The new relics of St. John the Baptist
The remains (8 pieces of bone, including fragments of skull and face bone and a tooth) were uncovered on July 28 (2010) during the excavation of a fourth-century monastery on St. Ivan Island near Sozopol, off Bulgaria's Black Sea coast. They were in a sealed reliquary (18 x 14) buried next to a tiny urn inscribed with St. John's name and his birth date. This is a typical 5th century reliquary shrine, which most probably was brought to Sozopol directly from the Holy Land. Since it was the time (452) of the discovery of St. John the Baptist's tomb and relics in Nablus:
According to excavation leader Prof. Kazimir Popkonstantinov the Greek inscription on the tiny sandstone box («God, save your servant Thomas. To St John. June 24») would have been placed under the altar on Sveti Ivan is a very strong proof that the relics of John the Baptist are genuine. It's important to bear in mind that the date, celebrated by Christians as John's nativity, was absent in the oldest Syriac Menologion (412 A.D.) and appeared for the first time in the Martyrologium Hieronymianum (the end of the 5th century) as Russian archaeological expert from Andrey Rublev's Museum has now suggested:
Now the relics of St. John the Baptist found recently in Bulgaria had been handed to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. They are working miracles by the opinion of Bulgarian diaspora minister Bozhidar Dimitrov: «People in Sozopol say that a Russian woman, turned deaf and dumb after Chechen strikes in Moscow started talking again after venerating the relics».
Bulgarian monastery - Sokolski monastery
Sokolski Monastery is located on the Balkan mountain near the town of Gabrovo and historical-ethnographic complex Etara. Etara is also called the City of the Masters or the City of Craftsmen.
Before the appearance of the monastery in 1834, a small church was built here. During forty years, new buildings have appeared here. Thus there was the monastery of the Assumption of the Virgin.
In the twilight of the Ottoman Empire at the monastery often stayed Bulgarian partisans who fought against the Turks.
During the Russian-Turkish war, the monastery was used as hospital.
It was originally built as a mens monastery but in 1959 it was turned into a convent.
We organize individual excursions and tours in Bulgaria and in Sokolski Monastery
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Sokolski Kloster befindet sich auf dem Balkan Berg in der Nähe der Stadt Gabrovo und historisch-ethnographischen Komplex Etara. Etara wird auch die Stadt der Meister oder die Stadt der Handwerker genannt.
Vor dem Erscheinen des Klosters im Jahre 1834 wurde hier eine kleine Kirche erbaut. Seit vierzig Jahren sind hier neue Gebäude erschienen. So gab es das Kloster der Himmelfahrt der Jungfrau.
In der Dämmerung des Osmanischen Reiches im Kloster blieben oft bulgarische Partisanen, die gegen die Türken kämpften.
Während des russisch-türkischen Krieges wurde das Kloster als Krankenhaus genutzt.
Es wurde ursprünglich als ein Mens Kloster gebaut, aber im Jahr 1959 wurde es in ein Kloster verwandelt.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge und Reisen in Bulgarien im Sokolski Kloster.
Wir organisieren individuelle Reisen nach Sokolski Kloster.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Monasteries of Bulgaria - Troyan Monastery / Kloster von Bulgarien - Troyan Kloster
The Troyan Monastery is the third largest monastery in Bulgaria. It was founded in the early 17th century, but the Turkish gang destroyed and robbed it in the late 17th century.
In the early 18th century the monastery was rebuilt and the first massive buildings were built. Toyansky monastery quickly began to develop and in the middle of the 18th century a school was opened in the monastery.
In 1835 the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God and the chapel were built.
We organize individual excursions in Bulgaria and individual excursions in the Troyan Monastery
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Das Troyan-Kloster ist das drittgrößte Kloster in Bulgarien. Es wurde im frühen 17. Jahrhundert gegründet, aber die türkische Bande zerstörte und beraubte es im späten 17. Jahrhundert.
Im frühen 18. Jahrhundert wurde das Kloster umgebaut und die ersten massiven Gebäude gebaut. Toyansky Kloster begann schnell zu entwickeln und in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts wurde eine Schule im Kloster eröffnet.
