Valletta's Secret underground war rooms ( Lascaris )
The Lascaris War Rooms are an underground complex of tunnels and chambers in Valletta, Malta that housed the War Headquarters from where the defence of the island was conducted during the Second World War. The rooms were later used by NATO and are now open to the public as a museum.
The Lascaris War Rooms - Valletta - Malta
Malta - Urlaub
April 2018 - Tag 04 - Film 64
The Lascaris War Rooms - Valletta - Malta
Lascaris War Rooms Valletta
The Lascaris War Rooms consist of an underground complex of tunnels and chambers that housed the War Headquarters from where the defence of Malta was conducted during the Second World War.
This secret complex contained operations rooms for each of the fighting services from where not only the air defence of Malta was coordinated, but also some of the greatest battlesfought in the Mediterrean during the war. Lascaris was the advance Allied HQ from where General Eisenhower and his Supreme Commanders Admiral Cunningham, Field Marshal Montgomery and Air Marshal Tedder directed Operation Husky -- the Invasion of Sicily in 1943.
In the Post War years it became the Headquarters of the Royal Navy's Mediterranean Fleet. Later, in the late 1960s, it was taken over by NATO to be used as a strategic Communication Centre.
In 2009, Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - the Malta Heritage Trust - undertook the challenging task of restoring this historic complex. As a result of this work visitors can explore and enjoy one of Malta's best kept wartime secrets.
The Lascaris War Rooms will be integrated into the Military Heritage Park. The Park will cover some 500 years of Malta's history linking Lascaris War Rooms, the NATO ComCen, St Peter and St Paul counter-guard, the Saluting Battery and the Garrison Chapel crypt. Work on this park is currently being undertaken by FWA.
The War Rooms (Lascaris Warf) VALLETTA, MALTA
Lets take a trip to the War Rooms in Valletta, Malta and relive where the war over the Meditteranean was plotted.
Lascaris War Rooms in Valletta one of Malta's best tourist attractions.
Malta. Lascaris War Rooms 2015.
På dette sted. 400 meter under jorden blev 2 verdenskrig udkæmpet imod Aksemagterne. I dette bunkers anlæg koordinerede de 3 værn deres kamp imod Tyskland og Italian.
The Lascaris War Rooms, Valletta, Malta, April 2014.
Underground military war rooms.
Lascaris War Rooms & A Maltese Tank Fundraiser
The Maltese Heritage Trust recently purchased a M3 Stuart, and a Matilda tank. You can make a donation to help display the first tanks on Malta since WW2 here: And read more about them here:
Lascaris War Rooms Malta
The Lascaris War Rooms consist of an underground complex of tunnels and chambers that housed the War Headquarters from where the defence of Malta was conducted during the Second World War.
Lascaris War Rooms
Malta Tourist Guides - for more information please visit us at -
Lascaris War Rooms - restoration project
Malta, World War 2 museum, Valletta
Dette museum kombinerer en attraktiv udstilling om Anden Verdenskrig i Malta sammen med visning af en original krigstid dokumentarfilm - 'Malta GC «og et besøg i en underjordisk beskyttelsesrum, hvor hundreder tog tilflugt under razziaer. Jeg har været nød til at lægge musik på filmen for at overdøve den musik der blev spillet i musedet som var copyright.
Peter Marshall's Malta Part 4 Grand Harbour and The Lascaris War-rooms
Take a boat cruise round Grand Harbour. Look at DockyardCreek and then go into the Lascaris war-rooms where Operation Husky (thr invasion of Sicily in World War two) was co-ordinated and controlled from.
Exploring MALTA!! - Valetta War Rooms, St Peter's Pool, Hagar Qim Temple
Here is Part 1 of my Malta holiday, where we visit the town of valetta, observe the beautiful landscape at St Peter's Pool and visit a couple of historic temples including the Hagar Qim Temple, and much more
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Malta. Lascaris War Rooms. 2 verdenskrig
Lascaris War Rooms ligger 400 meter under Upper Barrakka Gardens , der repræsenterer en af Maltas bedst bevarede hemmeligheder fra Anden Verdenskrig. The War Rooms er sammensat OFA netværk af tunneller og kamre under jorden, der husede British War hovedkvarter i Malta, hvorfra alle forsvar og offensive operationer i Middelhavet var rettet.
Denne ultra-hemmelige kompleks husede et operationscenter plads til hver af de kæmpende tjenester, som indgår den vitale RAF Fighter Control Room, hvorfra alle luft-og sø operationer blev observeret og kontrolleret. Støtte det var en Filter Room, hvorigennem kanaliseret og filtreret al radar trafik samt en anti-luftskyts Gun Operations Room, som blev brugt til at koordinere artilleribeskydning mod luftangreb. En kombineret operation Værelset tjent til fælles operationer og et højt sikkerhedsniveau facilitet holdt krypteringsmetoder maskiner, der anvendes til hemmelige kommunikation.
Trip to Malta - Voyage à Malte - DAY 2 Part 3 - Lascaris War Rooms Entrance (and Satan???)
And of course, I'm aware that Malta as a country has actually never faced any war (during WW2 Malta was part of the United Kingdom) but in this video I'm talking about the island itself when I talk about Maltese wars .
Just a little precision before people start whining that Malta is independant since 1964 and a republic since 1974 you fool, go home with your Maltese wars lol .
A little surprise at the end of the video... SPOILER ALERT: don't worry, it's only a drawing near the entrance lol
Die Salut Battery der Lascari War Rooms im Hafen von Valetta (Malta)
Die Salut Battery der Lascari War Rooms im Hafen von Valetta (Malta).
Jeden Tag um 12 Uhr wird Salut geschossen, am 03. Juli 2016 gab es einen Zündversager.
War Rooms Graffiti (Lascaris)