Het Ir DF Woudagemaal Lemmer - Largest, still working, steam engine (pump) in The Netherlands
Het gemaal is sinds 1947 vernoemd naar ir. D.F. Wouda, hoofdingenieur van de Provinciale Waterstaat van Friesland.[1] Hij ontwierp het in 1917-'18 gebouwde pand in een traditionele stijl met invloeden van het rationalisme.
Het machinepark, geplaatst in 1919-1920 en bestaand uit vier tandem-compound stoommachines en acht centrifugaalpompen, werd ontworpen door Ph. Dijkshoorn en gebouwd door de Machinefabriek Jaffa te Utrecht.[2] Elke stoommachine is gekoppeld aan twee centrifugaalpompen.
Het gemaal werd op 7 oktober 1920 geopend door koningin Wilhelmina. In 1955 werden de zes kolengestookte stoomketels vervangen door vier nieuwe ketels van Werkspoor, die in 1967 op oliestook werden omgebouwd. Tot 1966 werd het gemaal gebruikt om het boezempeil van Friesland (het FZP) te verlagen. In dat jaar werd het J.L. Hooglandgemaal opgeleverd, sindsdien wordt het Ir. D.F. Wouda-gemaal nog slechts enkele dagen per jaar ingezet. Door o.a. de klimaatverandering is de inzet van het gemaal bij langdurige en hevige regenval echter van groot belang voor het handhaven van het peil van de Friese boezem. Wanneer het gemaal functioneel wordt ingezet, is het ook voor bezoekers geopend.
Sinds 1998 staat het gemaal op de UNESCO-Werelderfgoedlijst.[3] Het behoort tot de top 100 der Nederlandse rijksmonumenten. Het monument is bijna dagelijks voor bezoek geopend.
Inside this building are the mechanics of the largest steam-pump station ever built. It is a masterpiece of engineering and the most technologically advanced steam pumping station in the world. Most remarkable of all – it is still in use.
The Wouda Pumping Station is on the edge of the Dutch city of Lemmer, a small residential centre in the north of the country. The station was built in 1920 and was just another battle in a long war between Holland and water. Much of the Netherlands was once covered in water and was unusable for anything – but the country needed space for agriculture and for residential development.
A long process of removing the water and making the land habitable began centuries ago and I’ve written about some of the older techniques used at Kinderdijk and the Beemster Polder. They were extremely innovative for their time but seemed old-fashioned (although still quite effective) by the time the Wouda Pumping Station was conceived. Steam power was going to be the new technology that would bring the Dutch husbandry of water into the twentieth century.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
The steam pumping station in Lemmer was not the first. The Dutch had started using steam to replace windmills in 1825 (a century earlier) and by the end of the 1800s there were about 700 of those pumps in operation across the country. They were much smaller, though, and hence were easier to design and build. The challenge with this new one was the sheer scale of it.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
The reason the new pumping station had to be so large and powerful is because it was going to be a key part of preventing flooding in Friesland. It is capable of pumping 6 million m³ of water per day out into the sea. Today, it still has the ability to do this, although it’s generally only used in extreme situations when the other main pumping station in the area has reached capacity.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
So, because the Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal pumping station is technically operational, it is always being maintained so it is ready to go with very little notice. But because, in reality, it is rarely used, the whole compound is normally open for visitors.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
You can only go inside as part of a guided tour but they leave regularly from the modern visitors centre that has been built next to the original building. The visitors centre has a museum and a very slick 3D movie which you can watch while you wait for a tour to start.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
On the afternoon that I turned up – after walking for half an hour from the Lemmer bus station – there was just one last tour left. I was the only person there but that was not a problem and I got a personal look around the inside. The guide has a tablet with audio commentary in different languages for each spot along the tour, so you don’t need to be able to speak Dutch.
D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station, Lemmer, The Netherlands
My guide, a friendly retired engineer who volunteers as a guide once a fortnight, could speak English perfectly well so we chatted and I asked questions. He showed me the huge boilers that produce the steam, explained how it then made its way to the pumps, and let me look into the apparatus where the water would be pushed through when the system was firing on all cylinders.
Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal, Lemmer, Netherlands, under steam
Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal in Lemmer onder stoom. Old steam pumping station under steam.
The largest steam pumping station in the world impresses. In the huge engine house are four steam engines with coupled thereto four powerful flywheels, which are still operational. The steam engines and flywheels driving eight round centrifugal pumps (also called Jaffa pumps) that move about 6 million cubic meters of water per day.
The pumping station is still used to reduce the water level in the Frisian waters. To fill the boiler with water, to heat the heavy oil and the eight pumps one by one to start up a team of at least eleven people need. Startup After six hours and warming turns the nearly 100-year-old machine at full speed. And that's a fantastic sight.
Since the monumental Woudagemaal has an important practical function in the Frisian water resources, is operated by a permanent technical team and maintained. The complete steam team consists of fifteen men. These are all employees of the water in Friesland, Wetterskip Friesland , the owner of the pumping station.
Woudagemaal It was built at the end of the steam era. In the 19th and first half of the 20th century were winter large parts of Friesland under water. To prevent flooding in Friesland, in 1913 decided to build a pumping station at Lemmer.
The Woudagemaal was in 1920 opened by Queen Wilhelmina and has the largest working steam pumping station in the world still has a practical function in the Frisian water management.
The pumping station is named after ir. Dirk Frederik Wouda (1880-1961), then chief engineer of the Provincial Public Works. He was responsible for design and implementation of the pumping station in the style of the Amsterdam School. The calculation of the mechanical installations were ir. Wouda assisted by ir. JC Dijxhoorn (1862-1941) at the Technical University of Delft.
Until the construction of the electric Hooglandgemaal in Stavoren (1966) it was pumping station used to control the level of the Frisian waters. The pumping station is now only in action at extremely high water.
Source: woudagemaal.nl
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal - Lemmer - Friesland - Nederland
Ir D.F.Woudagemaal. Lemmer.(Netherlands).
Het ir.D.F.Woudagemaal in Lemmer is op 24-12-2012 op stoom gezet.
Dit monumentale stoomgemaal uit 1920 zorgt er nog steeds voor dat bij hoge waterstanden het overtollige water in Friesland wordt afgevoerd naar het IJsselmeer.
Sinds 1998 staat het Gemaal op de Werelderfgoedlijst van Unesco.
UNESCO Werelderfgoed Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal - Lemmer - Friesland NL
Het Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal in Lemmer (Frl.) is het grootste, nog functionerende stoomgemaal ter wereld en staat op de UNESCO werelderfgoedlijst. Deze zomer zijn er tal van activiteiten te beleven met o.a. het skûtsjesilen en de viering van het 100-jarige bestaan van de enorme schoorsteen die deel uitmaakt van het gebouw. Het is absoluut de moeite van het bezoeken waard en ook zeer geschikt voor kinderen. Meer info op:
#woudagemaal #irDFWoudagemaal #stoomgemaal #lemmer #friesland #Fryslân #MerkFryslân #UNESCO #werelderfgoed #worldheritage #skûtsjesilen #visitholland #thisisholland #showmeholland
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal stoomgemaal / steam-powered pumping station Lemmer Friesland 2017
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal stoomgemaal / steam-powered pumping station Lemmer Friesland 2017
UNESCO Werelderfgoedlijst: 1998
Het Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal is het grootste stoomgemaal ter wereld ooit gebouwd.[1] Het gemaal bevindt zich in Lemmer nabij Tacozijl in Friesland. Het wordt rond 2017 gemiddeld eens per twee jaar gebruikt tijdens perioden met veel regen en wind, om het Friese boezemwater op het vereiste peil te houden als het J.L. Hooglandgemaal bij Stavoren door omstandigheden onvoldoende capaciteit kan leveren.
The ir. D.F. Woudagemaal is a pumping station in the Netherlands, and the largest still operational steam-powered pumping station in the world. On October 7, 1920 Queen Wilhelmina opened the pumping station. It was built to pump excess water out of Friesland, a province in the north of the Netherlands.
