Gion Corner/ギオンコーナー
Gion Corner is a place where you can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers. Here you can see Japan's traditional performing arts in 'digest' form all on one stage. Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavor, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
Japan Experience HD - Kyoto Gion Corner 祇園 - Kobu Kaburenjo - Geisha in Japan - Documentario
Immergiti nelle tradizionali arti dello spettacolo nel cuore del quartiere Gion di Kyoto. Gion Corner è un luogo dove puoi immergerti in sette tipi di arti dello spettacolo, soprattutto nella danza kyo-mai eseguita dalle danzatrici maiko. Qui puoi ammirare le tradizionali arti dello spettacolo giapponesi sotto forma di ‘riassunto’, tutte su un unico palcoscenico. Situato in Yasaka Hall vicino al teatro Gion Kobu Kaburenjo, il Corner è immerso in un’atmosfera decisamente internazionale poiché è conosciutissimo sia dai turisti giapponesi che da quelli stranieri.
Gion Corner
Gion Corner is a place where you can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers. Here you can see Japan's traditional performing arts in 'digest' form all on one stage. Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavor, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
Beauties and the blossom springtime in Japan
(2 Apr 2009) SHOTLIST
Kyoto - 30 March 2009
1. Close up cherry blossom
2. Long of Shirakawa River in Gion District of Kyoto
3. Pull Focus Maiko San (apprentice Geiko San - in Kyoto Geisha are known as Geiko)
4. Medium shot of Maiko San in Gion District
5. Close up of Cherry Blossom
6. Long of Maiko San in the open window of an Ochaya, Gion District. (Ochaya are tea houses where Maiko and Geiko San entertain their guests.)
7. Pan up of Maiko San in Shinbashi, a road that runs beside the Shirakawa river in Kyoto's Gion district.
Kyoto - 31 March 2009
8. Wide of the entrance to the Gion Kaburenjo Theatre
9. Close up of member of the audience examining a programme
Kyoto - 24 March 2009
10. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Komura Hirohisa Secretary of the Gion Kobu Union (Gion Kobu is the name for one of the two Geiko Communities with in the Gion District, the other being Gion Higashi.) :
From the 1st of April through to the end of the month, we stage 4 performances per day, 120 performances in total. The Geiko and Maiko San perform in rotating shifts in which they each take part in every sixth performance.
Kyoto - 31 March 2009
11. Various of the opening of the Miyako Odori dance
Kyoto - 24 March 2009
12. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Komura Hirohisa, Secretary of the Gion Kobu Union:
The reason that Miyako Odori began is connected to the change of Japan's capital city from Kyoto to Tokyo (that occurred in 1868.) As part of a series of measures to prevent Kyoto's decline the Governor made the city home to Japan's first Exposition and at his request the first Miyako Odori dance performance was held at the same time.
Kyoto - 31 March 2009
13. Various of the dancing (Set up shot of Mamechizu dancing frame left.)
14. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Mamechizu, Geiko San:
It's now 20 years since I made my debut as a Maiko San, so this makes it my 21st appearance in the Miyako Odori.
15. Various of Mamechizu and other Geiko San dancing in the Shirakawa River scene.
16. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Mamechizu, Geiko San:
This year I've been allowed to dance in a scene called The Cool Breeze of the Shirakawa River in Summer. It's very colourful. A really good scene.
17. Mamechizu and other Geiko San dancing in the Shirakawa River scene.
18. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Mamechizu, Geiko San:
Like some of the other Geiko San, I actually have three roles in this year's Miyako Odori. I have the main dance role that I performed today but I will also perform the role of odoriko (the dancers that come on from the wings during the opening of the performance) and will also be playing the Tsuzumi. (a Tsuzumi is a kind of drum)
19. Various of the finale, a dance amongst the cherry blossoms
Kyoto - 24 March 2009
20. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Komura Hirohisa, Union Secretary:
The Kaburenjo Theatre seats just over 800 people so during the course of 120 performances we expect around 100,000 people. Audience figures were around that total last year.
Kyoto - 31 March 2009
21. Medium shot of finale
Kyoto - 24 March 2009
22. SOUNDBITE (Japanese): Komura Hirohisa, Union Secretary:
We are expecting the number of visitors from overseas to fall this year but at the moment we already have a considerable number of bookings. We won't have a clear idea of how things stand until later on during the month.
