Places to see in ( Teramo - Italy )
Places to see in ( Teramo - Italy )
Teramo is a city and comune in the Italian region of Abruzzo, the capital of the province of Teramo. The city, 150 kilometres from Rome, is situated between the highest mountains of the Apennines and the Adriatic coast. The town is located by the confluence of the Vezzola and Tordino rivers, on a hillside area where the terrain features along with the Mediterranean climate make the territory rich in vineyards and olive groves. The economy of the town is mostly based on activities connected with agriculture and commerce, as well as a sound industrial sector: textiles, foods, engineering, building materials and ceramics. Teramo can be reached from the A14 and the A24 motorways.
The name is already defined in extant manuscripts of the Liber Coloniarum into Teramne, whence its modern form of Teramo. But in the Middle Ages it appears to have been known also by the name of Aprutium, supposed to be a corruption of Praetutium, or rather of the name of the people Praetutii, applied (as was so often the case in Gaul) to their chief city. Thus the name Abrutium is present among the cities of Picenum enumerated by the Geographer of Ravenna (iv. 31); and under the Lombards a comes Aprutii is mentioned. The name has been retained in that of Abruzzo, now a region of Italy.
A settlement of the 1st millennium BC and some buildings of ancient Italic tribes were the object of archaeological excavations. The most ancient historical remains were found in the outskirts of the city, precisely in the neighborhood Madonna delle grazie, where, among many, a burial place with a dagger and a halberd were found. Allegedly, the development of the old settlement was due to the commercial center founded by the Etruscan and Phoenician civilization.
The city's main attractions include:
the Cathedral of Saint Berardo, built in 1158 by bishop Guido II, in Romanesque style. It has a portal in Gothic style, finished in 1332 by the Roman master Deodato di Cosma. It houses a silver antependium by Nicola of Guardiagrele (with 35 scenes of the life of Jesus) and a polyptych by the Venetian artist Jacobello del Fiore depicting the Incoronation of the Virgin. Annexed is a 50-metre-tall (164-foot) bell tower.
the Romanesque church of Sant'Antonio (1127), with a decorated portal. The interior, with a single nave, was renovated along Baroque lines.
the church of San Getulio, built in the early Middle Ages on the ruins of a Roman temple, finally destroyed in 1155 by the Normans. Only the presbyterium and some Romanesque elements of the original building remain today.
the church of San Domenico (14th century) with a fine Virgin with Child.
the sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie (also known as Chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie). It has a Romanesque cloister and a 15th-century miraculous wooden statue of the Virgin, attributed to Silvestro dell'Aquila.
the Palazzo Vescovile (Bishops Palace), from the 14th century.
the remains of the Roman theatre (built about 30 BC) and of the amphitheatre (about 3rd–4th century AD). Under Palazzo Savini are remains of a Roman domus, including a 1st-century BC opus tessellatum pavement which depicts a fighting lion and other decorative elements.
the Torre Bruciata (Burnt Tower), a Roman tower from the 2nd century BC, in opus quadratum. The name derives from the traces left by the siege in 1156 by Robert III of Loritello.
Church of Santa Maria de Praediis (10th–11th centuries), built using materials from the destroyed castle and Roman villas and temples.
( Teramo - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Teramo . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Teramo - Italy
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Liscia è situata in posizione panoramica sul versante sinistro del fiume Treste. Viottoli e scalinate si snodano nella zona più antica, dove è situata la chiesa di San Martino, del 1300, col bel portale in pietra scolpita realizzato da maestranze molisane nel XVIII secolo. Al suo interno, la chiesa conserva un'antica statua lignea raffigurante San Martino e La Maddalena, un dipinto ad olio che si vuole di Salvator Rosa, artista di spicco della cultura seicentesca in Italia. Fuori dal paese, scendendo verso la valle, si incontra, circondato da una rigogliosa vegetazione spontanea, il Santuario di San Michele Arcangelo. All'interno dell'edificio, fatto costruire dai Marchesi d'Avalos agli inizi del XVII secolo, è possibile ammirare la bella statua di San Michele, attribuita allo scultore napoletano Giacomo Colombo (fine XVI-inizi XVII secolo). La chiesetta fa da ingresso al primitivo santuario naturale: una piccola grotta, ricca di stalattiti, da cui sgorga acqua. Alla sorgente si attribuiscono virtù taumaturgiche perché è qui che la leggenda vuole sia apparso per la prima volta San Michele Arcangelo ad un pastore di Palmoli. Tutt'oggi il Santuario è tra le maggiori attrattive della zona, meta di pellegrinaggio soprattutto in occasione delle ricorrenze dell'8 maggio e del 29 settembre.
