Higashikurume-Shi Chikurin Park
Take a walk through Chikurin Park with me????
Rakusai Chikurin Park, bamboo, Kyoto, Japan
runningWater is my pseudonym.
(runningWater は、私のペンネームです。)
photographed by runningWater
(撮影者 : runningWater)
at April, 2018
(撮影時 : 2018年4月)
at Rakusai Chikurin Park ( Kyoto City, Japan )
(撮影地 : 洛西竹林公園 (京都市))
background music:
composed by runningWater
The title of the background music is
I can't put the thought into words well No.1, Op.29 ( title of music )
composed by runningWater
(作品名:言葉にならない想い・第1番, Op.18)
You can hear Music Works composed by me ( runningWater )
You can look at my blog (written in Japanese)
Bamboo Forest in Higashikurume-shi, Tokyo
Higashikurume-shi Chikurin Park in Tokyo, Japan
Address: 1-7 Minamisawa, Higashikurume-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 203-0023
Cost: Free
Natural water spring at Chikurin Park Tokyo Higashikurume
retreat and refresh with the sound of water streaming
Travel in Japan | Tokyo Higashikurume | Bomboo Park
Big thank you for watching this video!
☆Watch Travel in Japan Hakone Kanagawa Big bath In Hakone Inn video HERE!!
☆Watch Travel To Japan Hakone Yumoto video HERE!
☆Bamboo Park
〒203-0023 higashikurume City,Tokyo minamisawa1-7
→Go to Google Map!!
☆Bits of knowledge〜Bamboo〜
Ihe Japanese word for bamboo is take. Click this link to learn the kanji character for bamboo. There is also a fun kanji lesson for bamboo with a picture.
Bamboo is a very strong plant. Because of its sturdy root structure, it is symbol of prosperity in Japan. For years, people were told to run into the bamboo groves in the event of an earthquake, because the bamboo's strong root structure would hold the earth together. Simple and unadorned, the bamboo is also symbolic of purity and innocence. Take o watta youna hito literally translates into a man like fresh-split bamboo and refers to a man with a frank nature.
Bamboo appears in many ancient tales. Taketori Monogatari (Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) also known as Kaguya-hime (The Princess Kaguya) is the oldest narrative literature in kana script, and one of the most beloved stories in Japan. The story is about Kaguya-hime, who is found inside a bamboo stalk. An old man and woman raise her and she becomes a beautiful woman.
- See more at:
☆Related information
◆Kyoto Sagano Walk & Bamboo Forest
◆Bamboo in the Japanese garden
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Higashikurume 東久留米『 Tokyo, Japan 』 !donate !merch !social !checksong 464163115 Vlog youme #1
Walking around Higashi-Kurume
WAliking around Higashi-Kurume, near the Shichifukujin temple
Fujimi Terrace | Higashikurume | Tokyo | Japan ????
We went to Fujimi Terrace to see Mount Fuji.
[4K] Bamboo Forest in JAPAN Special Cut for Tim
Minami-Osawa, Higashi-Kurume City, Tokyo Japan
Hope by Tony Anderson on iTunes
In the Blink of an Eye: Higashikurume
IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE: Higashikurume, Japan - October 11th, 2013
Produced by Oliver Banyard
Paper Cranes by Connor Caughlan
Higashikurume-shi, Tokyo, Japan | 東京都東久留米市
Roaming around Higashikurume at evening. 東久留米市回って見ました。
Travel in Japan | Tokyo Higashikurume | Hikawa shrine | 東久留米・南沢氷川神社
Big thank you for watching this video!
☆Watch Travel in Japan Tokyo Higashikurume Bomboo Park video HERE!!
☆Watch Travel in Japan Tokyo Sumida river Skytree, Asahi beer video HERE!
☆Hikawa shrine
〒203-0023 Higashikurume City,Tokyo Minamisawa 3-5-8
→Go to Google Map!!