Kyoto, 31 March 2009
23. Various of the finale
Japan is both famous for cherry blossoms and Geisha.
In the city of Kyoto, Japan's former capital, both combine in an annual dance performance known as Miyako Odori.
Miyako Odori has taken place since 1872 and April 1st saw the beginning of the 137th season of performances.
It's spring time in Kyoto and the cherry trees are heavy with flowers.
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Japanese traditional performing arts #4: Kyomai 京舞 Traditional kyoto dance
Originating in Kyoto, kyo-mai is an elegant and dazzling dance performed by maiko and geiko (in Kyoto, “geisha” are called “geiko”) dancers in beautifully ornate dress.
Kyomai developed as the result of integration of kamigata mai dances, which have long been performed since the Edo period, with some elements of shimai (Noh dance in plain clothes) incorporated.
Geiko are professional entertainers who attend guests during meals, banquets and other occasions.
They are trained in various traditional Japanese arts, such as dance and music, as well as in the art of communication.
Until age 20 or so, those training in these arts called maiko.
You can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers at Gion Corner.
Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavour, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
Performance time
Everyday starting at 6:00pm and at 7:00pm
(From December till the second week of March, performances will be held on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays only.)
Performance duration: about 50 minutes
Closed on
July 16, August 16 & from December 29 to January 3
Adults: ¥3,150
Students (Age 16-22): ¥2,200
Children (Age 7-15): ¥1,900
Infants (Age 0-6): free
Group Sales (20 people or more)
Adults: ¥2,200
Tourist Season Discounts
We are now sponsoring special discounts for foreign visitors to encourage them to get acquainted with Kyoto’s traditional culture.
Special Discount ticket from July 1st to February 28
Adults: ¥3,150 → ¥2,500
No reservation necessary. Please go directly to the counter.
Group Reservations (20 people or more)
Yasaka Hall, 570-2 Gionmachi Minamigawa
Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0074 JAPAN
Public transportation:
From JR Kyoto Station, take City Bus 206 or 100 to the Gion bus stop, and from there it is a 5-minute walk.
OR by train take the Keihan Line to Gion Shijo Station,and from there it is a 5-minute walk.
It is also a 10-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station on the Hankyu Line.
#maiko #geisha #kyoto #舞妓 #京都 #伝統芸能 #京舞 #kyotolegend
144th Miyako Odori -April 2016
144th Miyako Odori
Period: 1st-30th April 2016
Venue: 祇園甲部歌舞練場 Gion-kobu Kaburenjo Theater Kyoto Japan
Kyomai - HANAGASA - Gion Kobu 花の宴 21-04-2017
Maiko Tatsuha
Maiko Mametama
Kyoto Gion Corner
Jeff's Travel Guide at Kyoto, Gion Corner
The contrast couldn't be greater between the two temples CHION-IN TEMPLE (see last blog) and neighboring SHOREN-IN TEMPLE. The former is very busy, the lateral is an oasis of tranquility.
GION CORNER - Gion Corner is a place where you can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers. Here you can see Japan's traditional performing arts in 'digest' form all on one stage. Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavor, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists. (source:
Kyoto GION Corner - Maikos, Tee und Puppenspiel
Kyoto GION Corner - Maikos, Tee und Puppenspiel
Hallo Leute. Wie ihr ja schon wisst, bin ich zurück in Kyoto. In meinem April Video habe ich euch schon einige der beliebtesten Sightseeing-Spots der alten Kaiserstadt gezeigt. Heute stelle ich euch das Programm im Gion Corner vor. Um Reisenden einen Eindruck über die traditionelle Japanische Kultur zu vermitteln, treten verschiedene Künstler auf, um ihre Fähigkeiten zu Präsentieren. Um Ehrlich zu sein, Mein Hauptbeweggrund war der Kyo-Tanz der Maikos. Ich liebe Kimono und habe viel zur Geschichte der Maikos und Geikos recherchiert, deswegen wollte ich unbedingt diese wunderschönen Unterhaltungskünstlerinnen in Kyoto erleben. Neben den Tänzen kann man eine Teezeremonie und Ikebana, das Blumenstecken bewundern, während Musikerinnen den Raum mit dem Klang ihres Koto-Spiels erfüllen. Außerdem bekommt man einen ursprünglichen japanischen Hoftanz mit Musik, ein sehr amüsantes Theaterstück und ein dramatisches Bunraku Puppenspiel zu sehen. Insgesamt dauert die Vorstellung nur eine knappe Stunde, dafür bekommt man aber einen guten Eindruck von den verschiedenen Kunstformen. Wenn ihr euch für das traditionelle Japan interessiert, solltet ihr auf jeden Fall vorbeischauen wenn ihr in Kyoto seid.
