What is means to be a Christian (Betani Church, Bistrita Romania, 9-18-2016)
Video of my speech on What it means to be a Christian when I spoke at Betani Church in Bistrita, Romania at my mother-in-law's church on Sunday, September 18th, 2016.
Why do children of Christian parents abandon the faith? Bethany Baptist Church, Bistrita Romania
This was a sermon I did at Bethany Baptist Romanian Church in Bistrita, Romania (translated by Marius), about Why do children of Christian parents abandon the faith? based on the subtitle of my book that has just been published by the same name: Not really of us, which is available through my Web site: notreallyofus.com, as well as through my publishing company WestBow Press
Historic Lutheran Church - Bistrita, Romania
His Majesty's Ministry - singing in the historic Lutheran Church in Bistrita Romania
November 10 Morning , 2019 Ben Talpos - Lucratori impreuna cu Christos / Agape Church Live Stream
Predica de Ben Talpos - Lucratori impreuna cu Christos
Mesaj de Joey Ahern
Binecuvantare - June LaBianca
Predici in romana si engleza, Lauda si Inchinare
Biserica Agape California
News Radio Christian Bistrita Broadcasts for 10 years
In the media landscape of Bistrita-Nasaud County, a Christian radio station was born, which brought added value to the community. It was a challenge for those who were involved in the Radio Bistrita project.
Cristian Rauca, programming director, Radio Bistrita: Having radio experience working at The Little Samaritan, I was happy to take on this challenge. I can say that , with God's help, that is how Radio Bistrita began in 2009. We began with a few hours at a local radio station in Bistrita, but during the years the hours have increased, and we reached 4 hours, and now 6 hours.
From the beginning, the project has had the support of Holy Trinity Church in the municipal of Bistrita.
Victor Cimpean, Pastor, Holy Trinity Church, Bistrita: Here are the offices, in the church basement. God helped us a few years ago to buy the city's radio station which was called Radio Bistrita. We are thankful to God that since then we recieved authorization in the Christian-cultural domain.
Initially, there was a general license which was trasformed into one having a confessional character stemming from the desire to try to draw people near to God, regardless of their cultural or religious indentity.
Cristian Rauca: For approximately 4 years, from 2014 to 2018, we filed at least five requests to the National Audiovisual Council to approve this crossover from a general license to a thematic one.
Victor Cimpean: Yes, Radio Bistrita is a blessing for us because we also transmit live religious services. The church services, the ones on Sunday, are broadcast on Radio Bistrita. Then everything related to sermons and studies from other churches as well. We've even had very good feedback from people of other confessions who enjoy listening.
Radio Bistrita broadcasts 24 hours a day on the local 106FM frequency on the sfantatreime.ro (holytrinity.ro) site. The program schedule offers programs for the soul, but information of general interest, as well.
Cristian Rauca: Our program schedule has pretty much been established. I could say that half has remained as it was at the start, and half is what we wanted to bring on as something new and fresh. We have kept the news, we've retained an informative character since being a local station there is need for locals to be informed, so we decided to have both secular news and news of a Christian nature. We've kept, of course, the morning and evening news slots, but we also have educational shows. We have new programs which we've included such as talk show style dialogues. We have programs that discuss business ideas, how to start a business, specially aimed at Christian business people. We have portions, for example after 2 p.m. which we've entitled, Afternoon Hours, during which we want to address people who may be suffering, who probably stay home a lot. Our purpose as a radio station, as a church with a braodcast license, is for people to know God.
In the local community, Radio bistrita has been noted by people of different confessions.
Cristian Rauca: From 2009, even though we only had 2 hours, after that 4 hours, people let us know--by telephone, on the street, through messages recieved--that they'd been touched in difficult moments in their lives, perhaps by accidently coming across this signal. Then there are people who listen to us in the office, those who listen in the car. I've met people many times as I travelled whom I heard listening to Radio Bistrita.
Presently, Radio Bistrita has a coverage area of approximately 20 km in the municipality, but we desire to enlarge the area to cover the whole Bistrita-Nasaud County.
More news and stories from Romania:
The City Bells trailer
Trailer of one hour long film about the fire in 2008 that burned the tower of Evangelical Church in the city of Bistrita, in Transylvania, Romania. The film shows how the lost bells were replaced by new ones cast in Passau, Germany.
The Sufficiency of the Atonement of Christ: Bethany Baptist Church, Bistrita Romania
This is a sermon I did at Bethany Baptist Romanian Church in Bistrita, Romania on The Sufficiency of the Atonement of Christ, which was translated from English to Romanian by my brother-in-Christ, Marius. The sermon beings at about the 04:40 mark. Thank you also, Pastor Gil, for the opportunity!
