Immersion au marché des Lices a Rennes
L’un des plus célèbres marchés de Bretagne, c’est le Marché des Lices...dans le centre historique de Rennes.
C’est le deuxième plus grand marché de plein air de France !
Immersion avec les producteurs et les clients.
Reportage : Jérémy Armand - Louise Cognard
Intervenants : Sylvie Frelaut, armateur et poissonnière - David Etcheverry, chef étoilé du restaurant Le Saison à Saint-Grégoire - Olivier Marie, journaliste culinaire
Jérémy Armand/Louise Cognard.
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Marché des Lices, Saint-Anne, Rennes
Every Saturday, people come from all over Brittany to sell their products and produce at the Saint-Anne farmer's market in the center of Rennes. I took a little stroll through the market, bought some cider and some strawberries, and ate a Gallette Sauccisse aussi! Come along with me and visit one the second largest Farmer's Market in all of France, right here in Rennes!
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A little more info about the Marché des Lices:
Les plus beaux marchés de France : les Lices de Rennes - La Quotidienne la suite
On part en ballade à la découverte de beaux marchés français, première escale à Rennes. Nous allons découvrir le marché des Lices, Le deuxième marché alimentaire de France.
Retrouvez La Quotidienne La Suite sur :
Marché des Lices - Rennes - France
Music band playing in the famous market Marché des Lices in Rennes, France.
This was recorded on December 24, 2011
Le marché des Lices à Rennes - Les escapades de Philippe
Découvrez la Haute-Bretagne Ille-et-Vilaine, grâce à Philippe et ses escapades culturelles, touristiques et gourmandes... Incontournable à Rennes, le marché des Lices est un des plus grands marchés alimentaires de France. Philippe a la chance de découvrir ses étals aux côtés d'un chef, Jacques Faby du Cours des Lices, puis de déguster un plat concocté à partir des produits du marché.
Le Marché des Lices - Rennes, Bretagne
Le Marché des Lices is the second largest market in France and is found at Rennes' city centre at Place des Lices. Since 1622, farmers and artisans have gathered weekly to present fresh produce of only the finest quality to locals and visitors. Every Saturday morning from 7.30am to 1.30pm, there is a flurry of activity as people gather in search of their weekly groceries amongst a lively scene of buskers, musicians, political campaigners, street performers and petitioners. The markets boast an estimated 10,000 visitors per year, a steadily increasing number, and are one of the biggest attractions of the city.
There are 290 permanent vendors who each specialise in providing products such as flowers, fruit, vegetables, seafood, bread, pastries, jams, cheese, meat and hot food. It is here that you will also find many of Bretagne's specialties including le coucou de Rennes , le melon Petit Gris , Reinette apples, cider, shellfish and salted butter. The markets are predominately an outdoor event, although since its modernisation in 1965, two large halls have been built to accommodate for the butchers, cheese-makers and bakers. Obtaining a permanent spot at these markets is a highly competitive system determined by a commission controlled by the city of Rennes.
Halles ; Marché des Lices ; Rennes ; Place ; Ancien ; Bretagne ; France
Le marché des Lices est un marché d'agriculteurs producteurs, d'artisans transformateurs alimentaires et fleuristes, ayant lieu tous les samedis matin à Rennes depuis 1622 pour les premières traces, et 1965 dans sa forme moderne.
Rennes est une commune de l'Ouest de la France, chef-lieu du département d’Ille-et-Vilaine et de la région Bretagne. La ville se situe en Haute-Bretagne , partie orientale de la Bretagne , à la confluence de l’Ille et de la Vilaine.
27 Mars 2018
Places to see in ( Rennes - France ) Marche des Lices
Places to see in ( Rennes - France ) Marche des Lices
The Lices market is a market of producing farmers, food processors and florists, taking place every Saturday morning in Rennes since 1622 for the first traces, and 1965 in its modern form. Institution Rennes, it is the third market of France with 290 producers and craftsmen or trades non-producers, with an attendance weekly estimated at 10 000 visitors in 2009.
