Le temps de la lavande - De Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon à Valensole
Une explosion des couleurs en Provence sur le Plateau de Valensole.
Au gré des paysages, début juillet, quand la lavande est en pleine floraison. De la Maison du Lavandin au-dessus de Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon, à la ferme Angelvin à Valensole.
Un spectacle dont on ne se lasse pas, enivré par les senteurs, fasciné par les vagues mauves. La lavande ondule avec le vent. Les abeilles s'activent entre les poses improbables de visiteurs venus d'ailleurs ...
Musique :
A Nice World
par Electric Grocery
~Jamendo Licensing~
Valensole : les champs de lavande en proie aux incivilités
Chaque année, de nombreux touristes viennent admirer les champs de lavandes du plateau de Valensole. Mais les incivilités se multiplient, au grand dam des propriétaires de domaines.
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Lavender Fields | Provence, France | European Road Trip | Provence Travel Guide
Welcome to my Provence, France travel guide, and to my Youtube channel! France blew my mind away for the second time! Especially these lavender fields in Provence!
I went to Provence in search of finding lavender and sunflowers fields. Provence is located in the south of France and has popular lavender farms such as Lavande Angelvin in Valensole, France. The lavender fields can also be found at the foot of the French Alps. Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, like where we stayed at Michels Bed and Breakfast that is featured in the Provence Vlog.
Like It To know It: @rapunzille
MICHELES AIRBNB: Please email me at rapunzille@gmail.com to find out Michele's airbnb.
Shop My Outfits:
Black band:
Beige band:
Blue checkered crop top:(similar)
White off the shoulder:
Purple pleated skirt:
Michels Bed & Breakfast: I will reveal in a few weeks in a new vlog!
Music: Sisterbleach
Travelkolik Lavander Harvest at Valensole
#lavanta #lavander #lavandes #valensole #aixenprovence #sonyalpha #sonyalphatr #sonyalpha7 #sonya7ii #sonya7m2 #sonyphotography #ig_mirrorless #harvest #angelvin
Les champs de lavande piétinés par les instagrameurs : le ras le bol des producteurs
C’est actuellement l’un des lieux les plus instagrammés de France. Chaque année à la fin juin, la floraison des champs de lavande du plateau de Valensole, dans les Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, attire des touristes du monde entier venus prendre la pose pour reproduire des photos repérées sur Instagram. Si la pratique est autorisée et les champs accessibles à tous, les incivilités sont de plus en plus fréquentes, provoquant le ras le bol des producteurs.
br/br/Retrouvez l'info en temps réel avec Le Parisien :
【法國】頹頭薰依草?感覺不再愛了???? 普羅旺斯 (上集) ♥France2016♥ Travel with us | Mavis X Cindy
【Lavender field】到左普羅旺斯的Valensole,薰依草田剛好在收割。看著薰依草田逐漸變頹?感覺不再愛了TvT....雖然整個山頭都是,但還有其他薰依草田啦(笑)但是還是大家不要太晚去啦知道嗎~
下集,我們再去附近探一次!!! 訂閱的們~我們下集見~
想看更多有趣影片就分享支持吧! :)
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◎Email: dogpigplaygroundchannel@gmail.com
Lavender fields薰依草田:
Address 1: Lavandes Angelvin, Campagne Neuve, 04210 Valensole, France
Address 2: Gîte le Petit Telle, Plateau de Valensole, Rd 8, 04410 Puimoisson, France
Hôtel Les Deux Lions
Address: Rue Hilarion Bourret, Riez, 04500, France
Café des Arts
Address:Café des Arts, D953, 04410 Puimoisson, France
(Can't remember those food name, just show them the video or take a screenshot if you want, it is what I usually do. X )
【法國】普羅旺斯 (下集) ♥France2016♥ Travel with us | Mavis X Cindy
訂閱我們~我們下集見~哦~對!!資料在下方~ ????法國最美麗的村莊之一(Moustiers Sainte Marie)聖瑪莉山城 ????歐洲最大的峽谷- 凡爾登大峽谷(Gorges du Verdon) & 聖十字湖(Sainte-Croix du Verdon)
想看更多有趣影片就分享支持吧! :)
Please like or share this video if you enjoyed it :)
Comment if you have any idea could share with us ;)
SUBSCRIBE for more. Thanks for watching!
