Nikola Upevce Plaoshnik, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
Conservation, restoration and presentation of mosaic pavements at multilayered site Plaoshnik, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
Richness of layers in stratified cultural remains from history of those who lived and left traces of their existence in Ohrid, or Lihnidos, are witness of one continuous developed cultural heritage of all known periods in history. With safeguarding of original position in situ; regular spectator, and professional public, will have possibility to enclose see the multilayering of architectural objects richly decorated with mosaic floors from different epoch.
Case study:
Annex of early Christian basilica with clover cross shape and Bath
Preservation and restoration of ancient and contemporary mosaic
Ravenna 22-24/10/2009 Italy
Прилеп - духовен и црковен центар
Duhoven centar Prilep
ОХРИД, Документарен филм [ЕП01] | OHRID - Documentary Movie [EP01]
Документарен филм за градот Охрид, прва епизода
NOTE: This is educational material about Macedonian history and traditions of Macedonian people through centuries
Охрид — град во југозападниот дел на Македонија, на североисточното крајбрежје на Охридското Езеро, кое по градот го носи и своето име. Охрид и Охридското Езеро се едни од главните туристички места во Македонија.
Поради големиот број на цркви и манастири, градот е познат како Балкански и Европски Ерусалим.[2] Охрид е познат и како „град на светлината“, што претставува буквален превод на неговото старо име, Лихнид. Охридскиот регион е вклучен во светското населдство на УНЕСКО.
Современиот Охрид е наследник на античкиот Лихнид. Според податоците, градот прв пат се споменува 2.400 години пред новата ера. Лихнид се наоѓал на патот Виа Егнација, наjстарата и наjзначаjната римска сообраќаjница на Балканот. Бригијците и Енхелеjците го сочинуваат наjстарото население кое може според името да се идентификува во пошироката област на Охридското Езеро. Бригиjците се исто што и Фригиjците.
По Третата македонска воjна против кралот Персеј, Лихнид станува главна римска база во северните области на Македониjа. Тоа е времето кога за него наjмногу се слуша. Последната вест за Лихнид е веста за неговото разурнување. Во еден земјотрес, коj според историските извори се случил на 29 и 30 мај 526 година, настрадале повеќе десетици илjади лица во Лихнид. Потоа градот повеќе не се споменува во историските извори.
Охридската област до 30-тите години на VII век била целосно колонизирана од словенското племе Берзити. Лихнид оттогаш го добил името Охрид.
Охридскиот краj уште во втората половина на VIII век станал привлечно подрачjе за бугарската држава. За време на бугарскиот цар Борис I Михаил македонските територии во воено-административен поглед биле опфатени во неколку „комитати“. Охрид бил во комитатот што ги опфаќал Охридско-деволските краишта. Во 886 година Климент, по краткото задржување во бугарскиот двор, бил испратен во Македониjа со важна државна мисиjа. Тоj бил испратен во областа наречена Кутмичевица како учител. Областа jа опфаќала Југозападна Македонија и Јужна Албанија, со главните градови Охрид и Девол.
Како учител и епископ Климент заедно со Наум ги поставиле основите на т.н. Охридска глаголска книжевна школа. Благодареjќи на деjноста на Климент и Наум, градот Охрид, во втората половина на IX век израснал во еден од наjразвиените и наjпознатите средновековни словенски културни центри.
Во време на царот Самуил, Охрид станал религиозен центар и главен град на царството. Неговите тврдини и ден денес стојат високо над самиот град. Есента 1015 година византискиот император Василиј II успеал да го заземе Охрид, но тврдината останала и понатаму под власта на царот Јован Владислав, наследникот на Гаврило Радомир, син на цар Самуил.
Во Охрид се наоѓа најстариот универзитет во Европа (IX век), додека во местото Плаошник близу градот се наоѓа реставрираната црква Св. Климент чии наоди укажуваат на фактот дека пак таму имало универзитет од XIII век.
