Tour of the Old Town Trebon in 8 minutes Southern Bohemia Czech Republic jop TV Travel
Gratzener gate
Schweinitzer gate
Masaryk Square
Old Town Hall
Marian Column
Wittingauer Fountain
St. Eguidius church
Augustinian monastery
Budesovicka brana
Landstejn Castle in Czech Republic
Drone flight and photography of Landstejn Castle.
Landštejn Castle is a 13th-century castle in the Jindřichův Hradec District of South Bohemia, Czech Republic, in the municipality of Staré Město pod Landštejnem. The earliest written record of Hrad Landstejn is from 1231, at which time it was the largest Romanesque castle in the Czech lands. It is one of the oldest and best preserved such structures in Europe. The two large towers are connected by a wall defining the upper castle and its courtyard. The six-story southern tower is the main tower and is fully preserved, including a gate in the western wall.
South Bohemia
The wonderful town of Cesky Krumlov, with its castle and Barok Theatre and Hluboka castle nearby.
Pisek Czech Republic
Písek is a middle-sized town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic
Hranice, Czech Republic
There are three towns called Hranice in the Czech Republic. This one is in Moravia, in the east and in German was called Weißkirchen or Mährisch Weißkirchen when it was part of the Austro Hungarian Empire. My arrival was by accident, it was part of a jouney, a route I was following and I decided to stop and see. However it is well worth planning to go there. The main square is dominated by an enormous church but the view from the river rather than being dominated by a church, is dominated by a synagogue which survived the Nazi occupation by having the fortune to be designated a museum in 1940.
The town grew in the nineteenth century thanks to small industry, in particular the production of water pumps. The town had the largest factory for water pumps in Austria-Hungary.
The first Jews came at the beginning of the 17th century, receiving in 1637 the right for a self-governed Jewish quarter, around the present Janáčkova street (previously called Jew's street - ut. Židovská). Besides those 17 houses, they were not allowed to purchase houses elsewhere. The community reached 802 people in 1857, which was one eighth of the population of the town.
You can see more about the town in the film!
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Pardubice - A Beautiful Czech Jewel in Eastern Bohemia
Pardubice in Eastern Bohemia is a city on the Elbe river which is navigable downstream from here. Coming from the train station you enter the old town through the Green Gate. Around the main square there are magnificent buildings from several periods: late Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism. Not far from the place where the Chrudimka river flows into the Elbe is the Château, which has still strong traits of a castle, and its facade is decorated with sgraffito. Its entrance gate opens onto the city. Also worth seeing is the East Bohemian Theatre (Východočeské Divadlo) from the Art Nouveau period.
Pardubice in Ostböhmen, zu deutsch Pardubitz, ist eine Stadt an der Elbe, die ab hier flussabwärts schiffbar ist. Vom Bahnhof kommend betritt man die Altstadt durch das Grüne Tor. Um den dahinterliegenden Pernsteinplatz liegen prächtige Bürgerhäuser aus mehreren Epochen: Spätgotik, Renaissance, Barock und Klassizisimus. Unweit davon fließt das Flüsschen Chrudimka in die Elbe; dort ist auch das Schloss, das immer noch starke Züge einer Burg aufweist und dessen Fassade mit Sgraffiti verziert sind. Sein Zugangstor öffnet sich zur Stadt. Sehenswert ist auch das Ostböhmische Theater (Východočeské divadlo) aus der Zeit des Jugendstils.
Pardubice en Bohemia Oriental es una ciudad a orillas del Elba que es navegable aguas abajo desde aquí. Llegando de la estación se entra en el casco viejo por la Puerta Verde. Alrededor de la plaza mayor están magníficos edificios de varias épocas: gótico tardío, renacimiento, barroco y neoclásico. No muy lejos del lugar donde el río Chrudimka desemboca en el Elba está el palacio que tiene aún fuertes rasgos de un castillo, y su fachada está decorada con esgrafiados. Su puerta de entrada se abre hacia la ciudad. También vale la pena visitar el Teatro de Bohemia Oriental (Východočeské Divadlo) de la época del modernismo (Art Nouveau).
Pardubice, en Bohême de l'Est, est une ville sur l'Elbe qui est navigable en aval à partir d'ici. En venant de la gare, vous entrez dans la vieille ville par la Porte Verte. Autour de la place principale, il ya de magnifiques bâtiments de plusieurs périodes: tard gothique, renaissance, baroque et néo-classicisme. Pas loin de l'endroit où la rivière Chrudimka se jette dans l'Elbe, c'est le Château, qui a encore de fortes traits d'un château, et sa façade est ornée de sgraffites. Sa porte d'entrée s'ouvre sur la ville. A voir aussi le Théâtre Bohême de l'Est (Východočeské Divadlo) de l'époque de l'Art Nouveau.
[Pardubice ve východních Čechách je město na řece Labi, která je splavná po proudu od zde. Již od vlakového nádraží zadáte staré město přes Zelené brány. Kolem náměstí jsou nádherné budovy z několika období: pozdě gotické, renesanční, barokní a neoklasicismus. Nedaleko od místa, kde řeka Chrudimka vlévá do Labe je zámek, který má stále silné rysy hradu a jeho fasáda je zdobena sgrafity. Jeho vstupní brána se otevírá do města. Také stojí za to vidět, je Východočeské divadlo (Východočeské Divadlo) z období secese.]
