Música nos jardins do Museu Deri em Debrecen, Hungria
16/08/2015 Música nos jardins do Museu Deri em Debrecen, Hungria. #NoFerroviario #trains #travel
Night of Museum at Deri Museum
István Bocskai's scepter at Debrecen.
Debreceni Déry Múzeum
Magyarországon, Debreceni Déry Múzeumban készitettem ezeket a képeket. Meglepett a múzeum gazdag anyaga.
Zene: Mike oldfied - Voyager/1966/ - Dark Island
Szilágyi Imre grafikusművész kiállítása a debreceni Déri Múzeumban
Hetvenen innen és túl címmel rendezték meg Szilágyi Imre grafikusművész életmű-kiállítását a debreceni Déri Múzeumban; a június 30-ig nyitva tartó tárlatot Halász János, az Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma (EMMI) kulturális államtitkára nyitotta meg pénteken. Az MTVA felvétele.
Debrecen - Hungary - 4K
Debrecen is the capital of Hungary’s Northern Great Plain region. Its 2-towered, 19th-century Reformed Church sits on the expansive main square, Kossuth Tér. Nearby, the Museum of the Reformed College of Debrecen has exhibits on the history of the city and the college. The Déri Museum’s eclectic collection includes archaeological finds, centuries-old weapons, fine art, local craft displays and a chamber of wonders.
Japanese Traditional Toys – Déri Museum
hangkep.hu - The Déri Museum hosted a presentation and a workshop around traditional Japanese toys by students of the Josai International University of Tokyo who are currently visiting Hungary. The students came accompanied by their Hungarian teacher Attila Kiraly who is showing them around the main university cities in Hungary.
Many of these toys have been around for thousands of years and are passed down from generation to generation often with symbolic intentions. The Japanese students of the Josai university are visiting Hungary to present this cultural topic as a way of bringing people together. Three of these students prepared a collective presentation on the legacy of these toys, they showed with data that over-exposure to screens is damaging the current younger generation both physically and psychologically. Despite this gloomy reality the atmosphere was relaxed with Japanese music, song, dance, and demonstrations bridging the gap between cultures. The event brought the audience together showing the importance of healthy human connections.
This video is part of the Debrecen NGO and cultural program promotion series of the Hang-Kép Egyesület (Sound-Picture Association. Filmed and edited by Jessica Flores and Lucas Carter.
Tárlat: Régészeti Kiállítás / Déri Múzeum
Kontakt rádió Tárlatról Tárlatra műsora 2017. január 2-án: „A csillagos ég lakói” Régészeti tárlat 1. Déri Múzeum – Debrecen. Vendég: Hajdú Zsigmond régész, a kiállítás kurátora.
További részleteket ld. az archívumban:
Fotó: ©Déri Múzeum
Egy kiállítás születése - Ethno-Trezor- Déri Múzeum
Debrecen - the Calvinist Rome - impressions
hangkep.hu This is the first impression project of Margherita Ricci, EVS volunteer in Debrecen from Italy. In this photo slide-show she presents Debrecen through the lens of protestantism that was so important in the history of the town and still has a lot of influence on the local life. The project is divided in chapters, making it easier to understand the shades of the Calvinist Rome, as Debrecen is called.
deri modem
A Déri Múzeum 2015. december 1-jén újranyitotta állandó kiállításait. Két szinten mutatja be az adományozó és névadó Déri Frigyes gyűjteményéből válogatott kiállítását.
Debrecen, Déri tér 1.
A MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ mindhárom szintjén várja látogatóit.
Debrecen, Baltazár Dezső tér 1.
Tárlat: Képtár, Déri Múzeum
Kontakt rádió, Tárlatról Tárlatra műsora 2016. október 31-én: Régi Képtár. Képzőművészeti kincsek a Déri Múzeumban. Vendég: Fodor Éva művészettörténész, tárvezető.
További részleteket ld. az archívumban:
Fotó: ©Déri Múzeum
10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary
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10 Best Places to Visit in Hungary.
While Hungary is famous for its goulash and paprika (which, by the way, originated in the New World), it’s known for much more than that, including world-class fine wines and its pear liqueur, an orange-colored sweet dessert treat, sometimes known as palinka.
Visitors to Hungary quickly learn it is a land of many cultures, having been ruled over by the Romans, Ottomans, Mongols, Magyars, Czechs and the Soviets. Remains of Roman fortifications can be found as can utterly spectacular buildings dating back to the Middle Ages. Hungary also is the land of the beautiful blue Danube River; no trip here would be complete without a boat ride on it. An overview of the best places to visit in Hungary:
10. Gyor
9. Hortobagy National Park
8. Debrecen
7. Heviz
6. Aggtelek National Park
5. Pecs
4. Sopron
3. Eger
2. Lake Balaton
1. Budapest
Music: NCS
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Gyula Bakanyi post-impressionist painter's pictures created with special technique..wmv
Gyula Bakanyi post-impressionist painter's pictures created with special technique.