Ohrid (Macedonian: Охрид [ˈɔxrit] (About this sound listen)) is a city in the Republic of Macedonia, the seat of Ohrid Municipality. It is the largest city on Lake Ohrid and the eighth-largest city in the country, with over 42,000 inhabitants as of 2002. Ohrid once had 365 churches, one for each day of the year, and has been referred to as a Jerusalem (of the Balkans).[2][4] The city is rich in picturesque houses and monuments, and tourism is predominant. It is located southwest of Skopje, west of Resen and Bitola. In 1979 and in 1980 respectively, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are Cultural as well as Natural sites
There is a legend supported by observations by the 17th century Ottoman traveler Evliya Çelebi that there were 365 chapels within the town boundaries, one for every day of the year. Today this number is significantly smaller.
Church of St. Sophia
Church of St. Panteleimon
Church of St. John at Kaneo
Church of St. Clement[41]
Church of St. George
Church of St. Zaum[42]
Icon Gallery-Ohrid
Monastery of Saint Naum
Church of St. Petka
Church of St. Stefan
Vestiges of basilicas from the early-Christian time, e.g. Basilica of St. Erazmo (4th century)
Robevi family house, museum of archeology
Ancient Theatre of Ohrid
Church of St. Vrači, with frescos from the 14th century. A 14th-century icon from the church is depicted on the obverse of the Macedonian 1000 denars banknote, issued in 1996 and 2003.[43]
Besides being a holy center of the region, it is also the source of knowledge and pan-Slavic literacy. The restored Monastery at Plaošnik was actually one of the oldest Universities in the western world, dating before the 10th century.
Ohrid is also home to Vila Biljana, which serves as an official residence of the Prime Minister of Macedonia.
Churches of Macedonia. Плаошник Охрид. Church Plaosnik Ohrid. Plaošnik
Churches of Macedonia. Плаошник Охрид. Church Plaosnik Ohrid. Plaošnik
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During our travels. We came across this extraordinary place in Macedonia. It dates back to 893 AD. Everything you need to know about this place is written in the description at the bottom of the video. I hope you like it. Thanks again. Your friends Darren and Berna. I wish you a good day.
Seyahatlerimiz sırasında. Makedonya'daki bu olağanüstü yere rastladık. MS 893'e kadar uzanır. Bu yer hakkında bilmeniz gereken her şey videonun altındaki açıklamada yazılı. Umarım beğenirsin. Tekrar teşekkürler. Arkadaşların Darren ve Berna. İyi günler dilerim.
Plaošnik or simply Plaoš is an archaeological site and holy place in Ohrid, 250 meters below Samuil's Fortress. In the future, the whole complex will have konaks as in the time of Saint Clement of Ohrid, together with several surrounding objects
Here is some more pictures and facts on their website about this amazing historical church :
Legends states that when St. Clement (Sv. Kliment) arrived in Ohrid 893 A.D., by order of King Boris I of Bulgaria, Clement built a larger church on top of the foundation of an early Christian basilica and dedicated it to St. Panteleimon (1). Legend also states that St. Clement prepared his own grave inside the monastery and upon his death his disciples buried him there. After his canonization, this Church and Monastery also became known as St. Clement.
The monastery served as a school, sometimes referred to as a university or academy, but mainly known as the Ohrid Literary School, where St. Clement initially taught the Glagolitic alphabet in order to further spread the word of Christianity. The creation of Glagolithic, the oldest Slavic alphabet, is commonly attributed to two monks, brothers from Thessaloniki, named Cyril and Methodious (Kiril i Metodij). Soon they would develop the Cyrillic alphabet and this would become the language of choice for teaching and for transcribing by both St. Clement and St. Naum in their schools
During the Ottoman Empire, the monastery underwent different reconstructions and was turned into a mosque. Reconstruction of St. Panteleimon as it stands today began in December 2000 and was completed in August 2002
#Plaošnik #LakeOhrid #Macedonia
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Conservation of Early Christian Frescoes from the Episcopal Basilica at Stobi, October 2010
On September 27, 2010, Ambassador Reeker was joined by Minister of Culture Kanceska-Milevska in signing a grant for $72,600 from the State Department's Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation. The grant will preserve the frescoes from the 4th Century Roman Basilica in Stobi.
Stobi is an archeological and cultural treasure, a stunning example of the rich history of Macedonia. This historic site is at the crossroads of ancient and modern history. The ancient Roman Via Axia which tied North to South, Rome to the Bosporus and Europe to Asia -- passed through the streets of this town.