Biserica Unitariană CRĂCIUNEL - The Unitarian Church (Transylvania, Romania)
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Biserica Unitariană, monument istoric, este situată în centrul satului Crăciunel (Homoródkarácsonyfalva) care aparține de comuna Ocland (județul Harghita, Transilvania). Biserica construită inițial în stil romanic în cea de a doua jumătate a secolului al XIII-lea avea o alcătuire simplă, fiind compusă dintr-o navă dreptunghiulară și un sanctuar semicircular. În 1496 s-a adăugat turnul construit în stil gotic. În perioada de început (secolele XIII-XVI) biserica a deservit cultul catolic, dar odată cu rapida pătrundere în Transilvania a reformei religioase, spre sfârșitul secolului al XVI-lea biserica a trecut la Unitarianism, o variantă ardelenească și mai radicală a Protestantismului. Biserica din Crăciunel este renumită pentru tavanul casetat și pictat realizat în 1752. Majoritatea celor 96 de casete sunt pictate cu motive decorative florale, dar în partea centrală casetele conțin versete din Nou și Vechiul Testament care fac trimitere la esența Cultului Unitarian. De asemenea este simbolizat și Isus Hristos prin imaginea unui pelican, simbol al iconografiei protestante (pasărea care își hrănește puii cu propriul sânge). O altă mare valoare a bisericii sunt vechile picturi murale din perioada catolică, picturi care din secolul al XVII-lea au fost acoperite cu var și readuse la lumină în anii 2005-2007. Dintre acestea este remarcabilă fresca în 7 scene cu legenda Sfântului rege Ladislau (o alegorie fabuloasă, cu elemente fantastice, precreștine, în care viitorul sfânt rege salvează o fată răpită de un păgân în timpul luptei de la Chiraleș, anul 1068, contra pecenegilor). Alte trei picturi, de mai mică amploare, reprezintă Nașterea lui Isus, Adorația Magilor și Împărăteasa Sfânta Elena. În jurul bisericii s-a construit în 1821 un zid de incintă, coferindu-i aspect de biserică fortificată. Lângă biserică se găsește un monument dedicat Împărătesei Elisabeta (Sissi).
The Unitarian Church, a historical monument, is located in the center of the village of Craciunel (Homoródkarácsonyfalva, in Hungarian), which belongs to Ocland commune (Harghita county, Transylvania). The church, originally built in Romanesque style in the second half of the 13th century, had a simple structure, consisting of a rectangular nave and a semicircular sanctuary. In 1496 the tower built in Gothic style was added. In the beginning period (13th-16th centuries) the church served the Catholic cult, but with the rapid penetration of religious reform in Transylvania, towards the end of the 16th century, the church passed to Unitarianism, a Transylvanian and more radical version of Protestantism. The church of Craciunel is famous for the cassetted and painted ceiling made in 1752. Most of the 96 boxes are painted with decorative floral motifs, but in the center the cassettes contain New and Old Testament verses that refer to the essence of the Unitarian Worship. Jesus Christ is also symbolized by the image of a pelican, a symbol of Protestant iconography (the bird that nourishes its chickens with its own blood). Another great value of the church is the old wall paintings of the Catholic period, paintings that were covered with lime in the 17th century and brought back to light in 2005-2007. Among them is a remarkable fresco in 7 scenes with the legend of Saint King Ladislau (a fabulous allegory with fantastic, pre-Christian elements, in which the future holy king saves a girl kidnapped by a heathen during the Chirales battle, in 1068, against the Pecenegs). Another three paintings are the Birth of Jesus, the Adoration of the Magi, and the Empress Saint Helena. A wall was built around the church in 1821, giving it the appearance of a fortified church. Next to the church is a monument dedicated to Empress Elisabeth (Sissi).
Protestant religious music: Johann Sebastian Bach
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Predica de Crinisor Stefan - Prea Devreme si Totusi la Timp
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Mesaj de Paul Prunean
Pastor Florin - A Calling To God
Pastor Florin from our church, New Life Romanian Baptist Church, calls us to receive the gift of life.