Liscia is situated in a panoramic position on the left Treste riverside. Paths and stairways wind along the oldest part of the town, where the 14th century Church of San Martino stands with its marvelous sculpted stone portal made by masters from Molise in the 18th century. In its interior the church preserves an ancient wooden statue of San Martino and The Magdalene, an oil painting by Salvator Rosa, leading artist of the 17th Italian culture. Outside the village, going downhill, the Sanctuary of San Michele Arcangelo stands surrounded by a spontaneous and rich vegetation. Inside the sanctuary, built on d'Avalos Marquis' request at the beginning of the 17th century, it is possible to admire the marvelous statue of San Michael by the Neapolitan sculptor Giacomo Colombo (end of the 16th beginning of the 17th century). The little church serves as entrance to the original natural sanctuary: a small cave, rich in stalactites, from which water spouts. The spring is likely to have thaumaturgical properties, since according to the legend San Michael the Archangel appeared in this place for the first time to a shepherd from Palmoli. Today the Sanctuary still represents one of the most important attractions of the area and it is a pilgrimage destination especially on the 8th of May and on the 29th of September.
Arezzo Cathedral, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
Arezzo Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in the city of Arezzo in Tuscany, Italy. It is located on the site of a pre-existing Palaeo-Christian church and, perhaps, of the ancient city's acropolis. A first cathedral of Arezzo was built on the nearby Pionta Hill, over the burial place of Donatus of Arezzo, martyred in 363. In 1203 Pope Innocent III had the cathedral moved within the city's walls, in the current site. The Cathedral, however, lost the relics of Donatus, which were transferred in the church of San Donato in Castiglione Messer Raimondo (in what is now the province of Teramo). In spite of this, the church is still entitled to St. Donatus and houses, at the high altar, a 14th-century arch named after him. The construction of the current structure, started in 1278, went through different phases, and ended in 1511. The façade was built in 1901-1914, replacing the previous, unfinished one, dating to the 15th century. It was the seat of the Bishop of Arezzo from the 3rd century until 1986, and from 1986 onwards of the present Bishop of Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro. The façade was designed by Dante Viviani and has a sculpture description by Giuseppe Cassioli, Enrico Quattrini and Viviani himself. The right side of the church is from the original medieval building, in sandstone. In the middle is a 14th-century portal in Florentine style, with two porphyry columns taken from an ancient temple. The polygonal apse, with double mullioned windows, dates to the 13th century. The interior has a nave and two aisles divided by piers with ogival arches, with five spans covered by cross vault, without a transept. The seven stained glass windows in the right aisles were executed in 1516-1524 by Guillaume de Marcillat. Other stained glass windows are in the presbytery, one also by Marcillat and another by early 15th century Florentine masters. The presbytery houses a large arch dedicated to St. Donatus. Sculpted in marble, it has twelve small piers ending with spires and pinnacles in Gothic style and was executed by Florentine, Aretine and Sienese artists of the 14th century, including (in the lower section) Agnolo di Ventura and Agostino di Giovanni. The wooden choir of the Grand Chapel was designed by Giorgio Vasari in 1554. In the counter-façade is the hexagonal baptismal font, with reliefs by Donatello's workshop, including a Baptism of Christ by Donatello himself. The Chapel of Madonna del Confort is a Neoclassicist work, built from 1796 and housing several terracottas by Andrea della Robbia. In the same side is the cenotaph of Guido Tarlati, lord of Arezzo until 1327. According to some, it was designed by Giotto, and executed by Agnolo di Ventura and Agostino di Giovanni. Near to the cenotaph is Piero della Francesca's Mary Magdalene (1460s). In the right aisle is the funerary monument of Pope Gregory X (died 1276), dating to the early 14th century. Another funerary monument in the aisles is that of Ciuto Tarlati (1334), formed by a marble sarcophagus of the 4th century AD and a series of reliefs by Agostino di Giovanni, crowned by a 14th-century fresco.
