Год Евхаристического Пробуждения Церкви Христовой 2020.01.05 Archbishop Sergey Zhuravlev Tula Russia
Слава Иисусу Христу! ????????✡ Друзья, братья и сестры мои, я продолжаю просветительское и реформаторское, евангельское православное служение. Благодарность всем кто в молитве и финансово участвует в моих просветительских поездках. Благословений Божиих всем вам!
Братья и сестры, молитвой и рублем, словом и делом поддерживайте это важное служение. Вайбер и вацап у меня по номерам: +380935599921 и +79157804874
Словом: Молитесь о расширении евангельского православного, обновленческого движения! Распространяйте правдивую информацию в социальных сетях, евангельскую и историческую, превращая их в евангельские сети!
Делом: Приглашайте и я с удовольствием послужу в вашем городе Словом Божиим и семинарами по Истории Христианства. Эти семинары служат делу евангельского просвещения населения, реформации как православия, так и всего христианства и сближению верующих разных конфессий и деноминаций во Христе Иисусе, в Божьей любви и Слове!
Финансово вы можете участвовать в служении Реформации и обновления, как православия, так и всего христианства, поддерживая мои поездки таким образом:
1) Карточка VISA Сбербанка России: 4276 6600 1082 0348 и она открыта на имя SERGEY ZHURAVLEV
2) Номер лицевого счета в Сбербанке России: 40817.810.1.6600.0518983
3) ЯНДЕКС КОШЕЛЕК 410011151874024
4) через систему webmoney - для перечислений в российских рублях WMR-кошелёк R326762587766 в долларах США WMZ-кошелёк Z197369274303 в Евро WME-кошелёк E153628222713 в украинских гривнах WMU-кошелёк U269904528030 WMX-кошелёк X399110098893
5) PayPal: alivechurch@inbox.ru
6) QIWI: +79157804874
7) Карточка ПриватБанк в Украине: 5168 7573 2842 0270 и она открыта на имя Склярского Дениса Владимировича, одного из моих помощников в Киеве
8) Или просто внесите желаемую сумму на номер телефона оператора МТС в России: +7(915)7804874 или/и (953)9570570, или оператора Київстар в Украине (096)9626675 или/и (093)5599921
Материальные нужды нашего служения:
1) Автомобиль легковой или/и микроавтобус. Транспорт необходим с регистрацией как в Украине, так и в России.
2) Помещение (квартира, лекционный зал, кафе для встреч и т.п.) для христианских собраний в Киеве, Москве и Санкт-Петербурге
3) Современные ПК, ноутбуки и орг.техника, а также видео и фотокамеры.
С молитвой за всех вас, Сергей Журавлев, православный евангелист и реформатор
Мой Skype: archbishop.sergey
Email: alivechurch@inbox.ru
Друзья, моя краткая биография Мой путь к Живому Богу есть в моем блоге:
в doc
в pdf
Контакты моих помощников в Киеве: Диаконисса Марина: (096)9769623
Благочинный протоиерей Алексей Прошак: (063)6292071 и (067)3233121
Богослужения Киевской Архиепископии проходят каждое воскресение с 9.00 до 12.00 по адресу: Ст.М.Кловская, ул.Л.Первомайского д.6 (4 этаж предприятия УТОС, вход через проходную) в арендованном помещении в связи с временным отсутствием собственного здания храма.
Реформаторська Православна Церква Христа Спасителя. Архієпископія Київська та міжнародна
Реформаторская Православная Церковь Христа Спасителя. Архиепископия Киевская и международная
Reformed Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior. Archdiocese Kiev and the international
О вероучительных и богослужебных реформах нашей церкви подробнее можно прочесть в Тезисах ТРЕТЬЕГО КИЕВСКОГО РЕФОРМАТОРСКОГО ПРАВОСЛАВНОГО СОБОРА (2008 год)
אני לדודי ודודי לי
«Я принадлежу Возлюбленному моему и Возлюбленный мой принадлежит мне!» (Библия, Песня Песней)
xmas 25.12.2014 tula,russia
“We Must Protect Our Identity” - Putin Declares Russia Will Pursue Closer Ties With Orthodox Church
Subscribe to Vesti News
The state will continue to develop a creative partnership with the Russian Orthodox Church in all significant areas. This is what Vladimir Putin stated today at a grand gathering dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church and the enthronement of Patriarch Kirill. To commemorate the anniversary, heads and delegations of local Orthodox churches came to Russia.