Bakányi Gyula posztinpresszionista festőművész különleges technikával alkotott képei.
GYULA BAKANYI- Painter -8th January 1955I was born in Cegled on the 8th January 1955. I studied at the Fine and Applied Arts School before going to the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts. Besides regular exhibitions in Cegled I also exhibited in Budapest on many occasion. My independent exhibition was held in the Adolf Fenyes Gallery in 1984 and in the Arkad Gallery during 1993. I have participated in
group exhibitions in the Museum of Agriculture and the Art Gallery.State-owned works:
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Art Foundation, Budapest
Museum of Agriculture, Budapest
Istvan Szonyi Foundation, Zebegeny
Gallery, Kecskemet
Ferenc Mora Museum, Szeged
Deri Museum, Debrecen
Otto Herman Museum, Miskolc
Damjanich Museum, Szolnok
Janos Tornyai Museum, Hodmezovasarhely
Istvan Turr Museum, Baja
Modern Hungarian Gallery, Pecs
Karoly Szegvari Oil/Canvas Villagers in a Field
Karoly Szegvari - 1950-1970 ca. - oil on canvas, signed lower right - 23.6 x 36 in (59.9 x 91.4 cm); stretched but not framed
Born in Toszeg, Hungary in 1920 and died in Budapest in 2002. He began his studies in the private school of Gyorgy Szucs and later studied at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts with Masters Rezso Burghardt and Laszlo Bencze. In 1942 he won a scholarship to Italy and thereafter studied in Paris. In 1968 he won the Fermoba, Franc International Art Competition's Grand Jury Award. In 1972 he was invited to paint the Chapelle Royale's altar pieces in Selibe, France. In 2000 he received Hungary's Contemporary Artist Gold Medal, and his works are in the public collections of the Deri Museum in Debrecen, Hungary, the Museum Royaux in Brussels, Belgium, the Vatican Museum in Rome, the National Gallery in London and the Petofi Literary Museum in Budapest.
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Munkácsy szobor koszorúzása Békéscsabán
Munkácsy Mihály szobrának megkoszorúzása Békéscsabán a festő születésének 166. évfordulóján. A művész 1844. február 20-án született Munkácson. Békéscsabán asztalosinaskodott, pályafutása is az alföldi városból indult. Jelenleg a megyei önkormányzat fenntartásában lévő Munkácsy Mihály Múzeumban található a legtöbb hozzá köthető emléktárgy és relikvia Békéscsabán.
Pohánka Éva - A hajdani Pécsi Püspöki Könyvtár története
Nyitott Egyetem című ismeretterjesztő műsorunk mai adásában Pohánka Éva előadását tekinthetik meg, a hajdani Pécsi Püspöki Könyvtár történetéről.
St. Anne's Catholic Chapel
Church Eucharistic celebration: Anna Day (26.Jul) after Sunday
Information: Catholic Parish Phone: +3637388205
Location geometric data set 47.74170 19.68405
Szent Anna - katolikus - kápolna
Lőrinci, Zagyva folyó bal part
GeoDat 47.74170 19.68405
List of natural history museums | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:34 1 Africa
00:00:42 1.1 Algeria
00:00:56 1.2 Angola
00:01:12 1.3 Botswana
00:01:24 1.4 Canary Islands
00:01:44 1.5 Egypt
00:02:00 1.6 Ethiopia
00:02:14 1.7 Kenya
00:02:28 1.8 Mozambique
00:02:41 1.9 Namibia
00:02:56 1.10 South Africa
00:03:58 1.11 Sudan
00:04:10 1.12 Tanzania
00:04:24 1.13 Tunisia
00:04:36 1.14 Uganda
00:05:04 1.15 Zimbabwe
00:05:17 2 Asia
00:05:26 2.1 China
00:06:38 2.2 India
00:07:26 2.3 Indonesia
00:07:39 2.4 Iran
00:08:23 2.5 Iraq
00:08:35 2.6 Israel
00:09:03 2.7 Japan
00:11:35 2.8 Jordan
00:11:46 2.9 Kyrgyzstan
00:11:59 2.10 Malaysia
00:12:14 2.11 Mongolia
00:12:32 2.12 Oman
00:12:44 2.13 Pakistan
00:12:56 2.14 Philippines
00:13:16 2.15 Qatar
00:13:28 2.16 Singapore
00:13:42 2.17 South Korea
00:14:04 2.18 Taiwan
00:14:34 2.19 Thailand
00:17:35 2.20 United Arab Emirates
00:17:48 2.21 Uzbekistan
00:18:00 2.22 Vietnam
00:18:16 3 Central America
00:18:25 3.1 Belize
00:18:38 3.2 Costa Rica