This is the second Ambassador's Fund grant for the Stobi site. An earlier grant in 2003 was devoted to excavation of the Roman Theatre, which served as the setting and backdrop for the Signing Ceremony and Reception.
Preserving the Basilica's frescoes will save the fragile glory of these ancient Christian frescoes. The Embassy is working closely with the Director of the Stobi archeological site, Silvana Blazevska. American Archeologists James Wiseman and Elizabeth Grebhard were also on hand for the signing ceremony.
The U.S. Embassy in Skopje has had great success with Ambassador's Fund projects and has been awarded more of these grants than any other U.S. Mission in Europe. This is the ninth Ambassador's Fund grant for projects in the Republic of Macedonia since 2001.
In his remarks, Ambassador Reeker noted that the U.S. government investment through Ambassador's Fund projects now totals over one million dollars and stands as a symbol of our profound respect for the artistic and cultural traditions of the past, as well as our unwavering commitment to preserving these riches for generations to come.
The single largest Ambassador's Fund grant ever in Europe was awarded to the Republic of Macedonia last year for the conservation and restoration of the Byzantine era 'Peribleptos' church in Ohrid. Preservation work at Peribleptos will continue through 2012 with the Cultural Heritage Protection Office within the Ministry of Culture, led by the head of the institute, Mr. Pasko Kuzman.
The Ambassador's Fund for Cultural Preservation was established by the U.S. Congress in 2001. Since its creation, the Fund has demonstrated America's respect for the world's cultural heritage by supporting more than 640 cultural preservation projects in more than 100 countries. This accomplishment represents a contribution of nearly $26 million towards the preservation of cultural heritage worldwide.
The fund seeks to assist countries in preserving and maintaining their important national cultural sites, and to demonstrate that the United States of America values the contributions of cultures throughout the world, as part of our common heritage.
Археолог Паско Кузман - интервју
Археолог Паско Кузман е роден во с.Вапила, охридско на 15.10.1947 год. Гимназија завршил во Охрид, студирал медицина и право во Скопје и Белград, а студии по археологија завршил на Филозофскиот факултет во Белград, Србија и Црна Гора. Од 1979 год. работи во Заводот за заштита на спомениците на културата и Народен музеј во Охрид, како советник археолог за праисториска и протоисториска археологија. Вршел теренски истражувања во земјата и во странство. Во последно време се занимава со подводна археологија на Охридското Езеро. Со свои трудови учествувал на повеќе научни симпозиуми во земјата и во странство, а има објавено околу четириесетина стручни и научни статии и трудови, како и две монографии за некрополата Требеништа, Три Чељусти и Вртуљка (научен труд, 1985) и Уметноста на Требеништа (научен труд, 1998).
Претседател на Македонското археолошко научно друтво, 1982-1990. Член на Претседателството - Извршен одбор на Македонскиот национален комитет на ИКОМОС во три мандатни периоди (од формирањето до 2005 год.). Член на Друштвото на писателите на Македонија од 1992 година.
Член на Претседателството на Македонското археолошко научно друштво, со седиште во Скопје. Претседател на Поткомитетот на ИКОМОС за Подводно културно наследство на Република Македонија - Скопје. Член на комисијата за Охрид-УНЕСКО при Националната комисија за врски со УНЕСКО, Министерство за култура на Р. Македонија и Министерство за екологија на Р. Македонија.
Награди и признанија:
* Награда Свети Климент Охридски-Патрон на Охрид за особен придонес во подемот на Охрид, 2001 година.
* Светиклиментов орден III ред на Македонската православна црква, 2002 година.
Archeological Site Byla Zora - Ancient Macedonian/Paionian Town
Byla Zora or Bylazora was a city of the Paionians, situated along the banks of the Axios/Vardar river in ancient Paionia (the region is now part of the Republic of Macedonia). In pre-Roman times, it was the chief town and seat of the Paionian kings, a major Paionian city, along with Stobi.
Paeonia was later conquered by the kingdom of Macedon and later still by Rome, and the city eventually waned away. The modern Veles is located on the site of ancient Bylazora.