[中文] 榮耀神羔羊Glory To The Lamb 栄光イエスにあれ/台湾日本語聖書教会JapaneseChurch 在台北日語教會
Cafe Church Taipei (Japanese Church)
Every Sunday 3:00pm: Japanese Service
(Chinese Interpretation)
毎日曜15:00 日語礼拝(中文口譯)
毎木曜19:00 聖書と祈り(Cafe)
栄光 栄光 イエスにあれ 栄光 栄光 イエスにあれ
御座にいます小羊よ ほむべき御方
あなたは統べ治める 永久に正義をもって
[ Glory To The Lamb ]
Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb,
Glory, glory, glory to the Lamb,
For He is glorious, And worthy to be praised,
The Lamb upon the throne, And unto Him,
We lift our voice in praise, The Lamb upon the throne.
Russia: Putin attends blessing of foundation stone of Russian Army’s future cathedral
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Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in a blessing ceremony of the foundation stone of the Russian Army’s main cathedral in Kubinka, Moscow Region, on Wednesday.
Putin said that the Resurrection Cathedral will be dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic, and that it will become a “symbol of the inviolability” of Russian national traditions.
Video ID: 20180919 039
Video on Demand:
Contact: cd@ruptly.tv
Тула 2018.12.21 Шаббат в новогодней столице России! Архиепископ Сергей Журавлев Эрев Шаббат ערב שבת
Слава Иисусу Христу! ????????✡ Друзья, братья и сестры мои, я продолжаю просветительское и реформаторское, евангельское православное служение. Благодарность всем кто в молитве и финансово участвует в моих просветительских поездках. Благословений Божиих всем вам! Братья и сестры, молитвой и рублем, словом и делом поддерживайте это важное служение.
Словом: Молитесь о расширении евангельского православного, обновленческого движения! Распространяйте правдивую информацию в социальных сетях, евангельскую и историческую, превращая их в евангельские сети!
Делом: Приглашайте и я с удовольствием послужу в вашем городе Словом Божиим и семинарами по Истории Христианства. Эти семинары служат делу евангельского просвещения населения, реформации как православия, так и всего христианства и сближению верующих разных конфессий и деноминаций во Христе Иисусе, в Божьей любви и Слове!
Финансово вы можете участвовать в служении Реформации и обновления, как православия, так и всего христианства, поддерживая мои поездки таким образом:
1) Карточка VISA Сбербанка России: 4276 6600 1082 0348 и она открыта на имя SERGEY ZHURAVLEV
2) Номер лицевого счета в Сбербанке России: 40817.810.1.6600.0518983
3) ЯНДЕКС КОШЕЛЕК 410011151874024
4) через систему webmoney - для перечислений в российских рублях WMR-кошелёк R326762587766 в долларах США WMZ-кошелёк Z197369274303 в Евро WME-кошелёк E153628222713 в украинских гривнах WMU-кошелёк U269904528030 WMX-кошелёк X399110098893
5) PayPal: alivechurch@inbox.ru
6) QIWI: +79157804874
7) Карточка ПриватБанк в Украине: 5168 7573 2842 0270 и она открыта на имя Склярского Дениса Владимировича, одного из моих помощников в Киеве
8) Или просто внесите желаемую сумму на номер телефона оператора МТС в России: +7(915)7804874 или/и (953)9570570, или оператора Київстар в Украине (096)9626675 или/и (093)5599921
Материальные нужды служения нашего служения:
1) Автомобиль легковой или/и микроавтобус. Транспорт необходим с регистрацией как в Украине, так и в России.