Im Jahre 1835 wurde die Kirche der Dormition der Allerheiligsten Gottesmutter und der Kapelle gebaut.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge in Bulgarien und individuelle Ausflüge im Troyan Kloster
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Старата църква от птичи поглед - The old church via drone
Храм Свети Георги - кв. Метоха, Асеновград. При възникването на Бачковския манастир на същото място бил построен параклис Св. Екатерина, обслужващ страноприемницата на манастира в Стенимахос (сега Асеновград), построена от Григорий Бакуриани. Олтърът на параклиса е запазен и вграден в построената по-късно през XVIII век църква. За съжаление, поради липса на средства започнатата преди години рестврация не бе завършена и всичко тъне в разруха.
St. George church – Metoha, Asenovgrad, Bulgaria.
By the time the Bachkovo Monastery started developing, they decided to build the St. Ekaterina chapel at Metoha. It was supposed to be there so it can be close to the auberge, held by the monastery in Stanimaka/Nowadays called Asenovgrad/. The auberge was built by Grigorii Bakuriani. Later, at the place of the chapel, people decided to build a church, They took good care of the chapel’s alter and it was later rebuilt in the new church. Sadly, the process of restoration was not continued and now everything is covered with a thick layer of dust.
Music: Zero Project - Oasis
Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4k Drone
Finding The Relics of St. John The Precursor - English Translation.mp4
Finding The Relics of St. John The Precursor
26 исторических объектов с дрона / Итоги сезона 2019 / Протоистория
Дорогие друзья. Подходит к концу 2019 год. И я хотел бы подвести некоторые итоги. Прежде всего по тем местам и объектам, которые были изучены нашей командой в этом сезоне. В данном сюжете я собрал около трех десятков интересных и необычных локаций. Все они представлены в режиме аэросъемки. Т.е. мы снимали их на видео с помощью квадрокоптеров. Кстати, в этом году мы испробовали и облетали три модели дронов: Xiro eXplorer Mini, DJI Phantom 3 Advanced и DJI Mavic 2 Pro. В результате получили определенный опыт как воздушных съемок, так и способов представления объектов в различных ракурсах. Если вам интересна тема исторической аэросъемки, напишите об этом в комментариях. Я могу подготовить отдельный сюжет, в котором расскажу о характеристиках некоторых дронов для путешествий и исследований, а также о некоторых приемах аэросъемок.
А теперь предлагаю вам посмотреть, какие интересные места мы посетили в этом году! Несомненно, мы снимали не только с воздуха, но и с земли! Собран огромный архив видеоматериалов, которые можно превратить в истории. Поэтому, напишите в комментариях, о каких из объектах, рассказанных в этом сюжете, вы бы хотели узнать побольше в первую очередь! А теперь – устраиваемся поудобнее и отправляемся в полет!
1:37 - Сходненский ковш. Москва
2:16 - Тушино. Москва
2:56 - Колокольня храма Иоанна Предтечи. Московская область, Дмитровский район, деревня Языково
3:22 - Пруд с тремя островками. Московская область, Дмитровский район, деревня Селевкино
4:02 - Древний курган. Германия, Перл
4:42 - Руины древних построек. Франция
4:54 - Беглик-Таш, древнее фракийской скальное святилище. Болгария
5:26 - Мыс Калиакра. Болгария
5:51 - Замок «Влюбленный в ветер». Болгария, Созополь
6:27 - Каменный лес, Диликташ. Болгария, Варна, вблизи сёл Слынчево, Баново
7:16 - Главный до усадьбы Воронцова-Дашкова. Московская область, Дмитровский район, Быково
7:53 - Каширское городище. Московская область, Ступинский район, Старая Кашира
8:57 - Курганы. Московская область, Ступинский район, Старая Кашира
9:23 - Озеро Бездонное. Московская область, Солнечногорский район
9:52 - Расформированная военная часть противовоздушной обороны Москвы. Московская область
10:31 - Расформированный военный городок. Московская область, Федоровка, Адуляр
11:48 - Руины Центра информатики и Электроники (ЦИЭ). Москва, Зеленоградский А.О.
