Βήματα στο φως σου - Dialogue in the Dark 2015 Athens, Greece
Dialogue In The Dark Athens @ Badminton Theater
Διαδραστική έκθεση στο απόλυτο σκοτάδι.
Μια μοναδική βιωματική εμπειρία!
Η ιδέα του Dialogue in the Dark είναι απλή: οι επισκέπτες καθοδηγούνται ανά μικρές ομάδες από τυφλούς ξεναγούς σε ειδικά διαμορφωμένες αίθουσες, βυθισμένες στο απόλυτο σκοτάδι, όπου οι μυρωδιές, ο ήχος, η θερμοκρασία και οι υφές μεταφέρουν xαρακτηριστικά από το καθημερινό περιβάλλον. Η καθημερινή
ρουτίνα υπό αυτό το πρίσμα, γίνεται μια καινούρια εμπειρία. Επίσης, δημιουργείται μια αντιστροφή ρόλων: οι βλέποντες αποσπούνται από το οικείο περιβάλλον τους, ενώ οι τυφλοί ξεναγοί τούς παρέχουν ασφάλεια και αίσθηση του προσανατολισμού, μεταδίδοντάς τους έναν κόσμο χωρίς εικόνες. Η επίσκεψη μπορεί να διαρκεί περίπου 70 λεπτά, όμως η επίδρασή της διαρκεί για μια ζωή.
Το Dialogue in the Dark έχει αποδειχθεί πολύ αποτελεσματικό. Κατά τη διάρκεια των τελευταίων 25 χρόνων η εγκατάσταση, από το ξεκίνημά της το 1988, έχει παρουσιαστεί σε περισσότερες από 30 χώρες και 130 πόλεις ανά τον κόσμο. Περισσότεροι από επτά εκατομμύρια επισκέπτες έχουν ζήσει την εμπειρία ενώ χιλιάδες τυφλοί ξεναγοί και εκπαιδευτές έχουν βρει εργασία στο Dialogue in the Dark.
Πρόκειται για μια σειρά συσκοτισμένων αιθουσών. Οι επισκέπτες, σε μικρές ομάδες των 8 ατόμων, μετά από μια σύντομη ενημέρωση, εξοικειώνονται με τη χρήση του λευκού μπαστουνιού και στη συνέχεια ξεκινούν την εξερεύνηση μέσα στο σκοτάδι, συνοδευόμενοι από τους ξεναγούς. Στο περιβάλλον αυτό, ο
ξεναγός ανοίγει τα μάτια των επισκεπτών στον κόσμο των τυφλών, δείχνοντάς τους πως ο κόσμος αυτός δεν είναι σε καμία περίπτωση φτωχότερος, παρά μόνο διαφορετικός.
Όλοι οι ξεναγοί είναι τυφλοί ή με μειωμένη όραση, άριστα εκπαιδευμένοι να ανταπεξέρχονται σε κάθε δυσκολία, μετακινούνται με άνεση στο σκοτάδι και μπορούν να χειριστούν τις ανάγκες όλων των επισκεπτών κατά τη διάρκεια της ξενάγησης. Οι ξεναγοί προσφέρουν μια ευφάνταστη, εκπαιδευτική και διασκεδαστική εμπειρία: το άγχος και ο αποπροσανατολισμός δίνουν τη θέση τους στη χαρά της αντίληψης του κόσμου μέσα από τις υπόλοιπες αισθήσεις.
Dialogue in the Dark - Γιάννης Καπνιάς - Θέατρο Badminton 2014-2015
O Γιάννης Καπνιάς στην Παρουσίαση Προγράμματος 2014_2015 του Θεάτρου Badminton μιλάει για την εγκατάσταση Dialogue in the Dark.