The literal direct translation of Byla Zora in Macedonian means white dawn ( Bela Zora ) or 'Where the Sun Rises' (Bila = where something is)
Археолошкиот локалитет Била Зора во близината на Свети Николе нуди артефакти постари од 25 века
Macedonia Kadedrali 2016????
Aziz Ohrid Kliment Katedrali....
Plaošnik or simply Plaoš (Macedonian: Плаошник, Плаош) is an archaeological site and holy place in Ohrid, 250 meters below Samuil's Fortress. In the future, the whole complex will have konaks (mansions) as in the time of Saint Clement of Ohrid, together with several surrounding objects.[1]
St. Clement’s Church[edit]
Main article: Saint Panteleimon, Ohrid
The church was built by St.Clement in 893 year on the foundation of an early Christian basilica, and dedicated to St.Panteleimon. It was here that the Ohrid Literary School, a center of Slavonic literary and cultural activity where it was educated more than 3,500 disciples. St. Clement was buried in this monastery, in the tomb which was built by his own hands.
After the advent of the Ottoman Turks, St. Clement’s Church was converted into a mosque, known as the Imaret Mosque, of which only a small enclosure remains. The mosque was built as an endowment and a memorial by Sinan Chelebi, member of the distinguished Turkish family of the Ohrizade.[2]
Apart from the monastery's many reconstructions during the Ottoman empire, it has recently undergone extensive reconstruction and excavation. Reconstruction started on 8 December 2000 and the physical church was fully reconstructed by 10 August 2002. Most of Saint Clement's relics were returned to the church.
Зрзе - Пештерните цркви во Македонија (3/3)
A1 ги истражува пештерните цркви во Македонија
Macedonia's orthodox Christian community celebrated Easter on Friday night against a backdrop of continued NATO bombardment.
Many used the time to donate money for refugees and to sign anti-NATO petitions.
At the main Basilica in the Macedonian capital of Skopje, people gathered to celebrate Easter.
At the service priests called for a halt to the NATO bombing and the restoration of peace in the region.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
As a man of the church, I am against any killing, wherever.
Q: Is it right to continue bombing over Easter
No. not only for Easter. Never.
SUPER CAPTION: Father Metodie, Cleric
SOUNDBITE: (Macedonian)
At Easter, we have to pray for peace and we pray for peace in the whole region. We pray to God in Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece.
SUPER CAPTION: Archbishop Mikhail, Patriarch of Ohrid and Macedonia
Money was collected to help relieve the hardship faced by the refugees and after receiving the priests' blessing, worshippers lined up to sign a petition calling for a halt to NATO's airstrikes.
The majority of Macedonia's population are of the orthodox faith and many identify with the Serbs.
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Macedonia Ohrid 3 Church of Saint Clement 2014-16
The church was built by St.Clement in 893 year on the foundation of an early Christian basilica, and dedicated to St.Panteleimon. It was here that the Ohrid Literary School, a center of Slavonic literary and cultural activity where it was educated more than 3,500 disciples. St. Clement was buried in this monastery, in the tomb which was built by his own hands.
After the advent of the Ottoman Turks, St. Clement’s Church was converted into a mosque, known as the Imaret Mosque, of which only a small enclosure remains. The mosque was built as an endowment and a memorial by Sinan Chelebi, member of the distinguished Turkish family of the Ohrizade.
Apart from the monastery's many reconstructions during the Ottoman empire, it has recently undergone extensive reconstruction and excavation. Reconstruction started on 8 December 2000 and the physical church was fully reconstructed by 10 August 2002. Most of Saint Clement's relics were returned to the church.
Macedonia, Stobi ancient city
Photographer:Samuel Magal (
Stobi developed from a Paeonian settlement established in the Archaic period. Located on the northern side of a terrace, the early town covered an area of about 25,000 m2. Its proximity to the junction of the Erigón and Axiós Rivers as well as its position in the fertile central Vardar valley allowed it quickly to develop a flourishing economy and to establish trade. Nearby Mount Klepa was a lucrative source of marble. The initial Paeonian population was later supplemented by other immigrant groups.