12:45 - Старая ГЭС, 1919 г. Московская область, Волоколамский район, Ярополец
13:35 - Храм Казанской иконы Божией Матери. Московская область, Волоколамский район, Ярополец
14:00 - Руины усадьбы графа Чернышева. Московская область, Волоколамский район, Ярополец
14:21 - Усадьба Загряжских, Гончаровых. Московская область, Волоколамский район, Ярополец
14:44 - Храм рождества Иоанна Предтечи. Московская область, Волоколамский район, Ярополец
15:02 - Знаменская церковь. Московская область, Клинский район, урочище Теплое
15:26 - Усадьба Петровское-Алабино. Московская область, Наро-Фоминский район, Алабино
16:05 - Форт «Император Александр I» («Чумный»). Санкт-Петербург, Кронштадт
16:46 - Северный форт № 4 «Зверев» («Горелый»). Санкт-Петербург, Кронштадт
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Четвърти лекционен тур с Лъчезар Бояджиев - 22.10.2016
Четвърти лекционен тур - 22.10.2016
Тема на маршрута: Музея през „прозореца“ на града
На 22 октомври, се състоя последният четвърти лекционен тур от „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“, 2016 в София. Този път „обиколката“ на града бе на закрито – а именно в музея - Квадрат 500. Там участниците видяха колекцията през погледа на Лъчезар Бояджиев, който въз основа на конкретни произведения говори за града.
Лъчезар Бояджиев за последния четвърти лекционен тур:
Музеят през „прозореца” на града – ще ходим из Квадрата, но ще го гледаме през снимки от града!
Какво е съвремие и съ-временно? (Contemporaneity and con-temporary?)
Какво е „образ на времето”, който внушава един музей?
Какво е „експозиция” в града за разлика от експозицията в музея?
Защо градът и музеят не могат един без друг?
Защо София не е Скопие, и никога няма да бъде, въпреки че на онези, които „инвестират в идентичност” много им се иска?
Защо Квадрат 500 не е Лувъра и никога няма да бъде?
Защо въведението в съ-временното изкуство всъщност зависи изцяло от Вас?
Между другото ще стане дума и за:
- опакото на пространството;
- град и село;
- религия и бохема;
- идеология и форма;
- художници и бълдъзи;
- фотография и скулптура;
- живопис и днес.
Повече за Лекционните турове с Лъчезар Бояджиев и образователната платформа „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“:
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ е проект на фондация „Отворени изкуства“ и галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура“ на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф“
Партньор: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: @BG on Air, Виж София, егоист,,, Artnewscafe Bulletin
Камера и монтаж: Калин Серапионов
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство” е проект на Фондация „Отворени изкуства” и Галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство” 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура” на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф”.
Партньори: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: Виж! София,,, artnewscafé бюлетин, егоист.
Pottery Show & Sale at the Art School of Old Church
The Art School at Old Church in Demarest, NJ, holds its Pottery Show & Sale every fall. One of the oldest and most respected sales in the country, it has been curated by ceramic artist Karen Karnes since the mid-1970s. For more information, visit
Джеки, Джони и Чарли не са имена на кучета
Те не са учили кино, а са едни от най-популярните лица в българското кино. И са пряко свързани с неговата история. Те са великолепната тройка като от класиката – тримата танкисти, тримата мускетари, понякога тримата глупаци, но най-вече трима срещу триста… Джеки Стоев, Джони Пенков и Чарли Илиев ще ви повозят на въртележката в лунапарка на своя живот, където има стари и нови случки, откъси от филми, кодоши и други дивотии, разпилени в два века и две системи. Ако цената на свободата е да мислят за идиот, то тя не е толкова висока.
Nesebar | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:41 1 Name
00:02:50 2 History
00:03:41 2.1 Antiquity
00:04:58 2.2 Medieval era
00:06:44 2.3 Ottoman rule
00:07:40 2.4 Third Bulgarian state
00:08:38 3 Churches
00:10:29 4 Namesakes
00:10:47 5 Gallery
00:10:56 6 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8672951779999508
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Nesebar (often transcribed as Nessebar and sometimes as Nesebur, Bulgarian: Несебър, pronounced [nɛˈsɛbɐr]) is an ancient city and one of the major seaside resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, located in Burgas Province. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous Nesebar Municipality. Often referred to as the Pearl of the Black Sea, Nesebar is a rich city-museum defined by more than three millennia of ever-changing history. The small city exists in two parts separated by a narrow man-made isthmus with the ancient part of the settlement on the peninsula (previously an island), and the more modern section (i.e. hotels, later development) on the mainland side. The older part bears evidence of occupation by a variety of different civilisations over the course of its existence.
