The Hafnarfjörður Museum
The Hafnarfjörður Museum is a museum of cultural artefacts and photographs of Hafnarfjörður town. Its objective to collect, document, preserve, protect and study objects and artefacts of the region´s cultural history and present them to the public. The cultural area represented in Hafnarfjordur Museum is the town of Hafnarfjordur and the surrounding region.
The Warehouse
There are usually three exhibitions running concurrently at Pakkhúsið, a permanent exhibition on the history of Hafnarfjörður, an exhibition of toys, and a short-term exhibition on a chosen theme.
The exhibition Thus it was . . . tells the history of Hafnarfjörður and the surrounding region from the settlement to this day, with the aid of historical texts, photographs, illustrations, films, and numerous artefacts that give life to the history. In this exhibition you can learn
about the German and English periods in the town's history, and the history of its trade, fishing industry, sports and film theatres, the British occupation during WWII, and much more. On the top floor of Pakkhúsið you will find the museum's toy exhibition. This exhibition, designed by the award winning museum and exhibition designers Janvs Ltd., is specifically directed at children. A large collection of toys is preserved at Hafnarfjörður Museum, and a part thereof is on display at the toy exhibition. The objects are rotated regularly, so there is always something new to see at the toy exhibition. In the Pakkhús entrance hall, travelling exhibitions or exhibitions centred on particular themes are put on each spring, and these last through the summer. They are meant to cast a light on specific periods or events in the history of the town of Hafnarfjörður. and its vicinity,but can also be travelling exhibitions from abroad.
Sivertsen´s House
Sivertsen´s house is the oldest house in Hafnarfjörður, built in 1803-1805 by Bjarni Sivertsen. He was a entrepreneur in Hafnarfjörður between 1794 and 1830, a merchant who owned a fishing buisness and shipyard in town. Bjarni was one of the Icelanders after the Danish trade monopoly ended, and has been given the title „The father of Hafnarfjörður. The house has been restored to its orginal state and shows how an upper-class family in Hafnarfjörður lived at the beginning of the 19th century, while light is shed on the interesting story of Bjarni Sívertsen and his family.
Beggubúð (Begga´s shop) is the location of the Museum of Commerce, part of Hafnarfjördur Museum. The building was construcked in 1906 on the town´s main shopping street. It was lifted and moved to the museum´s site in 2008 were it was restored and used to house an exhibition.
The Bungalow
The Bungalow was built in 1918. It was the residence of Harry and Douglas Bookless, Scottish brothers who ran an extensive fisheries operation based in Hafnarfjordur in the first half of the 20th century. The highly influential brothers were the largest emplyers in the town for many years. Their company, Bookless Bros, was eventually taken over by another British company, Hellyer Bros Ltd from Hull. The new owners continued to operate a flourishing business for some time. The building was reopened after refurbishment in 2008. It now houses an exhibition describing the period of foreign fisheries operations in Hafnarfjördur during the first half of the 20th century. The Bookless brothers drawing room has also been restored.
Sigga´s House
The seaman Erlendur Marteinsson built Sigga´s house in 1902. His daughter Sigridur (Sigga) Erlendsdóttir, was 10 years old when she moved omto the house and lived there until the year 1978, when she moved to Sólvangur, a local old age home. Her house has been preserved as an example of the home of a labourer and a seaman in Hafnarfjörður at the beginning of the 20th century. There you can experience and get to know how common people of the town lived at that time.
The Good Templars Hall
When the Good Templars Hall was built in 1886 it was considered to be a very large building -- it could acommodate 300 people when the population of Hafnardfjördur was only just over 400. It was the first public hall in the town, and for a very long time it was the venue for meetings and entertainments held by many other associations. The first meeting of the hafnarfjödur Town Council was held there. The hall now houses an exhibition depicting the development of sports and community in Hafnarfjördur.
Kvöldflug yfir miðbæ Hafnarfjarðar 17. ágúst 2017
Aerial photography from the town of Hafnarfjörður in Iceland.
Hafnarfjörður, Iceland
Hafnarfjörður is one of best place to visit in Iceland.
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Hafnarfjörður Art Museum
Central to Hafnarfjörður´s art scene is Hafnarborg, The Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art, where various cultural events take place.
The museum has two exhibition galleries and the exhibitions change regularly. The exhibitions explore works by leading Icelandic artists, ranging from contemporary art to works by the pioneers of Icelandic art. Collection exhibitions are a regular part of the program. The Hafnarborg collection is mostly Icelandic with emphasis on works by Eiríkur Smith (b.1925) a leading 20th century artist in Iceland. Hafnarborg offers lunchtime concerts and chamber music regularly.
The museum was formally opened in May 1988, after Dr. Sverrir Magnússon and his wife Ingibjörg Sigurjónsdóttir laid the foundation for Hafnarborg by donating their considerable collection of art and their house in the centre of Hafnarfjördur. The collection has grown considerably since then, both through purchases made and through gifts from artists and collectors. The Art Institute of Hafnarborg is run by the Town of Hafnarfjördur and it protects the art collection of the Municipality.
