Bulgaria - Durankulak Lake
The Durankulak Lake
The Durankulak Lake
White-Tailed Eagle, at Durankulak Lake, Bulgaria
A White-tailed Eagle, which had been sitting on the frozen surface of Durankulak Lake, Bulgaria, flying to roost at dusk
Durankulak Lake and Black Sea
beach Durankulak | okBulgaria
beach Durankulak | okBulgaria
Restaurant Kibela Durankulak Bulgaria
Situat la in localitatea Durankulak Bulgaria, la doar cativa kilometri de Vama Veche, Restaurantul Kibela este una dintre cele mai potrivite alegeri pentru cei care iubesc sa manance preparate din peste si fructe de mare.
Video: inbulgaria.ro
Music: bensound.com
Durankulak (Дуранкулак) lakes, Bulgaria north east coast.
Durankulak (Дуранкулак) lakes, Bulgaria north east coast is a natural conservation area with lots of wildlife to see.
Norhteast Bulgarian seaside - Durankulak, Shabla and Yailata 2016
Our trip in northeast Bulgarian seaside. We started with Durankulak. Then we went to the Reserve Yailata. The final part of the trip was Shabla's Tuzla beach.
Bulgaria -District Sabla - Durankulak Lake
Bulgaria : Дуранкулак Durankulak - Оряхово Oryahovo
Complex Turistic Camping Kosmos - Durankulak, Bulgaria
Situat pe malul marii, in apropierea unei plaje superbe, lipsita de aglomeratie, Complexul Turistic Kamping Cosmos, va ofera posibilitatea de a petrece o vacanta minunata pe litoralul bulgaresc al Marii Negre, putand opta pentru inchirierea unei casute camping, sau campa cu cortul sau rulota.
Despre noi:
Durankulak lake
Видео от птичи поглед над Дуранкулашкото езеро, ,заснето на 25.05 .2018г. Оператор: Милчо Йовчев. Това видео е създадено с некомерсиална цел! Всички права са запазени от фирма СкайХай . За контакти : lz2zd@mail.bg
Bulgarian Border Vignette Vinetta Exchange Durankulak Дуранкулак E87 Bulgaria 7.4.2016
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Durankulak - Bulgarevo
Time lapse 30 fps taken at 0.5s.
Заснемане с дрон Езерото Дуранкулак/Durankulak lake
Нова част от един голям проект за 2018-та езерото Дуранкулак/Durankulak lake
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Red-Breasted Geese Flying Over Durankulak Lake in Bulgaria
A flock Red-Breasted Geese Flying in perfect formation and landing. Find more information and birding trips at
Durankulak Lake
Lake Durankulak, a natural paradise with an area of 350 hectares, is the northernmost natural coastal lake in Bulgaria. Its wealth of plants and animals has led the specialists to register it on the Ramsar List of Wetlands of World Interest and to be recognized as a reference ornithological area. Both scientists from all over the world and nature and photography enthusiasts come to admire and study the beauties of Lake Durankulak. Here, 260 species of rare or endangered plant and animal species are protected. We only remember the red-breasted goose, a threatened species that finds favorable winter conditions in this area with brackish water. We must also remember the steppe vegetation, but also the numerous plants specific to the marsh areas such as reed, rush or waterlily. Some say that Durankulak Lake is a true natural laboratory in which beauties from the beginning of the world still exist.
Bulgaria District Sabla - Durankulak
Immobilien Bulgarien Durankulak | okBulgaria
Immobilien Bulgarien Durankulak | okBulgaria