In 1967, after running on coal for 47 years, the boilers were converted to run on heavy fuel oil. It has a pumping capacity of 4,000 m³ per minute, 1,000,000 GPM. The pumping station is currently used to supplement the existing pumping capacity of the J.L. Hooglandgemaal in case of exceptionally high water levels in Friesland; this usually happens a few days per year.
-4 tandem compound, reciprocating steam engines, with poppet valves.
-8 Horizontal, Double Suction, Fabricated, Centrifugal pumps: 500 Cubic Meters per minute, 125,000 GPM..
Since 1998 the ir. D.F. Woudagemaal has been listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list.
The station is open for visitors and tours are given regularly.
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The D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station- ‘Dutch UNESCO World Heritage is… famous around the world!’
Dutch UNESCO World Heritage is… famous around the world! The Kingdom of the Netherlands has ten UNESCO World Heritage sites. These sites are unique in the world. The Da Costas from Brazil will let you know more about the D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station.
Lemmer, Ijsselmeer, Niederlande / Netherlands - 07/ 2017 - Lemmer: Downtown, Beach & Pumping Station
Lemmer am Ijsselmeer in den Niederlanden.
In diesem Video könnt Ihr verschiedene Aufnahmen aus Lemmer sehen 1. die Innenstadt / Stadtmitte von Lemmer 2. den Sandstrand / Strand von Lemmer und das Dampfpumpwerk:
- Aufnahmen aus der Innenstadt von Lemmer (Lemmer Downtown) bis 6 Minuten 24 Sekunden
- Aufnahmen vom Sandstrand in Lemmer (Lemmer Beach) von 6 Minuten 24 Sekunden bis 8 Minuten 09 Sekunden.
- Aufnahmen vom Pumpwerk Ir. D. F. Wouda - Gemaal (Woudagemaal), welches auch Unesco Weltkulturerbe ist, ab 8 Minuten 09
Weitere Informationen:
Lemmer, eine sehr schöne kleine Stadt am Ijsselmeer gelegen. Lemmer gehört zu der Region De Fryske Marren in den Niederlande.
Lemmer besitzt einen direkten Zugang zum Ijsselmeer und ist daher für Boote, Segler und Yachten ein muss zum Festmachen.
Aber Aufgrund des großen und flach abfallenden Sandstrandes, der direkt zum baden / schwimmen / surfen / wakeboarden ins Ijsselmeer einlädt.
Für Camper, Wohnwagen und Wohnmobilen sind in dieser Urlaubsregion reichlich Campingplätze vorhanden. Die Niederlande / The Netherlands / Holland eignen sich im allgemeinen sehr zum Fahrradfahren / Radeln /Radwandern / Biken.
In der Innenstadt von Lemmer / Stadtmitte / Downtown findet man genügend Restaurants, Cafés und Backereien bzw. Konditoreien, die meisten davon besitzten einen sehr schönen Blick auf die Hafenmole. Mehrere kleiner Restaurants haben den Gehweh mit kleinen Pavillions überdacht, mit Sitzmöglichkeiten direkt am Wasser (im Video zu sehen). Interessant sind auf die Hebebrücken und die Schleuse zum Ijsselmeer.
Das Ijsselmeer bietet Wassersportlern (Surfen, Segeln, Angeln, Wakeboard, Motoryacht, schwimmern) jede menge Möglichkeiten.
Meine Aufnahmen sind mit einer GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, mit einer Nikon Coolpix und mit einem IPhone 6 entstanden.
Das Wetter war am Aufnahmetag sehr wechselhaft, war dennoch sehr gut für Sightseeing geeignet, nicht zu heiß aber trocken, obwohl es anders aussieht.
Weitere Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in der Nähe:
Kampen, Sneek, Giethoorn, Amsterdam, Urk oder Enkhuizen.
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- Video von Sneek in den Niederlanden
- Video von Harlingen an der Nordseeküste in den Niederlanden
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The lillte cute City Lemmer by the Ijsselmeer, has a lot of sightseeing attraktions. The cut little Downtown which his little Marina in the middle, lots of Bridges, Channels (Grachten) and a hughe Sandy Beach.