The museum hosts a dynamic educational program in connection with its exhibitions. Guided tours in english are available upon request. Hafnarborg is also a popular concert hall and hosts a free lunch concert the first Thursday of every month.
The museum´s café is run by Gló, a health food restaurant. The menu consists of raw food specials and warm vegetarian or meat courses. The restaurant also offers coffee, cakes and desserts.
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Islanda ofron 5000 euro në muaj për shtetasit që martohen me islandeze
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This video is about Hafnarfjörður
Music Steingrímur M. Sigfússon
hafnarfjörður iceland
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Port of Hafnarfjörður
Along the south west coast of Iceland lies a lovely natural harbor unlike any other. Shaped by flowing lava over 7,300 years ago, the Port of Hafnarfjörður is a protected bay, with ice free access throughout the year. The Port has Iceland's longest continuous history of trade, dating back to the 1300s.
Fjöukráin í Hafnarfirði og hótel Víking
Á Hótel Víking eru 42 vel búin og glæsileg herbergi með sturtu, salerni, kaffivél, hárþurrku, sjónvarpi og þráðlausu interneti. Í anddyri hótelsins er tölva með aðgang að netinu til afnota fyrir gesti. Vestnorrænt þema er á bak við hönnun herbergjanna í efri hæðinni og í neðri hæð eru herbergin í anda Víkinga. Nýlega var tekinn í notkun heitur pottur í glæsilegum bakgarði hótelsins. Gestir hótelsins hafa frjálsan aðgang að pottinum og geta þar slakað á í rólegu og rómantísku umhverfi eftir annir dagsins. Hægt er að leigja baðsloppa á hótelinu.
Hótelið er með tólf eins manns herbergjum, tuttugu og eitt þeirra eru tveggja manna, átta eru þriggja manna og eitt er fyrir fjóra.Á hótelinu eru þrjár svítur, glæsilega útbúnar.
Haldnar eru Víkingaveislur og við getum tekið á móti allt að 350 matargestum samtímis. Við framreiðum þriggja rétta máltíð og allir réttirnir eru bornir fram í trogum af syngjandi Víkingum og Valkyrjum. Þegar gesti hafa sest til borðs er boðið upp á smakk af rammíslenskum mat s.s. hákarl og harðfisk svona rétt til að kitla bragðlaukana og þessu er skolað niður með snafs af ísköldu íslensku brennivini. Síðan er borin fram sjávarréttasúpa með blönduðum fisktegundum og nýbökuðu brauði. Aðalréttur er gufusteiktur lambaskanki með maukuðum kartöflum og gljáðum garðávöxtum, fersku salati og sósu. Með forréttinum berum við fram frosið íslenskt brennivín og stóran bjór eða léttvínsglas með aðalréttinum. Í eftirrétt er skyr með bláberjum og sorbet. Að sjálfsögðu er hægt að fá aðra rétti ef óskað er.
Fyrir ofan 16 metra langan útskorinn bar. Veggir eru skreyttir víkingamunum og myndum eftir Hauk Halldórsson. Allur tréskurður er unnin af íslenskum handverksmönnum. Eins hafa erlendir útskurðarmenn lagt okkur lið við útskurð á skreytingum og skurðgoðum. Freyjuhofið er sá hluti hússins sem er stolt okkar. Þar er glæsilegur salur með mikilli lofthæð. Hann er tileinkaður Freyju og þar ríkir ást og friður innan um stórkostleg listaverk í myndum, útskurði og öðru skrauti. Þar er einnig að finna Þrymskviðu í myndformi eftir Hauk Halldórsson og útskornar Freyjumyndir.
Viking performance
Margvíslegar uppákomur eru í víkingaveislunum fyrir utan okkar syngjandi starfsfólk. Okkar galvösku víkingar fara um víðan völl með óvæntar uppákomur, jafnvel út í hina guðsgrænu náttúru.
Heiðursvíkingaathöfn er alltaf vinsæl, en þá krýnir Fjörugoðinn einn úr hópi gesta heiðursvíking með tilheyrandi viðhöfn. Rétt rúmlega 20000 Heiðursvíkingar hafa kropið á kné fyrir Fjörugoðanum og bundist honum tryggðarböndum. Fyrir þá sem þess óska bjóðum við einnig fleiri atriði.
Megi spjót þitt í mark fara, örvar þínar beint fljúga, og sverð þitt góðu biti halda.
May your spear hit your target, your arrows fly straight, and your sword stay sharp.
Fjorukrain - Vikingvillage
Hotel Viking and Restaurants
Strandgata 50A + 55 - IS-220 Hafnarfjordur - Iceland Tel +354 565 1213 - Fax +354 565 1891 - Mobile: +354 893 6435 -
Iceland 20150802.8 Reykjavik to Hafnarfjörður
Drive day #11 of our two week road trip around Iceland. This is Mobius ActionCam wide angle video of the drive from Reykjavik to Hafnarfjörður. We are driving a 2014 Kia Sorento Diesel.
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HAFNARFJÖRÐUR ICELAND / jumping in the freezing sea
Tough Icelandic teenager’s jumping in the sea
#hafnarfjörður #iceland #hafnarfjarðarhöfn