Arles, Eglise St-Trophime
The former cathedral of Arles, called Eglise St-Trophime, has a fantastic series of Byzantine sculptures around the door on the façade that have been recently restored to their pristine beauty. The interior is also from the Byzantine, older than the Gothic. It's quite a church, and another UNESCO World Heritage site. We also bring you to the Cloister of St-Trophime, tucked away around the corner. This cloister is like an open-air museum with architecture and sculpture spanning a 300-year period: gothic pointed arches on one side, and older, Romanesque barrel-vaulting on the other side.
The open court in the center is surrounded by beautiful columns, each with different, detailed stone carvings on their capitals, and corner columns especially noted for their realistic, gothic statues representing various saints. It's a calm and peaceful place. Cloisters are always rewarding to visit. There is a meditative and prayerful atmosphere in a cloister like this, worth visiting any time you see a cloister with the columns in the arcades surrounding an open square. You know that this had been at one time residence of the clergy, perhaps nuns and priests associated with the church were living upstairs. It is rare to find a cloister, such as this one that is so intricately decorated -- the top of each column is carved and some of the columns are really impressive works of art in themselves. Each of the smaller columns have elaborate capitals. Some of the arches are rounded and others are pointed, reflecting the different time periods, and in fact this cloister is generally considered to be the most important cloister in all of Provence. It's so easy to overlook because it has an unmarked doorway. You would not even know it's here unless you studied up a little bit in guidebooks or are watching this video, or heard about it somehow. It's the corner columns that are really the most spectacular of all in the cloister. There is a statue of St. Paul, that's one of the really important art masterpieces in here, and there are some detailed corner statues with relief scenes, and there are some other scenes of daily life carved into the galleries of the cloisters.
Places to see in ( Arles - France ) Eglise St Trophime
Places to see in ( Arles - France ) Eglise St Trophime
The Church of St. Trophime is a Roman Catholic church and former cathedral located in the city of Arles, in the Bouches-du-Rhône Department of southern France. It was built between the 12th century and the 15th century, and is in the Romanesque architectural tradition.
The sculptures over the church's portal, particularly the Last Judgement, and the columns in the adjacent cloister, are considered some of the finest examples of Romanesque sculpture. The church was built upon the site of the 5th century basilica of Arles, named for St. Stephen. In the 15th century a Gothic choir was added to the Romanesque nave.
At the time the Cathedral was built, in the late 11th century or early 12th century, Arles was the second-largest city in Provence, with a population of between 15,000 and 20,000 people. It had a busy port on the Rhône, and two new cities, on either side of the old Roman town, surrounded by a wall. It was at least formally independent as the Kingdom of Arles, and it had attracted many religious orders, including the Knights Hospitalier, the Knights Templar and mendicant orders, which had built a number of churches within the town.
The apse and the transept were probably built first, in the late 11th century, and the nave and bell tower were completed in the second quarter of the 12th century.: The Romaneque church had a long central nave 20 meters high; lower collateral aisles on either side; a transept supporting the square central bell tower; and a chevet behind the altar at the east end with a hemispherical vault. The windows are small and high up on the nave, above the level of the collateral aisles.
Though mainly notable for its outstanding Romanesque architecture and sculpture, the church contains rich groups of art from other periods. These include several important carved Late Roman sarcophagi, reliquaries from various periods, and Baroque paintings, with three by Louis Finson. Trophime Bigot is also represented, and there are several Baroque tapestries, including a set of ten on the Life of the Virgin. The church has been used to hold items originally from other churches or religious houses in the region that were dispersed in the French Revolution or at other times.
The cloister was constructed in the second half of the 12th century and the first half of the 13th century. For the use of the Canons, the priests who attended the bishop and managed the church property. Under a reform instituted by Pope Gregory, the Canons were required to live like monks, with a common dormitory, refectory and cloister within the cathedral enclosure, separated by a wall from the city.
The west portal is one of the treasures of Romanesque sculpture, presenting the story of the Apocalypse according to St. John, and the Gospel of St. Matthew. Christ is seated in majesty in the timpanum, with the symbols of the Evangelists around him; the angel of St. Matthew, the lion of St. Mark, the bull of St. Luke, and the eagle of St. John. The Apostles are seated below him. To the left of the portal, a procession of chosen Christians are going to heaven, while to the right sinners are being cast into hell.
( Arles - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Arles . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Arles - France
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Outreach & Education - Cloister of St. Trophime in Arles, France
St. Trophime in Arles, France, is an important pilgrimage site and the starting point of the Via Tolosana to Santiago de Compostela. The church of St. Trophime was built between the eleventh and twelfth centuries—a time of great prosperity in Arles—while the construction of the adjoining monastic cloister began in the twelfth century. Its north and east galleries contain extraordinary Romanesque bas-relief sculptures and carved column capitals that depict stories from the Bible. The later, fourteenth-century south and west galleries of the cloister contain sculpture with scriptural depictions in the Gothic style.
