Chavin de Huantar Museum - Ancient Chavin people Art and culture
Visiting the national museum of chavin de huantar and filmed the representation of how could have been the ancient Chavin people, the woman spiritual leader carrys a Trichocereus pachanoi at her hands, as well the shaman uses a golden head ornament, a epic Yopo ceremony is alse represented where 2 Chavinos shares the snuff of the seeds from Anadenanthera spp using a bone as snuff aplicator, similar from those used nowdays on amazon jungle.
The Temple of Doom Chavin de Huantar
Thousands of years before the Inca ruled the nation now called Peru, a strange and unique civilization dominated the region. It was called Chavin, and its story .
The archaeological site of Chavin gave its name to the culture that developed between 1500 and 300 B.C. in this high valley of the Peruvian Andes. This former .
Join the show as it braves the Peruvian Amazon in search of the ancient civilization of Chavin de Huantar. There, he'll explore the secrets of a real 3000-year old .
Peru, Lima. Stone stela with petroglyphs at the National Museum of Archeology, Anthropology and History of Peru. The prehistoric Tello Obelisk, found in 1919 .
El objetivo del documental es dar a conocer la cultura chavín. Como se originó hace 3200 años, y la importancia que tuvo su influencia en las culturas posteriores.
¿Cómo y por qué fue construido el templo de Chavín de Huántar? ¿Cómo pudieron edificar una construcción con métodos arquitectónicos tan avanzados? ¿De dónde provenían esos conocimientos? ¿Qué significado tiene el laberinto subterráneo de pasadizos que jamás se iluminaron? ¿Cómo pudo mantener su autoridad durante 800 años sin ningún tipo de ejército? ¿De dónde vinieron estos sabios constructores?
De la mano del Dr. John Rick, Profesor de arqueología de la Universidad de Stanford, y del Dr. Luis Lumbreras, uno de los arqueólogos más brillantes de Latinoamérica, trataremos de dar respuesta a estas preguntas y desvelar los misterios que todavía atesoran los muros pétreos de este misterioso centro ceremonial.
Realmente Chavín de Huántar era un escenario en el que se representaba el teatro del más allá. Los sacerdotes ponían en escena una complicada liturgia, que reforzaba su poder ante los peregrinos que acudían al centro ceremonial en busca de respuestas.
Utilizaban sustancias alucinógenas y todo tipo de efectos sonoros, olfativos y acústicos para manipular las percepciones que experimentaban los neófitos cuando se sometían a sus aterradores procesos iniciáticos. Hasta la propia arquitectura fue diseñada al servicio del drama religioso. Todo estaba en función de una elaborada estrategia de convencimiento. Este fue el principio de la desigualdad. La casta de sacerdotes especialistas se colocó en la cima de la pirámide social y pudieron mantener su autoridad durante 800 años, sin la necesidad de ejército. Lograron convencer al pueblo de que eran los mensajeros de los dioses.
Mediante recreaciones en 3D, reconstruiremos el templo, tal y como fue edificado en sus diferentes fases. Por medio de croquis y mapas veremos cómo se extendió la influencia de la cultura chavín por los Andes y la costa.
Las secuencias dramatizadas con actores y figurantes, nos aproximarán a los rituales secretos que se realizaban en las galerías subterráneas y a los que tenían lugar en las grandes plazas ceremoniales públicas. También recrearemos los aspectos más sobresalientes de su vida cotidiana y sus logros técnicos en arquitectura, orfebrería, cerámica, textiles y escultura.
Analizaremos los cocimientos que tenían los sacerdotes de chavín sobre el movimiento de los astros y sobre las variaciones climatológicas. Asistiremos a ceremonias premonitoras, en las que predecían la llegada de los fenómenos meteorológicos.