Dialogue in the Dark - Δείτε με άλλα μάτια
Τι συμβαίνει όταν σβήνουν τα φώτα; Πώς είναι η ζωή στο σκοτάδι; Πώς είναι η καθημερινότητα για χιλιάδες συνανθρώπους μας με προβλήματα όρασης; Το Θέατρο Badminton σάς προσκαλεί να το ανακαλύψετε, μέσα από μια συναρπαστική εμπειρία, που θ' αλλάξει για πάντα τον τρόπο που «βλέπετε» τα πράγματα.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark», ένα πρωτοποριακό δρώμενο στο οποίο έχουν ήδη συμμετάσχει 7.000.000 επισκέπτες σε πάνω από 30 χώρες, αντιστρέφει τους ρόλους: οδηγοί με μειωμένη ή καθόλου όραση συνοδεύουν μια ομάδα επισκεπτών σε μια βόλτα στο αστικό περιβάλλον, μέσα στο απόλυτο σκοτάδι. Στους ειδικά διαμορφωμένους χώρους της εγκατάστασης, οι επισκέπτες, για μία 80 περίπου λεπτά, όσο διαρκεί ο περίπατος στο σκοτάδι, ξεναγούνται σ' έναν κόσμο χωρίς φως, βασιζόμενοι μόνο στους ήχους, τη θερμοκρασία και την αφή, αλλά κυρίως στους τυφλούς οδηγούς, οι οποίοι «γίνονται» τα μάτια τους. Όταν οι πιο απλές δραστηριότητες μετατρέπονται ξαφνικά σε πρόκληση, οι επισκέπτες μαθαίνουν να βλέπουν τον κόσμο γύρω τους αλλιώς. Στην έξοδο, όταν ανάβουν και πάλι τα φώτα, τίποτε δεν είναι πια το ίδιο.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark» δεν είναι μια ακόμα έκθεση, αλλά ένα θεμελιώδες γεγονός που αλλάζει την κοσμοθεωρία μας. Γιατί η εγκατάσταση δεν εκθέτει τίποτε άλλο παρά τα στερεότυπά μας περί διαφορετικότητας. Το «Dialogue in the Dark» ενθαρρύνει τους επισκέπτες να δουν τον κόσμο με τα μέσα μάτια - πρόκειται για ένα παιχνίδι που μας καλεί ν' ανακαλύψουμε, να εμπιστευθούμε και ν' αναπτύξουμε τη δύναμη των αισθήσεών μας. Είναι μια εμπειρία που πρέπει να βιώσουν όλοι, ενήλικες και παιδιά.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark» παρουσιάστηκε για πρώτη φορά στη Γερμανία το 1988 κι έκτοτε έχει ταξιδέψει σε πάνω από 30 χώρες και 127 πόλεις σ' όλον τον κόσμο. Άλλαξε κυριολεκτικά την οπτική εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων, και δικαίως χαρακτηρίστηκε μια «Βαθιά φιλοσοφική εμπειρία» (Harretz) και «Μια έκθεση που μας διδάσκει ν' αντικρίζουμε, μέσ' από το σκοτάδι, την πραγματικότητα» (Corriere della Serra). Αναμφίβολα, όμως, το πιο σημαντικό στοιχείο της εγκατάστασης είναι, όπως έγραψε η Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, ότι «Οι θεατές ανακαλύπτουν στο σκοτάδι την ίδια την ανθρωπιά τους».
Τα σχόλια των επισκεπτών απ' όλον τον κόσμο το επιβεβαιώνουν. Μεταξύ άλλων: «Ενδιαφέρουσα, διαφορετική, μοναδική και σημαντική εμπειρία. Μας επιτρέπει να βιώσουμε τον κόσμο των τυφλών», «Μια συναρπαστική, συγκινητική, εκπαιδευτική και ασυνήθιστη εμπειρία», «Βλέπεις τόσα λίγα, αλλά μαθαίνεις τόσα πολλά», «Μια εντυπωσιακή εμπειρία που σε κάνει καλύτερο άνθρωπο» κ.ά.
Το Θέατρο Badminton σας προσκαλεί σε «Διάλογο στο σκοτάδι» και σας καλεί να δείτε τον κόσμο με «άλλα» μάτια.
Dialogue In The Dark Istanbul
Dialogue In The Dark Istanbul
Agalloch - Serpens Caput & The Astral Dialogue (live 2015 in Athens, Greece) HD
Agalloch (USA), Serpens Caput & The Astral Dialogue live 2015 in Athens, Hellas/Greece, (Kyttaro Club, 23-08-2015)
Serpens In Cvlmination European tour
* Genre: Atmospheric | Doom | Black | Death metal
* Official Band links
* Band Members
John Haughm - vocals, guitar, drums
Don Anderson - guitar, drums, keyboard
Jason William Walton - bass guitar
Aesop Dekker - drums
* Follow us & our video updates
* Hellenic Live Chaos blog
* Filmed by ⒸH.L.C.