Zwischen April und Dezember finden täglich zwei Vorstellungen statt. Die Karten kann man eine Stunde vor Beginn der Vorstellung erwerben. Je früher man kommt, desto besser die Sicht, da es keine festen Sitzplätze gibt.
Weitere Informationen unter:
Jeden Tag 18:00-, 19:00-
Von Dezember bis März in der zweiten Woche nur freitags, samstags, sonntags und an Feiertagen geöffnet.
Dauer der Vorstellung: ca. 50 Minuten
Geschlossen am
16.07, 16.08, 29.12. - 3.1.
Erwachsene: ¥3,150
16 bis 22 Jahre: ¥2,200
7 bis 15 Jahre: ¥1,900
0 bis 6 Jahre: frei
01.07.- 28.02. 2.500¥
Wenn euch mein Video gefallen hat, lasst mir einen Daumen hoch da ???? und abonniert mich.
So zeigt ihr auch anderen, dass meine Video sehenswert sind. Dankeschön!
Hier gehts zu mir nach Japan;-)
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Habt ihr auch schon immer davon geträumt Japan zu entdecken, aber noch Fragen oder Hemmungen den Schritt zu wagen? Schreibt mir was euch interessiert und was ihr gerne sehen würdet. Ich bin immer auf der Suche nach guten Ideen und Reisezielen. So wird es auch ein bisschen zu eurer Reise.
Rücksichtsvolles Reisen:
Take only memories. Leave only footprints. - Chief Seattle
ギオンコーナー/Gion Corner
舞妓さんによる京舞をはじめ、茶道、華道、箏曲、雅楽、狂言、文楽、7つの伝統芸能を鑑賞できるスポットです。 日本の伝統芸能を、ひとつの舞台でダイジェストに鑑賞できます。
Gion Corner is a place where you can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers. Here you can see Japan’s traditional performing arts in ‘digest’ form all on one stage. Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavour, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
There is also a Maiko Gallery, where videos of dances, the hair decorations worn by maiko dancers, and other items are on display.
gion corner digest 【祇園コーナーのダイジェスト版です】
Gion Corner is a place where you can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers. Here you can see Japan's traditional performing arts in 'digest' form all on one stage. Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavor, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
↓ discount coupon
Japanese traditional performing arts #3: Kyogen 狂言
Kyogen is a form of theatre that portrayed life as it was in a comical manner.
Besides being performed as a complete program, it is also performed between the works of a Noh program as an interlude.
You can take in seven kinds of performing arts, most notably kyo-mai dance performed by maiko dancers at Gion Corner.
Located in Yasaka Hall next to the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Theatre, the spot has a very international flavour, as it is popular with Japanese and foreign tourists.
Performance time
Everyday starting at 6:00pm and at 7:00pm
(From December till the second week of March, performances will be held on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays only.)
Performance duration: about 50 minutes
Closed on
July 16, August 16 & from December 29 to January 3
Adults: ¥3,150
Students (Age 16-22): ¥2,200
Children (Age 7-15): ¥1,900
Infants (Age 0-6): free
Group Sales (20 people or more)
Adults: ¥2,200
Tourist Season Discounts
We are now sponsoring special discounts for foreign visitors to encourage them to get acquainted with Kyoto’s traditional culture.
Special Discount ticket from July 1st to February 28
Adults: ¥3,150 → ¥2,500
No reservation necessary. Please go directly to the counter.
Group Reservations (20 people or more)
Yasaka Hall, 570-2 Gionmachi Minamigawa
Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0074 JAPAN
Phone +81-75-561-1119
〒605-0074 京都市東山区祇園町南側570-2 弥栄会館内
Public transportation:
From JR Kyoto Station, take City Bus 206 or 100 to the Gion bus stop, and from there it is a 5-minute walk.