Church of Santa Margherita, Cortona, Tuscany, Italy
Rai Storia: la festa dei Serpari di Cocullo (Abruzzo) San Domenico Abate
servizi degli anni '60 e '70 della Rai in Abruzzo
Penns Grove - Mother of Grace Procession
Valle S. Giovanni is located very near the provincial capital of Teramo. One of main and most beloved churches in Teramo is Madonna della Grazie which each year in July hosts a feast dedicated to the Blessed Mother. Emigrants from Valle brought this tradition with them to America. In Penns Grove, NJ the local Catholic church commissioned a statue of the Madonna. It arrived from Italy in 1925 and a festival similar to the one in Teramo is held on the first Sunday in July. A procession is held through the streets of the Italian neighborhoods of Penns Grove. Thanks to the hard work of Father Kevin, Michael Di Paolo, and members of the Mother of Grace Society, the 7 July 2019 once again proved to be a great success. In the attached photos one can see vallaroli from the Di Marco, Clemente, Di Paolo, Di Pietro and Di Giulio families among others. The highlight of this years procession was the attendance of Santa Gioia, who is maternally related to the Di Giulio and Di Domenico families still living in Valle. Santa was born in Valle during the 1920's and emigrated to America in 1937. In the photos and final scene of one of the two brief videos below, Santa is greeted by a good number of Valle S. Giovanni paesani. Che bella!
Bominaco - Estasi nascoste
L'oratorio di San Pellegrino in provincia di L'Aquila, un universo policromo che lascia senza fiato.
Il video è realizzato per il contest creativo Portiamo alla luce i beni invisibili di Fondazione Telecom Italia in collaborazione con Zooppa.
Bominaco - Estasi nascoste ha vinto il secondo premio ex-aequo del valore di 2.000$ Zooppa.
Motivazione: «Per la splendida qualità evocativa delle immagini che rappresentano l'affresco policromo dell'Oratorio di San Pellegrino ( Aq)».
L'oratorio di San Pellegrino, si trova a Bominaco in provincia de L'Aquila. La struttura risale al X sec, mentre gli affreschi vanno dal XII al XV secolo. Benché l'esterno dell'Oratorio di San Pellegrino si presenti austero nella sua semplicità, al suo ingresso, il visitatore si trova immerso in un affrescato universo policromo che lo avvolge lasciandolo attonito.
Gli affreschi sono stati realizzati sia sulle pareti laterali che sulle volte del tetto senza soluzioni di continuo. Numerosi sono i temi raffigurati seguendo come filo discorsivo la vita di Gesù Cristo. Vengono così rappresentati la scena dell'Annunciazione, la Natività, la presentazione di Gesù al Tempio, l'ingresso trionfale a Gerusalemme la Domenica delle Palme, l'Ultima Cena, la lavanda dei piedi, il tradimento di Giuda, la deposizione e la sepoltura del Cristo. Non sono invece raffigurate le scene che riguardano la Crocefissione e la Resurrezione. L'oratorio è stato da poco restaurato. La visita dell'oratorio è garantita da custodi che abitano nel paese adiacente, che si devono contattare tramite numero di cellulare, non rientra in nessun circuito turistico, di studio o di valorizzazione. Nonostante l'importanza e la bellezza, nonostante il restauro, forse per la difficoltà a raggiungere il posto e i custodi, rimane un bene invisibile di inestimabile valore e una perla rarissima dell'arte medievale mondiale.