(Watch in HD for better video & audio quality*)
Agalloch (USA) live @ Kyttaro Club, Athens, Greece, 23 August 2015 (Serpens In Cvlmination European tour)
...and supported by CROWN (France)
On The Melian Dialogue
In which John discusses The Melian Dialogue, a story of Ancient Greece, the Peloponnesian War, the city-state of Athens, the island of Melos, Thucydides, and 21st century human life.
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ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΝΑ ΛΕΜΕ - ΜΑΜΑΤΑΚΗΣ - «Dialogue in the Dark» 4 Μαρτίου 2016
Dialogue in the Dark
Δείτε με άλλα μάτια
Τι συμβαίνει όταν σβήνουν τα φώτα; Πώς είναι η ζωή στο σκοτάδι; Πώς είναι η καθημερινότητα για χιλιάδες συνανθρώπους μας με προβλήματα όρασης; Το Θέατρο Badminton σάς προσκαλεί να το ανακαλύψετε, μέσα από μια συναρπαστική εμπειρία, που θ' αλλάξει για πάντα τον τρόπο που «βλέπετε» τα πράγματα.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark», ένα πρωτοποριακό δρώμενο στο οποίο έχουν ήδη συμμετάσχει 7.000.000 επισκέπτες σε πάνω από 30 χώρες, αντιστρέφει τους ρόλους: οδηγοί με μειωμένη ή καθόλου όραση συνοδεύουν μια ομάδα επισκεπτών σε μια βόλτα στο αστικό περιβάλλον, μέσα στο απόλυτο σκοτάδι. Στους ειδικά διαμορφωμένους χώρους της εγκατάστασης, οι επισκέπτες, για μία 80 περίπου λεπτά, όσο διαρκεί ο περίπατος στο σκοτάδι, ξεναγούνται σ' έναν κόσμο χωρίς φως, βασιζόμενοι μόνο στους ήχους, τη θερμοκρασία και την αφή, αλλά κυρίως στους τυφλούς οδηγούς, οι οποίοι «γίνονται» τα μάτια τους. Όταν οι πιο απλές δραστηριότητες μετατρέπονται ξαφνικά σε πρόκληση, οι επισκέπτες μαθαίνουν να βλέπουν τον κόσμο γύρω τους αλλιώς. Στην έξοδο, όταν ανάβουν και πάλι τα φώτα, τίποτε δεν είναι πια το ίδιο.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark» δεν είναι μια ακόμα έκθεση, αλλά ένα θεμελιώδες γεγονός που αλλάζει την κοσμοθεωρία μας. Γιατί η εγκατάσταση δεν εκθέτει τίποτε άλλο παρά τα στερεότυπά μας περί διαφορετικότητας. Το «Dialogue in the Dark» ενθαρρύνει τους επισκέπτες να δουν τον κόσμο με τα μέσα μάτια - πρόκειται για ένα παιχνίδι που μας καλεί ν' ανακαλύψουμε, να εμπιστευθούμε και ν' αναπτύξουμε τη δύναμη των αισθήσεών μας. Είναι μια εμπειρία που πρέπει να βιώσουν όλοι, ενήλικες και παιδιά.
Το «Dialogue in the Dark» παρουσιάστηκε για πρώτη φορά στη Γερμανία το 1988 κι έκτοτε έχει ταξιδέψει σε πάνω από 30 χώρες και 127 πόλεις σ' όλον τον κόσμο. Άλλαξε κυριολεκτικά την οπτική εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων, και δικαίως χαρακτηρίστηκε μια «Βαθιά φιλοσοφική εμπειρία» (Harretz) και «Μια έκθεση που μας διδάσκει ν' αντικρίζουμε, μέσ' από το σκοτάδι, την πραγματικότητα» (Corriere della Serra). Αναμφίβολα, όμως, το πιο σημαντικό στοιχείο της εγκατάστασης είναι, όπως έγραψε η Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, ότι «Οι θεατές ανακαλύπτουν στο σκοτάδι την ίδια την ανθρωπιά τους».