Una reconstrucción en 3D, basada en la tesis doctoral de la científica americana Miriam Kolar, de la Universidad de Stanford, sobre la propagación del sonido en el interior de los templos de Chavín, nos mostrará el nivel técnico que alcanzaron. El sonido de las caracolas sagradas se propagaba de una manera sorprendente en las galerías subterráneas. Podían crear extrañas armonías fruto de la reverberación o confusiones estridentes al servicio de la liturgia de cada momento.
Las intervenciones de los arqueólogos en el propio yacimiento arqueológico, ayudarán al espectador a comprender la magnitud de esta colosal obra arquitectónica. Asistiremos a las nuevas excavaciones que realiza en el sitio arqueológico el Dr. John Rick y a sus nuevos descubrimientos.
El documental contará la historia del hallazgo de este centro ceremonial y la decisiva intervención de científicos como Julio Tello, considerado el padre de la arqueología peruana o el botánico y geólogo italiano Antonio Raimondi. Ellos fueron los primeros en interesarse por este monumento. Descubrieron dos piezas fundamentales para el estudio de Chavín de Huántar bautizadas con sus nombres: el Obelisco Tello y la Estela Raimondi.
Esta ambiciosa producción cinematográfica narrará la sorprendente historia del comienzo de la desigualdad en los Andes. Un relato sobre un hecho insólito que sucedió hace 3200 años.
Ancient Peru: Paracas, Nazca, Marcahuasi and Chavin de Huantar
Ancient Peru: Paracas, Nazca, Marcahuasi and Chavin de Huantar. Paracas Candelabro, skull deformation, Ica, Javier Cabrera Scientific Museum, carved stones, Nazca lines, Alejandro Bocanegra Mejia, Maria Reiche Museum, Edgardo Azabache, Mario Olaechea, Victoria Nikitzki, Antonini Museum, San Pedro de Casta, Marcahuasi, Daniel Ruzo de los Heros, Manuel Olivares, Paul Mazzei, Chavin de Huantar, Juan Lopez Marchela.
Peru, Japan to build museum for pre-Incan Chavin culture
Lima - 8 November, 2006
1. Wide of Peru's Foreign Ministry
2. Close up Peruvian flags
3. Japanese Ambassador to Peru, Hitohiro Ishida and Peruvian Foreign Minister, Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde as they sit down
4. Pan from people attending to Ishida and Belaunde
5. Medium of both exchanging signed documents on creating museum
6. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Hitohiro Ishida, Japanese Ambassador to Peru:
The project to build the national Chavin museum is the largest in the history of Japanese cultural cooperation with Peru. Its objective is the suitable conservation of the material remains of this cultural inheritance, which, in spite of their importance, have never been displayed in a suitable place.
Lima, Peru - October, 2006
7. Medium of hand shake
8. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde, Peru's Foreign Minister:
It is part of Peru's foreign policy to re-establish the good relationship that we have historically had with Japan. This policy has been in place before President Garcia assumed his presidential post and I think it has led to a very positive relationship with Japan.
9. Various of models for National Chavin Museum
FILE: Chavin de Huanta - May 1997
10. Various of former President Alberto Fujimori inside Chavin cave
11. Various of Chavin pieces in cave
FILE: Lima - October, 2006
12. Various of Chavin pieces inside Peru's National Museum
The Japanese government has donated the equivalent of about 2.7 million US dollars to Peru in order to build a new museum dedicated to one of the country's most ancient indigenous cultures.
Japan's Ambassador to Peru, Hitohiro Ishida, and Peruvian Foreign Minister Jose Antonio Garcia Belaunde signed an agreement on Wednesday that made official the National Chavin Museum project.
The project to build the national Chavin museum is the largest in the history of Japanese cultural cooperation with Peru. Its objective is the suitable conservation of the material remains of this cultural inheritance, which, in spite of their importance, have never been displayed in a suitable place, Ambassador Ishida said.
Japan and Peru have often cooperated in archeaological excavations due to the Asian nation's great interest in the Andean nation's rich cultural history.
