות שנים ומאז נשאר שם. תפוח האדמה הוא המצרך הנפוץ ביותר במטבח הצ'כי. מנגד, כל ישראלי מכיר את כיסוני תפוח האדמה הצ'כיים הטעימים להפליא – רק תבחרו באיזה מילוי חשקה נפשכם. כמו כן, הבירה היא המשקה המועדף על הצ'כים. כמה מועדף? הבירה בצ'כיה זולה לעיתים יותר ממים. המשקה המקומי בו מתגאים הצ'כים הוא Becherovka – ליקר מתמציות צמחים. טעמו אינו מזמין כל-כך.
האתר השווה ביותר בעיר – פראג משופעת באתרי תיירות מרהיבים. ובכל זאת, אם ניתנה לנו הבחירה, דווקא כנסיית קיריל ומתודיוס הקדושים היא האתר שהרשים אותנו יותר מכל עקב יופיו ועקב משמעותו כסמל להתקוממות הלאומית הצ'כית ולערבות ההדדית. ולכן בחרנו בו כאתר השווה ביותר בעיר: סיפור על צנחנים גיבורים, על כומר אציל התמדה ללא לאות.
יתרון – עיר בעלת יופי שאין שני לו. עיר תיירותית ביותר, שילוט והכוונה ברורים ומדויקים. תושבים נעימים ומסבירי פנים, אוכל נהדר ועוד.
Join us as we travel to Prague, Karlovy Vary & Terezin, Czech Republic, on a quest to visit as many attractions and discover as many things to do in Prague as we possibly can. Our Prague travel guide offers visitors a glimpse at some of the top sites in the city along with fascinating things to do along the architectural gems worth marveling over and museums to check out. We also hit up the local food scene slurping on Czech Potato Dumplings, Beers & Becherovka, and bouncing into legendary Prague nightlife by visiting Jazz Clubs & Bars scene.
From the iconic Prague Castle & Vaclav Square to Churches to Parks we've got you covered in a destination where you get to know Prague at best. On the route of the Vltava River – you'll want to spend ample time by boat or on the banks on both sides, and if you're like a lot of our friends, you'll never actually want to leave Prague. As well, We took you in interesting & unforgettable trip to Karlovy Vary & Terezin.
Let's explore Prague and find out what is so alluring about the capital city of the Czech Republic.
You can also use the maps added in the clip.
Top attractions are marked.
81 Things to do in Prague City Tour Prague Must-See Attractions | 6 Days In Prague, Karlovy Vary & Terezin Travel Guide:
1) General Information - 00:00
2) Moto - 00:43
3) Currency – 00:48
4) Maps - 00:53
5) Flight – 00:59
Day 1 – Stare Mesto & Josefov:
Stare Mesto
1) Namesti Republiky - 01:49
2) Palladium - 01:55
3) Obecni Dum - 02:09
4) Powder Tower - 02:31
5) Celetna - 02:42
6) Dum U Cerne Matky Bozy - 02:53
7) Staromestske Namesti - 03:04
8) Astronomical Clock - 03:22
9) Staromestske Radnice – 04:31
10) Dum U Minuty – 04:51
11) Tyn – 05:00
12) Ungelt - 05:38
13) Palac Kinskych - 05:52
14) Pomnik Jana Husa- 06:09
15) Parizska - 06:31
16) Sv. Mikulas - 06:42
17) Staromestske Namesti - 03:04
18) Stavovske Divadlo - 07:02
19) Museum Of Communism – 07:19
20) Klementinum – 07:35
21) Altnoishul – 08:20
22) Klausova Synagoga & Jewish Cemetery - 08:36
23) Maiselova Synagoga - 09:09
24) Pinkasu Synagoga - 09:15
25) Spanish Synagogue - 09:24
26) Jewish Radnice - 09:31
27) Franz Kafka Statue - 09:48
28) Rudolfinum - 09:52
29) Letna Gardens – 10:20
Day 2 – Nove Mesto & Vysehrad:
Nove Mesto
30) Betlemska Kaple - 11:46
31) Vltava River - 12:11
32) Narodni Divadlo - 12:55
33) Laterna Magika - 13:17
34) Virgin Mary The Snowy - 13:56
35) Vaclavske Namesti - 14:06
36) Jan Palach Memorial - 15:07
37) Narodni Museum - 15:29
38) Stanti Opera - 15:47
39) Zizkovska Vez – 16:13
40) New Town Hall – 16:37
41) Karlova Namesti – 17:11
42) Svaty Cyril a Metodej - 17:27
43) Tancici Dum - 18:10
44) Emauzy - 18:27
45) Sv. Petr a Pavel - 19:21
46) Vysehrad Cemetery - 19:49
Day 3 – Mala Strana & Hradcany:
Mala Strana
47) Karluv Most - 20:28
48) Lennon Wall – 21:51
49) Kostel Panny Marie Pod Retezem - 21:56
50) Franz Kafka Museum - 22:19
51) Kampa Island - 23:10
52) Malostranske Namesti - 24:13
66) Zlata Ulicka - 30:02
67) Belveder - 30:30
68) Loreta - 30:57
Day 4 – Petrin:
71) Rozhledna - 33:02
73) Mirrors Labyrinth - 33:28
Day 5 – Karlovy Vary:
Day 6 – Terezin:
City Night Life:
1) Letna Beer Garden - 10:29
2) Reduta Jazz Club - 11:02
3) Image Theatre - 13:39
4) Restaurant in Vaclav Square - 15:24
5) Concert in Narodni Museum - 15:40
6) Opera in Stanti Opera - 15:58
7) U Fleku - 17:22
Food Scene:
1) Narodni Restaurant – 10:36
2) Becherovka – 36:40
3) Beers Scene – 36:46
1) Palladium - 01:55
2) New Yorker (Vaclav Square) - 14:46
Hotel & Resorts We Took:
Design Metropol Hotel – 10:42
Our Rate – 4 Stars
Karel IV. v Živé historii - zakládací listina pražské univerzity
