Animal Market in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan (HD)
Animal Market in Karakol is one of the biggest market in Central Asia. Located in the northern edge a few kilometers from the center of Karakol, and only open on Sundays, the animal bazaar is an interesting place to visit where villagers will often travel for days to sell their animals.
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Animal market Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
Animal market in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan, on a rainy day
Animal Market in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
Animal Market in Karakol is one of the biggest market in Central Asia. Located in the northern edge a few kilometers from the center of Karakol, and only open on Sundays, the animal bazaar is an interesting place to visit where villagers will often travel for days to sell their animals.
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Karakol Sunday Animal Market stroll, Kyrgyzstan
In Kyrgyzstan there is a saying that its people are born on a horse. As the boy from the shepherd family, with whom I stayed near the Kyrgyz-China border, told me, ever since he had memory, he has always remembered riding a horse.
The animal market in Kyrgyzstan is truly a authentic and unique experience for me. Surrounded by mountains and grasslands, a lot of farmers and shepherd live nearby. That makes the meat and milk product in Karakol region cheap and of great quality. Karakol’s weekly animal market is also among the biggest ones in the country.
Now follow me take a look there!
Animal market at Karakol, Kyrgyzstan
Karakol animal market - Kyrgyzstan
We woke up early in the morning and headed down town to the animal market. We saw sellers selling tons of livestock and it was interesting to walk around and watch people make sales and take home their new goat or horse.
For more information on things to do in Karakol check out our blog post.
Animal market, Kyrgyzstan
At Mal Bazar, the weekly livestock market in Karakol, in the east of Kyrgyzstan, one of the largest in Central Asia.
Kyrgyzstan (Jun 2017): Karakol Animal Market
Karakol Lifestock Market Kyrgyzstan 3
Sunday market in Kyrgyzstan
Time to sell their animals in Sunday market in Kyrgyzstan
Lake Arakol, Kyrgyzstan
View from Alakol pass over lake Alakol, Kyrgyzstan. Comming from Altyn Arašan.
Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek, Balykchy, Karakol, Naryn (04/2018)
[Kyrgyzstán ????????] nejkrásnější horská města: Bishkek, Balykchy, Karakol, Naryn / (04/2018) /
Мал базар Токмак
мал базар
[Kyrgyzstan] Long-distance bus station | автовокзалы междугородние | 버스 터미널 @ Karakol | 카라콜
카라콜의 장거리 버스터미널 로 접근하며 촬영한 영상
Mashurtka (Small buses) to Bishkek (190som, 7 hours) hourly between 7am and 3pm, and Big bus at night between 9pm and 11pm.
These stop in Cholpon-Ata (150som) and Balykchy (250som) following the same northern shore route of Issyk-kul lake.
Date: 01.24.13. 1030A
kyrgyzstan tiimelapse
Tourism in Kyrgyzstan
[Kyrgyzstan] Long-distance bus station | автовокзалы терминал | 버스 터미널 @ Karakol | 카라콜
카라콜의 장거리 버스터미널 주변에서 촬영한 영상.
Мал уурдап маарыгандар
Акыркы эки жылдан бери элдин малына кол салып, зыян келтирип жүргөн кылмыштуу топ Ысык-Көл районунда кармалды. Кылмышка шектүү төрт адам жыйырма жарандын мал жандыгын уурдаган.
Кылмыштуу топтун мүчөлөрү Ысык-Көл районунан сырткары Жети-Өгүз жана Тоң районунун да малына зыян келтиргени аныкталды
Кашгарский хостел и новые знакомые
В Кашгаре есть хостел, в котором замечательные и очень гостеприимные хозяева. В хостеле у тебя обязательно появляется куча новых хороших знакомых.
Скотный базар накануне Курбан айта
В преддверии мусульманского праздника Курбан айт торговцы рассчитывают на повышенный спрос на свой товар. Они говорят, что цены в дни праздника значительно вырастут. Некоторые дают советы, как правильно выбрать животное для жертвоприношения. Талгарский район Алматинской области, 9 октября 2013 года.