In 2008, WMF became involved in the conservation of the cloister at St. Trophime. In collaboration with CyArk, WMF created laser scans of the cloister that allowed us to propose a detailed conservation program through web-based 3-D models in combination with drawings, high-resolution photography, and narrative descriptions of treatments to be employed.
This video explains the history of the cloister at St. Trophime through the use of some of those materials.
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La #Provence . Saint Trophime Cathédrale Romane d'#Arles
( merci de noter la vidéo ) Initialement située à proximité du rempart antique de l’Hauture, la cathédrale fut déplacée vers le Ve siècle à proximité de l’ancien forum romain. Elle fut élevée en plusieurs phases et l’essentiel du monument que nous voyons aujourd’hui date du XIIe siècle, époque à laquelle sa façade, initialement sobre, fut rehaussée de sa magnifique statuaire historiée.
L’édifice est l’un des plus importants du domaine roman provençal. C’est par ailleurs une église à reliques sur la route de Compostelle. Un chœur gothique remplace les absides romanes au XVe siècle. Des salles voûtées et un certain nombre de vestiges de l’Antiquité tardive, suggèrent la présence d’un bâti préexistant à l’église romane.
Après une période de difficultés, l’Eglise et la ville d’Arles connaissent entre le Xe et le XIIe siècles un essor important qui nourrit les ambitions de renouer avec le passé glorieux de l’ancienne métropole.
Avec la construction de l’église, l’ancien vocable de Saint-Étienne est remplacé par celui de Saint-Trophime. Le chantier commença vers 1100, la translation des reliques de saint Trophime dans la nouvelle cathédrale eut lieu en 1152.
Au milieu du XVe siècle, le monument fut transformé : aux trois absides qui terminaient le chœur, fut substitué un chœur à déambulatoire et à chapelles rayonnantes de style gothique.
A la fin du XVIIe siècle, Monseigneur de Grignan entreprit une vaste modernisation de l’église, ajoutant notamment des balcons à balustres aux extrémités du transept ainsi que de grandes verrières. Deux nouvelles portes à fronton sont ajoutées sur la façade.
Lors de la Révolution, l’église fut transformée en templet.
France - Arles - L'Eglise Sainte Trophime et son cloître
L'Eglise Sainte-Trophime et son cloître à Arles
Church of St. Trophime Arles France in 4K
This video is about 2014-07-20 Church of St. Trophime
Arles: Cloître Saint-Trophime (Cloister of St. Trophime), France Provence [HD] (
[EN] The Cloister of St. Trophime, located on the Place de la Republique, was built nearby to the cathedral in the late twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The most beautiful is the internal gallery, richly decorated. It is interesting that the entrance to the cloister is located not in the church, but from external doors in the Place de la Republique.
*** more info:
[FR] Le cloître de Saint-Trophime, situé sur la place de la République, a été construit à proximité de la cathédrale à la fin du XIIe siècle. La plus belle est la galerie interne, richement décorée. Il est intéressant de constater que l'entrée du cloître est située non pas dans l'église, mais depuis les portes extérieures de la place de la République.
*** plus d'informations:
[PL] Klasztor św. Trofima, znajdujący się na placu Republiki, został wybudowany obok katedry na przełomie XII i XIII wieku. Najpiękniejsze w nim są wewnętrzne krużganki, bogato zdobione. Co ciekawe, wejście do klasztoru nie znajduje się w kościele, lecz od strony placu Republiki.
*** więcej informacji:
#arles #provence #paca #provencealpescôtedazur #provencetourisme #france #mediterranean #europe #video #travel
Cloitre Saint-Trophime, Arles, France
An interior view of the thirteenth century cloister of Saint-Trophime, in Arles France.
Saint-Trophime Narrated Introduction
This video provides a short, narrated introduction to the church of St Trophime in Arles, France, it's historical significance, and recent conservation efforts. These efforts include terrestrial 3D laser scanning of the cloister and portal of the church.
Auguste & Louis Lumière: Arles. La sortie de Saint-Trophime (1900)
Lumière Film Catalog no. 1222
Sortie des fidèles et animation sur le parvis de l’église.
Graphie originelle du titre : Arles : La sortie de St-Throphime.