During former President Alberto Fujimori's government, who holds both Japanese and Peruvian citizenship, the two countries shared close ties.
But relationships between both nations cooled down during the presidency of Alejandro Toledo.
Belaunde said he hopes to re-establish the ties that historically existed between both countries.
It is part of Peru's foreign policy to re-establish the relationships that we have historically had with Japan, this policy has been in place before President Garcia assumed his presidential post and I think it has led to a very positive relationship, Belaunde said.
Many of the Chavin pieces are currently on display at Peru's National Museum.
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CHAVIN DE HUANTAR: The Theatre of Beyond
The ceremonial site of Chavin de Huantar, in Peru, appeared 3,300 years ago, where some sorcerers became theocratic rulers. There, they represented the theatre of beyond, a complex liturgy to reinforce their power against the pilgrims in search of answers. They used hallucinogen substances and all kind of sound effects to manipulate the perceptions of the neophytes. This was the base of a status quo that maintained this caste of priest in power during 800 years without any need of an army or such.
The Ancient Tello Obelisk in Peru
Peru, Lima. Stone stela with petroglyphs at the National Museum of Archeology, Anthropology and History of Peru.
The prehistoric Tello Obelisk, found in 1919 at Chavín de Huantar in Peru, is a monolith stele with obelisk-like proportions. It was carved in a design of low relief with Chavín symbols, such as bands of teeth and animal heads. Long housed in the Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú in Lima, it was relocated to the Museo Nacional de Chavín, which opened in July 2008. The obelisk was named for the archeologist Julio C. Tello, who discovered it and was considered the “father of Peruvian archeology.” He was America’s first indigenous archeologist.
Peru, officially the Republic of Peru is a country in western South America. It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures, spanning from the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. Peruvian culture is primarily rooted in Amerindian and Spanish traditions, though it has also been influenced by various African, Asian, and European ethnic groups. Peruvian artistic traditions date back to the elaborate pottery, textiles, jewelry, and sculpture of Pre-Inca cultures. The Incas maintained these crafts and made architectural achievements including the construction of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is a pre-Columbian 15th-century Inca site located 2,430 metres (7,970 ft) above sea level. Machu Picchu is located in the Cusco Region of Peru, South America. It is situated on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley in Peru, which is 80 kilometres (50 mi) northwest of Cusco and through which the Urubamba River flows. Most archaeologists believe that Machu Picchu was built as an estate for the Inca emperor Pachacuti (1438–1472). Often referred to as the Lost City of the Incas, it is perhaps the most familiar icon of the Inca World.
Museo Héroes de Chavín de Huántar 01 / Video 360
Video 360 del recorrido en realidad virtual del Museo Héroes de Chavín de Huántar.
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Ruinas de Chavin Museum
A short video of all the artifacts and `cabezas clavas` at the museum at the site of the ruins of Chavin. It was a bit dark there, so this was easier than taking photos of everything!
Peru - Huaraz und Chavín de Huántar Tempel Doku (10/20)
Peru - Huaraz und Chavín de Huántar Doku und Sehenswürdigkeiten - Tempel der Menschenopfer (10/20) (Jahr 2013).
Chavín de Huántar ist eine archäologische Stätte aus der Zeit zwischen 850 v. Chr. bis 200 v. Chr.
Es wurde angenommen, dass die Stätte ein Schnittpunkt zwischen der Verbindung vom Bergland zur Küste und der Route von Norden nach Süden war.
Während ihrer Blütezeit zwischen 400 und 200 v. Chr., war sie ein Orakel- und Kultzentrum beträchtlicher Größe.
Mittelpunkt des Zentrums war die Textil- und Keramikfertigung sowie die Metallbearbeitung.
Die Anlage Chavín gilt als das älteste Onsobl Ensemble Perus von Steinbauwerken.
Die Anlage umfasst mehrere Gebäude die zu einem Teil durch unterirdische Gänge miteinander verbunden sind.