☆Bits of knowledge〜Hikawa Shrine〜
Entering Hikawa shrine requires a purification ritual that begins with washing your hands, right then left, and rinsing your mouth (with your left hand). Next is the burning fire with smoke to waft over your head to burn off impurities and perhaps bring the blessings of Susanoo, the Shinto god of storms and seas. Now in your new state of purification, you can enter this Shinto shrine between wires covered with fluttering osame-fuda, the prayer paper strips pilgrims tie up at each shrine. White prayer papers are for novice pilgrims who aspire to progress to red papers and then to silver and gold as they become veteran pilgrims.
- See more at:
☆Related information
◆Hikawa Shrine
☆Please Help With Submitting Subtitles
My channel is now eligible for fan submitted subtitles through YouTube! This should make it much easier.
You can watch the explanation video on how you can contribute subtitles here:
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10122018 higashikurume 東久留米
Minamisawa natural water spring spot Tokyo Higashikurume 南沢湧水群 東京都東久留米市
URATAKAO TOKYO 2012-4-29 「JATAKIGUTI」Spring water
Spring water「JATAKIGUTI」
#竹林公園 外国人観光客が喜ぶ京都穴場スポット 竹林公園 竹の資料館 応仁の乱ゆかりの百々橋 Bamboo forest park kyoto japann
入場料 無料
〒610-1112 京都府京都市西京区大枝北福西町2丁目300−3
電話: 075-331-3821
大原野神社 京都 春日社 観光 穴場 アクセス
3 25 17 ‥ Fudou Waterfall 不動の滝 (Natural Spring Waterfall) @ Tokyo Japan : VEVO
#日本 #東京 #東京都 #板橋 #板橋区 #赤塚 #下赤塚 #地下鉄赤塚 #東武東上線 #有楽町線 #副都心線
【ミニ映画】竹林公園の湧水 東京都東久留米市 Water dragon Lumix GF1
Lumix GF1により、竹林公園の湧き水の場所を、2010年11月に撮影。
自然つながり活力あるまち 東久留米
音楽をお借りしたのは、DIMOUTWORKSのYusuke Tsutsumiさんです。
新アルバムArtificial Naked Womanから、さっそく2曲お借りしてしまいました。
楽曲名 Artificial Naked WomanおよびThe Sun Goes Around Us
Bamboo Park, Higashikurume city Tokyo, Japan
Shot on a Panasonic Lumix GF1 with OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO 9-18mm(Micro Four Thirds)
Edited by iMovie'09
Last photograph is a fake HDR image.
Thanks! Music by Yusuke Tsutsumi
Artificial Naked Woman,The Sun Goes Around Us
His great original music without environmental sound and noise, available on the site.
Portable Shrine 2013 清瀬市上清戸平心講御神輿
2012年 下清戸 八雲神社 黄金みこし 清瀬市 平成24年8月
Straw Snake 下宿ふせぎ 清瀬市 東京都指定無形民俗文化財 平成24年5月(ゼルコバ・ムービーのアカウント)
Portable Shrine 清瀬市上清戸おみこし平心講 平成24年4月29日 2012 (ゼルコバ・ムービーのアカウント)
清瀬市中里火の花祭り平成23年 Fire bloom 2011(きよせびとのアカウント)
清瀬市の中里火の花祭り Fire bloom(2010年 平成22年)(きよせびとのアカウント)
清瀬南口ふれあいロード夏まつり 清瀬市 平成24年8月(ゼルコバ・ムービーのアカウント)
YAN-YO 2012 新座大和田はだか神輿 平成24年7月新座市(ゼルコバ・ムービーのアカウント)
雑木林の維持管理作業 2013年1月と2月 清瀬市中里緑地保全地域(ゼルコバ・ムービーのアカウント)
Phantom Child 清瀬市の古民家 旧森田家 2010年
Shot on a Panasonic Lumix GH2 with
OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO 9-18mm lens and Pentax 50mm 1.4
Edited by Final Cut Express 4 on Mountain Lion