Azerbaijan, Church of Kish, Shaki , Part 2
Azerbaijan, Church of Kish, Shaki
Song used :
Auram - Left Alone
Azerbaijan/Kish (Kiş) Village Part 26
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Kish (Kiş) is a town in Sheki Rayonu.
Kish is a town of 7,000 that is about 5km from Sheki. It is a bumpy ride on the narrow cobblestone roads, but well worth it to visit the beautiful Albanian church and this picturesque mountain town.
The Church of Kish (Azerbaijani: Kiş kilsəsi), also known by different sources as Church of Saint Elishe (Azerbaijani: Müqəddəs Yelisey kilsəsi, or Holy Mother of God Church is an inactive 12th or 13th century Caucasian Albanian church located in the village of Kiş approximately 5 km north of Shaki, Azerbaijan. It has functioned at different times as a Caucasian Albanian Apostolic churcha Chalcedonian church within the Georgian Orthodox Church and later as Armenian Apostolic Church.
According to the 7th century Armenian historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi, in the 1st century AD St. Elishe, a disciple of Thaddeus of Edessa, arrived to a place called Gis (Գիս), where he built a church and recited a liturgy. The church became the spiritual center and the place of enlightenment of people of the East. On his way from Gis St. Elishe was killed near the pagan altar in the small Zerguni valley by unknown people.
According to the Armenian historian on architecture Samvel Karapetian, the geographical position of Kish does not seem to match that described by Kaghankatvatsi. Karapetian believes that they have identified Gis as the village of Bomen/Bum 60 km to the south-east of Kish, in Gabala district.
According to a Georgian historiographer, in the 10th century, the population of Kish converted to the Georgian Orthodox Church (Chalcedonism). The church of Kish was turned into a residence of a Georgian bishop, functioning till 17th century. By the time when Russia took possession of the region the village of Kish had Udi population.According to Robert H. Hewsen, the Udi language appeared to have been prevalent north of Kura River until the nineteenth century, and the Armenian population appeared to be of relatively recent arrival. While many Armenians undoubtedly settled there fleeing the Turko-Mongolic invasions, many more entered the region with the coming of the Russians in the early nineteenth century.
In 1836, the Albanian church, along with all active churches in this region that were not Georgian or Russian, was incorporated into the Armenian Apostolic Church, and the Church of Kish was refounded in 1860s and became a place of pilgrimage due to the belief that it was associated with Elishe (Yegishe).Wikipedia
Церковь в селе Киш - Church of Kish in Sheki
Albanian Church Kiş, Azerbaijan
Located approximately 5km north of Sheki, and with a population of only 6,244, the tiny village of Kish ( Kiş ) is a shadow of it's once mighty glory. Walking the quiet cobble-stoned streets, you'd never guess that Kish's story is one of an ancient history and of great regional importance. Today, not much happens here, but that's the appeal.
In the 1st century A.D. St. Elishe, a disciple of Thaddeus of Edessa, arrived to a place called Gis, where he built a church and recited a liturgy. The church became the spiritual center and the place of enlightenment of people of the East.
It has functioned at different times as an Caucasian Albanian Apostolic church, a Chalcedonian church within the Georgian Orthodox Church and as an Armenian Apostolic church.
???????? Azerbaijan Road Trip Part 10 - Kish Caucasus Albanian Church
The last point of interest for us in the Sheki region was the city of Kish following the recommendation of the guys in the grand caravansarai in Sheki. They told us to go and see this town and also see the church built by the Albanians from 12 or 13th century. A church built by Albanians in Azerbaijan in the 13th century? Trying to form the connection between Azerbaijan and Albania, that was a little bit confusing. Then we left that research to a later time and I even asked some Kosovar Albanian friends about that church and Albanians in Caucaus and they didn't have a clue about it. Well, later on reading about it from Wikipedia, Caucasian Albania was referring to a former state in the ancient times in the Caucaus and didn't have any geographical and historical connections to the Albania of the Balkans ( In any case, they have reigned over the region and we were visiting one of their church which looked similar to the Armenian churches but not exactly same. It was one of the interesting point of interest in our trip and I am glad that we were able to see it.
Photos and details of the whole trip will be available here (currently under construction):
#sheki #azerbaycan #azerbaijan
Şəki ,Qedim Sheki,Old Sheki,Azerbaijan
Qedim Sheki
Old Sheki
Old Pictures
Kish village shaki qufqaz Albanian old church.. Azerbaijan..
August 2016
One of the most beautiful regions in Azerbaijan. Trip to Sheki
This week I am sharing with you our trip to Sheki (another region in Azerbaijan).
Hotel that we stayed at -Marxal Hotel. Good 5 stars hotel with 5+ service and good staff. However, our house had problems with hot water and water hitting system, so it was quite freezing inside the house and no hot water. They compensate it by letting us check in earlier (9 am, instead of 2 pm) and to stay longer the last day (instead of 12 pm chek out, 9 pm). We payed a bit extra for that but still good offer.
Hotel offers you different tours in Sheki, Kish Village and even nearby regions - Zagatala, Qax.
We all loved their breakfast! Everything was super delicious.
Places visited:
Chelebi Xan Restaurant
Kish village and Alban church
Xan Saray
Karvan Saray
Karvan Saray
Gagarin Restaurant
Hope you will like the video.
Music from Soundcloud
Music provided by RFM:
Song: DEAMN - Save Me
Music provided by FreeMusicWave.
