Piusa Caves Visitor Centre (overview) Estonia
Piusa Caves & Piusa Caves Visitor Centre
When accompanied by the guide, you can visit the observation platform at the Museum cave. The Piusa sandstone caves are the result of hand-mining glass sand during 1922–1966. The biggest wintering colony of bats in East Europe is located in the caves.
Valgamaa pärl Sangaste loss / Sangaste castle in Estonia
Võimalus tellida aerovideosid ja - fotosid. Info arvo.meeks (at) gmail.com
Sangaste castle (German: Schloss Sagnitz) traces its history to at least 1522, when it was part of the estates of the bishop of Tartu. The current building was built in 1879-1883 and designed by architect Otto Pius Hippius. It is built in a neo-Gothic style with influences from Tudor architecture, and considered one of the most impressive examples of Gothic Revival architecture in the Baltic States. Several original interior details have been preserved to this day. The manor house was unusually modern for its time, equipped with central heating, telephones in 1896, and electric light in 1907. (Source: Wikipedia)
Singapore - The Lion City, 2017
Singapore is staggering. And not only with its appearance, but also with its history. The history of a bumpy journey of the entire nation to its dream.
Imagine a tiny country that gained independence 50 years ago and was on the verge of collapse. The one with a complete lack of natural resources, including drinking water. With hostile neighbors outside and confrontations between different nationalities inside the country. On the top of that, its meagre budgetary funds are corroded by severe corruption, or the infectious greed, as it was called back then. To put it mildly, all this doesn't sound promising, does it?
But what if in such a situation the nationals of the State were offered to become its primary resource? And a huge number of different nationalities were give equal rights, while all the religions were equally respected? Well, of course, this won't be enough to ensure success. Why not try to find prospective branches in the world economy and to exempt from taxes both local and foreign enterprises wishing to work in those branches? After all, this could bring the world's largest companies to the country, which in turn could lay the foundation of prosperity, and at the same time create new jobs? Why not to simplify the national taxation and legal systems as much as possible, while declaring a brutal war to all the bribe-takers? Besides, how can you not take advantage of a favorable seaport location? The port that serves as a crossroads of many trade routes between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the one that the Asians modestly call the gateway to Europe. To spend a solid part of the Government's revenue on health, education and discipline of its citizens, while carefully and strictly controlling their freedom of speech...
Perhaps, this all sounds wildly idealistic. However, 50 years ago the right person took the helm of the ship called Singapore and embodied the dreams of millions of people. Simple dream of living in peace and prosperity. Well, of course, like everything else in this world, this country has its shortcomings. But in my opinion, this only confirms that such a country and such a path to success exists in reality, being an excellent example for other countries in various serious circumstances.
Therefore, with this small video, I sincerely wish to draw the attention of people from all over the world to this place. For it is only shooting for the top, we become stronger, and it doesn't matter whether it's on the scale of one individual or the entire state.
Or maybe all the magic lies within the name? Singapore, or as it has long been called the Lion City...
All footages were taken handheld with the Panasonic Lumix GH5 and Leica kit lens 12-60m. Edited in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017.
As always, special thanks to my wife, assistant and partner - Julia Tkachenko for help and great company.
Special thanks to talented Russian music composer - KOSIKK for inspiring music.
Thanks for watching :)
If you like the video, please Like it and subscribe to my channel. I will continue for sure!
Follow more on instagram: @chensey7
More info:
Історія України History of Ukraine (субтитри з перекладом)
про Крим:
39:43 Козаки допомогли Росії відвоювати Крим від Туреччини
56:55 Донбас 2:16:28 Крим переданий Україні
про Росію 12:46 / 31:16
НАРОДЖЕННЯ НАЦІЇ (2008) Єжи Гофман
1:34 Київ (401-500)
2:16 Візантія (330-1453)
2:45 Княгиня Ольга (890 - 969) приймає християнство
3:28 Херсонес
4:06 Володимир Великий (958 - 1015)
4:29 Ярослав Мудрий (978 - 1054)
4:39 Софійський собор (1100 р.)