Živá historie 5/2016 vychází výjimečně se dvěma dárky - jedním z nich je kopie zakládací listiny pražské (dnes Karlovy) univerzity
J & R ... Paranormal Team Praha ... Czech Republic - Praha - 8 Bohnice 3. 12. 2016
J & R ...... Paranormal Team Praha ....... Czech Republic ... Praha - 8 Bohnice - 3.12.2016
Czech Republic, Prague, November 21, 2016!
Czech Republic, Prague, November 21, 2016!
License : CC BY 4.0
Адрес ссылки:
Waffle Cemetery
Live from the Czech Waffle Cemetery by Marek Stepan for NEPO 4
Prague 1972 archive footage
Archival footage shot by an English filmmaker while visiting Prague, Czechoslovakia Capital, in the summer of 1972.
It contains stock footage of Prague, and a few scenes set in Cheb and Karlovy Vary: people walking in the street, Vltava river, Column of Virgin Mary, cityscapes, the castle, Old Jewish Cemetery, Astronomical Clock, people buying fruit at the market, people watching World Chess Championship in Reykjavík through a window, Wenceslas Square, and more.
Please comment if you recognize more subjects.
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PRAGUE VLOG #2 | According To Clau
Hey hey!
So this one really is a short little video because honestly I didn't have my camera out an awful lot. We haven't got many more trips planned yet but hopefully I can make some daily vlogs just to top this channel up!
Remember to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see anything different!
All my love,
Clau x
Music credit: Mounika - I feel love
Jewish Quarter – Cemetery – Prague – Audio guide – MyWoWo Travel App
The cemetery of the Josefov quarter is one of the oldest Jewish burial grounds in Europe, although it is not the oldest in the city.
It served the ghetto for over three centuries: the first tombstone dates to 1439 and marks the grave of the poet and rabbi Abigador Karol, while the last is dated 1787, when the Emperor Joseph II issued a decree forbidding the burial of the dead inside the city, for hygienic reasons.
Inside the cemetery is a captivating garden of tall, slender trees, crowded with 12,000 gravestones, all crammed together. Because the graveyard could not be expanded inside the ghetto, the graves were often placed on top of one another, which actually caused the ground to gradually rise. It is estimated that at least 200,000 people are buried here.
It is easy to tell the two different types of Jewish graves apart. The oldest ones are marked simply by a rectangular tombstone decorated with the star of David and the details of the deceased, while the more recent, distinctive graves, dating back to the Baroque period, resemble the shape of a coffin, although the body is buried underneath.
Along with the common people, many renowned figures of the community are buried here. The grave that attracts most tourists, however, belongs to the rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, a famous academic who studied the Kabbalah and esoteric advisor to Rudolf II. Legend has it that the rabbi was also the creator of the “Golem”, the disquieting animated creature made by modelling sand from the Vltava with secret formulas: the precursor of the robot…
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The church of 40000 corpses, Kutna Hora
When visiting Prague a must see is Kunta Hora and the bone church. It is decorated with the bones of 40000 people.
in the 17th century a Monk traveled to Palestine, and gathered some dirt from the spot where it is believed that Jesus was crucified. He bought the dirt back and sprinkled it around the church, consecrating the ground. It the became a place of pilgrimage and the most sought after spot to be buried. After the pest epidemic it became full and they had to start exhuming the bones to make way for the new. The land owner than decided to use the land for homes and so the cemetery was drastically reduced to a fifth of its size. The bones that were exhumed were placed in the basement and it is said that a blind monk sat and organized these bones. The land owner then hired an artist to come and decorate the church with these bones. The result is breath taking and eerie at the same time. Believe me you do not want to miss this. It is one of my favorite attractions around Prague.
Music - Crusader - Kevin Macleod
Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 12
[Full HD] Prague Jewish Quarter Tour Josefov
More from our travels:
Kristin shows you the major sights in the Jewish Josefov quarter in Prague.