Light show na Gorna porta
Ohrid Full Trip | North Macedonia
This has been the longest and the most eventful Travel Vlog I've ever edited! A full day spent in AMAZING Ohrid, North Macedonia. Our final and the most memorable trip during our Macedonia Journey!
Original Song 'Toy'
New Beginning MUSIC VIDEO:
My EP Beyond This World:
Special Thanks to our Tour Guide Naumka Kuzeska
Travel agency: Plus travel Skopje
snapchat: xxroarxxroarxx
#ohrid #northmacedonia #vlog #travel #macedonia
Shopping and Eating in Ohrid | How Cheap is Macedonia?
Let's go on a shopping quest to find out how cheap or expensive Macedonia is!
Everything is relative ofcourse. Things may appear cheap to tourists from western countries, but may actually be expensive in relation to local income.
We check the cafes and markets. We buy Rakia and a local specialty.
In this video we mostly shop in Ohrid, which has slighty higher prices due to it's popularity by tourists.
In Prilep we bought the Rakia. The home made Rakia is way stronger than the store bought version.
We did not buy bananas, because they are very expensive in the Balkans.
Porta - Ohrid - Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Porta hotel city: Ohrid - Country: Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Address: Kosta Abras BB; zip code: 6000
Offering accommodation with air conditioning, Porta is set in Ohrid, 400 metres from Ancient Theatre of Ohrid. Samoil's Fortress is 600 metres away. Free WiFi is featured . The accommodation is fitted with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels.
-- Комплекс Porta расположен в городе Охрид, в 400 метрах от античного театра Орхида. В его апартаментах установлен кондиционер. До Самуиловой твердины нужно пройти 600 метров. К услугам гостей бесплатный Wi-Fi.
The most beautiful lake town in the south of Europe? ???????? Travel/Tour of Ohrid, North Macedonia
Ohrid, North Macedonia: I decided to have a day trip from Skopje to go see a famous lake town in the south of Europe called Ohrid. I didn't know what to expect, but then I found that it is full of things to do and see: the church of St. Sophia and many others, Samuel's Fortress and so on. Plus, the beautiful old town of Ohrid has a really warm feeling and an amazing panoramic view over the lake. Really, the first impressions of North Macedonia are that it is incredibly beautiful and that it's a hidden gem in Europe!
During this solo travel to Norh Macedonia, from Skopje to Ohrid, I was amazed by this country and I'm sure that one day I'll be back!
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Шеици во посета на Нуркачкиот центар „Амфора од Охрид
ОХРИД, Документарен филм [ЕП01] | OHRID - Documentary Movie [EP01]
Документарен филм за градот Охрид, прва епизода
NOTE: This is educational material about Macedonian history and traditions of Macedonian people through centuries
Охрид — град во југозападниот дел на Македонија, на североисточното крајбрежје на Охридското Езеро, кое по градот го носи и своето име. Охрид и Охридското Езеро се едни од главните туристички места во Македонија.
Поради големиот број на цркви и манастири, градот е познат како Балкански и Европски Ерусалим.[2] Охрид е познат и како „град на светлината“, што претставува буквален превод на неговото старо име, Лихнид. Охридскиот регион е вклучен во светското населдство на УНЕСКО.
Современиот Охрид е наследник на античкиот Лихнид. Според податоците, градот прв пат се споменува 2.400 години пред новата ера. Лихнид се наоѓал на патот Виа Егнација, наjстарата и наjзначаjната римска сообраќаjница на Балканот. Бригијците и Енхелеjците го сочинуваат наjстарото население кое може според името да се идентификува во пошироката област на Охридското Езеро. Бригиjците се исто што и Фригиjците.
По Третата македонска воjна против кралот Персеј, Лихнид станува главна римска база во северните области на Македониjа. Тоа е времето кога за него наjмногу се слуша. Последната вест за Лихнид е веста за неговото разурнување. Во еден земјотрес, коj според историските извори се случил на 29 и 30 мај 526 година, настрадале повеќе десетици илjади лица во Лихнид. Потоа градот повеќе не се споменува во историските извори.