It is one of the most prominent tourist destinations and seaports on the Black Sea, in what has become a popular area with several large resorts—the largest, Sunny Beach, is situated immediately to the north of Nesebar.
Nesebar has on several occasions found itself on the frontier of a threatened empire, and as such it is a town with a rich history. Due to the city's abundance of historic buildings, UNESCO came to include Nesebar in its list of World Heritage Sites in 1983.As of December 2009, the town has a population of 11,626 inhabitants.
Nesebar | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Nesebar (often transcribed as Nessebar and sometimes as Nesebur, Bulgarian: Несебър, pronounced [nɛˈsɛbɐr], Thracian: Melsambria, Greek: Μεσημβρία, Mesembria) is an ancient city and one of the major seaside resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, located in Burgas Province. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous Nesebar Municipality. Often referred to as the Pearl of the Black Sea, Nesebar is a rich city-museum defined by more than three millennia of ever-changing history. The small city exists in two parts separated by a narrow man-made isthmus with the ancient part of the settlement on the peninsula (previously an island), and the more modern section (i.e. hotels, later development) on the mainland side. The older part bears evidence of occupation by a variety of different civilisations over the course of its existence.
It is one of the most prominent tourist destinations and seaports on the Black Sea, in what has become a popular area with several large resorts—the largest, Sunny Beach, is situated immediately to the north of Nesebar.
Nesebar has on several occasions found itself on the frontier of a threatened empire, and as such it is a town with a rich history. Due to the city's abundance of historic buildings, UNESCO came to include Nesebar in its list of World Heritage Sites in 1983.As of December 2009, the town has a population of 11,626 inhabitants.
John the Baptist | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
John the Baptist
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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- improves your listening skills
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- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
John the Baptist (Hebrew: יוחנן המטביל Yokhanan HaMatbil, Ancient Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτιστής, Iōánnēs ho baptistḗs or Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτίζων, Iōánnēs ho baptízōn, Coptic: ⲓⲱⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲡⲓⲡⲣⲟⲇⲣⲟⲙⲟⲥ or ⲓⲱ̅ⲁ ⲡⲓⲣϥϯⲱⲙⲥ, Arabic: يوحنا المعمدان; Late 1st century BC – 28–36 AD) was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD. John is revered as a major religious figure in Christianity, Islam, the Bahá'í Faith, and Mandaeism. He is called a prophet by all of these traditions, and is honored as a saint in many Christian traditions. Other titles for John include John the Forerunner in Eastern Christianity and the prophet John (Yaḥyā) in Islam. To clarify the meaning of Baptist, he is sometimes alternatively called John the Baptizer.John used baptism as the central symbol or sacrament of his messianic movement. Most scholars agree that John baptized Jesus. Some scholars believe Jesus was a follower or disciple of John. This idea is strongly controverted, however, by John the Baptist's own words in scripture, although several New Testament accounts report that some of Jesus' early followers had previously been followers of John. John the Baptist is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus. Some scholars maintain that John was influenced by the semi-ascetic Essenes, who expected an apocalypse and practiced rituals corresponding strongly with baptism, although no direct evidence substantiates this.According to the New Testament, John anticipated a messianic figure greater than himself. Christians commonly refer to John as the precursor or forerunner of Jesus, since John announces Jesus' coming. John is also identified as the spiritual successor of the prophet Elijah. John was sentenced to death and subsequently beheaded by Herod Antipas sometime between 28 and 36 AD after John rebuked him for divorcing his wife, Phasaelis, and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I.