Τα σχόλια των επισκεπτών απ' όλον τον κόσμο το επιβεβαιώνουν. Μεταξύ άλλων: «Ενδιαφέρουσα, διαφορετική, μοναδική και σημαντική εμπειρία. Μας επιτρέπει να βιώσουμε τον κόσμο των τυφλών», «Μια συναρπαστική, συγκινητική, εκπαιδευτική και ασυνήθιστη εμπειρία», «Βλέπεις τόσα λίγα, αλλά μαθαίνεις τόσα πολλά», «Μια εντυπωσιακή εμπειρία που σε κάνει καλύτερο άνθρωπο» κ.ά.
Το Θέατρο Badminton σας προσκαλεί σε «Διάλογο στο σκοτάδι» και σας καλεί να δείτε τον κόσμο με «άλλα» μάτια.
Agalloch perform The Astral Dialogue & Vales Beyond Dimension live in Athens @Kyttaro,
The first two songs of an amazing performance, in Athens @Kytarro live Music Club
The Evidence That The Lost City of Atlantis Existed?
I was lost, then I was found, you might hear some of the wonders of the world say if they could speak. We might look at perhaps the best known once-lost city in Machu Picchu, that was abandoned in the 16th century and discovered again in the 20th century. Then you have the spellbinding city of Angkor in Cambodia, which was never really lost, but certainly needed a lot of restoration for it to look as magnificent as it does today. We also have cities that are perhaps only legends, El Dorado, The Lost City of Gold; or The Lost City of Z, whose mystery lured explorers from Europe… and some never returned home. But today we’ll talk about perhaps greatest legend of them all, in this episode of the Infographics Show, The Evidence That The lost city of Atlantis Existed.
If we want to know the origins of the city of Atlantis we have to go back to the great, Greek ancient philosopher known as Plato. You’ve probably heard of the guy. Some writers have said all philosophy is just a footnote to Plato, while he’s the man that wrote the Socratic dialogues; he came up with The Cave allegory we still talk about today and he advanced ideas on justice, law, and learning that we all should be thankful for. With that in mind, if Plato was the one that started the story of Atlantis, perhaps we should take him seriously?
Well, while there are still people that believe Atlantis was real, most others, tell us Plato told that tale as an allegory, meaning the story had a hidden meaning in it. Plato said in 360 B.C. that these Atlanteans had a pretty good life. No doubt if such a thing existed back then, Atlantis would have come very high in standard of living indexes. The people that lived there were human, but also God-like, according to Plato. Where the island is, is actually widely debated, with some saying that the island, and surrounding islands, were just somewhere in the Mediterranean, and others saying near Spain, in the Pacific, the Caribbean or even close to Antarctica. The place is described as having one main island, with smaller islands surrounding it. It was a wonderful spot, too, where exotic wildlife not seen anywhere else wandered around, and where precious metals were plentiful. It was said living there was a Utopian existence, before Sir Thomas More wrote his book 'Utopia’ in 1516 and we started using that word to mean the apogee of human civilization. You get the picture, Atlantis was supposed to be perfect in every way. No one messed with the Atlanteans, either, because they had an impenetrable navy.
Sources for this episode:
Voices in the Dark - Children on the Run
With global forced displacement at a record high of 65.3 million, the number of unaccompanied and separated children seeking refuge is also growing dramatically. Some 112,000 asylum claims by unaccompanied and separated children were lodged worldwide in 2015 – the highest number recorded since UNHCR began collecting such data in 2006.
The ninth annual High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges will take place on 8–9 December 2016 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
This year’s theme, Children on the Move, recognizes the growing plight of young people who are fleeing violence and war, and struggling to reach safety.
Information for media:
If you would like to use this video to communicate refugee stories or require B-Roll, transcripts, stills or much more information, please contact us at drozditb@unhcr.org or tibaw@unhcr.org.
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UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, works to protect and assist those fleeing war and persecution. Since 1950, we have helped tens of millions of people find safety and rebuild their lives. With your support, we can restore hope for many more.
