Karaganda Cathedral
Кафедральный Собор Пресвятой Девы Марии Фатимской, расположенный в Караганде, является самым большим католическим храмом в Казахстане.
Строительные работы начались 3 сентября 2004 г. в день памяти Папы Григория Великого. Воздвижение собора стало возможным, главным образом, благодаря помощи «Сообщества по строительству собора Матери всех народов» («Verein zum Aufbau der Kathedrale Mutter aller Nationen»), основанном Агнесс Риттер (Австрия).
Торжественное освящение Собора совершил кардинал Анджело Содано 9 сентября 2012 г.
Кроме того, что Кафедральный Собор является главным храмом Карагандинской Католической Епархии, он является и приходским храмом Прихода Пресвятой Девы Марии — Матери всех народов.
Со дня освящения в Кафедральном Соборе ежедневно совершаются богослужения.
В теплый период в Соборе проводятся концерты органной, симфонической и хоровой музыки.
Soundtrack: Hiatus - Rebuilding
Kazakhstan - A pilgrim church - Trailer
We present the first 15 minutes of our production Kazakhstan -- A Pilgrim Church (50:27)
Production Date: 2010
Duration: 50:27
Copyright : CRTN
Language: English, French
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Director: Magdalena Wolnik
If you look at a map of Kazakhstan you will begin to understand why Kazakhstan was regarded as one of the worst places in the USSR. People were deported here in the hope that they would not survive. Stalin decided to destroy, to destroy people by means of climate and nature. And many died -- some on their way there, whilst others on the steppes. Deportees survived uniquely thanks to the help of the Kazakh people. That is why they are grateful to the Kazakh's to this day; for their hospitality. For the way they were received. Professor Jakov Federovich Trofimov (University of Karaganda, Kazakhstan).
In 1936, on Stalin's direct order, some forty two thousand Poles from Ukraine, and then later tens of thousands of Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Chechens and Ingush were deported to Kazakhstan -- a country described as an inhuman land. Priests ended up in labour camps on the steppes of Kazakhstan with their flock; several priests accompanied their flock voluntarily. Many were jailed and later shot. The majority were deported under paragraph 58: for anti-Soviet activities. On completing their labour camp sentences they remained -- a Church in the catacombs. If priests carried out any ceremonial duties -- christenings, first Holy Communion, they would do so only at night -- under cover of darkness.
Reortagem de Aura Miguel sobre Inauguração Catedral Nossa Senhora de Fátima no Cazaquistão
Obra de D, Athanasius Schneider
Ave Maria - Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima in Karaganda, Kazakhstan
During our stay in Karaganda, Kazakhstan we had the chance to listen to the angelic voice of a lovely Polish lady we befriended there. Enjoy her interpretation of Ave Maria.
Храм Божий. Церковь греко-католическая (УГКЦ) в столице Казахстана Нур-Султане (ранее Астана)
Храм Божий. Церковь греко-католическая (УГКЦ) в столице Казахстана Нур-Султане (ранее Астана). Храм святого Иосифа Обручника был освещен 15-го сентября 2013-ого года,
Композиция Laid Back Guitars принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution (
Оригинальная версия:
Please watch: Городской парк Арай в Астане. Вид с квадракоптера
Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima located in former Gulag area of Kazakhstan
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Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Uralsk
Grand Buildings #1 Kazakh-TV - Ascension Cathedral and other buildings of architect Paul Gourdet
What connects French architect Paul Gourdet with historical center of Almaty? Why Zharkent Mosque is the only surviving work of Chinese architect Hon Pike? Where is Valikhanov manor house Syrymbet located? Forgotten names and little-known facts, recent history and national color – all this is in Grand Buildings program.
«Господи! я пойду за Тобою, куда бы Ты ни пошел» Лк.9:57
В Караганде каждый день перед началом или после богослужения у могил пастырей Александра Хиры и Владислава Буковинского, чьи останки покоятся в храме святого Иосифа, можно заметить молящихся людей. В основном это те верующие, которым посчастливилось лично знать их еще при жизни. Храм святого Иосифа в Караганде награда за сохранение веры в подполье, за крепкую общину, за единство немецких, польских, украинских и литовских христиан. Этот храм был построен по инициативе литовского священника Альбиноса Думбляускаса, который стал первым настоятелем этого храма и епископа Александра Хиры. Между прочим, только на освящении этого храма люди узнали о высоком сане патера Александра.
Шандор Хира родился в Закарпатье в 1897 году. Учился в Риме, был ректором Семинарии в Ужгороде, где преподавал латынь и Каноническое Право. В 1943 г. Папа Пий XII назначает его Папским Прелатом, а в 1945 г., в тайне даже от самых близких родственников, епископ Теодор Ромжа рукополагает о. Александра во епископы с правом наследства Ужгородской кафедры.
После ареста в 1949 г.и отбывания заключения в исправительных лагерях Сибири, епископ Александр жил в течении 29 лет в г. Караганде. Все верующие обращались к отцу Александру просто как к священнику, так как никто не знал, что он был епископом.
Отца Александра не стало 26 мая 1983 года. Отпевали епископа в карагандинском храме святого Иосифа, освященном им же совсем недавно.
A healing by the intercession of Bl. Bukovinsky
Father Mariusz Kowalski received a miracle of healing by the intercession of Wladyslaw Bukovinsky.
