Spot dell'apertura del Gloria Village Acquapark del 26 Maggio 2012
Spot di apertura della stagione Estiva del Gloria Village - Parco Acquatico e di Divertimento In Campania
Gloria Village Acquapark
Via del Caravaggio
Cesa - Sant' Antimo
Campania, ITALY
Gloria Village Acquapark - Antonino il Bagnino - Estate 2012
Simpatico sketch di Antonino il bagnino che consiglia vivamente di essere presenti per l'apertura prevista per il 26 Maggio 2012 del Gloria Village Acquapark
Gloria Village Acquapark
Via del Caravaggio
Cesa - Sant' Antimo
Campania, ITALY
vlog:acquapark GLORIA VILLAGE
Scusate se nel video non ci sono parole, ma il microfono delle GoPro non funzionava!
Se vi e piaciuto questo video lasciate like e iscrivetevi al canale:
P.S. Mi trovate a suonare la batteria il 6 luglio al GOOD FELLAS di Napoli
Vlog 17-18 Agosto 2017- A casa mia mancano i coltelli ???? | 2 giorni al Gloria Village ????????????
Ciao ragazzi con questo video vogliamo condividere con voi il nostro divertimento. Di seguito tutte le info :
Il Parco è aperto dalle ore 9.30 alle ore 18.00
Apertura attrazioni: ore 10.00 - 17.00
Animazione diurna e notturna.
Intrattenimento per bambini e feste a tema.
Gloria Village
Via del Caravaggio, Cesa - Sant'Antimo (NA)
Cap: 80029
Campania, ITALIA
Tel. +39 081.505.74.99
Speriamo che il video vi piaccia, se si lasciate un bel like e iscrivetevi al canale se ancora non lo siete.
Un bacio da parte dello staff dei The Magic Duo.
Al prossimo video
i Borboni, Asprinio e Napoli
See the most fascinating vineyards 'married' between poplar trees near the Naples area. I Borboni shows us the tradition of the area and a sparkling wine from the grape Asprinio.
I am Nicola Numeroso, one of the owners of the winery i Borboni.
This winery became ours in 1998.
Before we were just the farmers, and we are still the farmers,
since 5 generations. What happened is that the state started to provide financing
for knocking down of the planted trees in 1900 and more or less in the first part of 80s,
so 1982-83 they finananced this knock down, systematic knock down
of Aversano typical of Aversa Asprinio. My grandfather and my father
at the same time decided to continue to grow these grapes.
At the beginning they supplied Bouton, a liqueur producer
who produced Vecchia Romagna. This liqueur also exists today.
In part they sold it to the french, in part they supplied the grapes locally.
Here below we are going down to grottoes made of tuff.
Here below.
You can very easily work with these stones. For the technologies of the past
it was very important to be able to easily work and cut stone.
The stairs were obtained only
in a second moment becasue at first they
used a mechanism to pull up things.
These stones were cut away and used.
We can say that somewhere in this area there should be
a small undegraound city of Naples, or even a big city.
These grottoes were abandoned after the buildings were built. The grottoes were closed.
They became lost. This grotto here
we found only later.
There was first only this entrance. In fact you can see the difference
here the work was done by a pneumatic hammer, while here outside
everything is done with a pick,
so the whole grotto is cut by hand. Here in this smaller place we keep wine.
Wine that needs time.
There can be a lot.
From the other side, we keep wines with less maturation time.
Here there are all our bottles starting from the first production in 1998
up until today. The bottles are covered because
even if there is perfect temperature here,
(13-15 degrees thoughout the year), there is a lot of humidity here.
Humidity is hard to manage because it can destroy thing,
as for example labels.Therefore, after a couple of years spent here,
we can lose historical recollection of the vintages.
So we cover the bottels.
Here we have a version of
Charmat Method for 7-8-9 months in a tank
It really helps that the grape
has high acidity. Even the French were buying it
for their sparkling wines.
Alberata Vine cultivation system
has grapes with higher acidity
grapes up there which are higher has less sugar content than those below,
so they keep higher acidity. Some Asprinio of higher acidity
has to have also full body and flavour to match,
as this wine has acidity as high
as a lemon. The same high acidity as a lemon.
I am talking here about acidity of 10-11, and so it is a case of high acidity.
Acidity without structure is a failure.
It is really a tragedy when Asprinio is not made well and balanced.
The same when Asprinio is served too warm.
If Asprinio is served too warm, it is better you do not drink it. But also do not serve it too cold, as it will lose its aromas.
And it is very delivate in the nose. If served too cold, it is also ruined.
As we are close to the sea, in the past
here there were these big trees everywhere.
There were labyrinths made of trees. Why?
To slow down attacks coming from the sea. To disperse people in the vineyards.
People had time to warn the city and attacks failed
because with these trees
they did not manage to pass or at least they were slowed down, especially the cavalry.
The practical function is that naturally we move the production higher up,
so we are operating not on the surface, but higher up and have more space.
More space for what? Peaches, cherries we see here also peppers...
various seasonal vegetables. So as before there were many trees
but the plots of land were very small, all chopped up, every farmer
tried to earn as much as he could from the space that he has, a bit like we have to.
We try to use the whole space that we have, as you saw in the winery.
The same here.
How tall are they? These here are as high as 15 meters ... let's say 13-14-15 m.
Over there I wanted to let you see the ladder. I have a funny story to tell you reg. this ladder.
Every farmer makes his or her own ladder, crazily enough.
We have a special word for this ladder in the local dialect. The weight of such a ladder is 100 kg.
It is 18 meters long, and it is difficult
to move it around. You can have it supported by the tree, but we have to do it with each single tree.
So how do we do it? Of course we can not move such as heavy
ladder horizontally.
First of all you need more that one person put it down and then bring it up. It will be difficult.