Check out 小屁孩's
◎Email: dogpigplaygroundchannel@gmail.com
Lavender fields薰依草田:
Address 1: Lavandes Angelvin, Campagne Neuve, 04210 Valensole, France
Address 2: Gîte le Petit Telle, Plateau de Valensole, Rd 8, 04410 Puimoisson, France
晚餐Dinner:Aux Planches
Address:3 Prom. de la Plage, 06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
(Can't remember those food name, just show them the video or take a screenshot if you want, it is what I usually do. X )
峭壁間懸掛的一枚星星是Moustiers Sainte-Marie的象徵,
後來騎士果然安全回鄉, 所以履行承諾為聖母在兩山之間懸掛星星還願。如果要清楚看到星星需徒步走到山頂的教堂,但我們懶就沒走上去看了。
Lavender fields of Valensole
Ever dreamed of lavender fields at sunset? Wandering in a white dress among the bees? Closing your eyes to be completely immersed in the smell that comes from the blooming flowers? Kissing your soulmate while the last rays of sunshine enlighten the plain? If you have, Valensole, in the heart of Provence, France, is the right place for you. Come and see a spectacle that only happens for a few weeks every year!
ARTE Xenius Rettet den Lavendel
Lavendel, das berühmte „blaue Gold“ der Provence, wird erst seit 100 Jahren großflächig in Südfrankreich angebaut. Wie kam es damals zu der großen Nachfrage? Und was tun Bauern und Wissenschaftler heute gegen das dramatische Lavendelsterben? „Xenius“ macht sich auf die Suche nach der Zukunft des Lavendelanbaus – liegt die vielleicht, dank Klimawandel, in Deutschland?
Lavendel, das berühmte „blaue Gold“ der Provence, wird erst seit 100 Jahren großflächig in Südfrankreich angebaut. Wie kam es damals zu der großen Nachfrage? Und was tun Bauern und Wissenschaftler heute gegen das dramatische Lavendelsterben? „Xenius“ macht sich auf die Suche nach der Zukunft des Lavendelanbaus – liegt die vielleicht, dank Klimawandel, in Deutschland? „Xenius“ begleitet den Lavendelbauer Emile Blanc in der Haute Provence auf einen Exkurs in die Geschichte der Lavendelindustrie, die im Mittelalter beginnt und, dank der Parfüm-, und Waschmittelindustrie, zu einem echten „Lavendelboom“ führt. Der Marseiller Apotheker Cyril Coulard berichtet über die traditionell genutzte, heilende Wirkung des Lavendelöls. Größter Abnehmer des Öls aber ist die Waschmittelindustrie, doch die riesigen Lavendelmonokulturen verursachen Probleme: Eine bakterielle Lavendelkrankheit zerstört die Sträucher. Zwischen 2005 und 2010 hat die Provence die Hälfte aller Lavendelfelder verloren. Über die Überträger der Krankheit forscht der Biologe Jean-Baptiste Rivoal am Lavendelforschungsinstitut CRIEPPAM. Er entwickelt Gegenmaßnahmen und züchtet dazu auf Versuchsfeldern neue Lavendelsorten, die möglicherweise widerstandsfähiger sind. Auch andere Maßnahmen, wie zum Beispiel ein größerer Abstand und Unkraut zwischen den Lavendelreihen helfen, die Seuche in den Griff zu bekommen. Die „Xenius“-Moderatoren Adrian Pflug und Emilie Langlade besuchen den Lavendelbauer Remi Angelvin bei der Ernte und lassen sich zeigen, wie aus frisch geernteten Lavendelballen das kostbare ätherische Öl in Bottichen mit Wasserdampf herausdestilliert wird. Dass Lavendelanbau eine Zukunft in Deutschland hat, beweist der Geograf Ralph Ahrens. Denn durch den Klimawandel ist es an den Berghängen entlang der Mosel für den „echten Lavendel“ bereits warm genug, um in ausreichender Menge und Qualität zu gedeihen.
