関ヶ原~犬山~岐阜 Sekigahara~Inuyama~Gifu (Japan)
Camera:CANON iVIS HF M43
0:00 奈良駅 Nara Station
-----------岐阜 Gifu-----------
~関ヶ原 Sekigahara~
0:58 関ヶ原駅 Sekigahara Station
1:45 東首塚 East burial mound
2:17 徳川家康最後の陣地 Tokugawa Ieyasu's Final Base Camp
3:04 決戦地 Battle Site Memorial
4:21 石田三成陣地 Ishida Mitsunari's Encampment
7:30 関ヶ原駅 Sekigahara Station
7:37 大垣駅 Ogaki Station
7:45 岐阜駅 Gifu Station
7:53 新鵜沼駅 Shin-unuma Station
-----------愛知 Aichi-----------
8:22 犬山駅 Inuyama Station
~犬山城下町 Inuyama Castle town~
9:53 昭和横丁 Showa Yokocho(Food mall)
11:07 どんでん館 Donden-kan(Inuyama festival floats display hall)
15:49 旧磯部家住宅 Former Isobe Residence Restoration
19:37 壽俵屋(じゅひょうや)犬山井上邸/醤油おこげ串 Soy sauce onigiri & Narazuke Pickles & Moriguchi Pickles
20:51 犬山市文化史料館 Inuyama Artifacts Museum
21:39 からくり展示館 Karakuri Exhibition Room
23:57 針綱神社 Haritsuna Shrine
24:39 三光稲荷神社 Sanko-inari Shrine
27:17 国宝 犬山城 National Treasure Inuyama Castle
31:52 さくら茶屋 田楽 Dengaku(Bean curd baked and Coated with Miso.)
-----------岐阜 Gifu-----------
32:34 岐阜駅 Gifu Station
33:04 織田信長公 Oda Nobunaga Statue
33:44 岐阜大仏 Gifu Great Buddha
~金華山 Mt.Kinka~
36:56 金華山ロープウェー Mt. Kinka Ropeway
39:08 金華山リス村 Mt. Kinka Squirrel Village
41:11 展望台 Observation Deck
42:10 岐阜城 Gifu Castle
46:15 岐阜城資料館 Gifu Castle Museum
47:05 柳ヶ瀬 Yanagase(Shopping district)
48:22 丸デブ 中華そば Chinese noodles
48:49 金公園 Kogane Park
49:12 京都駅 Kyoto Station
49:20 奈良駅 Nara Station
Inuyama National Treasure Castle and Matsuri
Welcome to Inuyama, a small town nestled by the Kiso river in the northern reaches of Aichi, Japan. The town contains one of the five remaining original Japanese Castles. It is a national treasure. Every spring, Haritsuna shrine near the castle hosts a matsuri, also classified a national intangible cultural asset. The two combine to make a dramatic place to visit. Enjoy!
Japanese Traditional Festival || Inuyama Matsuri (犬山祭) Inuyama City, Aichi Pref
The Inuyama Matsuri is a 300 year old festival that presents an offering of Karakuri to the deity of Haritsuna Shrine. The Karakuri in the Inuyama Matsuri refers to a set of puppets featuring a complicated contraption, or trick, made possible with strings, that allows the puppets to dance and act gorgeously. There are Karakuri puppets on each of the thirteen giant floats—some reaching up to 8 meters—that parade along side the beautiful local Cherry Blossom (Sakura) trees in full bloom.
城下の神社 Shrine of the castle:犬山を歩く Walking Inuyama
晩春の城下町犬山 #3 神社参拝
みみさん 晩春の犬山を歩く:目次
Castle town of Inuyama.
There is two shrine.
Sanko Inari Shrine and Haritsuna shrine.
You can go to Inuyama Castle through this shrine.
ビデオカメラは SONY HDR-PJ790V を使って撮影しました。
編集はEDIUS 6.5です。
Mimi-San's Eye(English Blog)
The Inuyama Matsuri Festival-[Network2010]
The Inuyama Matsuri festival was begun under the patronage of the load of Inuyama Castle, Naruse Masatora, who was affiliated to the OwariTokugawa family, in 1635, as a festival of the Haritsuna shrine, didicated to the local god. The central role in Inuyama Matsuri festival is played by the 13yamadashi, all of which are three floors high. The Karakuri puppets displayed on the thied floor date from the Edo period and have a wide range of sophisticated movements.
INUYAMA festival in 2019 犬山祭り 2019年
The Inuyama Festival started in 1635, Haritsuna Shrine's festival, held annually on the first Saturday of April. The festival is registered as a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset. The 3 floats and 13 carriages, which are registered as Aichi-ken's Tangible Folk Cultural Asset, parade though the old castle town, with mechanical dolls and music from flutes and drums entertain. At night, 365 lanterns are placed on the floats, and parade through the cherry blossoms lined streets and downtown, creating a scene like a painting.
~ From official HP ~
Come visit Inuyama Castle! This is a Castle of Japan' national treasure.
Hello! I'm Fujibi. Thank you for attending my Channel.This time,will guide you through the Inuyama Castle.
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針綱神社 犬山市
御祭神:尾治針名根連命 など
1537年(天文6年)、織田信康が自ら手彫りの狛犬一対を奉納して安産祈願したと謂われており それ以降 戌の日に安産祈願をすると
動画観光情報サイト 旅行.com
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