Охридската област до 30-тите години на VII век била целосно колонизирана од словенското племе Берзити. Лихнид оттогаш го добил името Охрид.
Охридскиот краj уште во втората половина на VIII век станал привлечно подрачjе за бугарската држава. За време на бугарскиот цар Борис I Михаил македонските територии во воено-административен поглед биле опфатени во неколку „комитати“. Охрид бил во комитатот што ги опфаќал Охридско-деволските краишта. Во 886 година Климент, по краткото задржување во бугарскиот двор, бил испратен во Македониjа со важна државна мисиjа. Тоj бил испратен во областа наречена Кутмичевица како учител. Областа jа опфаќала Југозападна Македонија и Јужна Албанија, со главните градови Охрид и Девол.
Како учител и епископ Климент заедно со Наум ги поставиле основите на т.н. Охридска глаголска книжевна школа. Благодареjќи на деjноста на Климент и Наум, градот Охрид, во втората половина на IX век израснал во еден од наjразвиените и наjпознатите средновековни словенски културни центри.
Во време на царот Самуил, Охрид станал религиозен центар и главен град на царството. Неговите тврдини и ден денес стојат високо над самиот град. Есента 1015 година византискиот император Василиј II успеал да го заземе Охрид, но тврдината останала и понатаму под власта на царот Јован Владислав, наследникот на Гаврило Радомир, син на цар Самуил.
Во Охрид се наоѓа најстариот универзитет во Европа (IX век), додека во местото Плаошник близу градот се наоѓа реставрираната црква Св. Климент чии наоди укажуваат на фактот дека пак таму имало универзитет од XIII век.
Ohrid (Macedonian: Охрид [ˈɔxrit] (About this sound listen)) is a city in the Republic of Macedonia, the seat of Ohrid Municipality. It is the largest city on Lake Ohrid and the eighth-largest city in the country, with over 42,000 inhabitants as of 2002. Ohrid once had 365 churches, one for each day of the year, and has been referred to as a Jerusalem (of the Balkans).[2][4] The city is rich in picturesque houses and monuments, and tourism is predominant. It is located southwest of Skopje, west of Resen and Bitola. In 1979 and in 1980 respectively, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are Cultural as well as Natural sites
There is a legend supported by observations by the 17th century Ottoman traveler Evliya Çelebi that there were 365 chapels within the town boundaries, one for every day of the year. Today this number is significantly smaller.
Church of St. Sophia
Church of St. Panteleimon
Church of St. John at Kaneo
Church of St. Clement[41]
Church of St. George
Church of St. Zaum[42]
Icon Gallery-Ohrid
Monastery of Saint Naum
Church of St. Petka
Church of St. Stefan
Vestiges of basilicas from the early-Christian time, e.g. Basilica of St. Erazmo (4th century)
Robevi family house, museum of archeology
Ancient Theatre of Ohrid
Church of St. Vrači, with frescos from the 14th century. A 14th-century icon from the church is depicted on the obverse of the Macedonian 1000 denars banknote, issued in 1996 and 2003.[43]
Besides being a holy center of the region, it is also the source of knowledge and pan-Slavic literacy. The restored Monastery at Plaošnik was actually one of the oldest Universities in the western world, dating before the 10th century.
Ohrid is also home to Vila Biljana, which serves as an official residence of the Prime Minister of Macedonia. РИСТО ЧАДО СТИГНА ДО АСФАЛТИРАЊЕ
Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts
Museum of Macedonia Displays 9,800 Artifacts Excavated at Archaeological Sites in 2009
Dec. 27, 2009. Some 10.000 artifacts of 100.000 excavated in total in 2009 during the archaeological researches on 18 locations in Macedonia, have been presented on this exhibition opened on Sunday.
The Macedonian Information Agency reported that Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska, Minster of Culture, opened Sunday the annual exhibition of artifacts excavated at archaeological sites throughout Macedonia in 2009. Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, also attended the opening of the exhibition which took place at the Museum of Macedonia.