Holasovice - Ceske Budejovice, Bohemia, Czech Republic
- Created at TripWow by TravelPod Attractions (a TripAdvisor™ company)
Holasovice Ceske Budejovice
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Photos from:
- Ceske Budejovice, Bohemia, Czech Republic
Photos in this video:
- Holasovice Village by Mimiama from a blog titled Holašovice
Maxi the lovely little dog in Malenice (Strakonice) Czech Republic
Maxi the lovely little dog in Malenice & Praha Czech Republic july 27th 2008
Sound: mixed by synthm007
See you soon Elbert & Dana, the hole
family & Friends in The Czech Republic
South Bohemia, a unique region rich in architecture and culture which for centuries has been administered in harmony with nature, is sure to surprise every visitor.
Sightseers will be impressed with how enlightened and rich must the local noble families have been, how talented their artist and craftsmen have been. They have left stunning for future generations, countless number of historical monuments which document the eventful and sundry history of this region: age-old towns full of life and culture, grand Gothic churches, dreamy Renaissance castles, medieval monasteries, unique folk architecture and beautiful pond systems.
The region has remained untouched by major modern industry, preserved until now in a condition very similar to the created by previous generations. The number of natural reservations established in the region can confirm the quality of landscape.
Southern Bohemia abounds in ponds, pine forests and large peat bogs, the countryside enlivened with silhouettes of towns and country churches that perfectly match the dazzling whiteness of farms. South Bohemia is dotted with fishponds and criss-crossed by innumerable canals where tench and, particularly, carp, the favourite Czech Christmas dish, have been bred for 500 years. This is typical South Bohemian landscape in the surroundings of Ceske Budejovice, Trebon or Veseli nad Luznici. You may also find rugged mountains such as Novohradske hory or Blansky les, north of Cesky Krumlov.
Dutch info:
Een regio vol burchten, kastelen en vijvers
De natuur van Zuid-Bohemen is zeer veelzijdig. Naast typische vlakke gebieden met veel vijvers en veengrond die door dichte bossen en uitgestrekte weilanden worden omgrenst, kunnen we er ook wat grover berglandschap vinden.
Beschrijving van de regio
Het door de moderne civilisatie weinig aangetaste landschap met veel culturele en historische monumenten biedt de bezoeker grote keuze uit toeristische activiteiten aan -- wandelen, vissen, watersporten, bezoeken aan historische steden, burchten, kastelen en kloosters. Een juweel onder Zuid-Boheemse steden is Český Krumlov, waarvan de historische kern een onderdeel uitmaakt van het wereld cultureel erfgoed van de UNESCO. Dezelfde waardering is aan het meest volledige complex dorpsarchitectuur in Holašovice gegeven. De drukst bezochte monumenten van Zuid-Bohemen zijn de kastelen Hluvoká nad Vltavou en Červená Lhota, de burcht Zvíkov of de kloosters Vyšší Brod en Zlatá Koruna.
Een dicht netwerk van wegen van het Europese systeem: Praag -- Benešov -- Tábor -- České Budějovice -- Linz, Pilsen -- Písek -- České Budějovice, České Budějovice -- Jindřichův Hradec -- Pelhřimov. De hoofdspoortrajecten zijn: Praag -- Tábor -- České Budějovice -- Summerau, Pilsen -- Strakonice -- České Budějovice -- Gmünd, České Budějovice -- Veselí nad Lužnicí -- Jihlava -- Brno.
Czech Republic (52.) - Synkov - Potštějn - Litice nad Orlicí - Rychnov nad Kněžnou
Hi, this is my long video from our small trip around East Bohemia. We visited few places and drove through many villages. Weather was not perfect but still you can see many things, cute countryside, narrow roads and folk houses. I hope you will enjoy this ride.
Liberec Region
The Liberec Region is located in the north of the Czech Republic on the border with Germany and Poland. It is an area with a rich history and a wealth of natural, cultural, and historic landmarks, an area that is rightly known as heaven on earth for tourists, skiers, lovers of nature, and history enthusiasts.
DCZ085944 Steam trains Czech Republic Česká úzkorozchodná parní lokomotiva U37.002 JHMD parný vlak
The narrow gauge steam locomotive U37-002 (built in 1898, Krauss / Linz, formerly kkStB U 12) transports with blowing the whistle the steam train 280 of the Czech Republic railway company JHMD. The journey from Jindřichův Hradec to Nová Bystřice leads through the forests of South Bohemia, therefore the region is also called Bohemian Canada.
Úzkorozchodná parní lokomotiva U37.002 (postavená v roce 1898, dříve kkStB U 12) přepravuje výletní parní vlaky 280 české železniční společnosti Jindřichohradecké místní dráhy. Cesta z Jindřichova Hradce do Nové Bystřice vede lesem jižních Čech, a proto se tento region nazývá také Českou Kanadou. Lesy, louky, idylický, houkání houkačka pískání a píšťalka.
Český úzkorozchodný parný rušeň železnica parný vlak parní píšťaly zvuk.
Dampfzüge in Tschechien Schmalspur Dampflokomotive Pfiff Neuhäuser Lokalbahnen JHMD Dampfzug tschechische Dampflok Wälder Südböhmen Personenzug Ausflug Reise.
Trens a vapor República Tcheca apito locomotiva a vapor de bitola estreita trem a vapor buzina companhia ferroviária viagem florestas Boêmia meridional assobio comboio a vapor checo.