Heraclea in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia
Heraclea Lyncestis, was an ancient Greek city in Macedon, ruled later by the Romans. Its ruins are situated 2 km south of the present-day town of Bitola, North Macedonia. It was founded by Philip II of Macedon in the middle of the 4th century BC. The city was named in honor of the mythological hero Heracles. The name Lynkestis originates from the name of the ancient kingdom, conquered by Philip, where the city was built.
Heraclea was a strategically important town during the Hellenistic period, as it was at the edge of Macedon's border with Epirus to the west and Paeonia to the north, until the middle of the 2nd century BC, when the Romans conquered Macedon and destroyed its political power. The Romans divided Macedonia into 4 regions and Heraclea was in the fourth region. The main Roman road in the area, Via Egnatia went through Heraclea, and Heraclea was an important stop. The prosperity of the city was maintained mainly due to this road. Objects discovered from the time of Roman rule in Heraclea are votive monuments, a portico, thermae (baths), a theatre and town walls.
In the early Christian period, Heraclea was an important Episcopal seat. Some of its bishops are mentioned in synods in Serdica and other nearby towns. The city was gradually abandoned in the 6th century AD following an earthquake and Slavic invasions.
Famous for its dazzling mosaics, ancient theater and Roman baths, Heraclea is the most vividly preserved city from the surviving Ancient Macedonian Empire in the country.
Heraclea Lyncestis was an ancient Macedonian city situated 2 km south of the present-day town of Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. It was founded by Philip II of Macedon in the middle of the 4th century BC, after he had conquered the surrounding region of Lyncestis and incorporated it into his kingdom of Macedon. The city was named in honor of the mythological Greek hero Heracles. The epithet Lyncestis means the Land of the Lynx in Greek.
Heraclea was a strategically important town during the Hellenistic period, as it was at the edge of Macedon's border with Epirus to the west, and to the non-Greek world to the north, until the middle of the 2nd century BC, when the Romans conquered Macedon and destroyed its political power. The Romans divided Macedonia into 4 regions and Heraclea was in the fourth region. The main Roman road in the area, Via Egnatia went through Heraclea, and Heraclea was an important stop. The prosperity of the city was maintained mainly due to this road. Objects discovered from the time of Roman rule in Heraclea are: Votive monuments, a portico, thermae (baths), a theatre and town walls. In the early Christian period, Heraclea was an important Episcopal seat. Some of its bishops are mentioned in synods in Serdica and other nearby towns. From this period are the ensembles of the Small and Great (Large, Big) basilica. The Grave (Funeral) basilica with a necropolis is located east of the theatre.
From the 4thto the 6th century A.D Heraclea also had an Episcopal seat. First excavations were done before World War I, but it’s since then have the full glories of the ancient city been discovered. Beautiful Roman baths, the Episcopal church and baptistery, a Jewish temple, portico and a Roman theater now used for summer concerts and theater performances, all stand proud in excellent condition. The Roman theater on the hill, who's ruins where unearthed in the late 1960's, was constructed during Emperor Hadrian's 20-year reign (A.D. 117-138). He is credited with building as well as restoring many structures in the province of Macedonia. It was not until after his death that the theater came into use. Artifacts found at the site indicate that it was primarily used to stage gladiator fights until the late 4th century, when such fighting was banned throughout the Empire.
There is a small museum on the grounds with few artifacts and a nice scale model of the city at its peak.
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Erazmo (Virtual Guide Trough Ancient Macedonian Cities)
Saint Erazmo - an old Christian basilica and necropolis
The sequences are part of the project Virtual Guide Trough Ancient Macedonian Cities.
The project has won the award: Ford Motor Company for the best project in the category Conservation and environment protection
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Archaeological Heritage in Macedonia
Ancient Town of Stobi, Macedonia
Ancient Town of Stobi, Macedonia
►Read the blog:
While exploring Macedonia, David makes a stop at the ancient city of Stobi to check out the ruins, mosaics, and history behind this fascinating archaeological site. Ancient Stobi is one of the most significant historical finds in Macedonia because of how many eras are represented here… Stobi was first founded by the Kingdom of Paeonia in the 7th century, then eventually overtaken by the Kingdom of Macedon, and later on by the Romans and Byzantines.
