(VLOG #31) Visiting the Heididorf (Heidi's Village) and Alp in Switzerland - Amazing!
I'm like a kid when it comes to things like this. I love fairy-tales, legends, and folklore... so it's fun for me to imagine Heidi having been a real life person xD
The Heididorf is so beautiful. One of my new favorite places in Switzerland :)
Maienfeld - Heididorf
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Maienfeld - Heididorf
Visita à casa onde viveu a criança suíça que inspirou Joahnna Spyrit a escrever Heidi. A casa está como era no século XIX, mostrando a mobília e utensílios que se usavam na altura.
Music Instrumental
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED by this video it is ONLY for entertainment purposes.
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Wandern auf den Spuren von Heidi in Maienfeld (Erlebnisweg Graubünden / Schweiz)
Heidi's house (THE original, Switzerland)
More videos, pictures, infos :
Heididorf the Original (Heidi Village)
Exploring the land of Heidi: Maienfeld - Heididorf - Heidialp
Hiking from Maienfeld to Heididorf and then to Heidialp, shot entirely handheld on the iPhone XS.
Heidi Museum Heididorf Maienfeld
Heidi Museum Heididorf Maienfeld
Maienfeld, Switzerland
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More links down below of our Switzerland Trip - June 2016
Zurich, Switzerland -
Leukerbad, Switzerland -
The Matterhorn, Zermatt, Switzerland -
Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland -
Glacier Express, Switzerland -
St. Moritz, Switzerland -
Mainau Island, Lake Constance (Bodensee) Germany -
Lucerne, Switzerland -
Vlogger Jade visit Heididorf Heidiland in Maienfeld Switzerland. The Original
Vlogger Jade visit Heididorf in Maienfeld Switzerland. The Original
Above Maienfeld, in my beautiful little Heidi Dörfli, I have the most beautiful views. Come and visit Heidi! heididorf.ch
HEIDIDORF Landscapes of the land of Heidi in Maienfeld Switzerland
The most beautiful in Switzerland, Austria Amazing Adventures HALLSTATT, ZERMATT, GRINDELWALD, Ticino.
Welcome, Switzerland alps travel HALLSTATT - The most beautiful village in Austria. Amazing Adventures ZERMATT GRINDELWALD - A place with beautiful landscapes in Switzerland.
Swiss Italian Lugano, Ascona and Morcote - Spectacular views
Ticino - Switzerland. Switzerland, flying over the mountains. HEIDIDORF - Landscapes of the land of Heidi in Maienfeld - Switzerland. Landscapes of Norway - Time lapse. Interlaken, Switzerland - Beautiful landscapes. LAUTERBRUNNEN - A valley between rocky walls in Switzerland. ZILLERTAL - The Mayrhofen region in Tyrol Austria.
The most beautiful in Switzerland, Austria Amazing Adventures HALLSTATT, ZERMATT, GRINDELWALD, Ticino.
Villaggio di Heidi, Maienfeld e Coira
Alla scoperta di Heididorf Maienfeld, l'idilliaco villagio di Heidi dove i visitatori si possono immergere completamente nell'atmosfera della famosa serie animata!
Scopri le puntate su Mediaset Play:
Heidi-Geschichte - Heididorf Maienfeld
Heididorf Maienfeld - Graubünden, Schweiz
Heididorf Maienfeld - Graubuenden, switzerland
Heididorf, Switzerland - Family went to Europe
This summer our family has traveled 5,195 km and 7 countries for the old Europe. This series of videos shows some of the things we have seen. In this video, we visited de Heidi House in Mainfield, Switzerland
Un paseo por el pueblo de Heidi en Suiza,la casa donde vivio y se filmo la serie de tv....lindo dia
Heididorf Maienfeld,Schwitzerland
Eine die schönste Bergen
Heididorf 4k
Kleine Winterbike Tour nach Rofels zum Heididorf
[160804] Swiss Maienfeld Heididorf 720p
2016년 8월 4일.
스위스 샤프하우젠의 라인폭포를 둘러보고 취리히 중앙역으로 돌아온 후 이번에는 스위스 동쪽의 마이엔펠트(Maienfeld)에 위치한 하이디도르프(Heididorf/하이디의 집)에 가기로 하였는데...
Heidi (niem. Heidi, 1880) – powieść szwajcarskiej pisarki Johanny Spyri.
Powieść należy do najlepiej znanych szwajcarskich dzieł literackich. Była wielokrotnie adaptowana dla potrzeb kina, telewizji (w postaci filmów i seriali, również animowanych) i teatru. Powstała również wersja musicalowa oraz gra komputerowa.
W latach 90., powstały dwa - znane i w Polsce - sequele, autorstwa anglojęzycznego tłumacza książki Charlesa Trittena, zatytułowane Heidi dorasta (Heidi Grows Up) i Dzieci Heidi (Heidi's Children).
Historia kilkuletniej dziewczynki, którą ciotka podrzuca do domu nieznanego dziadka. Dziewczynka zamieszkuje z nim w chacie na alpejskiej hali. Swobodne i beztroskie życie przerywa powrót ciotki, która oznajmia, że zabiera Heidi do Frankfurtu.
Film Maienfeld
Flug vom Rhein (500 m) bis zum Hinter Grauspitz (2573 m). 3-Minuten-Trailer zum Film 36 Minuten.
Verpasse kein Video: Suissedrohne abonnieren!
Heididorf Ausflug und Skigebiet Pizol in Maienfeld/❗️KEIN BASTELVIDEO❗️/????Fragolina Dolce Vita????
Ich wollte euch gerne mitnehmen und zwar zu 2 ganz besonders schönen Ausflügen in Maienfeld in der Schweiz ???????? Im Video habe ich die schönsten Eindrücke aufgenommen und hoffe das es euch gefällt, über ein Daumen nach oben und einen Kommentar freue ich mich sehr,
Auf Instagram bin ich öfters vertreten und Post das Aktuellste, wenn ihr mögt dann folgt mir gerne unter fragoli 1a.
Bis ganz bald, eure Fragolina ????????????