Day Adventure on Lake Ohrid organized by Balojani DMC for Adventure Next-Balkans 2016 delegates, including scientific survey with the Hydrobiological Institute and underwater archaeology diving. With thanks to ATTA and the storyteller Lukasz Warzecha
Water Probe taken from 120 meter deepness, in Ohrid Lake, Macedonia
Water Probe taken from 120 meter deepness, with the Crew of ХБЗО(Hydrobiological Institute of Ohrid), Ohrid Lake, Macedonia. The place where the Probe is taken is 200 meter deep, the water on the surface is 24°C, and the Probe from 120 meter deepness is 6°C.
Lake Ohrid ➜ Beprobung des ältesten Sees Europas
Hey Leute, dies ist das Video zu unserer Probenahme am Ohridsee. Im Rahmen meiner Promotion habe ich mit meinem Kollegen und der freundlichen Unterstützung des Hydrobiologischen Institutes Ohrid vom Ufer bis zum Profundal (200 m Tiefe) eine Menge Material gesammelt. An dieser Stelle möchte ich allen danken die diese Beprobung möglich gemacht haben.
This is the video of our sampling at Lake Ohrid. As part of my doctorate studies, we collected a lot of material from the shore to the profundal (200 m). I want to thank all our supporters, especially Zoran and Orhideja from Hydrobiological Institute Ohrid.
HBI: Animal Ecology Bielefeld:
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Music: STEREOFLOAT - Crashed Recloned
Mikroskopičtí obyvatelé stojatých vod (The Microorganisms of Standing Waters)
The Microorganisms of standing waters. Institute of Hydrobiology