Stobi’s importance stems from its strategic position along an old Roman trading route – a road that led from the Danube River (Serbia) all the way down to the Aegean Sea (Greece). Because Stobi was located along this road, it became an important trading hub. The presence of basilicas and religious mosaics demonstrate that the ancient city of Stobi was an early Christian city. There is perhaps no stronger evidence of this than in the baptisterium. Other ruins to see include the Roman theatre and Roman forum.
The Ancient city of Stobi is open daily 10 am to 3 pm. Admission is 120 Macedonian Denar.
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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
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Ancient Town of Stobi, Macedonia
Travel to Macedonia
Travel to Macedonia
DAY 1: Skopje
Arrival at Skopje Airport. Transfer to the city center and accommodation. Overnight.
DAY 2: Skopje - Skopje surroundings
Breakfast. City tour of Skopje: city center with the monuments of the project “Skopje 2014”, monument of Alexander the Great, Arch of Triumph “Macedonia”, Memorial house of Mother Theresa. Visit to Skopje City Museum with interesting archaeological exhibits from the ancient town of Skupi and other artifacts presenting the rich history of the Macedonian capital, including the oldest find from the area of Skopje – the statuette of Adam from Macedonia, discovered by the village of Govrlevo, at the age of 7000 years. The walk continues through the old Ottoman market area to the church of St. Spas – built in the end of 17th century, it has been decorated with one of the most beautiful iconostases in Macedonia from the brothers Filipovi and Marakie Frchkovski in the first quarter of the 19th century, masterpiece of Balkan Baroque. Free time in the center. In the afternoon – drive to Scupi, archeological reserve in the outskirts of Skopje, where one of the large Roman cities of the ancient province of Macedonia has been researched. Since Arthur Evance first brought the public attention to this area at the end of 19th century, archeologists have opened up whole residential and administrative complexes here. Return to Skopje. Overnight.
DAY 3: Skopje - Ohrid
Breakfast. Tour of the Archaeological Museum of Skopje, exhibiting the most famous treasures of the antiquity, discovered on the territory of present-day Republic of Macedonia. Drive to Ohrid. On the way – visit to Struga, where you can witness the original early Christian mosaics from Octisi basilica, exposed in the local museum. Visit to the rock chapel of St. Erasmus by the north shore of Ohrid lake, dedicated to the firsh Christian missionary who preached the new religion here in the end of 3rd century. Accommodation in hotel on the Ohrid Riviera. Overnight.
DAY 4: Ohrid - Bitola
Breakfast. Walking tour in old Ohrid (appr. 3 hours) – a city that was founded by the Phoenician hero Cadmos, and in antiquity was known as Lychnidos – city of light. Visit to the Archaeological exhibition of Robevi family, exhibited in one of the largest 19th century houses in Macedonia, the ancient Roman theater, Tsar Samuel’s Fortress, the Church of St. Clement and Saint Panteleymon with the archaeological excavations of several early Christian basilicas. Because of these, Ohrid is now known as the Mecca of Macedonian archaeology. Free time in the center and optional boat trip in Ohrid lake (appr. 1 hour) with beautiful panorama towards the old town of Ohrid. Drive to Bitola and accommodation. Overnight.
DAY 5: Bitola - Stobi - Popova Kula Winery
Breakfast. Visit to the archaeological reserve of Heraclea Lyncestis – ancient city founded by Philip II Macedonian and dedicated to the Greek hero Heracles. It flourished for almost thousand years, from 4th century BC till the barbarian invasions of 6th century. Walking tour: ancient portico, main street, Roman thermae, big and small basilicas with mosaics, Roman theater, bishop’s residence. Drive to Stobi and sightseeing of the other most famous ancient Roman city in Macedonia: ancient theater, episcopal basilica with a residence, processional street and ancient forum, large Roman thermae, Theodosian’s palace, synagogue, casino. Drive to the winery Popova Kula. Accommodation in the famous boutique hotel thematically dedicated to wine and vines. Wine tasting. Overnight in the complex.
DAY 6: Popova Kula - Shtip - Skopje
Breakfast. Drive to Shtip and visit to the ancient town of Bargala that flourished during the late antiquity (4th-6th century). Today it is an archaeological reserve that depends on private support. Walking tour of the complex. Return to Shtip and climb to the Isar fortress. Drive to Skopje. Accommodation. Overnight.
