LAKE THUN - SWITZERLAND - SUIZA - Best Villages and Castles - Spiez, Thun, Faulensee, Riederen
LAKE THUN - The most beautiful villages and castles of Lake Thun
Los pueblos y castillos más bonitos del lago Thun
City of Spiez - Ciudad de Spiez
Spiez is on the shore of Thun Lake - Spiez está sobre la costa del lago thun
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Spiez
Taking a boat to tour the lake - Tomando un barco para recorrer el lago
Currently the castle is a museum - Actualmente el castillo es un museo
Thun lake - Lago de Thun
Oberhofen Castle - Castillo de Oberhofen
Hilterfingen Municipality - Municipalidad de Hilterfingen
Hünegg Castle - Castillo de Hünegg
Schadau Castle - Castillo de Schadau
Arriving to the city of Thun - Llegando a la ciudad de Thun
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
to the left of the church the castle of Thun
a la izquierda de la iglesia el castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
It is very attractive to visit Switzerland in autumn because of the colorful leaves of the trees
Es muy atractivo visitar Suiza en otoño por el colorido de las hojas de los arboles
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
Street in the Old Town - Calle en el casco antiguo
Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
Village of Faulensee - Pueblo de faulensee
Village of Riederen - Pueblo de Riederen
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Sigriswil, Gunten, Oberhofen, Interlaken, Spiez, Thun, Goldiwil, Bern - Berna
1 - Sigriswil
Sigriswil is 25 minutes in bus from Thun
Sigriswil esta a 25 minutos de Thun en bus
Walking to Gunten. It is 27 minutes from Sigriswil
Caminando a Gunten. Esta a 25 minutos de Sigriswilen
In Gunten i Will take a ship to Thun
En Gunten tomare un barco hacia Thun
2 - Gunten
3 - Oberhofen on lake Thun - Oberhofen en el Lago de Thun
Oberhofen Castle - Castillo de Oberhofen
Hünegg Castle - Castillo de Hünegg
Schadau Castle - Castillo de Schadau
Arriving to the city of Thun - Llegando a la ciudad de Thun
4 - Lungern
5 - Interlaken
6 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
7 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
8 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
9 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
BRIENZ (CH - BE): Ref. Kirche: Vollgeläute
Es läuten die drei historischen Glocken der reformierten Kirche in Brienz im Berner Oberland.
3 Glocken
e' g' e''
Glocke 1: Franz Sermund, Bern, 1572
Glocke 2: Emanuel Meley, Bern, 1823
Glocke 3: Unbekannt, 1401
Aus dem Turm der schmucken Kirche in Brienz erklingt ein höchst interessantes Geläut. Es setzt sich aus drei Glocken verschiedener Herkunft zusammen. Die Grossse Glocke stammt von einem der bedeutendsten historischen Giesser der Schweiz. Franz Sermund goss ebenfalls die 6'395 Kg schwere Mittagsglocke des Berner Münsters, welche sein bekanntestes Werk darstellt.
Glocke 2 stammt von Emanuel Meley, ebenfalls einem Berner Giesser. Von Meley sind mir nur zwei Werke bekannt: Diese Glocke hier und die Zeichenglocke in der Unteren Stube des Berner Münsters.
Die kleine Glocke ist eine von vielen historischen Glocken mit nur einer Inschriftzeile und dem Jahrgang. Die lateinische Inschrift lautet übersetzt O König der Herrlichkeit, komme zu uns in Frieden!
Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an das Sigristenteam für die Ermöglichung der Aufnahme und die Möglichkeit zum Einschalten der Glocken!
Brienz ist ein Dorf im Berner Oberland, am Nordöstlichen Ende des gleichnamigen Brienzersees gelegen. Der Brienzersee wird hauptsächlich von der Aare gespeist. Diese fliesst durch Interlaken (Ortsname bedeutet zwischen den Seen) in den Thunersee und dann richtung Bern.
1 - Spiez
Spiez is located on the shore of Lake Thun
Spiez se encuentra a orillas del Lago Thun
Leaving the train station you will find a stunning view from the top of Lake Thun, the mountains and the Spiez Castle on the shore
Saliendo de la estacion de tren se encontrara con una solprendente vista desde lo alto del lago de Thun, las montañas y el Castilo de Spiezsobre la orilla
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
2 - Thun
Thun just like Spiez is located on the banks of Lake Thun
Thun al igual que Spiez se encuentra a orillas del Lago Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
Cloches / Glocken - Thoune / Thun (BE) église paroissiale réformée / reformierte Stadtkirche
C'est en l'an 933 que fut consacrée la première église paroissiale de Thoune. La nef baroque actuelle, datée de 1738, est toujours flanquée de l'imposant clocher octogonal gothique édifié en 1320.