2) Помещение (квартира, лекционный зал, кафе для встреч и т.п.) для христианских собраний в Киеве, Москве и Санкт-Петербурге
3) Современные ПК, ноутбуки и орг.техника, а также видео и фотокамеры.
С молитвой за всех вас, Сергей Журавлев, православный евангелист и реформатор
Мой Skype: archbishop.sergey
Email: alivechurch@inbox.ru
Друзья, моя краткая биография Мой путь к Живому Богу есть в моем блоге:
в doc
в pdf
Контакты моих помощников в Киеве: Диаконисса Марина: (096)9769623
Благочинный протоиерей Алексей Прошак: (063)6292071 и (067)3233121
Богослужения Киевской Архиепископии проходят каждое воскресение с 9.00 до 12.00 по адресу: Ст.М.Кловская, ул.Л.Первомайского д.6 (4 этаж предприятия УТОС, вход через проходную) в арендованном помещении в связи с временным отсутствием собственного здания храма.
Реформаторська Православна Церква Христа Спасителя. Архієпископія Київська та міжнародна
Реформаторская Православная Церковь Христа Спасителя. Архиепископия Киевская и международная
Reformed Orthodox Church of Christ the Savior. Archdiocese Kiev and the international
О вероучительных и богослужебных реформах нашей церкви подробнее можно прочесть в Тезисах ТРЕТЬЕГО КИЕВСКОГО РЕФОРМАТОРСКОГО ПРАВОСЛАВНОГО СОБОРА (2008 год)
אני לדודי ודודי לי
«Я принадлежу Возлюбленному моему и Возлюбленный мой принадлежит мне!» (Библия, Песня Песней)
Havana Cathedral - Antigua Cuba 3D
La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana - 3D Reconstruction of cathedral as it appeared in the late 18 century.
Opened: 1777
Style: Baroque
Materials: Coral stone
Golden Ring Russia
The Russian Golden RIng. Cities of Vladimir,Suzdal, Plyos, Kostroma,Yaroslavi, Rostov and Posad.
Мост дружбы. Mos Kreml- Ufa - Kazan.
Kremlin is the oldest part of the city, the main socio-political, spiritual, religious, historical and artistic complex of the center of the capital, the seat of the President of the Russian Federation. Located on the high left bank of the Moscow River - Borovitsky hill at the confluence of the River. Neglinnoy. In terms of the Kremlin - the wrong triangle area of 27.5 hectares. The southern wall facing the Moscow River, north-west - the Alexander Garden, the east - to the Red Square. The oldest archaeological finds in the Kremlin date back to the 2nd century BC Slavic town on the site of the Kremlin by the end of XI century.; Chronicles first mention of Moscow - 1147. Castle (the ancient name of town or city of Moscow, the name Kremlin did not appear until the XIV century.) Originally occupied the south-western extremity of the hill (about 1.5 hectares), it was held at the western moat modern facade of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Built on the orders of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in 1156 city covers an area of 5-6 times larger than the original, and was surrounded by a moat and rampart. In 1237 during the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the Kremlin has been destroyed. Its further development is connected with the growth of Moscow as the capital city of the Principality, and then the capital of the Russian state. At the end of XIII - the beginning of XIV century. built the first stone church (including the Church of the Savior on Bor, 1380, was reconstructed several times, until the XVI century.), initiated the formation of the architectural center of the Kremlin. In 1339 the walls and towers built of oak. The Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy stone walls were built (1367, hence the name - Moscow white stone), finally secured a leading architectural significance of the Kremlin as the center. In the second half of the XIV - early XV centuries. stone construction going on, the victims were recovered during the raid Tokhtamysh walls and towers, based Miracles Monastery (stone church was built in 1501-03) and the Ascension Monastery. In the second half of the XV century., When Moscow became the political and the Moscow Kremlin in 1156 was reinforced shaft, and in 1367 erected