L'eredita di Giustiniano - 23 ottobre 2019
l’ultima guerra dell’Italia romana
Hendrik W. Dey
Fabrizio Oppedisano
Ermanno A. Arslan
Irene Barbiera
Domitilla Campanile
Neil Christie
Enrico Cirelli
Simone M. Collavini
Salvatore Cosentino
Hendrik W. Dey
Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai
Flavia Frauzel
Stefano Gasparri
Andrea Giardina
Maria Cristina La Rocca
Rita Lizzi Testa
Luca Loschiavo
Federico Marazzi
Fabrizio Oppedisano
Gianpiero Rosati
Kristina Sessa
Lucrezia Spera
Paolo Squatriti
Ignazio Tantillo
Domenico Vera
9.30 Gianpiero Rosati, Preside della Classe di lettere e filosofia
Indirizzi di saluto
Presiede Stefano Gasparri, Universita Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Rita Lizzi Testa, Università degli Studi di Perugia
Un Occidente che guarda ad Est: il senato di Roma e i suoi vescovi durante la guerra greco-gotica
Federico Marazzi, Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa
La geografia del conflitto. Terreni e teatri di confronto tra Goti, Franchi e Romani
10.45 Discussione
11.00 Pausa caffè
11.15 Kristina Sessa, Ohio State University
Italy after the War: Displacement, the Church, and Provincial Administration
Salvatore Cosentino, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
Annona e commercio nell’Italia giustinianea e oltre: strutture economiche in mutamento (ca. 530-ca.630)
Lucrezia Spera, Università degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’
Le strade di Procopio. Viabilità e insediamenti in Italia durante e dopo il conflitto greco-gotico
12.45 Discussione
13.00 Pranzo
Presiede Simone M. Collavini, Università di Pisa
Irene Barbiera, Università degli Studi di Padova
Sopravvivere alla guerra greco-gotica: regimi di mortalità e stato di salute nel VI secolo.
Paolo Squatriti, University of Michigan
Tecnica tecnologia e società nell’Italia del sesto secolo
15.30 Discussione
15.45 Pausa caffè
16.00 Maria Cristina La Rocca, Università degli Studi di Padova
Identità patrimoniali e ossessione per le liste dopo la guerra greco-gotica
Domenico Vera, Università degli Studi di Parma
Ritorno al futuro? L’Italia agraria nella Pragmatica sanctio
Luca Loschiavo, Università degli Studi di Teramo
Le leggi di Giustiniano in Italia prima e dopo la guerra greco-gotica
17.30 Discussione
20.00 Cena
Cooperativa Etica Oqdany - Museo Diffuso Sezione San Domenico
Cooperativa Etica Oqdany - Museo Diffuso Sezione San Domenico. Chiesa di San Domenico Itinerario museale e catechetico. Per informazioni contattare il Dott. Salvatore Celeste 3270162589
Museo Capitolare di Atri
ATRI-Museo Capitolare
Torino, 31 gennaio 2015 - Basilica di Maria Ausiliatrice - UN SOGNO CHE VOLA (Palazzo) - Coro MGS dell'Ispettoria Piemontese e Orchestra Giovanile dell'Accademia Mozart diretti da Don Maurizio Palazzo (video di andrea cherchi per Il mio Don Bosco)
UN SOGNO CHE VOLA (testo e musica di Don Maurizio Palazzo)
Hai immaginato la gioia di mille cortili,
reti di cuori che ancora si stringono a te!
Hai visto tutto in un sogno, però non capivi,
ma ora se guardo lontano quel sogno vola, vola ancora…
Guarda che...guarda che...che sterminato mare di mani c'è!
Saranno i figli tuoi , don Bosco, quelli che hai chiamato con te!
Basta che...basta che...diventi luce quel Mistero ch'è in te,
saremo frecce verso il cielo nell'arco del tempo!
Noi siamo le traiettorie di un nuovo futuro,
siamo le mani che aprivi per dare di più..
tu ci hai insegnato ad amare un cielo più puro,
ma ora se guardi lontano quel sogno vola...vola ancora..!
