Fuorcla Surlej - Switzerland | 2018
Wanderlust in beautiful Switzerland, Engadin.
Silvaplana - Fuorcla Surlej mt. 2755 - Val Roseg
Quando pensiamo all’Engadina, balzano subito in mente i panorami da cartolina dove la straordinaria bellezza della natura è spettacolare. Partendo dall’altopiano, man mano si sale, il contesto dei laghi scintillanti e le generose montagne che li dominano, contrastando con il verde dei prati circostanti. Una volta giunti in quota gli strepitosi panorami alpini lasciano davvero senza respiro: un balcone si affaccia su un impressionante corona di cime dai 3/4000 metri di quota, con i suoi superbi ghiacciai. In questa palestra all’aria aperta, abbiamo avuto la fortuna di godere di una splendida giornata di sole, rendendo la gita indimenticabile.
Collegamento al percorso:
Se vuoi salire in sella a grandi emozioni che corrono sui sentieri della Val Brembana, visita il sito:
Levitz Wedding - Silvaplana-Surlej, Switzerland - July 30, 2019
Team Levitz got married!
Our wedding video from July 30, 2019 at Hotel Bellavista, located in Silvaplana-Surlej, Switzerland.
Day 1 in Corvatsch Switzerland 4K
I know, the video size is wrong
Corvatsch 19/3/2016 - Fabrizio Corti on Mandra blue run
Discesa sulla pista blu Mandra che fiancheggia lo snowpark del Corvatsch (CH).
➜Fan page:
➜Profilo ufficiale:
Cameraman: @lucacortix93
Comparse: Fabrizio Corti
➜Corvatsch (GR, Switzerland)
Skiing down Mandra blue piste which runs beside the Corvatsch snowpark with Olympus SZ-20 mounted on a selfie stick.
Ripresa da selfie stick e fotocamera Olympus SZ-20.
#corvatsch #alpineskiing #swiss
Kiernan Fagan Silvaplana Switzerland World Cup
Mellow Powder - Freeride at Corvatsch, Engadin
Powder day at Corvatsch - DJI Mavic Pro
Munt Pers, Piz Murtel, Val Roseg
Hiking 3000 meter peaks and Moutainbiking on the valleys
Foto- und Filmwanderung mit Milena Crameri, professionelle Balletttänzerin, zur Fuorcla Surlej bei Pontresina und St. Moritz.
Film und Sound von Marco Cadonau
Sommer 2018
Bovalhütte - Tschiervahütte - Coazhütte - Fuorcla Surlej /// August 2018
Alle drei Hütten sind leicht erreichbar und liegen wunderschön - mit herrlicher Sicht auf die Gletscher.
Die Fotos sind von 2012. Gewandert sind wir die Tour erneut im August 2018. Leider sind die Gletscher in den 6 Jahren schon wieder kürzer geworden. Ein Grund mehr, sie bald zu besuchen.
The best MTB trail in the World! Corvatsch ENDURO Trail in St. Moritz (part 1)
St. Moritz is a mountain biking paradise. You can enjoy famous classics: WM Flow Trail, the Foppettas Flow Trail, and the Corviglia Flow Trail. But if you are into Enduro rough stuff, then you better go to another side of the Valley.
Take the gondola from Silvaplana to Corvatsch middle station (station Murtèl). Keep in mind, the only times when bikers allowed are either with the first lift at 08:25 or from 16:25 (they are super strict with it). We actually did both morning option and evening, both have its charm :)
From the middle station, a driveway leads flat towards Fuorcla Surlej, the transition to the Val Roseg. Directly below the Fuorcla Surlej we turn left into the singletrack, which leads towards Hahnensee and then further to St. Moritz.
This trail has everything rider can wish for: flow, gnar, tech gnar and switchbacks. You can top it off with a magnificent view on lakes and glaciers of St. Moritz. The difficulty level ranges from S2 to S4 level, so a lot of party is waiting for you.
Trail info:
- Peak altitude: 2700 m.
- Distance: ~ 15 km.
- Trail description: Single trail (15 km), way up: by gondola to Corvatsch middle station
- Time: ~ 20 min (way down)
- Elevation gained: 200m.
