Bistrita - Nasaud, Romania
Have you ever walked through the Gate of Transylvania?
Welcome to Bistrița-Năsăud, a county that brings out the culture of northern Transylvania and holds some of the most precious natural gems in Romania, and Europe as well.
Located in some of the most serene mountain areas, Bistrița-Năsăud county is sheltered by spectacular forests and nourished by remarkable natural reservations. In the land where Bram Stoker gave life to the gothic novel Dracula, you can discover all the mystical tales of those times, while stepping on the footprints of Jonathan Harker along marvelous sights as well as meeting warm-hearted people.
Bistrita-Nasaud proudly shares the breathtaking views, the unique natural reservations and a community that continues to value tradition, with all of you who decide to step foot in these lands. Our culture fosters collaboration, innovation and development with a close attention to preserving historical elements of great importance!
We want to share our way of life with you, so you are always welcome here!
Video production realized by Around The World Media.
We come up to the main reason of our road trip in Transylvania... This is to visit Bunica (Grandmother) and relatives in Pinticu, Bistrița-Năsăud. This region is just raw and full of the good and fresh nature. Everywhere you look seems like it was left behind in civilization in an exceptional good way. People here are so kind and humble. Food are so fresh and in a fantastic quality. It is a place where you can just detach yourself from the hectic schedule of the city life and contemplate life and re-aligning oneself to the real sense of humanity. We are looking forward to visit more sites here in Bistrița-Năsăud in our next travel.
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Beautiful Places To See- Transfagarasan Highway, Romania (Road of Dream for The Driver
More than 150 kilometres in length the Transfagarasan Highway is Romania’s most spectacular and best known road and, thanks to an appearance on BBC Top Gear in 2009, now one of the country’s most popular tourist attractions. Fully open only from June to October, the road’s highest point is at 2042 metres: the tunnel which links the northern and southern sides at Lake Balea
The Transfagarasan - as with everything else in Romania at the time, it would seem - was built from 1970-1974 on the personal orders of Nicolae Ceausescu, who, legend has it, wanted to create a strategic route across the Fagaras Mountains to ferry troops north should Romania be invaded by the USSR (as Czechoslovakia had been in 1968). This legend of course ignores the fact that a perfectly good and far quicker route around the mountains (the Valea Oltului) already existed, and that any strategic impact of a road open for only a few months each year would have been minimal. Still, who are we to question a good urban myth?
A far more likely explanation for the construction of the road was the simple fact that the mountains were there, and that the road across the very top would serve as a proud example of just what socialist Romania - with Ceausescu as its leader - could achieve. Much like the Danube-Black Sea Canal project of the 1980s the Transfagarasan was therefore built as a status symbol with little regard for cost or usefulness. (Indeed - whisper it - but the Transfagarasan is fundamentally useless).
Yet whereas the Danube-Black Sea Canal is today the biggest white elephant in the country (it carries very little marine traffic), the Transfagarasan has never been more popular. Always a favoured weekend trip for Romanian drivers, its international fame now means that motoring enthusiasts from all over Europe (particularly Poland, in our experience) beat a path here each summer. While the you can just about do the Transfagarasan in a (long) day trip from Bucharest, we recommend taking a couple of days: besides the Transfagarasan itself there is plenty to see along the way.
La Roumanie est-elle Chère ? ... Non ! Super Economique | Un Monde de Voyage | Partie II
PARTIE I sur le lien
Entre nos derniers 7000 km de vélo en Europe et notre nouvelle aventure à pied autour et à travers la péninsule Ibérique, nous avons passé quelques jours en Roumanie, à Bistrita !
Nous avons beaucoup apprécié l'endroit. Bien sûr, comme d'habitude ce n'est pas comme les rumeurs le disent ... Les Roumains ne sont pas des voleurs et des Tsiganes, ce sont des ROUMAINS, des travailleurs acharnés et des gens vraiment gentils.
Cet Episode n°II de La Roumanie est-elle Chère ... Non ! Super Economique montre les prix trouvés au hasard dans la ville concernant les takeaway, les courses et les magasins de vêtements d'occasion ...
Comme toujours, notre travail photographique sur 500px
maintenant sur Vero True Social :
recherche de Stefan Pechou Photography;)
Trip to Devil's Lake,Romania
The Devil’s Lake ,Romania is the only cavernous lake in the country which was formed due to a cave collapse. The water of the Devil's Lake is about 12 m deep and it is so clear that you can see the fish, the edgy stones and the long forgotten tree branches under it.
Drums of the Deep Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Satul Magura - Zarnesti - Judetul Brasov - Locuri pitoresti din Romania
Vreau sa va prezint satul Magura din apropierea Zarnestiului din judetul Brasov. La doar 20 de km de Rasnov si la 5 km de iesirea din Zarnesti, dincolo de bariera stancoasa a Pietrei Craiului, se afla 2 sate deosebit de pitoresti, Magura si Pestere. Magura nu este un sat oarecare , iti dai seama de asta doar dupa cateva sute de metri , cand vezi coamele dealulilor care se arcuiesc intre masivul Piatra Craiului si Bucegi, casele risipite si verdele nesfarsit. Aici timpul pare sa se intoarca la matca lui. Este un loc al frumusetii si linistii.
In acest cadru de poveste au poposit in urma cu circa 200 de ani cateva familii de oieri. Au ramas aici si au intemeiat o mica asezare. Se pare ca unul dintre oieri se numea Magureanu, de unde si numele satului. De fapt cresterea animalelor a ramas si acum preocuparea principala.