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STAR INDUSTRY post show interview highlights outside MODU Athens Greece 4/11/17 by Anestopoulos
A : I saw you 6 years ago in Finland, and it was wonderful. Things might have changed thru the years, but you share the same passion.
SI: You saw us in Lumous festival in Tampere.
A : I remember back in the day, you had a violin player. What happened to this guy?
SI: He had to go a very long time ago.
A :Yes, in the beginning.
SI: In the beginning he had to go.
A : Is there any chance we might see something like that again?
SI: No, we don't think so.
A : I was just wondering...
SI: We liked the idea of a live violin, but it's again an extra person, extra influence, so...
The band is now good like it is.
A : How did you decide to start the band with the name Star Industry? I'm sure that when you hear the name Star Industry something comes in mind, but I want you to tell me how it started. Who ΄s idea was that?
SI: We always kept it as 20 years old as a little mystery.
A : (Meaning) I can use my imagination.
SI: Yes!
A : You were here in Greece last year, and the year before.
SI: And years before. Many times!
A : I want you to make a comparison. How was last year; how things have gone; I mean...it goes better and better each time?
SI: Yes.
I've seen Athens going from a big crisis...we saw that. We talked to the people after the concert, and people tell us, and our heart bleeds when we hear the people suffer...
But times have changed, we think a change is coming.
A : For the better?
SI: For the better. We believe in that. We pray for that.
A : We all wish that.
SI: (We 'll get here) Next year.
A : We 'll be here waiting for you.
SI: Very gentle, nice!
A : One of my fav producers was Mr Acker because I love the Revolting Cocks as a band. How come you changed the producer? Υou decided to experiment in something different? Or to expand the sound to a new level?
SI: Last album we did with Luc Van Acker was the Last Crusades album. Luc works in his home studio. He is a very nice guy, and every time we are there to record something, the first 2 hours we do nothing, only listen to Luc telling funny amazing stories...and it took us almost 2 years to finish the album. It was a good time and Luc did a great job of course. But for the last album, the Renegate album, we chose another studio with another producer, (but that has) nothing to do with Luc. The approach from the music (style) was also different. The Last Crusades fits Luc.
A : The Renegate (LP) is a little bit different in soundings, so you tried new things there with the other producer...I cannot recall his name...Proost?
SI: Yes, Tom Proost.
A : So now you have left this label (=Alfa Matrix).
SI: No, we are still there.
A : Thanks for correcting me!
There are people who don't listen to this music literally, and when they hear the tune Nineties they say ohh I have heard this somewhere, so not only goths like you and listen to you; many other guys like you, from other music streams.
SI: Yes. When the Nineties was coming out in Belgium, it was played on one of the biggest national radio stations called studio Brussel, and they picked up the song.
A : I was playing this thing (=Nineties song) myself in a club here in Athens (=Next club) back then, and people liked it very much.
SI: We had always good response on it, of course from the gothic world, but also from other people. Sometimes we played on mainstream festivals in Belgium or other countries where people go from hard rock to pop, to metal, whatever, and all people like Nineties always.
A : So how was your experience playing in New York city or even China? How were the things there? I might get in New York city, but China; What was the reaction; the approach of the folks there?
SI: That was very funny, because the Chinese people went crazy during a song, dancing, screaming; And when we stopped the song they do like this (=describes plain clapping and then a very quiet audience at once). Amazing audience. It was an amazing experience.
A : So are you looking forward to going there again sometime?
SI: Yeah, we have some good contacts there and we have the possibility to go whenever we want. But it's a whole trip over there. It's not (like) going to Athens.
A : I was in Southeast Asia (too). Yeah, it's a big trip.
How about New York? How was the experience there? Did you like it?
SI: Of course. New York was cool; this was 5 years ago. This year we had to play in the other side of the States...Los Angeles, San Francisco, and we went to play in Mexico. It was better there.
A : Well, America is big anyway. It's not only the United States. You can go to South America...
SI: Yeah. We went to play for one show in Mexico. Mexico is crazy!
