makam pahlawan masjid negara kulalumpur
Masjid Negara : National Mosque Of Malaysia | My Mosque
The Masjid Negara or the National Mosque of Malaysia is one of the largest mosques in the world. Built in 1965, it was conceptualized to be a symbol of Malaysia’s independence. The mosque is situated in a hill within 13 acres of land. It can accommodate 15,000 people and its sermon is broadcasted nationwide. The architecture has a modern approach with design influences from Morocco and Spain. Beautiful gardens, reflecting pools and fountains can be found throughout the compound. Its minaret, with a height of 73 meters, used to be the tallest structure in Malaysia. Near the mosque is the Makam Pahlawan (Heroes’ Mausoleum) which is a burial ground for some Malaysian Muslim leaders. Many world leaders have visited Masjid Negara and were awed by its grandeur and splendor.
About My Mosque
From the multicultural mosques in Malacca town, to the marvelous domes of Kelantan, My Mosque travels through the states of Malaysia bringing these architectural icons to life. Covering two mosques per episode, host Suzhaire Sumari meets with the key people involved and learns interesting architectural and historical tidbits that make each mosque unique – as well as a few things to do and see around town.
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Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Ada Makam Pahlawan juga
#masjidnegara, #kualalumpur, #malaysia, #nationalmosque,
Najib Razak : Pengkebumian Presiden Seumur Hidup Majlis Olimpik Malaysia,Tan Sri Hamzah Abu Samah
Najib Razak hadir ke pengkebumian Presiden Seumur Hidup Majlis Olimpik Malaysia(MOM) dan bekas tokoh politik,Tan Sri Hamzah Abu Samah.Allahyarham dikebumikan di Makam Pahlawan Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur, semalam.Allahyarham meninggal dunia akibat sakit tua di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya.Kuala Lumpur 5/09/2012
Makam Pahlawan for Malaysia's Greats (Non-Muslims) ?
This video shows Malaysia's Warriors' Mausoleum (Makam Pahlawan)situated in the grounds of the National Mosque (Masjid Negara) in Kuala Lumpur.
There are many Great Persons being buried here and ONLY the best of Malaysians will be honoured in this National Burial Grounds.I think this Malaysia's Warriors'Mausoleum will be for Muslims only since it is in the mosque compound.
Maybe,it is timely,to have a Non-Muslims Malaysia's Warriors' Mausoleum for all the other Great Malaysians (who are not Muslims) to be honoured within this National Burial grounds as what their Muslims counterpart have been honoured with.
I dearly hope that the New Malaysian Elected Government after 8thMarch,2008 will consider my view points and implement this Non-Muslims Malaysia's Warriors' mausoleum for all the Malaysians (Non Muslims) that have also sacrificed,dedicated and loved Malaysia so much as their Muslim brothers and sisters.
Fenomena Keajaiban Makam Pahlawan, Masjid Negara, Kuala Lum
Kubah dalam Makam Pahlawan di Masjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur, bertukar dari kuning menjadi putih bila diambil video, ketika berada di posisi bertentangan dengan puncak kubah.
Pusara Allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee传奇Tomb The Legendமேதை @ Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur
The tomb of the legend in Malay Film industry @ Jalan Saloma, KL????Tan Sri Datuk Amar Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Putih commonly known as P. Ramlee (22 March 1929 – 29 May 1973) was a Malaysian film actor, director, singer, songwriter, composer, and producer.
Due to his contributions to the movie and music industry and his literary work, which began with his acting debut in Singapore in 1948, to the height of his career and then later moving to Malaysia ???????? in 1964, until his decline and death, he is regarded as a prominent icon of Malay entertainment. His fame has even reached as far as Brunei and Sumatra, Indonesia as well as in Hong Kong and Japan.
Makam legenda dalam industri filem Melayu @ Jalan Saloma, KL. Tengku Sri Datuk Amar Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Putih yang dikenali sebagai P. Ramlee (22 Mac 1929 - 29 Mei 1973) adalah pelakon, pengarah, penyanyi, penulis lagu, komposer, dan pengeluar.
Disebabkan sumbangannya kepada filem dan industri muzik dan karya sasteranya, yang bermula dengan debutnya di Singapura pada tahun 1948, hingga ke puncak karirnya dan kemudiannya berpindah ke Malaysia ???????? pada tahun 1964, sehingga kemerosotan dan kematiannya, dia dianggap sebagai ikon hiburan Melayu yang menonjol. Kemasyhurannya bahkan telah mencapai sejauh Brunei dan Sumatra, Indonesia serta di Hong Kong dan Jepun.
