Ruins of Helme Order Castle. Located in ???????? Helme, Estonia
The ruins of Helme Order Castle are situated on a steep slope by the Pärnu-Valga road. The castle is thought to have been built in the first half of the 14th century. Parts of its walls with their distinctive window openings remain standing today. Legend has it that a young virgin was entombed within its walls in order to further strengthen it - whether there is any truth to the story is up to visitors to decide! Over the centuries the castle has been governed by Germans, Russians, Lithuanians and finally Swedes - who destroyed it in 1658.
Fun Fact: In the valley below the castle is the Doctor's Spring, whose waters are said to cure seven different ailments.
Helme Order Castle Ruins.Estonia.
The ruins of Helme Order Castle are situated on a steep slope by the Pärnu-Valga road. The castle is thought to have been built in the first half of the 14th century. Parts of its walls with their distinctive window openings remain standing today. Legend has it that a young virgin was entombed within its walls in order to further strengthen it - whether there is any truth to the story is up to visitors to decide! Over the centuries the castle has been governed by Germans, Russians, Lithuanians and finally Swedes - who destroyed it in 1658.
Ruins of Helme Order Castle Estonia
Ruins of Helme Order Castle Estonia
The ruins of Helme Order Castle are situated on a steep slope by the Pärnu-Valga road. The castle is thought to have been built in the first half of the 14th century
Развалины орденского замка в Хельме Эстония
Ruins of Helme Order Castle, Estonia
30.8.2015 Helme, Estonia (6)
Ruins of Helme Order Castle - Helme ordulinnuse varemed - Ritarilinnoituksen rauniot.
Helme caves. Estonia
Helme caves. Estonia. The Helme caves, in the manor park of the same name, are unrivalled in Estonia. Situated to the north of the castle ruins, the caves have white Burtniek layer sandstone walls standing 3 m high
Хельмеские пещеры Эстония
Helme noorte omalooming :: Valgamaa Noorte Suvekool 2011
Helme kihelkond vald Taagepera ala Mats Erdelli kabel Ohne jogi Holdre Estland 7.8.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
One of the most magnificent castles in Baltics! Found near ???????? Sangaste, Estonia
Sangaste castle or manor (German: Schloss Sagnitz) traces its history to at least 1522, when it was part of the estates of the bishop of Tartu. The current building was built in 1879-1883 and designed by architect Otto Pius Hippius. It is built in a neo-Gothic style with influences from Tudor architecture, and considered one of the most impressive examples of Gothic Revival architecture in the Baltic States. Several original interior details have been preserved to this day. The manor house was unusually modern for its time, equipped with central heating, telephones in 1896, and electric light in 1907.
According to legend, it owes its existence to an insult the local count Friedrich Georg Magnus von Berg received in his youth. When attempting to wed a young English lady, her father objected to giving his daughter away to some Russian savage. Nowadays the castle is administratively located in the nearby Lossiküla village.
5 Suur Terts 10.02.2016 / Pihlapuu (Helme)
Taagepera ajaloolistel fotodel
Pildid: Siim Ausmees
Haapsalu Bishop’s Castle Estonia
Haapsalu Bishop’s Castle Estonia
The Haapsalu Bishop’s Castle and Cathedral, which was established in the 13th century as the centre of the Saare-Lääne Diocese.
Pöltsamaa castle, Estonia
Pöltsamaa castle (Pöltsamma linnus), Estonia 2001, near Puurmani
Põltsamaa (German: Oberpahlen) is a town in Põltsamaa Parish, in Jõgeva County, Estonia. The town is situated on the Põltsamaa river, and features a 13th-century castle.
Tõrva, Estonia [Тырва, Эстония] 2019 HD
Tõrva (German: Törwa) is a town (Estonian: linn) in Tõrva Parish, in Valga County, southern Estonia. It is situated on the banks of Õhne River. Tõrva has an area of 4.80 km2 (2 sq mi) and a population of 2800 (as of 1 January 2009), making it the second largest of the three towns in Valga County.
Notable sights and buildings near Tõrva:
The mausoleum of Barclay de Tolly
Taagepera manor
Holdre manor
Helme manor
The ruins of the Order castle of Tõrva
The caves of Helme and Koorküla
[RU] Ты́рва (эст. Tõrva: смола) — город в Валгаском уезде Эстонии. Недалеко от Тырва находится Хелмеский орденский замок. В годы холодной войны здесь находилась авиабаза Тырва.
В 1950—1959 годах был центром Тырваского района.
Известные достопримечательности и здания в окрестностях Тырвы:
Мавзолей Барклая де Толли
Таагеперское поместье
Усадьба Холдре
Усадьба Хельме
Руины Орденского замка Тырвы
Пещеры Хельме и Кооркюла
Больше интересного о России и странах ближнего зарубежья:
Ungru Mõis, Abandoned Manor in Estonia
St. Elizabeth's Lutheran Church In Lihula Estonia
Лихулаская евангелическо-лютеранская церковь св.Елизаветы
Castles in Estonia
Rakvere Castle Estonia
Орденский замок в Раквере Эстония
Rakvere ordulinnus 2012
RAKVERE Castle & Old City | Lääne-Viru County | Estonia
Fifth largest town in Estonia, Rakvere draws in visitors with its impressive 13th century castle ruins, contemporary town square and spa culture. The castle in Rakvere offers a lot of excitement for the entire family!
When you enter the castle, you will find yourself in a theme park representing the everyday life of the 16th century. There, both young and old visitors can spend an exciting day as they dress up as knights and warriors, enjoy various entertainers, and learn a thing or two about the life of people in the Middle Ages and the early modern period.
Additionally, there is a wine cellar, a torture chamber, a death room and a hell, a Red Lanterns Street, a medieval brothel, a barber's shop, and an alchemist's workshop.
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[RUS] Пятый по величине город в Эстонии, Раквере привлекает гостей развалинами впечатляющего замка ХIII века, современной главной городской площадью и спа-культурой.
Расположенный недалеко от живописного побережья и национального парка Лахемаа, Раквере является идеальным местом для отдыха, если вы хотите совместить комфорт городской жизни с прелестями отдыха в сельской местности. Раквере также является привлекательным и быстро развивающимся городом, на площадках которого проходят необычные панк-фестивали и концерты.
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爱沙尼亚共和国(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti Vabariik),通称爱沙尼亚(愛沙尼亞語:Eesti,爱沙尼亚语发音: [ˈeːsti]),波罗的海国家之一,首都及全国最大城市为塔林。爱沙尼亚位于欧洲东北部,其国土由大陆部分和波罗的海的2222个岛屿组成,西向波罗的海,北向芬兰湾,東临楚德湖,南面和東面分別同拉脱维亚和俄罗斯接壤,总面积42,388平方公里,为温带大陆性湿润气候。该国主体民族爱沙尼亚人属于芬人诸民族。該國目前是北欧理事会、欧洲联盟、欧元区、申根区、北大西洋公约组织、以及经济合作与发展组织的成員國,為世界高收入經濟體之一。
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية: Eesti Vabariik)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا (343 كم)، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي (338.6 كم).. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع (17462) ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة. تٌعتبر إستونيا ج
Mihkli Lutheran Church Estonia
Mihkli Lutheran Church Estonia
Mihkli Church was built in the ancient Soontagana Parish in the 13th century and its therefore one of the oldest and most original buildings in Western Estonia