Functioning as Tashkent’s central square, Mustaqillik Maydoni (Uzbek for “Independence Square”) roughly defines the epicenter of popular political activities in the city and therefore the country. I visited at the beginning and end of my trip with both visits occurring off-season and during the day with minimal activity in the area.
The entry to the square is bracketed by a monument showing three storks in the center, I believe representing the transition (i.e. carrying) of the nation into a new age. Through the gate there is a large statue of a mother holding a child with a globe above her showing an outline of the country at the front (I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out the symbolism for that :). In front of that figure lies Paradlar Alleyasi, the main parade route that is impressive even when its empty. Traveling north one sees the moving “Crying Mother” monument, a symbol of the sacrifice that 400,000 Uzbeks made in the Second World War. The park as a whole was very clean, well attended to, and adequately policed.
One needs a thorough guidebook (or even better, a good guide) to understand some of the references here but I found the experience central to understanding the metamorphosis of the modern country from the Soviet state. The war monument in particular was quite moving, making the time spent here worthwhile based on that alone. Overall this was a quick, meaningful, and free attraction that should be an integral part of any time spent in Tashkent.
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TASHKENT Independence Square (Mustakillik Square) With Green parks
Functioning as Tashkent’s central square, Mustaqillik Maydoni (Uzbek for “Independence Square”) roughly defines the epicenter of popular political activities in the city and therefore the country. I visited at the beginning and end of my trip with both visits occurring off-season and during the day with minimal activity in the area.
The entry to the square is bracketed by a monument showing three storks in the center, I believe representing the transition (i.e. carrying) of the nation into a new age. Through the gate there is a large statue of a mother holding a child with a globe above her showing an outline of the country at the front (I'll leave it up to the reader to figure out the symbolism for that :). In front of that figure lies Paradlar Alleyasi, the main parade route that is impressive even when its empty. Traveling north one sees the moving “Crying Mother” monument, a symbol of the sacrifice that 400,000 Uzbeks made in the Second World War. The park as a whole was very clean, well attended to, and adequately policed.
One needs a thorough guidebook (or even better, a good guide) to understand some of the references here but I found the experience central to understanding the metamorphosis of the modern country from the Soviet state. The war monument in particular was quite moving, making the time spent here worthwhile based on that alone. Overall this was a quick, meaningful, and free attraction that should be an integral part of any time spent in Tashkent.
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Tashkent- Mustaqillik-Independence Square,Uzbekistan
Independence Square called Mustakillik Maidoni (Maydan-e-Istaqlal) in Uzbek Language is a beautiful park spread over an area of 30 Acres (12 Hectares) by the side of the magnificent buildings of Government Secretariat and Oliy Majlis (Upper House of Parliament-Senate).
The park is adorned with attractive fountains which lead to a huge colonnade that in an arc-form manner flanks the square in the east. The 16 white marble columns with capitals in the form of the traditional sharafa-stalactites are spanned with silvery metal roof decorated with sculptures of storks. Since ancient times in Uzbekistan these birds (storks) are believed to symbolize peace and tranquility.
In the center of the Park there is a bronze statue of a woman with a baby in her arms. This statue symbolizes the young independent Republic of Uzbekistan and its bright future.
The northern part of the park contains the memorial Fame and Commemoration Alley. On either side of the alley there are porticos faced with granite and decorated with fretted pillars and panjara -- trellises. In the porticos, fourteen steles representing 14 provinces of Uzbekistan contain peculiar Commemoration Books with the names of the citizens of Uzbekistan who were killed on the fronts of World War II. The alley leads to the Eternal Flame and the monument to a Mourning Mother. At the foot of the monument there are always flowers brought by the descendants of the countrymen who gave their lives in the fight against fascism. The park goes down to the Ankhor Canal, edging the square on the west.
About 150 years ago the site of today's Senate building was occupied by so called 'White House' -- the Office of Turkestan Governor-General. During the Soviet times the square was rebuilt and was used for military parades on public holidays.
Independence Square is always full of people. It is one of the favorite rest places of Tashkent residents and guests of the capital. With its impressive structures and monuments, well-groomed lawns and flowerbeds, and hundreds of fountain this square is one of the most beautiful squares in the world.