马来电影界的传奇人物@ Jalan Saloma,KL????TanSri Datuk Amar Teuku Zakaria bin Teuku Nyak Putih俗称P. Ramlee(1929年3月22日 - 1973年5月29日)是马来西亚电影演员,导演,歌手, 歌曲作者,作曲家和制片人。
由于他对电影和音乐界的贡献以及他的文学作品,这些作品始于1948年他在新加坡的首演,直到他职业生涯的高峰,然后在1964年后来移居马来西亚,直到他的衰落和死亡,他 被视为马来娱乐的突出标志。 他的声誉甚至达到了文莱和苏门答腊,印度尼西亚以及香港和日本。
மலேசிய திரைப்படத் தொழிலாளி ஜாலன் ஸலோமாவின் புராணக் கதையானது, மலேசிய திரைப்பட நடிகர், இயக்குனர், பாடகர், பாடகர், பாடலாசிரியர், இசையமைப்பாளர் மற்றும் தயாரிப்பாளர்.
1948 ஆம் ஆண்டில் சிங்கப்பூரில் அவரது நடிப்பு அறிமுகத்துடன் தொடங்கியது, அவரது தொழில் வாழ்க்கையின் உயரத்திற்கு பின்னர், பின்னர் 1964 இல் மலேசியாவுக்குச் சென்றார், அவரது சரிவு மற்றும் இறப்பு வரை மலாய் பொழுதுபோக்கு ஒரு முக்கிய சின்னமாக கருதப்படுகிறது. அவருடைய புகழ் பிராங்கி மற்றும் சுமத்ரா, இந்தோனேசியா மற்றும் ஹாங்காங் மற்றும் ஜப்பான் வரை சென்றது.
Sejarah Pembinaan Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur
Sejarah Pembinaan Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia National Mosque Masjid Negara | full tour of Masjid | Best Masjid in Kualalumpur
Malaysia National Mosque Masjid Negara | full tour of Masjid | Best Masjid in Kualalumpur
I am at one of Kuala Lumpur´s main attractions, the National Mosque of Malaysia or as it is called in Malay the Masjid Negara. This Kuala Lumpur attraction is a must see when visiting Malaysia´s capital city Kuala Lumpur. The National Mosque, Masjid Negara, is one of Malaysia´s biggest Mosque.
The Masjid Negara or the National Mosque of Malaysia is one of the largest mosques in the world. Built in 1965, it was conceptualized to be a symbol of Malaysia’s independence. The mosque is situated in a hill within 13 acres of land. It can accommodate 15,000 people and its sermon is broadcasted nationwide. The architecture has a modern approach with design influences from Morocco and Spain. Beautiful gardens, reflecting pools and fountains can be found throughout the compound. Its minaret, with a height of 73 meters, used to be the tallest structure in Malaysia. Near the mosque is the Makam Pahlawan (Heroes’ Mausoleum) which is a burial ground for some Malaysian Muslim leaders. Many world leaders have visited Masjid Negara and were awed by its grandeur and splendor.
About My Mosque
My Mosque travels through the states of Malaysia bringing these architectural icons to life. Covering the mosques in this episode, I meet with the key people involved and learns interesting architectural and historical tidbits that make each mosque unique – as well as a few things to do and see around town.
*PEMBETULAN: Nama Muhammad Yusuf yang disandarkan pada Tokku Paloh adalah kesilapan fakta. Muhammad Yusuf merujuk kepada Tok Kenali, Syed Abdul Rahman merujuk kepada Tokku Paloh. - ADMIN-
“Wali Allah adalah orang-orang mukmin yang bertaqwa kepada Allah. Ingatlah sesungguhnya wali-wali Allah itu tidak ada ketakutan pada diri mereka dan mereka tidak merasa khuwatir. Mereka beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah, bertaqwa dalam pengertian mentaati firman-firmanNya, penciptaanNya, izinNya, dan kehendakNya yang termasuk dalam ruang lingkungan agama. Semua itu kadang-kadang menghasilkan berbagai karamah pada diri mereka sebagai hujjah dalam agama dan bagi kaum muslimin, tetapi karamah tersebut tidak akan pernah ada kecuali dengan menjalankan syariat yang dibawa Rasulullah s.a.w.”