Varna | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:54 1 Etymology
00:02:22 1.1 Other places named Varna
00:03:02 2 History
00:03:10 2.1 Prehistory
00:03:45 2.2 Thracians
00:08:10 2.3 Antiquity
00:12:09 2.4 Bulgarian conquest
00:13:09 2.5 Middle Ages
00:15:52 2.6 Battle of Varna
00:16:48 2.7 Late Ottoman rule
00:18:32 2.8 Third Bulgarian State
00:20:19 3 Geography
00:22:22 3.1 Climate
00:23:28 4 Governance
00:23:53 4.1 Local government
00:25:11 4.2 Boroughs and urban planning
00:25:48 4.3 Policing and crime
00:26:33 4.4 Consulates
00:26:54 4.5 Twin towns and sister cities
00:27:05 5 Demography
00:29:40 5.1 Ethnic, linguistic and religious composition
00:33:01 6 Economy
00:36:39 7 Transport
00:37:41 8 Landmarks
00:41:12 8.1 Churches
00:43:22 8.2 Architecture
00:46:02 9 Education
00:46:16 9.1 Higher education
00:47:49 9.2 Institutes and colleges
00:48:33 9.3 Secondary education
00:49:18 9.4 Libraries
00:49:29 10 Culture
00:50:10 10.1 Museums
00:51:11 10.2 Galleries
00:51:31 10.3 Performing arts professional companies
00:52:06 10.4 Art networks
00:52:17 10.5 Other performing arts groups
00:52:32 10.6 Notable bands and artists
00:53:35 10.7 Concert halls
00:53:59 10.8 International arts festivals
00:55:09 10.9 National events
00:55:47 10.10 Local events
00:56:27 10.11 Varna in fiction
00:57:31 11 Media
00:59:04 12 Healthcare
00:59:48 13 Sports
00:59:56 13.1 Football
01:00:46 13.2 Swimming
01:02:04 13.3 Other sports
01:03:46 14 Notable people
01:04:00 15 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9994740521644461
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-D
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Varna (Bulgarian: Варна, Varna [ˈvarna]) is the third largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast. Situated strategically in the Gulf of Varna, the city has been a major economic, social and cultural centre for almost three millennia. Varna, historically known as Odessos (Ancient Greek: Ὀδησσός), grew from a Thracian seaside settlement to a major seaport on the Black Sea.
Varna is an important centre for business, transportation, education, tourism, entertainment and healthcare. The city is referred to as the maritime capital of Bulgaria and headquarters the Bulgarian Navy and merchant marine. In 2008, Varna was designated seat of the Black Sea Euroregion by the Council of Europe. In 2014, Varna was awarded the title of European Youth Capital 2017.The oldest gold treasure in the world, belonging to the Varna culture, was discovered in the Varna Necropolis and dates to 4200–4600 BC.
John the Baptist | Wikipedia audio article
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John the Baptist
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
John the Baptist (Hebrew: יוחנן המטביל Yokhanan HaMatbil, Ancient Greek: Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτιστής, Iōánnēs ho baptistḗs or Ἰωάννης ὁ βαπτίζων, Iōánnēs ho baptízōn, Coptic: ⲓⲱⲁⲛⲛⲏⲥ ⲡⲓⲡⲣⲟⲇⲣⲟⲙⲟⲥ or ⲓⲱ̅ⲁ ⲡⲓⲣϥϯⲱⲙⲥ, Arabic: يوحنا المعمدان; Late 1st century BC – 28–36 AD) was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD. John is revered as a major religious figure in Christianity, Islam, the Bahá'í Faith, and Mandaeism. He is called a prophet by all of these traditions, and is honored as a saint in many Christian traditions. Other titles for John include John the Forerunner in Eastern Christianity and the prophet John (Yaḥyā) in Islam. To clarify the meaning of Baptist, he is sometimes alternatively called John the Baptizer.John used baptism as the central symbol or sacrament of his messianic movement. Most scholars agree that John baptized Jesus. Some scholars believe Jesus was a follower or disciple of John. This idea is strongly controverted, however, by John the Baptist's own words in scripture, although several New Testament accounts report that some of Jesus' early followers had previously been followers of John. John the Baptist is also mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus. Some scholars maintain that John was influenced by the semi-ascetic Essenes, who expected an apocalypse and practiced rituals corresponding strongly with baptism, although no direct evidence substantiates this.According to the New Testament, John anticipated a messianic figure greater than himself. Christians commonly refer to John as the precursor or forerunner of Jesus, since John announces Jesus' coming. John is also identified as the spiritual successor of the prophet Elijah. John was sentenced to death and subsequently beheaded by Herod Antipas sometime between 28 and 36 AD after John rebuked him for divorcing his wife, Phasaelis, and unlawfully taking Herodias, the wife of his brother Herod Philip I.