Stockalperweg 2017 Simplon - Gondo
Stockalperweg 2017 Simplon-Gondo. Einer der schönsten Enduro MTB Trails. Macht sehr viel Spass!
Gondo-Event 04.+05.08.2012: Tag 1 - Schweizer Gartenzwerg
Ich laufe ruhig und alleine seit 2 Stunden, genieße die Bergluft und erreiche ein kleines Dorf. Überraschung, ein echter Schweizer Gartenzwerg!
Day 6, from Gondo to Martigny Kremser's photos around Martigny, Switzerland (gondo switzerland)
Preview of Kremser's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
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Dalang H Anom suroto mewariskan wayang kulit ke gondo wartoyo
#Anom suroto#wayang kulit#
Gondo Event 2010 Team Bayard Sport by Patricia
Doppelmarathon im Simplongebiet zum Gedenken an die Katastrophe vom 14 Oktober im Jahre 2000
Gondo-Event 04.+05.08.2012: Tag 1 - Laufen in der Gondoschlucht
In der sehr engen Gondoschlucht gab es lange keinen Weg. Wir laufen über Steine, immer am rauschneden Bach entlang
Trailguide - Stockalperweg
Two downhills from the Simplonpass, Switzerland. The first one goes to Brig, the second one to Gondo. We took the Postauto to get back to the pass both times, because the road has some heavy traffic and many tunnels.
GPS tracks:
- Simplonpass-Brig:
- Simplonpass-Gondo:
The descent to Brig, in its upper part, can become tricky when wet because of the many rocks.
The hardest part during the downhill to Gondo comes right after the Fort Gondo: rocky, steep and with switchbacks. It's pretty short though.
Feel free to ask in the comments!
Pendant des siècles, Gondo, dans le Haut-Valais, attirait les chercheurs d’or
Nous plongeons dans les entrailles des Alpes, sur les traces des anciens chercheurs d’or de Gondo. Si le village valaisan est souvent associé à son poste frontière, il est moins connu pour cette époque où il vibrait avec la fièvre de l’or, avec la principale mine de Suisse. Les mines de Gondo ont connu des siècles d’exploitations. Au plus fort de l’activité, dans les années 1890, Gondo à produit 33 kg d’or; jusqu’à 500 personnes œuvraient alors à l’extraction du précieux minerai.
Visite et découverte des lieux avec Visite et découverte des lieux avec Rolf Gruber, orpailleur et accompagnateur en montagne.
, orpailleur et accompagnateur en montagne.
WK 07 Gondo - Simplon
Gespräch mit einer Schulklasse
Stockalper Trail I GoPro Hero 4 Silver
Angeheizt durch die Videoreihe Trail Tales (von wollten wir unbedingt im Wallis biken und aufjedenfall den Stockalperweg durchbrettern. Das Durchbrettern hat sich leider im letzten Drittel eher schwierig gestaltet, aber es war nichts desto trotz der krönende Abschluss unseres Trips in der Schweiz.
Karakoram/Himalayas Fly-Through Tour 6 - Google Earth
Soaring and swooping through part of the stunning Karakoram mountains in the North-West Himalayas. Some of the most magnificent images rendered in Google Earth. Some bumps in Google Earth.
To give some idea of scale, the eye altitude of the tour is 21,600 ft and some of the valleys are 9000 ft, so these mountains (like K2) have almost vertical faces of 12000 ft or more. There are more of the highest mountains in the world in the Karakoram range than anywhere else.
The tour was created in Google Earth and is accompanied by the beautiful music of Liquid Mind: Into the Silence of My Being from Liquid Mind VII: Reflection © by Liquid Mind, used by permission of Real Music® -
D' GOENDOE Cafe (Pesona Agrowisata BUMDes Sumbergondo Malang - Jawa Timur
Salam #bastel!
Pesona Agrowisata BUMDes Sumbergondo - Malang
Berlokasi di Desa Sumbergondo, Kec. Bumiaji,
Kota Madya Malang - Jawa Timur.
Ide membuat tempat ini dari beberapa warga desa,
dengan memanfaatkan area kebun apel milik warga.