- Type of trail: single trail / Enduro
- Parking place: Corvatsch lift parking
- Link to trail GPX / Strava:
Wanderfreaks Fuorcla Surlej
Wanderfreaks 14.10.2017
Pontresina - Fuorcla Surlej - St. Moritz
19 km 1000 hm auf/ab
Netto-Wanderzeit 6 Stunden
First run in St Moritz at Corvatsch
Incredible glacier views. And finishes off with a nice rocky view of skating across flats. Snowboarders beware.
Bezoek Corvatsch Bergstation 3303m - middel station - Fuorcla Surlej - Hahnensee - Sankt-Moritz
MTB Fuorcla Surlej - Val Roseg
Un giro da toglierti il fiato, sia per lo sforzo in salita che per il paesaggio alpino con il gruppo del Bernina che quasi lo tocchi con una mano.
Partenza/arrivo da Pontresina, bellissimo trail che passa dal lago di Staz e prosegue con un saliscendi fino al lago Nair. Da qui si prende una mulattiera che sale sotto la telecabina del Corvatsch fino ai 2753m della Capanna Fuorcla Surlej, da dove si gode di un panorama spettacolare sui 4000 Grigionesi. La discesa in val Roseg, poco esposta ma sassosa, va affrontata con prudenza in quanto poco adatta alle MTB, in vari punti si toccano i pedalini. Infine lo sterrato da Roseg a Pontresina aiuta a rilassare le gambe roventi reduci dalla dura discesa. Il dislivello totale di 1340m non è impossibile, ma i due strappi al 35% si pedalano solo con Ebike. Lunghezza 36 km, dislivello 1340 m, durata 3h, consumo batteria da 500W al 90%.
The best MTB trail in the World! Corvatsch ENDURO Trail in St. Moritz (part 2)
St. Moritz is a mountain biking paradise. You can enjoy famous classics: WM Flow Trail, the Foppettas Flow Trail, and the Corviglia Flow Trail. But if you are into Enduro rough stuff, then you better go to another side of the Valley.
Take the gondola from Silvaplana to Corvatsch middle station (station Murtèl). Keep in mind, the only times when bikers allowed are either with the first lift at 08:25 or from 16:25 (they are super strict with it). We actually did both morning option and evening, both have its charm :)
From the middle station, a driveway leads flat towards Fuorcla Surlej, the transition to the Val Roseg. Directly below the Fuorcla Surlej we turn left into the singletrack, which leads towards Hahnensee and then further to St. Moritz.
This trail has everything rider can wish for: flow, gnar, tech gnar and switchbacks. You can top it off with a magnificent view on lakes and glaciers of St. Moritz. The difficulty level ranges from S2 to S4 level, so a lot of party is waiting for you.
Trail info:
- Peak altitude: 2700 m.
- Distance: ~ 15 km.
- Trail description: Single trail (15 km), way up: by gondola to Corvatsch middle station
- Time: ~ 20 min (way down)
- Elevation gained: 200m.
- Type of trail: single trail / Enduro
- Parking place: Corvatsch lift parking
- Link to trail GPX / Strava:
Bike Trail Fuorcla Surlej 2015
Mein neuer Film Fuorcla Sürlej 2015
Corvatsch – Val Roseg: Traumhafte Bergwanderung
Luftseilbahn Corvatsch, Silvaplana Corvatsch
Fahrt mit der Luftseilbahn Corvatsch, Skigebiet Corvatsch. Erbaut 2008 durch Leitner, 100-Personen Kabinen von Carvatech. Vorgängerbahn war eine Von Roll Pendelbahn von 1963 mit 80-Personen Kabinen von SIG.
Cable car Corvatsch, ski resort Corvatsch/Switzerland. Built in 2008 by Leitner.
Risalita colla cabinovia Corvatsch, aera sciistica Corvatsch/Svizzera. Cabinovia costruita nel 2008 da Leitner/Sterzing.
Téléphérique Corvatsch, station de ski Corvatsch/Suisse. Construit en 2008 par Leitner.
Bike Days St.Moritz 2015 - Fuorcla Surlej - Piz Nair - GoPro4
Bike Days St.Moritz 2015 - Corvatsch - Fuorcla Surlej - Piz Nair - GoPro4 - edited by Sandro Cucciniello