A total of 9,800 artifacts excavated at 18 archaeological sites throughout Macedonia are displayed in the Museum of Macedonia, in the framework of the third archaeology exhibition.
The display includes items from Ohrids Gorna Porta, Isar Marvinci, Stobi, Carevi Kuli, Heraklea etc.
Museum director Meri Anicin-Pejoska and director of the Cultural Heritage Protection Office Pasko Kuzman attended the exhibition opening.
Traces left by past civilisations are the only witness of our past and an inseparable part of our existence. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to attend the third annual exhibit of most valuable artifacts excavated in 2009, said Gruevski to the Macedonian Information Agency in his welcoming speech.
The amount that was excavated this year is small. There is a lot more to be done. The Government will continue to support nation-wide excavations, because artefacts are national and cultural treasure. In 2010 we plan to continue our support in this field, stated PM Gruevski after the opening at the Museum of Macedonia.
Asked whether some of the artefacts could help in strengthening country's position in the name dispute with Greece, Gruevski said it could be the case only if the argument of facts prevailed in the name talks. Unfortunately, Greece negotiates with the argument of power, the PM stressed.
Future generations will laugh at the fact that someone today is trying to divide people into ancient and Slavic Macedonians, noted the PM when asked whether Sunday's exhibition was an attempt to resume the process of antiquisation.
Future generations will be stunned as to why someone in this period tried so hard to divide people into ancient and Slavic. It is ridiculous because both were part of past civilisations, he said adding that Macedonia was lying on a territory that was the home of many prominent or less prominent civilisations, which needed to be equally acknowledged by modern Macedonians.
Во следните шест месеци, публиката ќе има можност да ги види најрепрезентативните наоди откриени на Горна Порта во Охрид, на Плаошник и на Самоиловата тврдина, наодите од Исар - Марвинци, Хераклеја, Стоби, Исар во Штип, Баргала, Зрзе, на Скопската тврдина, Кокино, Виничко Кале, Таор, Стибера, Вардарски Рид и на другите локалитети, на дел од кои беа вршени и капитални истражувања. Координатор на изложбата е Управата за заштита на културното наследство, а според најавите по завршувањето на истражувачките кампањи, откриваните материјали ќе бидат претставувани на посебни, тематски изложби.
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Нервозни Варошани
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House Meri - Ohrid - Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
House Meri hotel city: Ohrid - Country: Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
Address: Ilindenska 64 ; zip code: 6000
House Meri is located in Ohrid’s Old Town. It provides accommodation units with free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen cable TV. The guest house is situated next to the St. Demetrius Mirotočiv Church and the Gorna Porta Gate.
-- Situé dans la vieille ville d'Ohrid, l'établissement House Meri propose des hébergements dotés d'une connexion Wi-Fi gratuite et d'une télévision par câble à écran plat.
-- El House Meri está situado en el centro histórico de Ohrid y ofrece alojamientos con conexión Wi-Fi gratuita y TV por cable de pantalla plana. El establecimiento está al lado de la iglesia de San Demetrio Mirotočiv y de la puerta Gorna.
-- Das House Meri liegt in der Altstadt von Ohrid und bietet Unterkünfte mit kostenfreiem WLAN und einem Flachbild-Kabel-TV. Die Pension liegt direkt neben der Kirche St. Demetrius Mirotočiv und dem Tor Gorna Porta.
-- Huis Meri ligt in de oude binnenstad van Ohrid. Het biedt accommodaties met gratis WiFi en een flatscreen-tv met kabelkanalen. Het pension bevindt zich naast de St. Demetrius Mirotočiv-kerk en de poort de Gorna Porta.
-- Situata nel centro storico di Ocrida (Ohrid), nelle vicinanze della Chiesa di San Dimitri Mirotočiv e dalla Porta Gorna, l'House Meri offre sistemazioni con connessione Wi-Fi gratuita e TV via cavo a schermo piatto.
-- House Meriはオフリドの旧市街に位置するゲストハウスで、無料Wi-Fiと薄型ケーブルテレビ付きのユニットを提供しています。すぐそばにSt. Demetrius Mirotočiv教会とゴルナ門があります。 ウッドフロアのユニットにエアコン、ミニバー、バスルーム(シャワー付)が備わります。全室から町の景色を一望できます。 House Meriのサンテラスでは、日光浴しながらSamoilovi...