Tempat ini dibangun dengan menggunakan ANGGARAN DESA
melalui BUMDes Sumbergondo dengan nilai sekitar 60 juta rupiah.
Adapun pengelolaan tempat ini melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat.
Lahan seluas hampir 2 hektar ini merupakan Kebun Apel milik warga yang di tata dengan konsep Kafe menjadikan tempat ini sebagai daya tarik wisata yang patut dikunjungi dan dinikmati.
Penataan Taman berkonsep Agrowisata dengan Penempatan Gazebo yang dikelilingi Pepohonan Apel, beragam tanaman bunga dan sayur.
Sebuah konsep Agrowisata yang menjadi daya tarik wisata
dan sumber peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat.
Sebuah tips pemanfaatan DANA DESA untuk pengelolaan potensi desa demi peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat yang patut dicontohi oleh daerah lain.
Selamat menyaksikan tayangan ini,
Jangan Lupa di LIKE, COMMENT dan SUBSCRIBE channel kami untuk terus mendukung kami dalam menyajikan tayangan dengan konten yang informatif, menarik dan bermanfaat.
Terima Kasih dan TUHAN menyertai kita!
Video lain tentang D' GOENDOE:
Kunjungi juga Channel kami:
Col du Simplon / Simplon Pass / mai 2012 / BMW R1200GS
Le col du Simplon est un col des Alpes situé dans le Valais. Culminant à 2008 m, il est ouvert toute l'année et fait partie intégrante de la route nationale suisse A9 menant de Brigue en Italie. Long de 62 kilomètres, sa déclivité est de 9%. Contrairement au col du Grand-Saint-Bernard fermé plusieurs mois par an, la route du Simplon est ouverte toute l'année et donne lieu à un important trafic de poids lourds.
Simplon Pass (Italian: Passo del Sempione) (2,005 m/6,578 ft) is a high mountain pass between the Pennine Alps and the Lepontine Alps in Switzerland. It connects Brig in the canton of Valais with Domodossola in Piedmont (Italy). The pass itself and the villages on each side of it, such as Gondo, are in Switzerland. The Simplon Tunnel was built beneath the vicinity of the pass in the early 20th century to carry rail traffic between the two countries.
About 500 metres west of Simplon Pass lies a lower, unnamed pass, at an altitude of 1,994 m/6,542 ft.[2] It is the lowest point on the watershed between the basins of the Rhone and the Po in Switzerland.
Rotelsee is a lake located near the pass at an elevation of 2028 m
GoPro HD / Other bike MV Agusta Brutale 750 / Yamaha FJR1300
touring london & warwick | (ft. alyssa)
follow me instagram @amielcalderon
like & subscribe
In this vlog my family and I go around London and Warwick doing touristy things. Watch us walk around, mess about and eat!
crushin - karson
fujitsu - motions
herbal tea -
last summer - ikson
early morning - shogondo
what's your name? amiel
what's my instagram? @amielcalderon
how old are you? 19
what's your ethnicity? filipino and PROUD
where do you live? south england
what do you film with? iphone xr
what do you edit with? final cut pro
Gondo-Event 04.+05.08.2012: Tag 1 - Der ruhige Start
Weitab von der Welt an der Schweizer-Italienischen Grenze laufen 110 Ultraläufer 2 Tage 2 Marathons. Ganz gemächlich gehts los...
Karakoram/Himalayas Fly-Through 11 : Google Earth
Soaring and swooping through part of the stunning Karakoram mountains in the North-West Himalayas. Some of the most magnificent images rendered in Google Earth. Some bumps in Google Earth.
To give some idea of scale, the eye altitude of the tour changes by up to 12,000 ft in a dive or climb and often reaches more than 22,000 ft. Some of the valley floors are at 9000 ft, so these mountains (like K2) have almost vertical faces of 12000 ft or more. There are more of the highest mountains in the world in the Karakoram range than anywhere else.
The tour was created in Google Earth and is accompanied by the beautiful music of Liquid Mind: Continuity from Liquid Mind V: Serenity © by Liquid Mind, used by permission of Real Music® -
Corippo (Ticino, Verzasca) 2018