La sonnerie que nous connaissons aujourd'hui prit forme en 1968. Les 3 plus petites cloches furent désaffectées (mais par bonheur préservées et exposées), tandis que les 3 plus grandes furent corrigées. Il fut en outre passé commande de 2 nouvelles cloches. Même modifié, cet ensemble campanaire demeure remarquable
Se mettent successivement en branle:
Cloche 5, dite Anna, la3, 1'036kg (profil ultra lourd!!!) par Johann Reber en 1412
Cloche 4, fa#3, 900kg, par Ruetschi en 1968
Cloche 3, dite Katharina, mi3, 1'853kg, par Daniel Wyss & Abraham Gerber en 1713
Cloche 2, dite Susanna, do#3, 3'800kg, par Hans Zender en 1516
Cloche 1, bourdon, la2, 4'150kg, par Ruetschi en 1968
Un grand merci à Mme Marianne Voegele, sacristine, pour son aimable accueil.
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Iseltwald, Sigriswil, Gunten, Oberhofen, Interlaken, Spiez, Thun, Bern
1 - Iseltwald
Iseltwald is 25 minutes in bus from Interlaken
Iseltwald esta a 25 minutos de Interlaken en bus
2 - Sigriswil
Sigriswil is 25 minutes in bus from Thun
Sigriswil esta a 25 minutos de Thun en bus
Walking to Gunten. It is 27 minutes from Sigriswil
Caminando a Gunten. Esta a 25 minutos de Sigriswilen
In Gunten i Will take a ship to Thun
En Gunten tomare un barco hacia Thun
3 - Gunten
4 - Oberhofen on lake Thun - Oberhofen en el Lago de Thun
Oberhofen Castle - Castillo de Oberhofen
Hünegg Castle - Castillo de Hünegg
Schadau Castle - Castillo de Schadau
Arriving to the city of Thun - Llegando a la ciudad de Thun
5 - Lungern
6 - Interlaken
7 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
8 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
9 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
10 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
Mittagsläuten in Porschdorf
Kirche Scherzligen 2012 1250 Jahre Tonbildschau
Panoramabilder zu allen Jahreszeiten der Kirche Scherzligen, Thun mit Aufnahmen des Thuner Vokalquartettes, verschiedene geistliche Werke, entstanden für das Jahr 2012, 1250 Jahre Kirche Scherzligen
Moments at the lake 5 - Thun, Schadau
This time you can join me when I walk to the ancient church of Scherzligen and Schadau park in Thun, Switzerland. Spend some time with me and relax.
I am a Swiss artist and I love to share moments of beauty and joy with you.
Thanks for watching my video!
Music: Easy by Michael Tiernan, Licensed by Animoto
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Switzerland: BLS Class 420s at Erlenbach im Simmental on the Interlaken - Zweisimmen route
Switzerland: BLS Class 420s at Erlenbach im Simmental on the Interlaken - Zweisimmen route.
Both clips recorded 8th February 2019.
Clip 1 - 420 502 leaving Erlenbach im Simmental on train RE4073, the 1308 Interlaken Ost to Zweisimmen
Clip 2 (0:50) - 420 504 arrives at Erlenbach im Simmental working train RE4072, the 1339 Zweisimmen to Interlaken Ost
The Re 420, originally (and still widely called) Re 4/4 II, series are the most common electric locomotives of the Swiss Federal Railways. They are used for passenger services throughout Switzerland alone or in pairs. For freight services, they are sometimes paired with the Re 620, especially in mountainous regions. That pairing is referred to by the term Re 10/10. The Re 430, originally known as the Re 4/4 III, are a derivative of the Re 420 modified for higher traction but lower speed. The Re 420 locomotives were produced over a period of 21 years, from 1964 to 1985.
Six Re 4/4 II (11196 to 11201; later 11195 to 11200) were equipped with a wider pantograph wiper in order to conform with DB and ÖBB standards, which allowed these units to operate EuroCity trains over the border to Bregenz and Lindau. These workings are now covered by the last series, 11371 to 11397, which were rebuilt for use in Germany and Austria, not only with a different pantograph but also Indusi and other things necessary for use abroad.
30 locomotives of the passenger division (11201–11230) will be rebuilt for peak hour services with double deck cars in S-Bahn Zürich, starting in 2011. A consist will be built up by 6 (7 consists) or 10 (6 consists) double deckers plus one locomotive at each end.