5:31 Анна - королева Франції (1030 - 1075)
6:41 Володимир Мономах (1053-1125)
7:20 Ю Долгорукий (1099 - 1157)
7:26 Москва (1147)
7:37 монголи (1223) Чингісхан + (1237) хан Батий
Монгольська імперія
10:16 Гал-Вол Князівство або Королівство Русі
11:43 падіння Київської Русі - 10:49 Львів (1240)
Золота Орда (1240 - 1502)
помирає останній Гал Вол Князь
Польща забирає територію
Литва забирає територію
Литовські князі заміняють Рюриковичів (приймають православ'я)
12:37 знищена Візантійська імперія (1453)
Термін МАЛОРОСІЯ: початок 14 cтоліття
12:42 Іван III Грозний (1440-1505) скидає орду + одружується з дочкою останнього імператора Візантії
12:46 Міф про Росію (Третій Рим)
13:07 Крим Після занепаду Римської імперії (27 д.н.е. - 453)
Херсонес з округою і Пантікапей успадкувала Візантійська імперія. (330-1453) після розпаду Золотої Орди (1240–1502)
Кримське ханство (1441)
13:53 Роксолана (1502 - 1558)
1569 році Польща і Литва об'єднуються в люблінській унії
15:20 польське кріпацтво братства + відродження православ'я
17:14 Запорізька Січ (1556)
18:33 УКР змінює назву РУСЬ
18:40 козак
20:15 Брестський союз (1596)
20:18 уніати - Східні катол церкви
визнали верховенство Риму
відлучили православних від церкви
21:08 Гетьман Сагайдачний (1570 - 1622) допомагав Польщі
23:05 Православ'я
22:05 Києво-Могилянська академія (1632)
23:28 Я. Вишневецький (1612 - 1651) переходить до католиків
Русь втрачає знані роди
23:31 католицизм / повстання козаків
24:54 Б Хмельницький (1595 - 1657)
з татарами проти Польщі (1648) перемоги козаків - заплатив хану невільниками
1651 поразка у битві в Берестечко хан тікає - Богун
польсько - українська війна - після зради хана
Хмельницький шукає союзника
30:04 Переяславська Рада (
Isle of Man TT
We travel to the the Isle of Man TT - the wildest motorcycle race in the world - in search of speed, thrills and the Manx culture of the island.
Check out Isla's traditional Manx music:
Learn more about the Isle of Man here:
VAGABROTHERS: We're Marko and Alex Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Winners of My Destination's global travel-video competition The Biggest, Baddest, Bucket List which paid us to travel the world for six months, checking off our travel bucket list and documenting the adventure on YouTube. See the full BBBTV web-series here:
SUBSCRIBE for New travel videos every Tuesday!
This film was made with:
- F-Stop Satori Backpack:
- Canon Rebel T3i DSLR Camera:
- Canon EF-S 18-200mm Zoom Lens:
- Canon Powershot S120:
- Go Pro Hero 3+:
- Go Pro Suction Cup Mount:
- Go Pro Accessory Kit:
- Promaster CX525 Tripod:
- Promaster Superlite 3-Way Head:
- SD 32GB Memory Sticks:
- Sennheiser MKE 400 Shotgun Mike:
- Zoom H1 Portable Digital Recorder:
- Joby GP3 GorillaPod:
- Pico Flex Table Dolly:
- Pelican 0915 Black SD Memory Card Protective Case:
Puša Studios Winging it Live | Morning Coffee With You All
About Puša Studios: We are a husband-wife team based out of Montreal Canada specializing in affordable, high-quality photography/videography + post-production and coloring for all social occasions, cooperate and B-roll.
Plus, We have Introduced our new live streams, a great way to meet youtubers just like you, learn about them, meet lots of great supportive people in the chat and gain some great tips and tricks on shooting, editing and post and how to grow on the platform. Cheers and Keep creating!
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