Provence le #cloître Roman de la cathédrale Saint-Trophime d'Arles
( merci de noter la vidéo ) Le cloître Saint-Trophime ainsi que l'ensemble des bâtiments canoniaux ont été construits à l'angle de la #cathédrale. Deux de ses galeries, furent bâties à la fin du XII ème siècle. Voûtées en plein cintre, elles offrent un ensemble remarquable de travées composées d'arcades retombant sur des chapiteaux sculptés Sur les piliers intermédiaires et les piliers d'angle des statues se rapportent à la vie du Christ, aux grands saints de l'église Saint Trophime. Sur les châpitaux se déroule une iconographie autour des thèmes de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament. A la fin du XIVème siècle, le cloître fut terminé
Arles Le Cloitre Saint Trophime ( Vidéo Longue ) #Arles
Arles Préparatif pour les Festivités de Noel 2018 #Arles
France découverte des monuments Gallo-Romains de la vieille ville d'Arles
( merci de noter la vidéo ) , ABONNEZ-VOUS pour suivre l'évolution de mes vidéos sur YouTube,cordialement Claude Aven
Arles a une vocation de carrefour. Ce point de rencontre entre une route terrestre reliant l'Italie à l'Espagne et une voie fluviale, le Rhône, n'avait pas échappé aux Grecs qui, dès le VIe siècle av.J.-C., entreprirent de s'implanter en territoire ligure.César envoya en septembre 46 av. J.-C. les vétérans de la VIe légion qui fondèrent une colonie de droit romain dotée d'un immense territoire.Très vite prospère, la ville s'enrichit de superbes monuments : forum, temples...Au XIIe siècle sont édifiés la primatiale Saint-Trophime et les bâtiments canoniaux, autour d'un cloître. En plein essor économique et géographique, Arles accueille les pèlerins qui se dirigent vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle. La ville connaît au milieu du XVIe siècle, un moment de prospérité où peut s'épanouir une renaissance toute imprégnée de culture antique---------------------------. (Thank you note video) ---------------------------Arles has a vocation crossroads. This meeting point between a land route linking Italy to Spain and a waterway, Rhone, had not escaped the Greeks, from the sixth century BC, undertook to implement territory ligure.César sent in September 46 BC. AD veterans of the sixth legion founded a colony of Roman law with a huge territoire.Très quickly successful, the city is enriched by beautiful monuments forum, temples ... In the twelfth century were built the primate St. Trophimus and canonical buildings around a cloister. Full economic and geographic expansion, Arles welcomes pilgrims on their way to Saint Jacques de Compostela. The city is in the middle of the sixteenth century, a time of prosperity which can flourish rebirth steeped in ancient culture.
Provenza, Arles, St Trophime.avi
Provenza, Arles, St Trophime
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Arles, St Trophime les pierres nous parlent
Le portail sculpté et le cloitre de St-Trophime sont des merveilles de l'art Roman avec des sculptures récemment restaurées.
122.Eglise et cloître St-Trophime Arles / Arles Trophimkirche und Kreuzgang
(Deutscher Text: siehe unten)
Vues de l'église et du cloître de l'église St-Trophime d'Arles.
La partie romane de cette église fut construite entre 1078 et 1152. Elle a en particulier une des plus belles façades romanes de France.
(Musique : O filii et filiae, hymne pascal du moyen âge)
Die Trophimkirche in Arles (Provence, Südfrankreich) ist mit ihrem Kreuzgang eine der schönsten romanischen Kirchen in Frankreich. Die ältesten romanischen Teile sind aus den Jahren 1078-1152.
(Musik: O filii et filiae, ein mittelalterlicher Osterhymnus)
Arles, France walking tour
Arles is most famous for its Roman amphitheater, still intact, and its connections with Van Gogh, who spent one of his final years here painting 200 canvases. Its real appeal, however, is found in the lovely pedestrian promenades, historic landmarks, museums and tranquil plazas, all of which make Arles one of the most charming places in Europe. We also take you to the huge outdoor food market on Saturday mornings.
Arles, France 2 Cathedral
The former cathedral of Arles, called Eglise San Trophime, has a fantastic series of Byzantine sculptures around the door on the façade that have been recently restored to their pristine beauty. The interior is also from the Byzantine, older than the Gothic. It's quite a church, and another UNESCO World Heritage site.
Be sure to find the Cloister of San Trophime, tucked away around the corner. This cloister is like an open-air museum with architecture and sculpture spanning a 300-year period: gothic pointed arches on one side, and older, Romanesque barrel-vaulting on the other side.
The open court in the center is surrounded by beautiful columns, each with different, detailed stone carvings on their capitals, and corner columns especially noted for their realistic, gothic statues representing various saints. It's a calm and peaceful place. Arles, in Provence, in the south of France.
ARLES, Saint-Trophime, Canten li Santounié, 10 janvier 2016
ARLES, Primatiale Saint-Trophime _ Dimanche 10 janvier 2016 _ Au cours de la Messe des Santonniers, le Groupe Artistique d'Eyguières chante Canten li Santounié.
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Arles Kloster St-Trophime
außerordentlich sehenswerter Kreuzgang im Kloster.