Please watch: Farhat Abbas Shah, Dubai Mushaera 1996
Independence Square in Tashkent Uzbekistan February 2016
[Uzbekistan] Mustaqillik maydoni. Independence square
Minu Jasdanwala at 'Independent Square', Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Minu Jasdanwala at 'Independent Square', Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2nd Nov. 2016
Independence Square fountains, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
TASHKENT CITY CENTER 2019 : From Tashkent Palace Hotel to Independence Square
TASHKENT CITY 2019 : From Tashkent Palace Hotel to Independence Square
Independence Square, Arch of Ezgulik, Alley of Glory and Memory, Bookstore, Uzbekistan History State Museum, Statue of Sharof Rashidov, Independence Subway Station, Gallery of Fine Arts, Palace of Youth Creativity, National Food Café Bar, School Graduation Photoshoot
Mustaqillik Maydoni, Ezgulik Arkasi, Xotira Maydoni, Sharq Nashriyoti, Sharq Ziyokori Kitoblar Markazi, O’zbekiston Tarixi Davlat Muzeyi, Sharof Rashidov Haykali, Mustaqillik Metro Bekati, Tasviriy San’at Gallereyasi, Yoshlar Ijod Saroyi, Milliy Taomlar Kafe, Maktab Bitiruvchilarni Suratga Olish
Площадь Независимости, Арка Эзгулик, Площадь Памяти, Издательство Шарк, Книжный Центр Шарк Зиёкори, Государственный Музей Истории Узбекистана, Памятник Шарафа Рашидова, Станция Метро Мустакиллик, Галерея Изобразительного Искусства, Дворец Культуры и Искусства Молодёжи, Национальные Блюда Кафе, Фотосессия Выпускников
Мустақиллик Майдони, Эзгулик Аркаси, Хотира Майдони, Шарқ Нашриёти, Шарқ Зиёкори Китоблар Маркази, Ўзбекистон Тарихи Давлат Музейи, Шароф Рашидов Ҳайкали, Мустақиллик Метро Бекати, Тасвирий Санъат Галереяси, Ёшлар Ижод Саройи, Миллий Таомлар Кафе, Мактаб Битирувчиларни Суратга Олиш
Filmed May 15, 2019
1st song: Paradelous - Interstellar Dust
2nd song:
3rd song: Hold
Termite Infested White Picket Fence
【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Tashkent[우즈베키스탄 여행-타슈켄트]독립광장, 추모의 불/Independence Square/Memorial/Mother/Fire
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[한국어 정보]
중국과 유럽 사이, 끝없이 펼쳐진 중앙아시아 대초원의 한가운데 자리한 타슈켄트. 강물은 수천 년 도시를 휘감아 흐르고 예부터 많은 민족이 이곳에 터를 잡고 어울려 살았다. 그리고 사람들은 오늘도 평화로운 일상을 이어간다. “우즈베키스탄 사람들은 순박하고 따뜻하며 사람을 좋아하고 그래서 예부터 손님 접대를 좋아하는 문화가 있습니다. 우즈베키스탄에 온 걸 환영합니다.” 널찍한 대로를 시원스레 달려 내가 처음 찾은 곳은 독립광장이다. 안으로 들어가자 마주친 우즈벡 사람들. “반갑고 환영합니다. 여행길에 행운이 깃들길 빕니다.” 연이어 사람들의 반가운 인사가 이어진다. “같이 사진 찍읍시다.“ 이곳 사람들에게 한국은 미디어를 통해 한류로 친숙해진 이웃이며 또한 예부터 반가운 형제의 나라라 한다. “한국을 좋아하고 한국사람과 사진 찍게 되어 기분이 좋습니다.” 그런데 광장의 사람들이 어딘가를 돌기 시작한다. 2차 대전 무명용사를 위한 추모의 불이다. 그 곁에 우즈벡의 어머니는 돌아오지 않은 자식을 오늘도 기다린다. 그리고 광장의 끝. 다시 아이를 안은 어머니가 기쁨에 차 있다. 전쟁의 슬픔과 독립의 기쁨. 그 가운데 오늘의 우즈벡이 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
Tashkent is situated in the midst of the endless expanse of Central Asian steppes between China and Europe. The river flows through the city for thousands of years, and many people have lived there since then. And people continue their peaceful life today. The people of Uzbekistan are simple, warm, loving people, and so there is a culture that loves hospitality from old times. Welcome to Uzbekistan. The first place I searched for is the Independence Square, running on a wide street. Let's go inside Uzbek people. Nice to meet you. I wish you luck on your journey. Following the people's welcome greetings. Let's take a picture together. For people here, Korea is a neighbor who has become familiar with the Korean Wave through the media, and is also said to be a country of good friends. It feels good to like Korea and take pictures with Korean people. But people in the plaza start to turn somewhere. It is a memorial fire for WWII unnamed warriors. Uzbek's mother beside him waits for the child who has not returned yet. And the end of the square. The mother who holds the child again cares for joy. The sorrow of war and the joy of independence. Among them is today's Uzbek.
