Fuzhou Dongzhang Reservoir
Fuzhou Dongzhang Reservoir
Fuzhou Dongzhang Reservoir
Dongzhang Reservoir, Fuqing, Fuzhou, China
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Drive Through Shizhu Mountain Class '4A' Fuqing Tourist Attraction 通过'海西明珠'福清石竹山旅游风景区
Shizhu Mountain Scenic Area is located along the banks of the Dongzhang Reservoir and is 10 km from Western Fuqing City. The area is well known for its flourishing bamboos and jagged rocks of bizarre shapes.
The main attractions in Shizhu Mountain Scenic Area are the Place of Sorrow, Jade Emperor Temporary Palace, Ziyun Building, Tower of the Buddhist Relics, Palace of the Mercy Goddess, Hall of the Earth, Tianjun Palace or Yuhuang pavilion, Xianjun building or the Jiuxian pavilion. One of the people to be consecrated here was Han Dynasty’s Jiuxian He. Jiuxian Pavilion has the most exuberant candles and incense and it attracts thousands of pilgrims from all over the country that come to pray for their dreams.
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