Kedudukan wali hanya dapat diberikan kepada orang-orang yang telah nyata ketaqwaannya. Sementara orang yang nyata telah melanggar syari’ah tidak dapat diberikan kedudukan yang mulia ini. Sayangnya, di kalangan manusia, ada orang yang mengaku bahawa dirinya adalah wali dan memperoleh karamah dari Allah, padahal dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari mereka tidak melaksanakan syariat Islam dengan baik sehingga mustahil bagi Allah untuk memberikan darjat ‘wali’ kepada orang seperti ini.
Yang perlu diwaspadai juga, syaitan pun dapat membantu manusia untuk mewujudkan keajaiban-keajaiban di mata manusia. Itulah yang dinamakan sihir. Syaitan pun berupaya membantu seseorang menghilang dirinya dari pandangan orang lain, dan juga memberi maklumat kejadian yang akan datang. Dan inilah yang
sering dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak beriman untuk menipu manusia. Maka, peri pentingnya bagi umat Islam mengetahui juga akan perkara-perkara luar biasa yang wujud di alam ini supaya dapat membezakan antara yang hak dan yang batil. Para wali-wali Allah juga diberi kurniaan yang luar biasa dikenali sebagai Karamah.
Karamah adalah sesuatu pemberian Allah swt yang sifatnya seakan-akan dengan mukjizat para nabi dan rasul, iaitu kebolehan melakukan hal-hal yang luar biasa yang diberikan kepada orangorang yang dikasihiNya yang dikenal sebagai wali Allah. Mudah-mudahan dengan pembentangan secebis pengetahuan tentang wali-wali Allah dan karamah mereka ini, pintu keberkahan para wali-wali Allah akan terbuka bagi kita, sehingga dapat kita meningkatkan ketaqwaan dan keimanan kita kepada Yang Maha Pencipta.
Wali dari segi bahasa bererti:-
1. Dekat. Jika seseorang sentiasa mendekatkan dirinya kepada Allah, dengan memperbanyakkan kebajikan, keikhlasan dan ibadah, dan Allah menjadi dekat kepadanya dengan limphan rahmat dan pemberianNya, maka di saat itu orang itu menjadi wali.
2. Orang yang senantiasa dipelihara dan dijauhkan Allah dari perbuatan maksiat dan ia hanya diberi kesempatan untuk taat sahaja.
Adapun asal perkataan wali diambil daripada perkataan al wala’ yang bererti : hampir dan juga bantuan. Maka yang dikatakan wali Allah itu orang yang menghampirkan dirinya kepada Allah dengan melaksanakan apa yang diwajibkan keatasnya, sedangkan hatinya pula sentiasa sibuk kepada Allah dan asyik untuk mengenal kebesaran Allah. Kalaulah dia melihat, dilihatnya dalil-dalil kekuasaan Allah. Kalaulah dia mendengar, didengarnya ayat-ayat atau tandatanda Allah.Kalaulah dia bercakap, maka dia akan memanjatkan puji-pujian kepada Allah. Kalaulah dia bergerak maka pergerakannya untuk mentaati Allah. Dan kalau dia berijtihad, ijtihadnya pada perkara yang menghampirkan kepada Allah. Seterusnya dia tidak jemu mengingat Allah, dan tidak melihat menerusi mata hatinya selain kepada Allah. Maka inilah sifat wali-wali Allah. Kalau seorang hamba demikian keadaannya, nescaya Allah menjadi pemeliharanya serta menjadi penolong dan pembantunya.
Siapakah yang digelar wali?
1. Ibnu Abas seperti yang tercatit dalam tafsir Al Khazin menyatakan “ Wali-wali Allah itu adalah orang yang mengingat Allah dalam melihat”.
2. Al Imam Tabari meriyawatkan daripada Saeed bin Zubair berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. telah ditanya orang tentang Wali-wali Allah. Baginda mengatakan “Mereka itu adalah orang yang apabila melihat, mereka melihat Allah”.
3. Abu Bakar Al Asam mengatakan “Wali-wali Allah itu adalah orang yang diberi hidayat oleh Allah dan mereka pula menjalankan kewajiban penghambaan terhadap Allah serta menjalankan dakwah menyeru manusia kepada Allah”.
01169633152 (ADMIN)
Jalan-Jalan Ke Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur
Masjid Negara Kuala Lumpur merupakan salah satu masjid terbesar di Malaysia dan menjadi salah satu ikon negara.