[Uzbekistan: Google Translator]
Toshkent Xitoy va Evropa o'rtasida Markaziy Osiyo cho'llarining cheksiz kengligining o'rtasida joylashgan. Daryo ming yillar mobaynida shahar bo'ylab oqadi va o'sha paytdan buyon ko'p odamlar yashab kelmoqda. Bugun odamlar tinch hayotini davom ettirmoqda. O'zbekiston xalqi oddiy, iliq, mehribon odamlar, shuning uchun qadimgi davrdan mehmondo'stlikni sevadigan madaniyat mavjud. O'zbekistonga xush kelibsiz! Men izlayotgan birinchi o'rin - Mustaqillik maydonidir, keng ko'cha ustida ishlaydi. Keling, o'zbek xalqiga kiraylik. Siz bilan tanishish yaxshi. Sizga safaringizga omad tilayman . Birgalikda suratga olaylik. Bu erdagi insonlar uchun Koreya ommaviy axborot vositalari orqali Koreya to'lqinini yaxshi tanish bo'lgan qo'shni va yaxshi do'stlar mamlakati deb aytiladi. Koreyani yoqtirish va koreys xalqi bilan suratga tushish juda yoqadi. Ammo plazalardagi odamlar bir joyga aylana boshlaydilar. Bu Ikkinchi jahon urushi qatnashchilari uchun noma'lum jangchi. Uning yonida onasi hali qaytib kelmagan bolani kutmoqda. Va maydonning oxiri. Bolani yana ushlab turgan ona quvonch baxsh etadi. Urushning qayg'usi va mustaqillik quvonchi. Ular orasida bugungi o'zbek.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄-03-01 독립광장, 무명용사 추모의 불
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 신주호 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 2월February
강,river,stream, ferry, boat, cruise, water,
강, 개천, 흐르는 물, 운하공원/광장,park, square,추모관련,tomb, cemetery,동상,statue,구조물,structure,아시아Asia우즈베키스탄UzbekistanOzbekiston우즈베키스탄 공화국신주호20192월타슈켄트TashkentToshkent viloyatiFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
Square of memory, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan I
Broadway Square Taskent.
【K】Uzbekistan Travel-Tashkent[우즈베키스탄 여행-타슈켄트]무스타킬리크 독립 광장 분수대/Mustakillik square/Fountain
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
‘무스타킬릭’은 우즈벡어로 ‘독립’이라는 뜻! 1991년 구소련에서 독립한 것을 기념하는 1991개의 분수가 더위를 식혀준다. 비록 127 미터에 이르는 거대한 분수는 없었겠지만, 사막의 모래바람을 견뎌낸 실크로드의 대상들도 타슈켄트의 풍부한 물과 나무그늘 아래서 피로를 마음껏 풀었을 것이다.
[English: Google Translator]
'Killick no star' which means that 'independent' in Uzbek! The 1991 fountains to celebrate independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 gives cool down the heat. Although not a huge fountain, but up to 127 meters, the target of the Silk Road to endure sand of the desert would have fully solved the fatigue under the shade of trees and abundant water Tashkent.
[Uzbek: Google Translator]
«Killick hech yulduz» o'zbek tilida bu «mustaqil», degan ma'noni anglatadi! 1991 favvoralar issiqlik sovishini beradi 1991 yilda Sovet Ittifoqi mustaqilligini nishonlash uchun. , Lekin 127 metrga qadar, ipak yo'lining maqsad cho'l qum dosh to'liq daraxtlar va mo'l-ko'l suv Toshkent soyasida charchoq katta favvora hal bo'lar edi, balki-da.
■클립명: 아시아033-우즈베키스탄02-05 무스타킬리크 독립 광장 분수대/Mustakillik square/Fountain
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이용준 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2012년 7월 July
,아시아,Asia,,우즈베키스탄,Uzbekistan,Ozbekiston,우즈베키스탄 공화국,이용준,2012,7월 July,,,,
Pol in Tashkent Independence Square Capital of Uzbekistan May 2015
Ташкент Adventurous Chair Lift Ride Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Łővë Ýőų Pãķîšţãń
Please watch: 25
Independence square in Tashkent City
I took these videos when I traveled to Tashkent
???? 360° GoPro Omni VR: Independence Square | Tashkent, Uzbekistan ????????
A 360° GoPro VR video from the environs of the Independence Square in downtown Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan; the newly-built fountain area sits beside the Ministry of Finance and a plethora of other official government buildings, as well as an expansive and well-manicured park! =] ????????
✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣
Camera: GoPro Omni
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Use your mouse or trackpad to change your view while the video plays.
YouTube app on mobile:
Move your device around to look at all angles while the video plays
Google Cardboard:
Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in cardboard and enjoy.
More info here: ???????? | ????????
#uzbekistan #tashkent #caravanistan
???? 360° Cinemagraphs: Independence Square | Tashkent, Uzbekistan ????????
A 360° Cinemagraph of the commotion of the fountains and pond in the Independence Square complex of Tashkent, Uzbekistan! =] ????????
✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣ ✤ ✣
Camera: GoPro Omni
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How to view the 360° video:
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Use your mouse or trackpad to change your view while the video plays.
YouTube app on mobile:
Move your device around to look at all angles while the video plays
Google Cardboard:
Load the video in the YouTube app and tap on the cardboard icon when the video starts to play. Insert your phone in cardboard and enjoy.
More info here: ???????? | ????????
#uzbekistan #tashkent #cinemagraph
???? Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, The Independence Square fountain, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
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Instagram: mysterra.2016
Independence Square in Tashkent covers 7ha and is the largest square in Tashkent. It is packed with monuments and fountains, including this one with 500 water jets.
First the site of a fortress in the mid 19th century, it later became a parade ground for the military and for workers' processions on national holidays.
Amir Temur Square in Tashkent Uzbekistan February 2016