Besichtigt werden können ein „Alter Tempel“ und ein „Neuer Tempel“ und eine dreistöckige, quadratische Pyramide, die eine Seitenlänge von 70 Metern und eine Höhe von ungefähr 15 Metern hat.
Um vor Erdbeben zu schützen, sind die Seitenwände um 7 Grad geneigt.
Im Inneren befindet sich ein Labyrinth mit kleinen Kammern, Treppen und Rampen, die durch unterirdische Gänge miteinander verbunden sind und waagrechte Ventilationskanäle aufweisen.
Im Zentrum des Bauwerks befindet sich der 4,5 Meter hohe Monolith „El Lanzón“, ein Gottesbild in menschlicher Gestalt mit Krallen an den Händen und Füßen, der sich im Schnittpunkt kreuzförmiger Galerien befindet.
Die Figur in Messerform, mit Griff nach oben, zeigt ein Raubtiergesicht mit zahlreichen Schlangen zwischen den Zähnen.
Selbst an den Haarenden, wie auch vom Gürtel hängen Schlangen herab.
Der Monolith ist die älteste Figur, die in dieser Gegend gefunden wurde.
Die Reise führten wir mit Machu Picchu Travel (MPT-Travel) Südamerika Reisen GmbH; durch.
(1/20) Madrid City, Rundreise Doku mit Sehenswürdigkeiten
(2/20) Pyramiden Túcume, Peru Rundreise, Sehenswürdigkeiten
(3/20) Señor de Sipán, Peru Rundreise, Südamerika Sehenswürdigkeiten
(4/20) Chiclayo - Peru Rundreise, Südamerika, Sehenswürdigkeiten
(5/20) El Brujo - Peru, Doku Rundreise, Südamerika Sehenswürdigkeiten
(6/20) Peru Rundreise, Mond Pyramide bei Trujillo, Sehenswürdigkeiten
(7/20) Peru Rundreise, Chan Chan, Sehenswürdigkeiten bei Trujillo
(8/20) Truchillo Peru. Doku der Rundreise mit Sehenswürdigkeiten
(9/20) Peru - Huaraz, Doku über Huascaran und llanganuco Laguna
(10/20) Peru - Chavín de Huántar - Tempel der Menschenopfer Doku
(11/20) La Paz und Valle de la Luna Doku mit Sehenswürdigkeiten
(12/20) La Paz Hexenmarkt, Doku der Rundreise Peru, Bolivien, Chile
(13/20) Tiahuanaco und Puma Punku verborgenes Geheimnis Doku
(14/20) Sonneninsel Isla del Sol am Titicaca-See Doku der Rundreise
(15/20) Sucre, Hauptstadt Bolivien, Südamerika. Doku der Rundreise
(16/20) Sucre, Schloss Castillo de la Glorieta. Doku mit Sehenswürdigkeiten
(17/20) Potosi Bolivien. Doku mit Sehenswürdigkeiten der Rundreise
(18/20) Salar de Uyuni Bolivia, Salzsee Doku der Rundreise in HD
(19/20) San Pedro de Atacama. Atacamawüste Doku der Rundreise
(20/20) Valle de la Luna - Atacamawüste Doku und Sehenswürdigkeiten
Kamera, Schnitt und Text: Vojtech Kopecky
GEMA freie Musik:
Tour Chavín de Huántar / Huaraz - Ancash
Te recomiendo el Tour Chavín de Huántar una cultura pre-inca impresionante.
Aquí te cuento un poco de su historia, y te invito a que lo visites para que aprendas más de nuestro pasado.
- Se puede ir a Chavín en ómnibus, pero no habrá ninguna parada turística, así que perderás algunos puntos importantes.
- El primer domingo de cada mes la entrada es GRATIS a varios museos, y eso incluye Chavín, es una buena opción para ir ese día.