On 1 September 1999 locomotives 11101-155, 181, 191–270 and 299–304 were assigned to SBB passenger division, 11156–171, 11173–180, 11182–190, 11271–298, 11305–311, 11313–349 and 11371–397 to freight division (becoming SBB Cargo afterwards). At the end of 2002 11172 ex-MThB joined the passenger fleet, one year later 11225–264 changed to SBB Cargo. At the end of 2004 11225–230 were changed against 11265–270 and six locomotives sold to BLS (see list). One year later 11102–107 followed and were replaced in the passenger fleet by 11156–159, 161 and 164 from SBB Cargo.
The Bern–Lötschberg–Simplon railway (BLS), known between 1997 and 2006 as the BLS Lötschbergbahn, was a Swiss railway company. In 2006 the company merged with Regionalverkehr Mittelland AG to form a new company called BLS AG.
The Bern–Lötschberg–Simplon railway was the largest standard gauge network on the Swiss Railway system apart from the Swiss Federal Railways.
In 1913 the BLS made a successful takeover of the Lake Thun railway (TSB) (Thun/Scherzligen–Interlaken–Bönigen), and became the operating company for three other companies in the area, the Bern–Neuchâtel railway (BN), the Gürbetal–Bern–Schwarzenburg railway (GBS) and the Spiez–Erlenbach-Zweisimmen railway (SEZ) adding some 130 km (80.8 mi) to its system. The BLS/TSB merger meant that the Lötschbergbahn also became the proprietor of the shipping company on Lake Thun and Lake Brienz.
BLS AG is the second biggest traffic undertaking in Swiss standard-gauge railways after the Swiss Federal Railways. The BLS AG operates regional traffic in an area which lies between the Lake Neuchâtel and Lake Lucerne and the Jura Mountains and the Simplon Massif. It is also responsible for operating most routes of the Bern S-Bahn, together with some of those of the Lucerne S-Bahn.
Erlenbach im Simmental is a municipality in the district of Niedersimmental in the canton of Bern in Switzerland.
Erlenbach im Simmental is first mentioned in 1180-81 as Arlunbach.
The municipality includes the farming settlements (Bäuerten) of Erlenbach, Latterbach and Ringoldingen in the valley. On a terrace above the valley are the Bäuerten of Balzenberg, Eschlen, Thal and Allmenden. Above them are alpine meadows, woods and mountains.
The blazon of the municipal coat of arms is Argent a Castle embatteled Gules.
The village rectory and the Swiss Reformed Church, the Agenstein house, the Platz house and the Ründi house are listed as Swiss heritage site of national significance. The entire village of Erlenbach im Simmental and the hamlet of Balzenberg are part of the Inventory of Swiss Heritage Sites.
Erlenbach was the birthplace of Jacob Ammann, the leader of the Amish movement.
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SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Spiez to Baden by Thun - 6 Places 6 Lugares
1 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
2 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
3 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
4 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
5 - Aarburg
Aarburg is 39 km away from Baden
Aarburg esta a 23 km de distancia de Baden
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
View of the Aarburg Castle over the city hill. The castle can be seen from far away by train or car
Vista del Castillo de Aarburg sobre la colina de la ciudad. El castillo se aprecia desde muy lejos pasando en tren o en coche
6 - Baden
Baden It is a city located on the bank of the Limmat river
Baden Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Limmat
Baden is 23 km away from Zurich
Baden esta a 23 km de distancia de Zurich
We cross the old wooden bridge to enter the old town of the medieval city
Cruzamos el puente antiguo de madera para entrar en el casco antiguo de la ciudad mediaval
Brugger or Tower of Bader - Brugger o Torre de Bader
Gateway to the medieval city
Puerta de entrada a la ciudad mediaval
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Oberhofen, Lungern, Interlaken, Spiez, Thun, Goldiwil, Bern - Berna
Hünegg Castle - Castillo de Hünegg
Schadau Castle - Castillo de Schadau
Arriving to the city of Thun - Llegando a la ciudad de Thun
2 - Lungern
3 - Interlaken
4 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
5 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
6 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
7 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - 8 BEST PLACES Lake Thun - 8 Mejores Lugares del Lago Thun
1 - Beatenberg
2 - Sigriswil
Sigriswil is 25 minutes in bus from Thun
Sigriswil esta a 25 minutos de Thun en bus