Tine-ma cu mana Ta - Liviu si Ramona Maxim - Sion Evangelical Romanian Church
Controlled Chaos - Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
1. PALACE OF JUSTICE,ORADEA 47° 3'29.55N 21°56'10.22E
44°25'34.41N 26° 5'37.92E
3. CATHOLIC CHURCH,SIBIU 45°47'49.60N 24° 9'5.29E
4. PARACHUTE TOWER,BUCHAREST 44°26'4.73N 26° 8'55.94E
5. CALVARIA CHURCH,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°45'40.39N 23°33'28.61E
6. ANTIPA MUSEUM,BUCHAREST 44°27'11.52N 26° 5'4.55E
7. STATUE OF DECEBALUS,ORSOVA 44°38'28.30N 22°17'27.34E
8. EVANGELICAL CHURCH,BISTRITA 47° 7'56.28N 24°29'45.31E
9. CASTLE MIKO,HAARGHITA 46°21'21.03N 25°48'7.08E
10. GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH,SATUMARE 47°48'11.98N 22°52'53.41E
11. WHITE TOWER,BRASOV 45°38'34.27N 25°35'11.99E
12. UNION SQUARE,TIMISOARA 45°45'28.80N 21°13'43.98E
46°18'47.15N 25°18'22.44E
14. ST. MICHAEL CHURCH,CLUJ NAPOCA 46°46'11.74N 23°35'22.08E
15. SCHEI GATE,BRASOV 45°38'20.63N 25°35'11.41E
16. EMPEROR TRAJAN STATUE,DEVA 45°52'53.87N 22°54'1.85E
46°18'22.64N 25°17'56.99E
18. CEC PALACE,BUCHAREST 44°25'55.23N 26° 5'47.57E
46°18'16.27N 25°17'37.69E
20. ORTHODOX CHAPEL,TIMISOARA 45°44'14.16N 21°14'33.63E
21. CASTLE BANFFY,BONTIDAA 46°54'35.11N 23°48'35.96E
22. REFORMED CHURCH,ORADEA 47° 3'22.73N 21°56'11.20E
23. MONUMENT,BONTIDA 46°54'41.04N 23°48'49.29E
24. PREFECTURA DOLJ,CRAIOVA 44°19'5.09N 23°47'43.72E
25. TIMISOARA'S OPERA,TIMISOARA 45°45'16.22N 21°13'33.69E
26. FORTRESS OF ORADEA,ORADEA 47° 3'5.72N 21°56'34.83E
Seara de evanghelizare cu corul de la Happy Valley, Arizona
Seara de evanghelizare cu corul de la Happy Valley, Arizona impreuna cu pastorul Cornel Avram
Catedrala Evanghelica Sibiu ✔
Biserica evanghelică din Sibiu este una dintre cele mai frumoase și impresionante clădiri gotice din Transilvania. Având la bază o veche bazilică romanică din secolul XII, biserica, care este atât catedrala Bisericii Evanghelice C.A. cât și biserica parorhială a comunității din Sibiu, a fost construită în secolul XIV și renovata în 1520 când a primit aspectul actual. Biserica, numită Sf.Maria, este dominată de turnul de 73 m care este și cea mai înaltă clădire din Sibiu. Turnul adăpostește un ceas datând din 1881 și este, ca vechime, al doilea turn cu ceas din România. Cele patru turnulețe de pe colțuri semnifică faptul că orașul avea drept de condamnare la moarte.
Între 1496 și 1796 biserica a servit ca loc de înmormântare pentru o serie de personalități sibiene. Deși interzise înmormantările, în 1803 a fost făcută o excepție și a fost înmormântat aici baronul Samuel von Brukenthal. În 1853, pietrele funerare de pe mormintele adăpostite de biserică au fost încastrate în zidurile ferulei formând o galerie de lespezi funerare unică în România.
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Catedrala Evanghelica Sibiu
Evangelical Church from Sibiu is one of the most beautiful and impressive Gothic buildings in Transylvania. Based on an ancient Roman basilica from the twelfth century, the church, the Evangelical Church cathedral is so C.A. and the parochial church community in Sibiu, was built in the fourteenth century and renovated in 1520 when it received its current aspect. The church called St. Mary's, is dominated by 73 m tower that is also the tallest building in Sibiu. The tower houses a clock dating from 1881 and is as the second old clock tower in Romania. The four towers on the corners means that the city have the death penalty right.
Between 1496 and 1796 the church served as a burial place for a number of personalities from Sibiu. Although banned funeral, in 1803 was made an exception and was buried here Baron Samuel von Brukenthal. In 1853, tombstones from the graves that church housed were embedded in the walls of the ferrule forming a gallery of tombstones unique in Romania
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Religious music at small and large organ of the Evangelical fortified church in Cisnadie, Romania
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Religious music at small and large organ of the Evangelical fortified church in Cisnadie, Romania.