- Atentos a las festividades de Chavín, que esta en el cartel de las informaciones que les muestro.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Visiten nuestros lugares arqueológico, y sepan como vivían nuestros antepasados.
Yo me fui con ganas de querer saber más, pero muy feliz de conocer tan interesante lugar.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Musica: Chuscadas Ancashinas: Barrio la soledad, Mujer andina, etc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
► Nos vemos en:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Un abrazo a todos y felices viajes !! #Chavin #Huaraz
Ancon in the history of Peru
Ancon Lima Peru, Museum of Ancon
[Cantonese] Peru world heritage Chavín de Huantar 祕魯世界遺產 查文德万塔尔
[ Chavin (Archaeological Site) :: The archaeological site of Chavin gave its name to the culture that developed between 1500 and 300 B.C. in this high valley of the Peruvian Andes. This former place of worship is one of the earliest and best-known pre-Columbian sites. Its appearance is striking, with the complex of terraces and squares, surrounded by structures of dressed stone, and the mainly zoomorphic ornamentation.
Sebastian's Trip to Chavin,Birthplace of Andean Civilization
Chavin by Way of Llanganuco
The trip starts in the Callejon de Huaylas (Ancash, Peru), a valley nestled between the snow-capped Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra, where you can see the Cueva of El Guitarrero. This cave housed the first human visitors to the Andes 14,500 years ago and saw them evolve from hunters/gatherers to farmers.
Llanganuco includes two beautiful, turquoise lagoons at 12,000 ft. in the Huascaran National Park, surrounded by vivid Quenual trees. Leyend has it that these lagoons were formed by the tears of Huandi and Huascar, two young hearts from competing tribes, in love, forced apart by Huandi's warrior father. When they died, Huandi and Huascar turned into Peru's highest mountains, the Huascaran and the Huandoy, whose towering peaks oversee the lagoons.
Chavin is a religious temple that attracted most surrounding tribes about 3,000 years ago. The structure is made entirely of stone and has three levels. An intricate duct system was used for lighting and ventilation deep within the temple. The left side shows an inward slanted wall and carved serpents, probably for directions. The center portal includes two round pillars with male and female warriors. The right side houses tunneled entries into the temple, where several corridors interconnect rooms on multiple levels, an engineering marvel. The temple's center is topped with the Lanzon Monolitico, a stone warrior figure with feline qualities: huge fangs, clawed hands and feet, and serpent hair. (A replica is placed outside the small museum).
The tunnels exit to the back wall, where you can see the last, free-standing Cabeza Clava, carved stoneheads that protected the sanctuary from enemies real and spiritual. A path visited by llamas then leads you back to the museum, where you can see a variety of stone sculptures.
PARACAS MYSTERY The Skulls and Museum Artifacts
A bilingual (Spanish-English) interview made by researcher Giorgio Piacenza to Mr. Juan Navarro Hierro, who inherited Paracas remnants & artifacts and now directs the Paracas History Museum which currently (as of June, 2014) preserves the only available exhibit about the Paracas Culture in the town of Paracas, Perú. This first part is a general overview about the museum's context and the secon part shows more some of the artifacts, including several deformed skulls some of which seem to have unique NATURAL characteristics suggestive of an unknown race of individuals that settled in this location possibly 2500-3000 years ago and intermingled with the indigenous population.
IF that is correct, perhaps the Paracas inhabitants subsequently tried to maintain the unique physical traits by deforming their skulls. The museum is not in the normal circuit tour and was even robbed but it is imperative to preserve these artifacts and biological remnants and to conduct proper anatomical and genetic research which might shed light on the apparently/allegedly anomalous origin of these ancient inhabitants.
Interesting, creative research needing further clarification was conducted by a team that includes Mr. Brien Foerster and Mr. LA Marzulli. IF the presence by individuals from an unknown race really took place (and without discarding any possibilities) it would be best not to limit its origins to those that are being called Anunaki and-or Nephilim.