Quelle: ARTE
Clémentine & Florian
Ce soir on part pour sur le plateau de Valensole et ses magnifiques champs de lavande, pour une session romantique avec Clémentine & Florian !
Bijoux : Princesse Elle-Même
Photo et Organisation : Jeremie Hkb Photographie
Décoration et Fleurs : Il était une fois votre mariage en Provence
Robe : Naira Sargsyan Créatrice
Costume : Pronuptia Paris
Coiffure : Keylina Bard
Lieu : Lavandes Angelvin
Lavender fields in Provence
Lavender fields in Provence
The fields of lavender in Provence are another of France's natural wonders, a true world trend and an integral part of the historical region in the southeast of the country. I planned to travel here for several years, and once I saw this magnificence, I want to return here again. Lavender blooms between mid-June and the end of August in different parts of Provence, but one of the most famous places is the canton of Valensol. I settled in a camping site called Lavender on the outskirts of Valansol and went to discover this tempting land.
A long road from Paris (more than 800 km) at the entrance to Valansol pleases with mountains, hills, vineyards and cypresses, and in the last kilometers in the summer haze suddenly appear dark purple patches of lavender fields.
On the main road there are such funny posters, warning drivers about the lost tourists. Here you can really forget about the most elementary things from incredible landscapes and flower-honey aromas.
In the air hangs a continuous buzz of bees collecting nectar and pollen. With these numerous, noisy, but peaceful neighbors in the fields have to put up.
The reality is somewhat different. There are a lot of tourists and naturally, no one wants to miss their chance to make a photo for social networks in such an incredible place. The unspoken rule is to find your own series and not to go unnecessarily to neighboring, occupied by other photographers.
Next to the field is located the factory of the company Angelvin - manufacturer of essential oils, soaps and cologne. Of lavender, of course.
Lavender is near. In fact, this is not standard lavender, but a hybrid of lavender. Rows of lavender look much more accurate than the ranks of lavender, because all the bushes are almost identical to each other.
Lavender grows in the Canary Islands, in northern and eastern Africa, in Australia, in southern Europe, in Arabia and in India. Cultural forms are grown in gardens around the world.
One of the trees next to which they like to photograph the newlyweds, reminiscent of the heart.
Only two trees and a lavender field.
And around - the village houses, some agricultural utensils and blue mountains on the horizon. It's not for nothing that this department is called the Alps of Upper Provence.
Around the fields are typical Provencal towns and villages with colorful, pastel houses, quiet squares and fountains.
On these streets it is good to sit in a cafe in the fresh air, drink coffee and seize it with ice cream ... with the taste of lavender.
In total, there are about 47 species of lavender.
Lavender is used in the perfume industry. Some researchers argue that the smell of lavender helps get rid of anxiety and dissatisfaction, irritation.
At dawn there are no casual tourists, but photographers are already sitting in ambush, so the rules should be the same as before. The main thing is not to get in the picture to your colleague.
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We wish you a pleasant viewing!
Olio essenziale di lavanda officinale dalla Provenza
L'olio essenziale di lavanda officinale di Angelvin è puro e naturale al 100% e lo trovate all'interno del mio shop on line Il Mercante di Essenze
La Raccolta Meccanica della Lavanda in Provenza - Francia
La Raccolta Meccanica della Lavanda nell'altipiano di Valensole in Provenza, Francia. La Lavanda è la pianta officinale per eccellenza. La coltivazione della Lavanda nella Provenza si perde nella notte dei tempi. Vi si coltiva una varietà molto compatta che si presta molto bene all'intense potature, chiamata Lavandin