Secara umum Masjid Negara ini dibangun dengan gaya Arsitektur Modern. Memiliki minaret dengan ketinggian 73 meter dan merupakan minaret tertinggi di Malaysia. Atap kubahnya dibuat dari beton dan jika dilihat dari atas akan membentuk bintang segi 16.
Ruang main hall atau ruang sholatnya mampu menampung sekitar 15.000 jemaah dan di desain dengan sangat detail. Banyak sekali ornamen-ornamen dengan unsur Maroko dan Spanyol yang menghiasi sepanjang dinding dan pilar besarnya.
Jika kalian sempat ke Malaysia, silakan berkunjung ke Masjid Negara untuk menikmati keindahan masjid ini.
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#hangtuah #Nusanstudio #keris
Hj. Ibrahim bin Ahmad atau lebih dikenali sebagai Tok Laden adalah seorang individu yang sangat disegani oleh masyarakat terutamanya di sekitar Besut, Terengganu.
Beliau dipercayai memiliki salah satu dari keris Laksamana Hang Tuah. Proses mendapatkan keris tersebut berlaku diluar dari jangkaan masyarakat dimana ianya telah dihantar secara langsung dari alam ghaib kepada beliau. Allahualam....
Pengesahan lanjut serta kajian yang lebih teliti adalah amat digalakan bagi mengangkat serta memartabatkan sebarang sumber warisan yang berkaitan alam melayu.
Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan kepada Hj Ibrahim dan ahli keluarganya kerana memberi ruang kepada kami dalam menjalankan pengambaran kali . Alhamdulillah .
Makam Pahlawan di Masjid Negara
This is Ramli's Video Journey-Malaysia's famous sites.
The National Warriors' Mausoleum situated in the compounds of the National Mosque lay buried many Malaysia's Great Leaders'who have given their utmost service,sacrifice and love for their beloved Nation,Malaysia so that her future generations will enjoy great wealth,peace,happiness,prosperity and cooperation.
The Prime Ministers'and Deputy Prime Ministers' of Malaysia like Tun Abdul Razak,Tun Hussein Onn,Tun Dr.Ismail,Tun Ghaffar lay buried in this Warriors'Mausoleum.There are also other Malaysian Leaders' buried in this historic and great burial grounds that all Malaysians must be proud of and cherished their sacrifices,struggles and dedication to make Malaysia a Great Nation.
To all of them,we Muslims say Al-Fatihah so may Allah SWT Blessed their souls and grant Mercy for all of them,Inshallah.
National Mosque of Malaysia
The National Mosque of Malaysia (Malay: Masjid Negara Malaysia, مسجد نݢارا مليسيا) is a mosque in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It has a capacity for 15,000 people and is situated among 13 acres (53,000 m2) of gardens. The original structure was designed by a three-person team from the Public Works Department: UK architect Howard Ashley, and Malaysians Hisham Albakri and Baharuddin Kassim. The engineer in charge of the construction of the mosque, which commenced in 1963 was Antony Morris. It was built on the site of a church, the Venning Road Brethren Gospel Hall, which had stood there since 1922 but was appropriated by the Malaysian government.[2] The mosque is a bold and modern approach in reinforced concrete, symbolic of the aspirations of a then newly independent Malaysia.
Its key features are a 73-metre-high (240 ft) minaret and a 16-pointed star concrete main roof. The umbrella, synonymous with the tropics, is featured conspicuously – the main roof is reminiscent of an open umbrella, the minaret's cap a folded one. The folded plates of the concrete main roof are a creative solution to achieving the larger spans required in the main gathering hall. Reflecting pools and fountains spread throughout the compound.
Malaya gained its independence from the British government on 31 August 1957. Major development programs in areas of economy, social and architecture were actively implemented in line with the new government. The programs were also to portray new progressive culture and achieved democracy. Therefore, on 30 July 1957, in the meeting of the Federal Executive Council an idea to build a national mosque as a symbol of the country’s independence was mooted. In another meeting on 5 March 1958, Chief Ministers of the eleven states in the Federation of Malaya, a proposal was made to name the mosque Masjid Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, in recognition of Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman's efforts in guiding the country to gaining independence. However, Tunku refused this honour; on the contrary he named it Masjid Negara in thanksgiving for the country’s peaceful independence without bloodshed. On Friday, 27 August 1965, the mosque was declared open by the third Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the late Tuanku Syed Putra of Perlis.
The mosque underwent major renovations in 1987, and the once-pink concrete roof is now clad in green and blue tiles. Today, Masjid Negara continues to stand sleek and stylish against the Kuala Lumpur skyline. An underground passage leads to the National Mosque located near the railway station, along Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin. Its unique modern design embodies a contemporary expression of traditional Islamic art calligraphy and ornamentation. Near the mosque is the Makam Pahlawan (Heroes' Mausoleum), a burial ground of several Malaysian Muslim leaders. Makam Pahlawan is a 7-pointed star concrete roofed structure.
On 27 August 2015, Masjid Negara celebrated its Golden Jubilee (50th anniversary).
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Bicycling and visiting inside the National Mosque, Kuala Lumpur. Beautiful!
After a 3.2 km Brompton bicycle ride, have a look inside the beautiful National Mosque (Masjid Negara) of Malaysia on this visit with a few friends (Malaysian and non-Malaysian), all of which were visiting the mosque for the first time. Great to see them being genuinely impressed by this beautiful and serene structure, which also houses the mausoleum (Makam Pahlawan, Malay for Heroes' Mausoleum) where two of the Malaysian prime ministers are laid to rest.
We visited on a beautiful sunny day, we sun reflections from the waterpond dancing delightfully across the ceilings. An impressive and tranquil sight.
Purple robes are give out to visitors to ensure compliance to suitable attire for visiting a mosque.
The highlights of the video are:
0:10 I demonstrate how the bicycle basket handle straps can be weaved with rubber straps to prevent items from flying out of the basket while riding.
5:40 The Medan Pasar square, nicely refurbished about 2 years ago
8:00 Cycling a short stretch on Jalan Kuching (busy highway) next to the Daya Bumi building (the 'original Petronas Tower' before Petronas moved into the Twin Towers and this building became the post office)
8:32 Getting a thumbs up from a taxi :-)
9:00 Dismounting at National Mosque round-about (in hind-sight, should have turned up Jalan Lembah running along side the mosque)
11:15 Table with dress code and opening hours for the National Mosque
11:43 Meeting my friends at the mosque entrance, all of us arrived within 1 minute of each other. So punctual(!)
14:30 Parking the bike and getting a purple robe for entering the mosque
20:50 Main prayer hall of the National Mosque. It is possible for visitors to walk up to the entrance of the prayer hall and have a look inside, but visitors cannot enter the prayer hall itself.
22:30 Interesting family tree display starting with Adam and Eve, and showing the connection between the three Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism).
27:17 Impressions from 1st visit to a mosque. People are impressed :-)
31:00 Massage chairs in the mosque. Fancy!
31:55 Fun fact: During the visit, we also briefly discuss the Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which is visible from the National Mosque, and which interestingly was constructed to withstand a 2-foot snow load on roof, because this was required by the building standards (copied from the United Kingdom). Likewise, the nearby Masjid Jamek roof was also constructed to take a snow load of 2 feet.
34:53 Photo taking with Malay family :-)
35:37 Entering the mausoleum next to the National Mosque
36:35 Beautiful solar reflections from the pond dancing on the ceiling
37:05 Listing the four people buried at the mausoleum
37:20 Panoramic photo of the stunning and serene mausoleum
37:31 Discussing the sundial at the mosque. The mosque sundial (jam matahari) has quite a different design from sundials in Europe, because the sunpath is very different in the tropics, where the sun tilts to the South or to the North, depending on the time of year.
39:42 Exiting the mosque again after an uplifting visit :-)
40:37 Arriving at the Islamic Art Museum. After the mosque visit, we walk to the nearby Islamic Arts Museum (Muzium Kesenian Islam Malaysia), which is really worth a visit, too. My favorite part of the museum are the models of some of the most important mosques in Islam. The museum has about 15 models. I didn't film inside the museum, but I'm closing off the video with a picture of two of the models, so you get an idea of the beautiful models on display in this museum. Moreover, the building itself is also nicely designed.
43:21 Two of the nice mosque models on display at the museum
Enjoy the visits!
PS. The bicycling route can be viewed here:
PPS. The video is filmed using a GoPro Hero4 mounted on a chest-strap with the video camera sticking out through the shirt.
Allah Kay Ghar - Masjid Negara,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Series of short documentaries on aired on ARY Digital Channel.
Kunjungan Presiden Jokowi ke Taman Makam Pahlawan Seroja Dili