-- House Meri酒店位于奥赫里德(Ohrid)的老城区,提供带免费无线网络连接和平面有线电视的住宿,毗邻St. Demetrius Mirotočiv Church教堂和Gorna Porta Gate大门。 每间客房都设有空调、木地板、迷你吧和1间带淋浴的浴室。所有客房都提供该镇的全景。 客人可以在House Meri酒店俯瞰Samoilovi Kuli...
-- Obiekt House Meri usytuowany jest na Starym Mieście w Ochrydzie. Pensjonat zapewnia zakwaterowanie z bezpłatnym bezprzewodowym dostępem do Internetu oraz telewizorem z płaskim ekranem i dostępem do kanałów telewizji kablowej.
-- Гостевой дом Meri расположен в исторической части города Охрида. К услугам гостей номера с бесплатным WiFi и плоскоэкранным телевизором с кабельными каналами. Рядом находятся церковь Св. Деметриуса Мироточива и ворота Горна-Порта.
-- House Meri ligger i Ohrids gamla stadsdel. Här erbjuds boende med gratis Wi-Fi och en platt-TV med kabelkanaler. Kyrkan Sankt Demetrius Mirotočiv och stadsporten Gorna Porta ligger alldeles bredvid pensionatet.
-- يقع House Meri في المدينة القديمة أوهريد. ويقدم وحدات سكنية مع خدمة الواي فاي المجانية وتلفزيون بشاشة مسطحة مع قنوات الكابل. يقع بيت الضيافة بجوار كنيسة القديس Demetrius Mirotočiv وبوابة غورنا بورتا.
-- Το House Meri βρίσκεται στην παλιά πόλη της Οχρίδας. Προσφέρει μονάδες με δωρεάν Wi-Fi και καλωδιακή τηλεόραση επίπεδης οθόνης. Ο ξενώνας είναι δίπλα στην Εκκλησία του Αγίου Δημητρίου Mirotočiv και στην Πύλη Gorna Porta.
-- Villa Meri ligger i gamlebyen i Ohrid, og tilbyr rom med gratis Wi-Fi og flatskjerm-TV. Gjestgiveriet ligger ved siden av St. Demetrius Mirotočiv-kirken og Gorna Porta-porten.
Ohrid North Macedonia | Lake, Fortress, Beach, Food and more
A day in Ohrid North Macedonia. We visited the beautiful Ohrid lake, Samuels Fortress and then we make our way to the beach front cafes , restaurants and old quarter walking streets finishing off with some local North Macedonian Food. We highly recommend visiting Ohrid North Macedonia!
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Mike Pompeo stumbled in Ohrid
Државниот секретар Помпео во Охрид
Политичарите се испазарија за Алипашината џамија во Охрид
Охрид ЕП03 - Охрид во османлискиот период (1385-1912) || Ohrid EP03 - Ohrid vo osmanliskiot period (1385-1912)
Kamera Ohrid na Parking
Kamera Ohrid na Parking
Ohrid, Macedonia: Old Town Fortress and Ancient Theater
Short video of Ohrid, Macedonia's Old Town, from the Gorna Porta (Upper Gate) of the city walls to the Fortress atop the hill, the Ancient Theater on the hillside and Lake Ohrid below. Ohrid is a fairy-tale town, and one of the 30 UNESCO World Heritage Sites (out of nearly 1,100) that is both a Natural WHS and a Cultural WHS.
HOW COULD I FORGET THE 2ND OF AUGUST??? - Oh well with so many events even you would get confused... :'D
Welcome to PART 5 of the Soul Candy Summer Edition!!! and the part 2 of our Ohrid vacation!!!
This time we take you to some more beaches, you get to hear something special AND you get a very short Macedonian history lesson.
What more could you ask for? :D Hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed the memories
Be yourself,
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Track: Tobu - Turn It Up [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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Summer's Tides by Oshóva
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