the walls and towers of white stone, in 1485-95 - of brick. The tower was in 17. now existing bunk and tent complete. The Kremlin Moscow premium monuments of Russian architecture of 15-17 centuries. Cathedrals - Assumption (1475-79), the Annunciation (1484-89) and Archangel (1505-08), the belfry Ivan the Great (1505-08, added in 1600) , Facets (1487-91), Terem Palace (1635-36). In 1776-87 the building is constructed of the Senate in 1839-1849 - the Grand Kremlin Palace in 1844-1851 - Armory. In 1959-61 he built the State Kremlin Palace (formerly the Kremlin Palace of Congresses). Among the 20 towers of the Moscow Kremlin's Spasskaya most significant (with the Kremlin chimes), Nicholas, Trinity, Borovitskaya. Remain remarkable monument of Russian art foundry - Tsar Cannon (16.) And Tsar Bell (18.). In 1991, a State Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve The Moscow Kremlin. In the Moscow Kremlin is the residence of the President of Russian Federatsii.steny Kremlin, Trinity Tower, Trinity Bridge, Trinity Square, the State Kremlin Palace, Arsenal and the top of the Terem Palace and the prisons of churches, Patriarch's Palace. Kutafya Tower, Corner Arsenal Tower, Middle Arsenal Tower. Palace Street. The prospect of the street; Fun Palace, Cavalry Building, the State Kremlin Palace.
Listen to the Cathedral's Bells in Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico
A small mountain town in Michoacan has several churches. This one is the Cathedral, and you can hear the bells clanging at the top of the hour. Peaceful village. For more information on Patzcuaro, click here:
เซนิต เซนปีเตอร์สเบิร์ก คว้าแชมป์ฟุตบอลรัสเซีย พรีเมียร์ ลีก
เซนิต เซนต์ ปีเตอร์สเบิร์ก เสมอ อูฟา 1-1 คว้าแชมป์ลีกไปครองเป็นสมัยที่ 4 เนื่องจากมีแต้มนำห่างซีเอสเคเอ มอสโก ทีมรองจ่าฝูงอยู่ถึง 8 คะแนน ขณะที่เหลือเกมแข่งขันอีก 2 นัด
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Demolition of churches worldwide. A coincidence?
and etc. etc. etc. (((
BTW - i have a PayPal account now, and if you can support some real science research (which cost some money like coils and measurements etc. ) - you can do it here
I work for free - all costs for travelling video editting my time - my expences but some stuff costs money.
Россия: Коломна / Russia: Kolomna
Кремль: стены и башни, памятник Дмитрию Донскому, соборная площадь, памятник Кириллу и Мефодию, Успенский кафедральный собор, Тихвинский храм, церковь Воскресения Словущего, церковь Николы Гостиного, Крестовоздвиженский храм, Пятницкая башня. Успенский Брусенский женский монастырь, Свято-Троицкий Ново-Голутвин женский монастырь.
Древнейший храм Подмосковья - церковь Иоанна Предтечи на Городище, церковь Вознесения Господня, церковь Николы на Посаде, церковь Богоявления в Гончарах.
Ancient town of Kolomna in the Moscow region: the Kremlin, churches and monasteries
Россия: церкви южного Подмосковья (Moscow region churches)
Подмосковье: Быково - усадьба и церковь (Moscow region: Bykovo)
Крым: Храм-Маяк Николая Чудотворца (Crimea: St Nicholas Church-Lighthouse)
Санкт-Петербург: Спас-на-крови (Saint-Petersburg: Church of the Savior on Blood)
Санкт-Петербург: Исаакиевский собор (St Isaac cathedral, St Petersburg)
Англия: Йоркский собор (UK: Yorkminster)
St Petersburg Men's Ensemble - 2013 - Shvedov - Trisagion
Rostova pie Donas. Rostov-on-Don.
Katedrāles zvani. Cathedral bells.
Akathist to the Mother of God The Inexhaustable Cup (Неупиваемая чаша)
The Icon of the Inexhaustible Cup ~ Commemorated May 18th
Herein follows a translation of an official pamphlet printed in Serpukov, Russia, in the year 1912:
The miraculous Icon of the Mother of God The Inexhaustible Cup is located in the main Cathedral of the Serpukov Women's Monastery, dedicated to the Mother of God. It resides in a separately made iconostasis next to the sepulcher of St. Varlaam, the original builder of the Monastery. This icon is widely renowned, for people come to pray in front of it from everywhere, not only from within Serpukov but even from far away.