Itálie 2015 - Atri (Abruzzo, Italy)
Basilica of Santa Margherita, Cortona, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy, Europe
Basilica of Santa Margherita is a Neo-gothic style, Roman Catholic church, located just outside the Tuscan town of Cortona, Italy, at the intersection of Via delle Santucce and Via Sant Margherita, on a hill just below the Fortezza Medicea, and dedicated to a native saint of town. The church was originally the site of a small oratory dedicate to San Basilio, and built by Camaldolese Monks in the 11th century. Damaged during the 1258 siege of the town by Arezzo, the church and adjacent convent were rebuilt in 1288 by efforts led by Margherita di Cortona herself, a Franciscan nun, and dedicated to Saints Basil, Egidius, and Catherine of Alexandria. It was then still called an oratory and measured only 15 meters long, and was adjacent to a small chapel of St Basil. Margaret died in 1297 in a room behind the old church where she had lived the last years of her life; the room roughly corresponded to the present site of the 3rd altar on the left of the nave. She was buried in a wall of the chapel of St Basil. By 1330, the Cortonese had constructed a larger church and designed by Giovanni Pisano, in part to house her relics, disinterred in 1456, in that had become a source of veneration. The old church now became part of the nave of the newer, 30 meter long, structure. The saint was canonized in 1728. A fresco from the church, attributed to Ambrogio Lorenzetti, is now conserved in the Diocesan Museum. Other 14th-century frescoes such as ones by Barna da Siena have disappeared. Many of the canvases once in the interior have been dispersed or moved. The church underwent major enlargements and reconstructions in 1738 and in 1874-1878; only the choir and two vaults, the second and third of the central nave, remain from the original church. The present Gothic Revival architecture style church is the work of Enrico Presenti and Mariano Falcini. The facade was designed by Domenico Mirri (1856-1939), and completed by Giuseppe Castellucci. The rich marble mausoleum on the left of the transept by the Sienese workshops and the saint's silver casket (1774) at the main altar, displaying her incorrupt body, was designed by Pietro Berrettini. The main altarpiece once held a large Crucifixion or Deposition by Luca Signorelli. It is said St Margaret prayed before this crucifix. The marble statue (1781) of the saint in a niche on the right was sculpted by Vincenzo Paccetti. The second altar on the right has an altarpiece depicting Virgin and St Elizabeth of Hungary, by Jacopo da Empoli. On an altar on the right there is a 13th-century wooden crucifix, originally from in the church of San Francesco, Cortona. On the right side walls there are relics and captured standards donated by the Knights of Malta stationed in Cortona. On the left nave we see a large chapel in memory of those Cortonese fallen during the war. Behind the church is the bell-tower (1650) and a monastery of the Franciscan Order. The first altar on the left had an altarpiece depicting Saints Louis of Toulouse, Francis, Dominic, and Margaret by Francesco Vanni il Vecchio. The second altar had a painting depicting the Massacre of the Innocents by Pietro Zanotti. The church was elevated to the status of minor basilica in 1927.
Basilica Valvense di S.PELINO-Corfinio(AQ)
corfinio (L'Aquila)
CCB Pescara
Final do Culto de jovens
L'Aquila 10 anni dopo, Galeota: il restauro della Basilica di Collemaggio
Dante Galeota, professore Ordinario Fuori Ruolo di Tecnica delle Costruzioni dell'Università de L'Aquila, racconta come si è intervenuti per il restauro e il miglioramento sismico della Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio distrutta dal terremoto del 6 aprile 2009.
Elce, Cortino, Abruzzo, Italia
In diretta da San Domenico #PalioLive
In diretta da San Domenico
#PalioLive in collaborazione con Fiore dal 1827 nel Cuore di Siena
L'Altro Ottocento, oltre settanta dipinti in esposizione al Convento di San Domenico Maggiore
Un panorama di settanta opere d'arte appartenenti a pittori attivi dall'Unità d'Italia alla prima decade del 900. Una serie di dipinti ottocenteschi sono da oggi in mostra nel Convento di San Domenico Maggiore di Napoli. L'esposizione, dal titolo L'Altro Ottocento, rappresenta un modo per valorizzare opere partenopee cariche di significato ma ancora poco conosciute, portandole all'attenzione dei visitatori. Ne parla ai nostri microfoni la curatrice della mostra e professoressa di storia dell'arte contemporanea Isabella Valente. Una collezione d'arte che rappresenta oggi la nuova identità della Città Metropolitana, riunendo le due entità di Provincia e Comune, come dichiarato dall'Assessore alla Cultra ed al Turismo Nino Daniele.
Basilica della Santissima Annunziata Firenze
The Basilica della Santissima Annunziata (Basilica of the Most Holy Annunciation) is a Renaissance-style, Roman Catholic minor basilica in Florence, which is considered the mother church of the Servite Order. - Wikipedia