Video Link:
INSTAGRAM: jamipoppins
Church of Kish in Azerbaijan
아제르바이잔 셰키초기 기독교, 알바니안 교회 Albanian Church Azerbaijan Sheki
Kiş Alban məbədi/Church of Kish/Церковь в селе Киш
Kiş Alban məbədi
You should visit to Albanian church in Sheki City
Sheki is famouse and historical city of Azerbaijan. You can find more interesting places in there. So, you should visit to Sheki city of Azerbaijan.
Shaki , Kish , Azerbaijan
Nature of Azerbaijan . Have a good day In the village of Shaki : KiSH
Shaki of Kish
/ Azerbaijan
Крепость Придешь - увидишь в Киш, Азербайджан
В 4 км от Шеки, на вершине горы Гаратепе, можно увидеть живописные развалины крепости Gələrsən-Görərsən (VIII-IX в.). Многие годы крепость охраняла подступы города от иноземных захватчиков. Она была великолепно укреплена, имела несколько рядов толстых стен. О неприступности и прочности этой крепости упоминается даже в письменных источниках. Название крепости переводится как Придешь - увидишь. С этим связана целая страница истории города. В XVIII веке, когда на Шеки напал иранский правитель Надиршах, шекинский хан Гаджи Челеби отказался сдаться. Взбешенный Надиршах захотел узнать, где он скрывается, что так уверен в своей безопасности. Тогда Гаджи Челеби послал шаху ответ: Придешь - увидишь. И действительно в 1744 году Надиршах с большой армией подошел к крепости, но взять ее не смог и отступил. После этого за крепость стали называть Gələrsən-Görərsən.
Киш — горный курорт Азербайджана -
Село Киш — удивительное место, со всех сторон его окружают близкие горы. Река Киш, чистый воздух давно привлекают туристов в это место. Мы заметили, что здесь построены многочисленные дачные дома, говорят, в том числе и президентские дачи. Гостиница, в которой мы остановились — шикарное, современное здание, настоящие 5 звезд!
Горы и вулканы Азербайджана | Описание маршрута -
Мы решили следовать советам местных жителей и отправиться за пределы Баку. Решено было посмотреть заповедник Гобустан и грязевые вулканы, а потом отдохнуть в древнем городе Шеки и горной деревушке Киш. В Азербайджане мы погрелись в лучах южного солнца, и получили увлекательное гастрономическое приключение.
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CNN Azerbaijan's rich trading history Shaki YouTube
Beşinci əsrə aid alban məbədi haqda geniş reportaj
Beşinci əsrə aid alban məbədi haqda geniş reportaj
heyretamiz Sheki Dasbulaq daglarindan
Azerbaijan road trip, Gabala To Shaki. Explore Shaki Part 1
Shaki a small peaceful city in northern Azerbaijan . I planned only one day but i ended up staying 3 days. This is the part 1 of this video. I went to see Church of Kish, an inactive 12th or 13th century Caucasian Albanian church. Ohh it blew my mind away, the beauty !!.
Song used :
Song: Ikson - Paradise (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Video Link:
Song: Azerbaycan Maralı
VIdeo Link:
Song: Diamond Eyes - Everything [NCS Release]
Free Download / Stream:
Song : Azeri Bass - Bu Gozler Sene Baxar Yalniz Bu
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Kiş Alban Məbədi (Müqəddəs Yelisey kilsəsi) haqqında Şəki
Kiş kilsəsi – Şəki rayonunun Kiş kəndi ərazisində yerləşir. Bəzi müəlliflərə görə Qafqazın ilk kilsəsidir. Müxtəlif dövrlərdə alban , gürcü və erməni kilsəsi kimi fəaliyyət göstərməsi haqqında bəzi fikirlər var.Alban ölkəsinin tarixinə görə İsanın din qardaşı müqəddəs Yakov tərəfindən xristianlığı təbliğ etmək üçün Albaniyaya göndərilmiş Müqəddəs Yelisey əvvəlcə bir müddət Çola və Uti vilayətində missionerlik etmiş, sonra isə Giş adlı kəndə gedərək orada kilsə tikmişdir.Müasir xristian ilahiyyətçiləri bu hadisənin 60-cı ildən az sonraya təsadüf etdiyinə inanmaqdadırlar.Nəinki Qafqaz Albaniyasının, hətta bütün Cənubi Qafqazın bu ilk xristian kilsəsinin tikildiyi yer, bir çox tədqiqatçıların fikrincə, məhz indiki Şəki rayonunun Kiş kəndidir və həmin səbəbdən də indi Şəkinin Kiş kəndindəki kilsə Müqəddəs Yelisey kilsəsi adı ilə tanınmaqdadır.Bizim dövrümüzə qədər kilsəni salamat saxlamış tarixi Azərbaycan torpağının qədim və zəngin mədəniyyəti haqqında müasir nəsillərə maddi dəlillər vermişdir. Kişdəki məbəd nəinki Qafqaz Albaniyasında (Azərbaycanda), eləcə də bütün Qafqazda təqribən iki min il bundan əvvəl xristianlığın başlandığını simvollaşdıran görkəmli tarixi abidədir.1864, 1930-cu illərdə kilsə ermənilər tərəfindən təmir olunmuş və nəticədə onun görünüşü əsaslı şəkildə dəyişdirilmişdir
Tikilmə tarixi: I əsrdən – XII əsrə kimi beş tikinti mərhələsi
Üslubu: Alban memarlığı
Kateqoriya: Kilsə
Əhəmiyyəti: Dünya əhəmiyyətli
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