For many people, however, the meaning of this Icon's title of The Inexhaustible Cup is incomprehensible. The Inexhaustible Cup is an inexhaustible cup of joy, consolation, healing, life; in other words, the inexhaustible spring of all blessings and gifts. (The Cup which draws forth joy, as it says in the Akathist.) By calling the Mother of God The Inexhaustible Cup one understands this in the sense of Her being quintessentially pure. One can see thereby the deep spiritual reason as to why the Icon The Inexhaustible Cup has become the source of salvific hopes and healings for those who, by coming to this Icon, run to Her when fighting their passion of drunkenness.
The Mother of God prays for all sinners. She desires the salvation of all. She is merciful. Witnessing the sufferings of those who have fallen into the passion of drunkenness, She sees that many of them sincerely desire to renounce this terrible tyrant, to be healed of this sickness, but that they do not have enough power within themselves to fight this enemy and overcome it.
So the Mother of God through Her icon The Inexhaustible Cup, as it were, entreats all these sufferers to appeal to her, the heavenly Queen, for help. She is the inexhaustible spring of spiritual joy; She will pour into their hearts from Her inexhaustible cup the spiritual gifts of heavenly sweetness after which they will hate and reject that destroying cup of strong drink which so strongly attracted them before.
You unfortunate sufferers who are subject to this drinking passion: At every place and at all times, come to the powerful protection of the heavenly Queen; make a rule, if you want to be healed, to read three times a day the angelic greeting, O Theotokos and Virgin, rejoice! Mary full of grace the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou amongst women, and blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, for Thou hast borne the Savior of our souls! It doesn't matter how strongly this passion has overpowered you, it will be powerless against the heavenly help of the Mother of God. No one who comes to Her will be turned away.
In the end, O sufferer, there will be joyful salvation for you and all your household and there will be glory to our God who have to us sinners the gift of such a powerful helper, comforter, and giver of mercy--His Mother. From the following account the reader will see when and on what occasion the icon of the Theotokos The Inexhaustible Cup was reveled and glorified.
This story truly belongs to the whole monastery because only 35 years have passed since that time and many still remember it. Yet this story is mostly the story of Nun Elizabeth (+1910) because it was she who had the obedience of caring for the Church where the wonder-working Icon, The Inexhaustible Cup, was at that time revealed. Moreover, this nun had a remarkably sharp memory and time seemed to be powerless in stealing away any detail from what she knew. It may be added that Nun Elizabeth was noted for her simple, compassionate heart, and for that reason everyone loved her. She tended the holy Icon of the Theotokos, The Inexhaustible Cup until her death. Here is her story. . .
All of this happened in the first year of Mother Maria’s abbacy (1878). A certain peasant of the Tula province (in the district of Efremov), a retired soldier on pension, had a weakness for wine* [*This was in actuality a “passion for alcohol”, which describes the spiritual condition of addiction. One may similarly be bound by other addictions, such as to drugs.] He would drink away all his pension, everything that he possessed and anything that could be found in his house. As a result he ended up in absolute misery. From excessive drinking, his legs became paralyzed but still he continued drinking.
One day, the man, who was in such disorder—in body, should, and material resources—had an unusual dream. In it a venerable elder came to him and said: “Go to Serpukov, to the Monastery of the Theotokos. There, in the Church of Saint George, is an icon of the Mother of God called “The Inexhaustible Cup”. Have a molben served before it, and you will be healed—both spiritually and physically.”
(Story continued in comment section)
Divna Ljubojevic , Easter concert , Saint - Petersburg , the Big Philharmonic Hall , April 16, 2012
Divna Ljubojevic , Easter concert , Saint Petersburg , the Big Philharmonic Hall , April 16, 2012
My Jesus, My Saviour,
Lord there is no one like you,
All of my days, I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love.