Printre casele vechi ale localnicilor rasar acum indraznet cateva case de vacanta cochete ce dau Magurii aspectul unei mici asezari elvetiene.
Aceste locuri pitoresti au fost alese pentru filmarea prima editie a celebrei emisiuni Serviti va rog! care a fost filmata in aceste locuri minunate fascinand multe vedete cu frumuseatea locurilor .
sat Magura
Piatra Craiului
Masivul Piatra Craiului
Viata la tara,
Locuri pitoresti din Romania
Judetul Brasov
Atractii turistice Piatra Craiului
Obiective turistice Brasov
Serviti va rog
Obiective pitoresti Brasov
sat Pestera
sat Magura
Piatra Craiului Mountains
Brasov attractions
Baia Borsa, Forgotten Gold Mines and Lost Trails of the Toroiaga Mountain 2018
At the foot of the Toroiaga mountain , the highest mountain in Maramures Mountains Natural Park is siting Baia Borsa.
Not so long ago Baia Borsa or Baile Borsa was an important place on the map of the Romanian mining industry.
After the political class played the funeral song of the North Romania`s mining industry a long and heavy silence fell over the place. In the years of Socialist Glory, Baia Borsa mines were providing to the national economy half of the total production of
non-ferrous crude metals from ore. The mining activities were generally carried out by 7 000 workers, to add the auxiliary personnel, it means that at the moment the Town provided over 10 000 workplaces. People were working non stop in rotating shifts. Day by day about 50 worker buses were bringing and carrying people from all over the place, Valea Izei, Valea Viseului till Sigetu Marmatiei.
There were working places even for people from vicinity counties like Bistrita Nasaud and Suceava.
Baia Borsa`s mountains are containing besides complex ore of zinc, copper, lead etc., a vein of gold as well. This can be found, according to local sources, in the Toroiaga Mountain (1929,9 m), the highest peak in Maramuresului Mountains [Muntii Maramuresului]. Here, in the communist era 20.000 tones of gold ore were exploited monthly, which was transformed after processing in 70 kilograms of pure gold. At least this was the Monthly Treasury Statement of the Communist leaders from that time.
Some people claim that the mountain was bought by a reach Irish businessman, others: that a local Romanian businessman owns the place. But, at the moment nobody really knows the truth, nobody gave a sign that there is any intention of reopening the mines, or to make a Tourism Investment of some sort.
La poalele celui mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului se afla Baia Borsa sau Baile Borsei. Pana nu demult, acest loc era un punct important in industria miniera din tara noastra. Dupa ce politicienii au terminat minieritul maramuresan inchizand toate minele chiar si cele productive peste Baia Borsa s-a asezat o tacere de mormant.
In anii gloriei comuniste minele din Baia Borsa ofereau economiei nationale aproape jumatate din productia totala de minereau neferos.. La mine lucrau peste 7.000 de oameni, la care se poate adauga personalul auxiliar, cei care lucrau in diverse servicii asta insemnand ca Baia Borsa detinea la vremea respectiva peste 10.000 de locuri de munca. Se lucra aproape non-stop, in trei schimburi. Zilnic foarte multe autobuze aduceau si duceau muncitori de pe toata Valea Izei, pana la Sighetu Marmatiei, Valea Viseului si din alte cotloane ale Maramuresului. Mai mult decat atat, industria miniera din zona asigura un loc de munca si pentru oamenii din judetele invecinate: Bistrita-Nasaud si Suceava. Unii din borsenii care au trait acele vremuri marturisesc ca nici macar nu le-a trecut prin cap faptul ca intr-o buna zi toata industria miniera din zona va disparea si odata cu ea bunastarea si siguranta zilei de maine.
Baia Borsa detine pe langa minereul complex de zinc, cupru, plumb etc., si un filon de aur. Acesta se afla, dupa cum povestesc oamenii, in masivul Toroiaga (1930 m), fiind cel mai inalt varf din Muntii Maramuresului. Aici, pe vremea comunismului, se exploatau lunar aproximativ 20.000 tone de minereu aurifer, care se transforma dupa prelucrare in 70 kilograme de aur, care intrau in visteria tarii. Cel putin asa se publica la nivel oficial si in rapoartele Republicii Socialiste Romania.
Unii localnici sustin ca muntele afost cumparat, dupa caderea regimului comunist, de catre un irlandez foarte bogat care detine o companie miniera in Europa altii ca ar fi in proprietatea unui om de afaceri originar din zona. Dar pana in prezent nici reprezentanti ai unor companii private nici statul roman nu au dat vreun indiciu ca ar dori sa redeschida minele sau sa faca vreo investitie, in domeniul turismului din aceasta zona atat de frumoasa si deosebita.
~ Multumesc pentru vizionare!~
Music was provided by epidemic sound:
ES_The Mystic Dream - Andreas Ericson
ES_Heroes - Marc Torch
ES_Fugitive Drone - Amir Sharifi
ES_Epic Orchestral Adventure 3 - Gavin Luke
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
Dobrogea - România | Trip & Tour
Trip & Tour vă propune o destinație inedită: Dobrogea. Un loc cu peisaje de basm, situat între Dunăre și Marea Neagră, cunoscut pentru suprafața întinsă de plaje dar și pentru unicitatea patrimoniului UNESCO Delta Dunării. Alege ofertele Trip & Tour: