A day with clients from Chicago, checking out the marble quarries of Carrara Italy with a stop in Pisa for some photos of that leaning tower. Thanks to Heike our amazing driver and tour guide of Cave di Marmo Tours.
Carrara Marble Quarry gallery
Marble Quarry of Massa-Carrara - Cave di Marmo di Massa Carrara
Best marble of the world comes from this quarry in Massa-Carrara, Tuscany, Italy
Aerial video of Carrara marble caves
Aerial video, the famous Carrara marble caves situated in Tuscany, Italy
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Pedalare insiema ai campioni promo Massa Carrara
Pedalata ciclo-turistica non competitiva aperta a tutti i tesserati di km 50 ca. che si svolge attraverso le cave di marmo di Carrara, la città di Massa e Carrara.
Carrara E bike
Marble Quarries in Carrara: Galleria del Ravaccione
Marble Quarries in Fantiscritti, near Carrara. Inside the Marble Cathedral For more pictures and info chicinitie.com
La cava
Striking view of Bettogli Quarry - Carrara and the art of quarrying and processing of this noble material.