My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You.
Shout to the Lord, all the earth let us sing,
Power and majesty, praise to the King!
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar,
At the sound of your name!
I sing for joy at the work of your hands,
Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You.
Repeat verse
My Jesus, my Saviour,
Lord, there is none like You
All of my days, I want to praise,
The wonders of your mighty love
My comfort, my shelter,
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You
St. Petersburg, Russia (2019) - Exploring the city VLOG
#StPetersburg, Russia is a beautiful city that everyone needs to visit (not to mention filled with so much history!).
Come with me as I visit some of the best places in the city including the Winter Palace and the Palace Square, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin (PRO TIP: to avoid long lines, come around 6:30pm/7:00pm - trust me on this!), walking on the streets of St. Petersburg and seeing the Church of the Saviour on Blood. I also went to VKFest (a music festival) and saw some of my favorite singers including Egor Kreed, Tima Belorusskix, Elka, Olga Buzova & more. Another cool place to visit (6 hours from the city though) is Ruskeala - very beautiful marble canyon!
#ExploringRussia #CatherinePalace #VKFest
This was shot using the GoPro Hero 6 Black.
THANKS FOR WATCHING :) Make sure to subscribe for more content like this! If you want to keep updated with us follow our socials!
Song used:
Soda - Ikson
The Island of Valaam. / Остров Валаам.
Valaam is the island in Republic of Karelia of Russia, located in the Northern part of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe - Ladoga, it is the largest island in the Valaam archipelago. On the island there is the village of Valaam, and the monument of Russian architecture - the Valaam monastery, founded before the baptism of Russia, in the year 960, the monk Sergius and Herman, the Greek Holy monks. Transfiguration monastery became the spiritual center of Ladoga lands. It is believed that in ancient times on the island, was located the main temple of Veles (or Volos) and Perun, who were the main deities for the Gentiles living close. The monastic tradition says that the Holy Apostle Andrew, enlightener of the Scythians and the Slavic peoples, moving along the route from the Varangians to the Greeks, blessed of cross the mountain on the island. In the 15th century the monastery was called the Great Lavra or the Northern Athos. Here was the center of world Orthodoxy and writing of books. By the early 16th century in the monastery lived 600 monks. Now in the monastery about two hundred inhabitants. Life revived in All saints, the Baptist, St. Nicholas, Svyatoostrovsky, Sergievsky sketes.
Period 1839-1917 is the heyday of the monastery. In 1989 on December 13, the day of memory of St. Andrew, when the island came six monks, the monastery began the process of revival. And 16 years later, in 2005, was first heard 1000-pound bell Andrew, mounted on the bell tower in the monastery in the framework of the restoration of an ancient belfry. The feast of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary September 21, 2008 Patriarch Alexy II consecrated the St. Vladimir skete on Valaam island and conducted the first divine Liturgy in the temple. Resurrection skete, located above Big Nikon Bay, on the mountain, was built in the early twentieth century in the place where according to tradition St. The Apostle Andrew erected a stone cross. Valaam island attracts every year thousands of tourists. The reason - the Valaam Islands have a unique nature, pine forests on the cliffs, warm and quiet inland lakes, the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam monastery. During its formation, the monks brought the land, seeds and seedlings of plants from different parts of our country. For such a Northern location is not usual to see some trees and grass. The age of some of them is over three hundred years. The work of the Valaam monks are so fundamental that some areas are truly hand-made. Balaam - the natural reserve, a unique monument of Park art. There are more than 480 species of plants. The island was visited repeatedly by emperors Alexander I, Alexander II, and other members of the imperial family and also Tchaikovsky and Mendeleyev.
The present life of the monastery, another indication that faith invariably raises and restores the monastery from the ruins. So it was throughout the history of Valaam barbarous raids of the Swedes in ancient times, the bombing and the uncertain fate of the monastery during World War 2, it complete, it would seem that the devastation in the era of atheism – monastic life always has returned to these shores.