On September 11, 2016, Fr. Wladislaw Bukovinsky was proclaimed a Blessed. The Beatification Mass was celebrated in Karaganda, Kazakhstan by the head of the congregation of the causes of saints - Cardinal Angelo Amato.
Божественные сюжеты. Христианство в современном Казахстане. Православные храмы Нур-Султана (Астаны)
Божественные сюжеты. Христианство в современном Казахстане. Православные храмы Нур-Султана (ранее Астаны).
DJI Phantom 4Pro.Астана.Католическая Церковь Astana. Catholic Church
Астана.Католическая Церковь Astana. Catholic Church
Dhiyaan Rowan Fatima Zahara s.a diyaan
8 safar pursa bibian pak daman sangat Kot pehlwan
Radosnym Panie... - Kazachstan - Karaganda 2017
Relacja ze stażu misyjnego w Kazachstanie, w której uczestniczyli klerycy z Ogniska Misyjnego w WSD w Tarnowie, w czasie wakacji w 2017 roku
Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir
If you would like to take part in this project and to claim your free camera, please visit my site:
All foreigners who live, lived or have visited Russia can agree on one thing, Russia is an amazing country. Now I’m not gonna do a pitch on how amazing it is. It is however, my adopted country and I can say one thing for sure, Russia gets ridiculously bad press!!!!
The reason I started this project was so we can honestly show what Russia is really like. This is to benefit anybody wanting to visit Russia and wants honest information. This is not Government sponsored or any sort of propaganda. On this site you will see the good and the bad.
The Idea is simple. Anyone can upload a video here. As long as it is about Russia. Please make clips about anything to do with Russia. About your daily life, events, places to visit, work, study, living, hints.
If you are a foreigner living in Russia then you qualify for a FREE Action Camera! To help you to make videos! See the link on the homepage menu for more information.
If you are viewing this site as a guest, I hope that you enjoy the content. If you have any questions at all about anything related to Russia, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to assist you in any way that I can.
My name is Sam Hyland. I am an Englishman living in Russia since 2004. I have been involved in a number of different projects during my time here and had lots of experiences, good and bad. As a foreigner, I understand the difficulties of moving to Russia (Not because Russia is a big, bad, scary country) because while it maybe big, it is far from scary! Russia is an exciting country and has lots to offer anyone who would like to give it a try.
The main difficulty with coming to Russia is of course the language. If you don’t speak it, then it’s difficult to get information about how to come, where to stay and what to do. There are so many unanswered questions and huge media bias which provides a lack of credible information as to what life in Russia is genuinely like.
For this reason, above all, I decided to create this site.
So who am I? And why should you trust me?
As I already mentioned, I have lived here for a number of years. I also have gone through the whole process of relocating to a new country, and all the ups and downs as a foreigner living in Russia. Hopefully I can make your transition easier because of it.
When I first arrived in Russia, I had nobody to help me, so I found lots of foreign friends and spoke only English with them. They were my support network and if it wasn’t for them, then my life would have been very difficult.
Before arriving in Russia, I had no idea about what it would be like, it was a complete mystery. While I don’t want to ruin these first time experiences for you, I know that there are so many questions that you would like answering and through this site I can do that for you.
I have had the chance to meet and become friends with some fantastic people and had some really amazing experiences. Russian people are extremely hospitable and I have been lucky enough to be invited to many Russian weddings, festivals, parties, events and so much more….
I live in the city of Vladimir (2 hours drive from Moscow) This is a provincial Russian town with a population of about 350,000. Usually when people think about Russia, they think of Moscow or St Pertersburg, While these are both amazing and fascinating places, there is far more to Russia than just these cities.
During my time here I have worked in a number of professions and have a large contact base. I can help you with all sorts of questions. About life, study, work and travel in Russia! And if I don’t know the answer to your question, then I’m sure I know somebody who can answer your question!
What do I do? How do I live here?
Right now I’m an Affiliate Marketer, so I make money online. I also Run a small language school.
In 2012 I opened a Volunteer language school in Vladimir. For 4 years I employed volunteers from the UK who came to Russia to teach English and study Russian language. I ran this program with the association of Nottingham University, we took on many 3rd year Russian language students who lived, studied and taught in Vladimir. You can see our site, though it’s in Russian!
I have the experience of assisting foreigners with the process of travelling to Russia and I can help assist you, just reach out to me, I will be happy to help.
Below is some ways to get in contact with me
Свято-Успенский Кафедральный собор (Астана)
Успенский Кафедральный собор в Астане. Решил заснять религиозные здания в Астане, их красоту и открытость. Посетил здания относящиеся к традиционным религиям Мечеть Хазрет-Султан, Свято-Успенский Кафедральный собор, Римско-католический кафедральный собор, Синагога «БЕЙТ РАХЕЛЬ ХАБАД ЛЮБАВИЧ». Было не ловко, ведь многие боятся заходить в религиозные здания другой конфессии. Оказалось, что все открыто и доступно, ведь смысл любой религии- это нести добро. Мира и добра всем гражданам Казахстана!
Homily 2013-01-08 - Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana Kazakhstan - Honoring the Eucharist.
Novosibirsk, canon in wooden church in nsbk
Homilia 08 de enero 2013 - Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana Kazakhstan
Grand buildings №1. History of Ascension cathedral construction