This research needs to be continued, amplified, contrasted and replicated by creatively open-minded scientists capable of neutral, honest, objective analyses for truth's sake.
Esta es una entrevista bilingüe realizada por el investigador Giorgio Piacenza al Sr. Juan Navarro Hierro, heredero y director del Museo Histórico de Paracas, Perú. Esta primera parte de la entrevista es un relato general sobre el museo que hoy en día (junio 2014) es el único que cuenta con muestras de artefactos de la cultura Paracas en la ciudad de Paracas, Perú.
El museo incluye varios cráneos deformados algunos de los cuales parecen poseer características de conformación natural anómalas. Cabe la posibilidad que hace 2500-3000 años llegase una raza de personas con características físicas un tanto distintas a las normales y que subsecuentemente los habitantes locales tratasen de mantener o imitar tales características deformando sus cráneos.
El museo no se halla en la ruta turística normal y hasta fue objeto de infames robos y hoy es imperativo preservar sus artefactos y restos biológicos para luego conducir investigaciones anatómicas y genéticas científicamente adecuadas y -entre otras razones- aclarar si es real o no el origen aparentemente anómalo de estos antiguos pobladores.
Hay investigaciones interesantes y creativas realizadas por un equipo de investigadores entre los cuales se hallan Brien Foerster y L.A. Marzulli. SI ES QUE FUESE VERDAD que realmente se dió la presencia de una raza desconocida esta podría ser de distintas procedencias y no solo de los llamados Anunaki y-o Nefilim. Habrís que considerar ampliamente estas y más posibilidades tanto convencionales como no convencionales.
Las investigaciones deberían ser ampliadas, contrastadas y replicadas por + científicos objetivos honestos y suficientemente neutros pero creativamente abiertos a otras posibilidades y a la verdad.
Trichocereus spp CHAVIN DE HUANTAR AD007
We had a magical meeting with this strong and beautiful Wachuma or Tsunaq in native quechua language - cactus . AD007 is on the guardians of the ruins of Chavin , the plant lives in front of the national museum of Chavin , and close to the old ruins of ancient Chavin people . A very unique and special trichocereus
President Alberto Fujimori has revisited one of Peru's most important historic ruins - 85 years after it was re-discovered.
Hidden deep in the Andes mountains the Chavin ruins were home to an ancient religious cult over one thousand years ago.
The underground temple - filled with stone sculptures - has drawn thousands of visitors to the region and is now deemed a national treasure.
At over three thousand metres above sea level, Chavin is in the heart of the Andes - surrounded by chains of mountains.
The town is named after the indigenous Chavin people who lived in this region more than a three thousand years ago.
Tucked away deep in the Andes this ancient site was once a religious haven for the Chavin civilization.
The ruins were re-discovered 85 years ago - President Alberto Fujimori came here to celebrate the anniversary.
The ruins were first found by Spanish explorers in 1554.
It's not known why the Chavinos chose this spot for their cannibalistic rites - archaeologists believe the stone heads throughout the caverns were once used to frighten off evil spirits.
SOUNDBITE: (Spanish)
In these ruins are represented the three divinities - the jaguar, serpent, and bird of prey.
SUPER CAPTION: Mario Gonzalez, Conservationist
Some archaeologists believe it was probably used as a haven for pilgrims from neighbouring villages, who shared the Chavin religion and culture.
There are signs that the Chavinos used to indulge in cannibalistic rites and human sacrifices. But experts say this was fairly common in ancient Peru probably right up until the first millennium AD.
Human remains and animal bones were discovered at the Chavin ruins all those years ago - but despite the grim findings, the site remains popular with thousands of visitors every year.
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Mummies in an Obscure Museum: Marcahuasi Peru
Chavin, Nazca, Moche, Huari and Tiwanaku civilizations | World History | Khan Academy
Learn about several of the pre-Columbian civilizations that emerged around the Andes in/near modern-day Peru.
Missed the previous lesson? Watch here:
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