OR by train take the Keihan Line to Gion Shijo Station,and from there it is a 5-minute walk.
It is also a 10-minute walk from Kawaramachi Station on the Hankyu Line.
#kyogen #狂言 #noh #gion corner #kyoto #京都 #祇園コーナー #祇園 #kyotolegend
Maiko Koyoshi in Seirai-in temple
Artist/model : maiko Koyoshi - Miyagawacho
Vidéo : Nicolas Bobier
Photos : Nicolas Bobier
Music : calm by Silen Partner
Event organized by (
Location Seirai-in, Kennin-ji temple, Kyoto
Kyoto Espace Gion
L'Espace Gion est un endroit où vous pouvez découvrir 7 disciplines des arts
du spectacle, en particulier la danse kyo-mai présentée par des danseuses maiko. Vous pourrez assister, sur une seule et même scène, à des représentations « accessibles » des arts traditionnels du spectacle japonais.
Situé dans le Yasaka Hall, à côté du théâtre Gion Kobu Kaburenjo, cet endroit a une véritable vocation internationale, puisqur’il est très prisé des touristesjaponais comme des touristes étrangers.
Le kyogen est une forme de théâtre comique où sont décrites de manière plaisante les habitudes et la vie des gens du commun dans la société ancienne japonaise.
• Le Kyogen : c'est une comédie traditionnelle du spectacle japonais.
C'est assez comique même si l'on ne comprend pas la langue, les acteurs sont marrants. Ici, c'est l'histoire d'un maître qui doit s'absenter de chez lui et va laisser seuls ses 2 serviteurs. Il a l'habitude que pendant ses absence, ses serviteurs en profite pour boire tout son saké. Alors le maître cette foiscidécide
de les attacher. Mais les 2 serviteurs sont malins et rusés, ils vont
tout de même réussir à boire le saké de leur maître, même attachés ;
Le Bunraku : c'est un théâtre de marionnettes japonaises qui date du XVIIème
siècle. Il a été intégré à laliste des Chefs-dr’oeuvre du patrimoine oral et immatériel de lr’humanité de
l’UNESCO en 2003
Les marionnettes utilisées sont de grandes tailles et manipulées à vue.
Dans notre spectacle, il n'y avait qu'une seule marionnette et elle était
manipulée par 3 personnes. On nous raconte une célèbre histoire d'amour entre Kichiza et Oshichi (la marionnette représente cette dernière). Kichiza doit quitter la ville afin de retrouver une épée précieuse que son maître à égarée. Pendant ce
temps, les parents d'Oshichi veulent la marier à Boutei un personnage vilain etpas très honnête. Oshichi découvre qu'en faite, l'épée a été volé par Bouteimais n'a pas eu le temps de prévenir Kichiza avant qu'il ne sorte de la ville.
Malheureusement, toutes les portes de la ville sont fermées et le seul moyen pour Oshichi de faire revenir Kichiza pour lui donner l'épée, est de monter à la tour de surveillance et sonner la cloche contre les incendies. Kichiza l'entend
et revient. Ainsi Oshichi lui donne l'épée et lui explique le malentendu sur son futur mariage forcé avec Boutei.
Kakubi Odori, Yasaka Shrine, Gion Matsuri 2015.
Kabuki odori dance performed by the Maiko san of Pontochō Kaburenjo at Yasaka shrine during Gion Matsuri 2015. When the Hanagasa Junkō Parade (花笠巡行) returns to the Yasaka shrine different performances and dances are held. This part of the Gion Matsuri is called Gion Matsuri Gosai (祇園祭後祭).
How to transform into a Geisha or Maiko Tutorial in Kyoto Japan
See My Gear Kit:
Read the steps and see more photos here:
Watch the makeup and kimono transformation into a Maiko, Geisha apprentice in Kyoto, Japan and the AYA Gion studio.
Dans cette vidéo, on va à une soirée Maiko-Chaya qui se trouve au Pontocho Kaburenjo Theater à Kyoto, à côté de Gion ! Les Maikos viennent même à votre table discuter !
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Husky - Geisha
Song: Husky - Geisha
京都衹園弥栄会館Gion Cornerギオンコーナー