Walking to Gunten. It is 27 minutes from Sigriswil
Caminando a Gunten. Esta a 25 minutos de Sigriswilen
In Gunten i Will take a ship to Thun
En Gunten tomare un barco hacia Thun
3 - Gunten
4 - Oberhofen on lake Thun - Oberhofen en el Lago de Thun
Oberhofen Castle - Castillo de Oberhofen
Hünegg Castle - Castillo de Hünegg
Schadau Castle - Castillo de Schadau
Arriving to the city of Thun - Llegando a la ciudad de Thun
5 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
6 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
7 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
8 - Faulensee
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Thun to Baden by Bern Berna - 5 Places 5 Lugares
1 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
2 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
3 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
4 - Aarburg
Aarburg is 39 km away from Baden
Aarburg esta a 23 km de distancia de Baden
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
View of the Aarburg Castle over the city hill. The castle can be seen from far away by train or car
Vista del Castillo de Aarburg sobre la colina de la ciudad. El castillo se aprecia desde muy lejos pasando en tren o en coche
5 - Baden
Baden It is a city located on the bank of the Limmat river
Baden Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Limmat
Baden is 23 km away from Zurich
Baden esta a 23 km de distancia de Zurich
We cross the old wooden bridge to enter the old town of the medieval city
Cruzamos el puente antiguo de madera para entrar en el casco antiguo de la ciudad mediaval
Brugger or Tower of Bader - Brugger o Torre de Bader
Gateway to the medieval city
Puerta de entrada a la ciudad mediaval
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Wengen to Geneva by Zermatt - 18 Places 18 Lugares
1 - Wengen
View from Wengen towards the Lauterbrunnen Valley
Vista desde Wengen hacia el valle de Lauterbrunnen
Getting off by train from Wengen to Lauterbrunnen
Bajando en tren desde Wengen hacia Lauterbrunnen
2 - Lauterbrunnen
3 - Wilderswil
Spiez Castle – Castillo
Hünegg Castle
Lake Thun – Lago Thun
5 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
6 - Reichenbach
Dairy Cow Contest - Concurso de vacas lecheras
Back the cows to their farms
De regreso las vacas a sus granjas
Going up to Kiental
Yendo hacia arriba a Kiental
7 - Kiental
8 - Brig
9 - Zermatt
Matterhorn - Monte Cervino
10 - Sion
Basilica of/de Valère
Tourbillon Castle - Castillo
Chillón Castle - Castillo
Walking from the castle to the village of Villeneuve
caminando desde el castillo al pueblo de Villeneuve
11 - Villeneuve
12 - Montreux
Boat ride on lake Lemans
Paseo en barco por el lago Lemans
Villages on the French side of the lake
Pueblos del lado francés del lago
Back in Montreux - Vuelta en Montreux
13 - Vevey
14 - The Lavaux Vineyards
14 -Los viñedos de Lavaux
15 - Lausanne - Lausana
16 - Morges
Morges Castle Museum
Museo del Castillo de Morges
Town center - centro del pueblo
It is on the shore of Lake Lemans
Está sobre la costa del Lago Lemans
The entire coast is adorned with flowers
Toda la costa está adornada con flores
Mostly dahlias - En su mayoría Dalias
They are in the summer months
Están en los meses de verano
In spring tulips - En primavera tulipanes
17 - Nyon
Nyon Castle - Castillo
18 - Geneva - Ginebra
Jet d'Eau - Water jet - Chorro de agua
City symbol - Símbolo de la ciudad
SWITZERLAND - Lungern - Interlaken - Grindelwald - 11 Places - Suiza 11 Lugares
1 - Giswil
It is 28 km from Lucerne. 29 minutes by train
Está a 28 km de Lucerna. 29 minutos en tren
Sarner Lake - Lago
2 - Lungern
Lungern Lake - Lago
3 - Aareschlucht - Aare Gorge - Garganta
How to get there: train to Meiringen and then bus to Alpbach Parkplatz and then 27 minutes on foot
4 - Steinersbächli waterfall - cascada
Brienz lake - lago
5 - Brienz
6 - Interlaken
It means between lakes (Lake Brienz and Lake Thun)
Significa entre lagos (lago Brienz y lago Thun
7 - Grindelwald
42 minutes by train from Interlaken
42 minutos en tren desde Interlaken
8 - Kleine Sheidegg
From here you can take a train to Jungfrau
Desde aquí puede tomar un tren a Jungfrau
Highest peak 4,158 m - Pico más alto 4.158 m
Walking towards Wengen - Caminando hacia Wengen
8 - Wengen
View from Wengen towards the Lauterbrunnen Valley
Vista desde Wengen hacia el valle de Lauterbrunnen
9 - Lauterbrunnen
10 - SPIEZ
Spiez Castle – Castillo
Hünegg Castle
Lake Thun – Lago Thun
11 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - GRINDELWALD - ZERMATT - 9 Places 9 Lugares
1 - Grindelwald
42 minutes by train from Interlaken