Agalloch - Plateau of the Ages (live 2015 in Athens, Greece) HD
Agalloch (USA), Plateau of the Ages live 2015 in Athens, Hellas/Greece, (Kyttaro Club, 23-08-2015)
Serpens In Cvlmination European tour
* Genre: Atmospheric | Doom | Black | Death metal
* Official Band links
* Band Members
John Haughm - vocals, guitar, drums
Don Anderson - guitar, drums, keyboard
Jason William Walton - bass guitar
Aesop Dekker - drums
* Follow us & our video updates
* Hellenic Live Chaos blog
* Filmed by ⒸH.L.C.
(Watch in HD for better video & audio quality*)
Agalloch (USA) live @ Kyttaro Club, Athens, Greece, 23 August 2015 (Serpens In Cvlmination European tour)
...and supported by CROWN (France)
Agalloch - The Melancholy Spirit (live 2015 in Athens, Greece) HD
Agalloch (USA), The Melancholy Spirit live 2015 in Athens, Hellas/Greece, (Kyttaro Club, 23-08-2015)
Serpens In Cvlmination European tour
* Genre: Atmospheric | Doom | Black | Death metal
* Official Band links
* Band Members
John Haughm - vocals, guitar, drums
Don Anderson - guitar, drums, keyboard
Jason William Walton - bass guitar
Aesop Dekker - drums
* Follow Hellenic Live Chaos on facebook
* Hellenic Live Chaos blog
* Filmed by ⒸH.L.C.
(Watch in HD for better video & audio quality*)
Agalloch (USA) live @ Kyttaro Club, Athens, Greece, 23 August 2015 (Serpens In Cvlmination European tour)
...and supported by CROWN (France)
Greek Gods - SNL
Zeus (Jason Sudeikis) summons the gods to Mt. Olympus to solve the financial crisis in Greece. Realizing no Greek god is in charge of economics, Zeus brings in a strict German god (Fred Armisen) to deal with the problem. [Season 37, 2011]
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And Also the Trees - Dialogue @ Death Disco-Athens (20.10.2018)
And Also the Trees gave their 500th gig yesterday and was really great that happened in Athens - Greece! They were awesome on stage and gave an excellent show...They focused more on their latest album though which is great, but they could play more old stuff.... anyway no worries! I am always glad to see them on stage.... Until the next time!
300 (2006) - This Is Sparta! Scene (1/5) | Movieclips
300 movie clips:
King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) gives the messenger from Xerxes a powerful message of his own.
Sin City author Frank Miller's sweeping take on the historic Battle of Thermopylae comes to the screen courtesy of Dawn of the Dead director Zack Snyder. Gerard Butler stars as Spartan King Leonidas and Lena Headey plays Queen Gorgo. The massive army of the Persian Empire is sweeping across the globe, crushing every force that dares stand in its path. When a Persian envoy arrives in Sparta offering King Leonidas power over all of Greece if he will only bow to the will of the all powerful Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), the strong-willed leader assembles a small army comprised of his empire's best fighters and marches off to battle. Though they have virtually no hope of defeating Xerxes' intimidating battalion, Leonidas' men soldier on, intent on letting it be known they will bow to no man but their king. Meanwhile, back in Sparta, the loyal Queen Gorgo attempts to convince both the skeptical council and the devious Theron (Dominic West) to send more troops despite the fact that many view Leonidas' unsanctioned war march as a serious transgression. As Xerxes' fearsome immortals draw near, a few noble Greeks vow to assist the Spartans on the battlefield. When King Leonidas and his 300 Spartan warriors fell to the overwhelming Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae, the fearless actions of the noble fighters inspired all of Greece to stand up against their Persian enemy and wage the battle that would ultimately give birth to the modern concept of democracy.
TM & © Warner Bros. (2006)
Cast: Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, Peter Mensah
Director: Zack Snyder
Producers: Steve Barnett, Mark Canton, Wesley Coller, William Fay, Craig J. Flores, Bernie Goldmann, Scott Mednick, Frank Miller, Gianni Nunnari, Josette Perrotta, Nathalie Peter-Contesse, Jeffrey Silver, Deborah Snyder, Silenn Thomas, Thomas Tull, Ben Waisbren
Screenwriters: Zack Snyder, Kurt Johnstad, Michael Gordon, Frank Miller, Lynn Varley
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Agalloch - Of Stone, Wind And Pillor (live 2015 in Athens, Greece) HD
Agalloch (USA), Of Stone, Wind And Pillor live 2015 in Athens, Hellas/Greece, (Kyttaro Club, 23-08-2015)
Serpens In Cvlmination European tour
* Genre: Atmospheric | Doom | Black | Death metal
* Official Band links
* Band Members
John Haughm - vocals, guitar, drums
Don Anderson - guitar, drums, keyboard
Jason William Walton - bass guitar
Aesop Dekker - drums
* Follow us & our video updates
* Hellenic Live Chaos blog
* Filmed by ⒸH.L.C.