Biserica Săsească din Reghin este în renovare. Pentru prima dată în istorie, edificiul va fi zugrăvit pe exterior. Proiectul a fost semnat de un arhitect din Sibiu autorizat pentru monumente istorice şi va fi pus în practică de firma care a reconstruit turnul Bisericii Evanghelice din Bistriţa după incendiul din 2008.
Prayer Breakfast 2019, in the Romanian Parliament - dubbed
The Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest recently hosted the 14th edition of the annual Prayer Breakfast event. The event,
which is of great interest to the political class as well as to the Church, is organized by the Ecumenical Prayer Group of Parliament.
Dumitru Mihalescul, the president of the Ecumenical Prayer Group of Parliament: I'm happy to be a part of the prayer group. There is much work to do, but as Christians, we must go outside of the church. Not just to pray, but also to be active. If Romania is in the situation that she is today, each one of us must look to see where we are, if things are good it is to our merit, if things are not good then we are all guilty.
Ionuț Mavrichi, Patriarchal Couselor, Romanian Patriarchate: It is a joy and a privilege for all of us to be able to meet with political leaders who exhibit a Christian testimony. The Christians of our country are hopeful that they are represented according to/based on their values as well.
Titus Corlățean, PSD Senator: The message we have sent to the Parliament today is a message of confidence in the Christian values of Romania and of Europe.
Virgil Achihai, President of the Brethren Church in Romania: Have in mind the history of this event and I'm very glad that more and more it is connected to the realities of our country.
Marcel Vela, PNL Senator: The prayer group is a place in which we forget about all the political problems and troubles, a place where we each find ourselves because we feel unity, love and faith in God.
This year's edition was attended by nearly 600 guests from the Romanian Parliament and Government, Christian leaders, cultural personalities, guests from the United States of America, Asia, and Europe. In their presentationa the speakers indicated that spiritual reform is needed in Europe and in the world.
Priest and University Professor, Dr. Stelian Tofana, of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology Cluj-Napoca: We all recognize the state of things. So, what must we do? I will answer this question with the Bible. This is the Book on which the history of the human race must be based.
Florica Chereches, PNL Deputy: I was impressed with the messages that were addressed to the crowd by the president of the Academy, professor Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop, and by Professor, Father Stelian Pop, because they reminded us that Romania and Europe, and the whole world, need first of all, a spiritual reformation.
Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy: A united Europe, in my opinion, must be a concert of nations inspired by a common ideal that is not primarily economic, political, nor administrative, but spiritual or cultural.
Ioan Otniel Bunaciu, dean, The Faculty of Baptist Theology, Bucharest: I'm glad that we are many here that have come as people of God to discuss an important problem, not just at the confessional or personal level, but important also for the Romanian society.
Florin Cimpean, pastor, Chicago: God calls us to be people of character, people of integrity not just in church, but in society, in business, in politics, in academics, and in the public square.
George Duma, pastor, London: I think it's good to unite ourselves in religious and political factors, from the business arena to discuss, to pray and to share. I think one of the most important things is to pray for the good of our nation.
The participants acknowledged the need for active involvement in society and the importance of prayer.
Victor Cimpean, pastor, Bistrita: When there are people who pray and seek the face of God, the Bible says that God will heal their land.
Doru Cirdei, pastor, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova: I think that prayer in parliament, prayer in the political arena can make a difference.
Timotei Mitrofan, director, Romania Bible League: I realize that when the people of God pray something happens.
Vasilică Croitor, pastor, Medgidia: The fact that we are at a Prayer Breakfast says it all. There exists a freedom that our ancestors never dreamed of.
Danut Iacob, pastor, Italy: I think that the government, politicians, the people that lead us need prayer.
Emil Mestereaga, pastor, Pentecostal Theological Institute, Bucharest: Using this occasion I would call all believers who understand that God is the One who can bless Romania, to unite and to call upon the Name of the Lord for the country.
From the various presentations at this year's editon of the Prayer Breakfast it came to the forefront that it is neccesary that the observance of God given values be found on the agenda of those who lead a nation.
For more news and stories from Romania, access
Squirrel Prison (Bistrita, Romania)
What I dubbed Squirrel Prison, two squirrels running back & forth in a cage in the park in Bistrita, Romania. I believe it may have been used to protect them either from injury, predators, or for some other reason.
Domnul e Mare.wmv
Holiday Bible Club in Mangalia, Romania held during the team visit from Cheltenham Evangelical Presbyterian Church in APril 2010. Kids singing Our God is so Great, so Strong and so Mighty, there's nothing the He cannot do in Romanian.