Boote, Schiffe, Segelschiffe, Yachten, Sportboote, Geschäfte, Restaurants, Weltkultur Erbe, Camping, Boating, Reise, Urlaub, Holiday, Travel, Travelling, Wanderlust, Vlog, Wasser, Wassersport, Watersport, Ships, Rundreise, Familienurlaub, Kurztrip, Trip, Ausflug, Wochenende, Grachten, Grachtenfahrt, Städtetour, Städtereisen, kleine Stadt, Historic Old Town Area, Historische Altstadt...
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal Lemmer
Het Woudagemaal stond begin 2012 onder stoom vanwege de hoge waterstand.
Dus was een bezoekje waard. Ik was niet de enige. Na ruim anderhalf uur wachten mochten we naar binnen. Maar het was de moeite waard.
Meer info over dit UNESCO monument is te vinden op:
Foto en film gemaakt met een SONY Alpha 55 DSLR en bewerkt in Windows movie maker met de nodige vastlopers
Ir.D.F. Woudagemaal (D.F. Wouda Steam Pumping Station) (UNESCO/NHK)
The Wouda Pumping Station at Lemmer in the province of Friesland opened in 1920. It is the largest steam-pumping station ever built and is still in operation. It represents the high point of the contribution made by Netherlands engineers and architects in protecting their people and land against the natural forces of water.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Ir D.F. Woudagemaal Lemmer
Music: Bensound.com
het d.f woudagemaal te lemmer
het grootste, nog werkende,stoomgemaal ter wereld.geplaatst op de werelderfgoed lijst
GPTV: Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal te zien via Streetview
Het Woudagemaal in Lemmer is sinds deze week via Google Streetview te bezichtigen. Google viert het 10-jarig bestaan van Google Maps met de lancering van twaalf Nederlandse bezienswaardigheden op Street View, waaronder het concertgebouw in Amsterdam en twee Nederlandse UNESCO Werelderfgoederen: De Amsterdamse Grachtengordel en het ir D.F. Woudagemaal in Lemmer. Op 8 februari 2005 werd Google Maps gelanceerd. Hiermee werd het mogelijk om 360° zicht te krijgen op openbare plekken zoals straten en pleinen. Later kwam daar het interieur van gebouwen bij.
ir. D.F. Woudagemaal - Wouda Steam Pumping Station
The ir. D.F. Woudagemaal (Wouda steam pumping station) under steam. Full HD and lots of close ups. This video was taken on december 28, 2012 when it was running for the fourth day in a row.
The station was built in 1920 and runs on steam. It has four boilers, four steam engines of 600 HP each, and 8 centrifugal pumps. It can pump 4 million liters of water per minute, elevating the water about 40 cm. Originally built to run on coal, it was converted to run on crude oil in 1967.
Located in Lemmer, in the province of Friesland (in the Netherlands). It is the largest steam pumping station in the world and the only one left in the Netherlands. It is still used when needed, usually a few days per year, in case of high water levels when the other stations in Friesland (mostly electrically driven) can't keep up. Because it's such a great sight to see it running, it draws a lot of visitors during the sparse running days.
It works amazingly well for such an old machine, and it's even more amazing that without steam technology the northern part of the Netherlands would get really wet during the winter.
Shot using a Canon 5D MkII DSLR with a 24 mm f/2.8, a 50 mm f/1.4 and a 100 mm f/2.8 L Macro. ISO 1600 and some 3200, 1/50s, 24 fps. Handheld, no rig, internal audio, standard picture style, no post.
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal, Lemmer
Het ir. D.F. Woudagemaal in Lemmer is het grootste, nog werkende stoomgemaal ter wereld.
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal Lemmer
Woudagemaal onder stoom om waterstand Friese boezem te verlagen. 2 oktober 2019
Het Gemaal in Lemmer. Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal
Het Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal in Lemmer onder stoom in werking.
Ir. D.F. Woudagemaal / Steam driven pumping station - lemmer 1920
When shit hits the fan here in Friesland, in terms of Lots and lots of rain, this old cracker gets 'fired up' an there by saving our feet from getting wet.
Great stuf.