42 minutos en tren desde Interlaken
2 - Kleine Sheidegg
From here you can take a train to Jungfrau
Desde aquí puede tomar un tren a Jungfrau
Highest peak 4,158 m - Pico más alto 4.158 m
Walking towards Wengen - Caminando hacia Wengen
3 - Wengen
View from Wengen towards the Lauterbrunnen Valley
Vista desde Wengen hacia el valle de Lauterbrunnen
4 - Lauterbrunnen
Spiez Castle – Castillo
Hünegg Castle
Lake Thun – Lago Thun
6 - THUN
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle of Thun - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
Dairy Cow Contest - Concurso de vacas lecheras
Back the cows to their farms
De regreso las vacas a sus granjas
Going up to Kiental
Yendo hacia arriba a Kiental
8 - BRIG
Matterhorn - Monte Cervino
Congress Hotel Seepark - Thun Hotels, Switzerland
Congress Hotel Seepark 4 Stars Hotel in Thun, Switzerland Within US Travel Directory One of our top picks in Thun. Overlooking Lake Thun, the elegant 4-star superior Congress Hotel Seepark offers a bistro and a gourmet restaurant, a wellness and fitness centre, and free WiFi. Bicycles are provided free of charge, and the Seepark Bus Stop is a short walk away. Set in an elegant, airy and stylish décor,each room has modern furnishings, a free minibar and free fruits, and an en-suite bathroom.
Most rooms feature a balcony.
The Seepark Hotel’s wellness area includes a Finnish sauna, herbal hut, hot tub, steam bath, fitness room, and relaxation room with drinks.
Guests can enjoy outdoor dining on the terrace which has picturesque views of the lake and Schadau Park.
Gourmet dishes are served at dasRestaurant, and hot food and snacks are available at theTimeless bistro.
Congress Hotel Seepark is 160 m from Marquard Wocher Panorama, 250 m from Schadau Castle, and 280 m from Scherzligen Church.
The PanoramaCard Thunersee is included in the rate.
This card comprises free use of local public transportandmany discounts.
Hotels Located in :
Congress Hotel Seepark - Thun Hotels, Switzerland
Location in : Seestrasse 47, 3602 Thun, Switzerland
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Lungern to Bern by Interlaken - 6 Places 6 Lugares
1 - Lungern
2 - Interlaken
3 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
4 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
5 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
6 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
SWITZERLAND - Suiza - Interlaken to Baden by Spiez - 7 Places 7 Lugares
1 - Interlaken
2 - Spiez
Spiez Castle - Castillo de Thun
3 - Thun
Flusswelle - Bridge or wooden dam built to control the water level
Flusswelle - Puente o dique de madera construido para controlar el nivel del río
View of the Romanesque church of Scherzligen
Vista de la iglesia románica de Scherzligen
City Hall Square - Plaza del Ayuntamiento
Thun Castle - Castillo de Thun
River Aar - Río Aar
4 - Goldiwil
Goldiwil is a small town that is located 5 km from Thun
Goldiwil es un pequeño pueblo que esta situado a 5 km de Thun
It is on top of the mountain from which you can see the Lake Thun
Esta en la cima de la montaña desde la cual se puede ver el lago de Thun
5 - Bern - Berna
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
From this viewpoint you can see the old town. The Cathedral and the Federal Palace
Desde este mirador se puede ver el casco antiguo de la ciudad. La Catedral y el Palacio Federal
Bern old town
Ciudad vieja de Berna
Federal Palace of Switzerland
Palacio federal de Suiza
It is a medieval city with its buildings constructed with blocks of a gray - green sandstone
Es una ciudad medieval con sus edificios construidos con bloques de una piedra arenisca de color gris - verde
Clock Tower - Torre del Reloj
6 - Aarburg
Aarburg is 39 km away from Baden
Aarburg esta a 23 km de distancia de Baden
It is a city located on the bank of the Aar river
Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Ares
View of the Aarburg Castle over the city hill. The castle can be seen from far away by train or car
Vista del Castillo de Aarburg sobre la colina de la ciudad. El castillo se aprecia desde muy lejos pasando en tren o en coche
7 - Baden
Baden It is a city located on the bank of the Limmat river
Baden Es una ciudad situada en la orilla del río Limmat
Baden is 23 km away from Zurich
Baden esta a 23 km de distancia de Zurich
We cross the old wooden bridge to enter the old town of the medieval city
Cruzamos el puente antiguo de madera para entrar en el casco antiguo de la ciudad mediaval
Brugger or Tower of Bader - Brugger o Torre de Bader
Gateway to the medieval city
Puerta de entrada a la ciudad mediaval