DAY 7: Skopje
Breakfast. Transfer to the airport. Departure.
Herakleja Linkestis #VisitMacedonia Хераклеја Линкестис - Macedonia, Bitola, Makedonija, Македонија
Herakleja Linkestis #VisitMacedonia Хераклеја Линкестис
#Travel2Macedonia #ExploringMacedonia
Heraclea Lyncestis is a ancient Macedonian town found by the ancient Macedonian King Phillip 2nd in the middle of the 4th century BC, but most of the remains that can be seen in Heraclea Lyncestis are from the Roman and the early christian period. Heraclea Lyncestis was an important strategical town during the Hellenistic period as it was at the edge of Macedonia border with Epirus to the west, until the middle of the 2nd century BC, when the Romans conquered Macedon and destroyed its political power. The main Roman road in the area, Via Egnatia went through Heraclea Lyncestis, and made Heraclea Lyncestis an important stop. The prosperity of Heraclea Lyncestis was maintained mainly due to this road. The Roman emperor Hadrian built the theater in the center of Heraclea Lyncestis, on a hill, when many buildings in the roman province ofMacedonia were being restored. It began being used during the reign of Antoninus Pius. The theater went out of use during the late 4th century AD, when gladiator fights in the Roman Empire were banned, due to the spread of Christianity, the formulation of the Eastern Roman Empire, and the abandonment of, what was then perceived as, pagan rituals and entertainment. In the early Byzantine period (4th to 6th centuries AD), Heraclea Lyncestis was an important episcopal centre. Some of Heraclea Lyncestis bishops have been noted in the acts of the Church Councils as bishop Evagrius of Heraclea in the Acts of the Sardica Council from 343 AD. In the late 6th century Heraclea Lyncestis suffered successive attacks by Slavic tribes. In place of the deserted theater several houses were built between the 6th century and the 7th century AD, when Slavs settled across the northern regions of the Balkans. Just small portion of Heraclea Lyncestis has been unearthed, including a theatre, two water fountains, courthouse, baths, bishops palace and two basilicas. There is a small museum on the grounds with few artifacts and a nice scale model of the city at its peak.
Ohrid City of Light - Trailer
A fascinating documentary in five episodes about Ohrid, Macedonia with each episode looking at a different key turning point in the history of the town.
Ohrid is a large town in southwestern Macedonia on the shore of Lake Ohrid. A town of vast history and heritage, it was made a UNESCO heritage site in 1980. Nestled between high mountains up to 2,800 m and Lake Ohrid, it is not only a place of historic significance but also of outstanding natural beauty. The lake itself is over three million years old.
Factually accurate and based on extensive historical research, indicate that Ohrid is one of the oldest human settlements in all of Europe. Ohrid town is first mentioned in Greek documents from 353 BCE, when it was known as Lychnidos - or, “the city of light.” - a precious stone that emits light.
The sacred architecture of Ohrid is prominent within the urban landscape. It includes early basilicas, monasteries, and medieval churches; are located in a manner that ensures each one enjoys a view of the lake and sunlight. Numerous archaeological vestiges dating to prehistory can be found on the site of the old city. The convergence of well-conserved natural values with the quality and diversity of its cultural, material and spiritual heritage makes this region truly unique.
The city of the immortal Ohrid is the sublime lakeside point that for many represents the culmination of the Macedonian experience, a kingdom of light and water, a repository of ancient ruins from Macedonia’s earlier kingdoms. Ohrid is the jewel in Macedonia's crown.
Production Company: Pandora's Box Production, in collaboration with the Macedonian Radio Television
Directed by: Ilija Piperkoski
Filmed by: Aleksandar Ivanovski, Samir Ljuma & Fejmi Daut.
Edit, Sound Design, Color: Dragan Aleksov & Dancho Stefkov
Music: Oliver Tevcev
Voice off: Mitko S. Apostolovski
Basilica from 5-6th century found at Monastery of Zrze near Prilep
Pанохристијанска базилика 5-6 век, лоцирана на платото северно од манастирот Св. Преображение