00:19:16 3.3 Dominican Republic
00:19:37 3.4 Grenada
00:19:48 3.5 Guatemala
00:20:19 3.6 Honduras
00:20:31 3.7 Nicaragua
00:21:26 3.8 Panama
00:22:24 4 Europe
00:22:33 4.1 Albania
00:22:45 4.2 Armenia
00:23:00 4.3 Austria
00:24:49 4.4 Azerbaijan
00:25:12 4.5 Belarus
00:25:29 4.6 Belgium
00:25:46 4.7 Bosnia and Herzegovina
00:26:00 4.8 Bulgaria
00:26:50 4.9 Croatia
00:27:50 4.10 Czech Republic
00:28:09 4.11 Denmark
00:28:35 4.12 Estonia
00:28:52 4.13 Finland
00:29:23 4.14 France
00:31:21 4.15 Georgia
00:31:44 4.16 Germany
00:35:08 4.17 Greece
00:35:45 4.18 Greenland
00:35:57 4.19 Hungary
00:37:14 4.20 Iceland
00:37:27 4.21 Ireland
00:37:52 4.22 Italy
00:40:51 4.23 Latvia
00:41:03 4.24 Liechtenstein
00:41:15 4.25 Lithuania
00:41:32 4.26 Luxembourg
00:41:45 4.27 Macedonia
00:41:58 4.28 Malta
00:42:11 4.29 Moldova
00:42:24 4.30 Monaco
00:42:36 4.31 Montenegro
00:42:50 4.32 The Netherlands
00:43:58 4.33 Norway
00:44:27 4.34 Poland
00:45:00 4.35 Portugal
00:46:21 4.36 Romania
00:49:15 4.37 Russia
00:50:21 4.38 Serbia
00:50:43 4.39 Slovenia
00:50:58 4.40 Slovakia
00:51:14 4.41 Spain
00:52:53 4.42 Sweden
00:53:55 4.43 Switzerland
00:54:57 4.44 Turkey
00:55:17 4.45 Ukraine
00:56:09 4.46 United Kingdom
00:56:18 4.46.1 England
00:57:49 4.46.2 Scotland
00:58:23 4.46.3 Wales
00:58:37 4.46.4 Northern Ireland
00:58:48 5 North America
00:58:57 5.1 Bermuda
00:59:10 5.2 Canada
00:59:18 5.2.1 Alberta
00:59:41 5.2.2 British Columbia
01:00:11 5.2.3 Manitoba
01:00:51 5.2.4 New Brunswick
01:01:02 5.2.5 Newfoundland
01:01:17 5.2.6 Nova Scotia
01:01:34 5.2.7 Ontario
01:02:04 5.2.8 Quebec
01:02:43 5.2.9 Saskatchewan
01:03:13 5.2.10 Yukon
01:03:30 5.3 Mexico
01:04:34 5.4 United States
01:04:43 6 Oceania
01:04:52 6.1 Australia
01:07:01 6.2 Indonesia
01:08:29 6.3 New Zealand
01:09:02 7 South America
01:09:11 7.1 Argentina
01:13:12 7.2 Bolivia
01:13:41 7.3 Brazil
01:15:04 7.4 Chile
01:15:29 7.5 Colombia
01:16:06 7.6 Ecuador
01:16:20 7.7 Guyana
01:16:32 7.8 Paraguay
01:16:45 7.9 Peru
01:17:04 7.10 Trinidad and Tobago
01:17:21 7.11 Uruguay
01:17:40 7.12 Venezuela
01:18:49 8 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of natural history museums, also known as museums of natural history, i.e. museums whose exhibits focus on the subject of natural history, including such topics as animals, plants, ecosystems, geology, paleontology, and climatology.
Some museums feature natural-history collections in addition to other collections, such as ones related to history, art and science. In addition, nature centers often include natural-history exhibits.
Hotel Lycium Debrecen - Debrecen - Hungary
Find the best deal for Hotel Lycium Debrecen :
Conveniently located next to the Kolcsey Convention Center, in the city of Debrecen, the 4 star Hotel Lycium Debrecen is an excellent destination for business travelers, individuals, couples, or families and houses 92 guest rooms. The hotel staff is helpful and courteous. Exciting activities are a short distance from the Hotel Lycium Debrecen. Guests can visit the Museum of Modern Arts, the Deri Museum, the year-round Ice Rink of Debrecen, and numerous well-known festivals including the Flower Festival, Debrecen Jazz Days, and the Poetry Festival. Dining options at the Hotel Lycium Debrecen include the well-appointed Atrium Restaurant which offers Hungarian specialties and fine international cuisine prepared by talented chefs, and is perfect for corporate or special events with 200-person capacity. An informal lounge is available for meetings or receiving visitors. An Italian cafe with a family-style atmosphere and the Panorama Bar with city views are also housed in the hotel near the Kolcsey Convention Center. Business travelers and families can relax and refresh in the Wellness Centre with a sparkling pool, jacuzzi, saunas, and fitness equipment.
Find the best deal for Hotel Lycium Debrecen :