Kakovo Monastery Athos Halkidiki
Kakovo Monastery Athos Halkidiki
Fotogalery Mount Athos Monasteries, Greece, Chalkidiki
Mount Athos or Agion Oros, as it is locally known, is the oldest surviving monastic community in the world. It dates back more than a thousand years, to Byzantine times. It is a unique monastic republic, which, although part of Greece, it is governed by its own local administration.
It occupies the best part of the Athos peninsula in Halkidiki. It consists of a range which runs south-east for thirty miles from Xerxes' Canal, where Xerxes the Persian King cut a canal across the peninsula for his ships to pass. A rugged, sea-battered peninsula 56 kilometers long. Two kilometers wide at the canal, it broadens to eight, with a long back-bone rising into peaks of roughly five hundred, six hundred, six hundred and fifty, eight hundred and fifty and a thousand meters. Finally the imposing marble summit of Athos itself, 2,039 meters high, 6,670 feet of grey-white crystalline limestone. Its snow-capped peak is usually crowned by white clouds, an awesome sight to see.
Ιερά Μονή Παντελεήμονος- Pandeleimonos Monastery Mount Athos by Tefronidis
see from sea
My Trip to Mt. Athos
A compilation of pictures I took during my trip to Mt. Athos in Chalkidiki of Greece in fall of 2007
07 - Манастир Пантократор
Манастир Каково на Атосу
Манастир Каково (Мило Арсеница) метох манастира Хиландар на Атосу.
Музика: Бора Дугић - Обичан Балкански Дан.
Images of Athos 2006
A short film dedicated to the Friends of Mount Athos Footpaths Expedition, 2006.
Pefkohori (GrČka) - Manastir Joanis Rosus
Joanis Rosus je muški manastir i nije predvidjen za posete i fotografisanje. Neznamo zašto, ali nama su otvorili manastirska vrata i dozvolili da napravimo par fotografija. Nismo smeli da snimamo unutrašnjost manastira, Nalazi se na oko 6 km od Pefkohorija u živopisnom predelu. 24. septembar 2014.
Хиландар 26.март 2017- Monastery Hilandar, Holy Mount Athos-Μονή Χιλανδαρίου, Άγιον Όρος,
Хиландар 26.март 2017- Monastery Hilandar, Holy Mount Athos-Μονή Χιλανδαρίου, Άγιον Όρος,
Holy Mountain Chalkidiki Greece religious trip organised by Trigilidas travel !!!
AGION OROS Holy Mountain in Chalkidiki Greece Monastery of St.Dionysios religious trip organised by Trigilidas travel !!!
Ἅγιον Ὄρος, The Autonomous Monastic State of the Holy Mountain
Agoin Oros, or The Holy Mountain, is one of the most restricted areas in the world, not only do you have to apply for a permit that is given to only a few Non-Orthodox Christians, the principality is also completely forbidden to women. This controversial law is challenged more and more by protesting feminists who wish to enter Mount Athos, and it is not uncommon to have women dress as men in an attempt to gain access.
If it wasn't for these strict laws and traditions of Athos, it would not be the historically, cultured and timeless state it is today.
Athos is not a tourist attraction, Only Pilgrims are allowed access to the monasteries, this is because one of the Monks goals is to create the possibility of strengthening the religions of Pilgrims in their search for spirituality.
As Athos doesn't allow women, it cannot sustain itself without new Monks coming in from the outside world. When applying for my permit, I included that I was raised a Catholic as Atheists are not received well in the monasteries, and even being a Catholic was not ideal.
I came to visit the Monks of Athos for a week so that I could experience their unique culture and to visit these ancient monasteries that only a few have the opportunity to enter. During my time in Athos, I didn't meet any Monks that speak english. This made the experience all the more interesting. One day I arrived at a Monestary and was greeted by a very old Monk, after realising that I can't speak his language, he beckoned me into the monastery, as he sat me down in a dimly lit room with only a small window in the stone walls for light, her went to another room fetch a glass of water and a plate of Turkish delights. He gestured for me to eat and drink, so I did, I struggles to finish the plate full as he watched me and talked at me in Greek, he may have been praying for me, but I'm wasn't sure. Soon, he managed to find a younger Pilgrim who could speak minimal English, and he informed me that they had no more room for Pilgrims at this monastery, so he walked me up to the front of the monastery where he pointed me in the direction of the next closest Monestary, about 1 hour walk away, where I managed to stay for the night.
While staying in the various monasteries, I joined the Monks and Pilgrims in the churches to pray before meals. I never felt sure how I should act when in the Church, should I copy everyone else? or do I stand awkwardly in the corner? I decided to copy some things but not others. I felt it could be insulting for me to do the orthodox traditions, when they know I am not an orthodox. I avoided the ceremony of kissing the relics when entering each room but joined in the sitting and standing and putting the hands together etcetera. Having incense thrown in my face by an old bearded Monk was an odd experience.
During the meals, we would have food laid on the tables, the food is all grown from the land surrounding the monasteries. It was mostly edible apart from one meal I had that was a bowl of tomatoes, I never eat tomatoes, I never have, they make me heave, but I manage to eat most of it. Throughout the meals, there would be one Monk singing a prayer, he doesn't stop until everyone has finished eating. The atmosphere was unreal. The dinning rooms were decorated like churches and dimly lit, most of the people in the room were bearded Monks in their black robes. I was an outcast, and definitely the only English person around. I got told off by a fellow Pilgrim during one meal because I wasn't doing the sign of the cross. He told me you could at least do the 'Christian' cross. It was all a bit awkward, but my time with the Monks was definitely an unforgettable experience with almost spiritual experiences I cannot explain.
Kakovo - Metoh manastira Hilandar
Manastir i metoh Kakovo, koje se nalazi pored mesta Jerisos na poluostrvu Atos relativno blizu grada Uranopolis odakle se trajektom putuje za Svetu Goru, služi za opskrbljivanje Hilandara. Po rečima domaćina koje smo tamo sreli, manastirsko imanje je dobijeno na poklon od bogatog Turčina kome je čudotvorna loza sa Hilandara pomogla da dobije potomke, pa je on iz zahvalnosti manastiru Hilandar poklonio Kakovo.
Metoh Kakovo je pogon za izradu nameštaja, ikonostasa, stolica, polica i svega drugog za manastir Hilandar kao i za proizvodnju hrane i drugih potrepština.
Na imanju se nalazi veliki ribnjak, maslinjak, dva konaka, crkva, crkvena prodavnica i knjižara, nekoliko radionica i kuća za stanovanje stalnih stanovnika metoha. Ženama je pristup dozvoljen i generalno metoh Kakovo je otvoren za posetioce.
Nezaboravno ! Neko rece da san nije java........
San moze da se pretvori u javu..........
Vatopedi Monastery - Part 1
Vatopedi Monastery, Mount Athos
Stavronikita and Prophet Elias, Mount Athos
A short clip showing the Monastery of Stavronikita and the Skete of the Prophet Elias from the Monastery of Pantokrator, Mount Athos.
Bunar,Svetog Save...Hilandar....