(Watch in HD for better video & audio quality*)
Agalloch (USA) live @ Kyttaro Club, Athens, Greece, 23 August 2015 (Serpens In Cvlmination European tour)
...and supported by CROWN (France)
A Lesson From Socrates That Will Change The Way You Think
470 BC - 399 BC
A classical Greek philosopher credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, and as being the first moral philosopher, of the Western ethical tradition of thought.
Hello, I am Socrates and I changed the world.
As I speak to you now, I'm sitting in a jail cell in a cave just outside of Athens. In a few moments, a guard is going to bring me a cup of poison hemlock to drink. After I do so, I will become very sleepy and then I will take my last breaths. But before that happens, I thought I'd share some things with you.
I was born in Athens in ancient Greece. People know very little about my history and early life... and I like to keep it that way. You will see that I'm a bit of a troublemaker and like to be a little mysterious. Most people know me as one of the first philosophers of the Western world, but I never saw myself that way. Philosophers tend to think they know a lot about the world, but me? I really don't think I know anything at all.
When I returned to Athens after fighting in the Peloponnesian War, I did quite a bit of thinking. You see, in my time there were many men who were considered wise, but I was very skeptical of this wisdom. In my life and travels, I found that many people who appear or claim to be wise are not actually very wise at all. This is a problem because when people believe a man is wise, they tend to blindly follow him - often with terrible consequences. If you don’t question this wisdom, you can never discover its flaws. Then knowledge stands still like a stone, instead of growing and changing like a tree.
So, I started asking questions. I found that when someone makes a claim that something is true, the best way to test that truth is to ask a series of challenging questions. For example, if a man claims that it is virtuous to love the god Zeus, I would ask, what is a virtue? What is love? Are there other gods to love? If they cannot even explain what virtue is, how can they say that it is virtuous to love Zeus? If they cannot explain what love is, how can we know if we are truly loving Zeus, and therefore that we are virtuous? If someone making these claims cannot answer these challenges, then how can they know the truth of their claim?
In my life, I didn't publish any works or write much down for others to read, but many young men in Athens - including a very bright student named Plato - used to follow me around and watch closely as I questioned some of the wisest men in the city. Plato would eventually pass this method down to his student Aristotle, who was the tutor of Alexander the Great. Alexander spread Greek thought to his vast kingdom. When the Romans took over Alexander’s empire, they expanded it even larger and spread the Greek tradition even further. Sadly, when the Romans fell, the world entered a long, dark period where knowledge stood still once again. But then, something wonderful happened.
There was a renaissance of thought and knowledge when people began to revive the works of my students. Science flourished when people realized the power of methodical questioning and testing of claims. In your time, my method of questioning is known as the Socratic (after me!) method and is the basis of modern scientific and philosophical inquiry. And all this because I asked a few questions!! Many people think that when someone asks a question, or many questions like I do, that they are unwise. But I think just the opposite. True wisdom is the knowledge of how little you actually know. It is this realization that allows you to start asking questions and get to the real truth.
Asking questions may be the best way to get to the truth, but it is also a fast way to make enemies. I'm afraid that I embarrassed quite a few very important men in Athens, who saw me as kind of a professional smart-aleck. When they saw that young men in the city were beginning to question as I did, I was arrested for corrupting the youth of Athens! My student Plato wrote about the trial.
Drab Majesty - The Other Side @ Temple-Athens (11.10.2019)
Drab Majesty vistied Athens for the 3rd time and gave us their finnest new wave tunes once again!
They played a one hour and 20 min set and they focused mainly in their latest album without leaving out of their set dark diamonds of their demostration album like cold souls or Dot in the Sky etc..
According to my opinion they are the best act of this genre coming from the US at the moment, along with Ritual Howls of course!