The market takes place place des Lices , north-west of downtown Rennes . It is spread over the Place des Lices itself, but also Place de la Trinité, Place Saint-Michel and partly Rallier du Baty square. Two halls built by Martenot are also used. The first trace of a market down the Place des Lices dates back to 1483.
The establishment of the market on the Lices, where were held jousts and executions of the city under the Ancien Régime, took place in 1622 , during the plague epidemic. Place not lose its commercial thereafter: after the outbreak, a wood market settles, then in 1705, a market poultry, leading to the construction of a hall for poultry dealers . This hall disappears during the fire of 1720 . The extension of the market to producers and farmers encourages the municipality to build a new hall in 1733. After the Revolution , the n ° 18 of the place of Lices is acquired by the city to install its office of the incoming goods of the city.
The market is from 7:30 to 13:30 for sales. Installation starts at 4 am, disassembly ends at 2.30 pm to allow cleaning operations. For this, parking is prohibited on the square from midnight to 16:30, the remaining vehicles being impounded . Cafetiers and restaurateurs of the place do not set up their terraces during the duration of the market.
The market has 290 permanent places, including 42 butchering sites permanently installed in the Martenot low market . The allocation of places is made by the city of Rennes, through the advisory commission of non-sedentary trade, according to the available places, the nature of the activity carried out, and the age of the demand. The commission, consisting of fifteen members, meets three times a year. The placement in the field and the collection of taxes is the responsibility of the municipal police .
( Rennes - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Rennes . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Rennes - France
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Plus beaux marchés de France : Les Lices de Rennes
Cette semaine dans notre feuilleton, on vous emmène visiter les plus beaux marchés de France... On commence, aujourd’hui, par le marché des Lices, à Rennes : il est vieux de plus de 4 siècles et c’est le deuxième marché alimentaire de France !
Marché des lices à rennes 2019
Musique fanfare et petits commerçant marché local tous les samedis matin à rennes place des lices
A Farmers Market in France - Le Marché Des Lices - 2nd Biggest Market in France
Experience walking through Le Marché des Lices, in the second biggest farmers market in France. Every Saturday, from 7:30am to 1:30pm at the Lices Square in Rennes, France, over 300 vendors display their fresh and locally grown products, making the streets of this charming town look & smell as fresh as ever. Cheese, meat, fish, honey, vegetables, flowers, bread, tea, music… they have it all! For more information about the farmers market, visit—
Balades au marché des Lices
Marche des fiertes et Rennes 2019
Édition 2019 de la Marche des fiertés de Rennes record d'affluence pour cette année....
Le marché des Lices à Rennes - 11 février 2012 & 27 juin 2005
Pour montrer aux étrangers ce qu'est un marché en France, il faut venir à Rennes. Le meilleur de la Bretagne, de la France est ici. Le marché des Lices mérite, impose le déplacement, uniquement pour le plaisir des yeux et de l'esprit. Tous les commerçants sont gais et compétents, le marché des Lices est une sorte de paradis pour les amateurs de qualité, de fraîcheur (JP COFFE A vos paniers septembre 1993).
En 2012, ce commentaire n'a pas pris une ride !
Les plus beaux marchés de France : les lices de rennes فلوغ جديد : سوق الاسبوعي لمدينة رين
????????????????????????فلوغ جديد : سوق الاسبوعي لمدينة رين
Les plus beaux marchés de France : les lices de rennes.
#newvideo. #france #rennes #maroc #Bretagne #chefchallenge #cuisine #pâtisseries #lices
1989 : le nouveau marché des Lices
Cet extrait, issu du Fonds Bernard Thomazeau, est tourné en 1989 à l'occasion du nouveau marché des Lices.
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Week-end à Rennes avec Virginie - Marché des Lices - 1/3
☀️Cet été, Virginie, Cheffe étoilée du restaurant Racines, a accueilli Rémi & Marine (Toulouse) et Antonio & Ana (Madrid) pour un week-end gourmand à Rennes.
✅ ???????????????????????? ????°1 : Direction le Marché des Lices
Gaelic Riders at Marché des Lices (Rennes, Bretagne)
Gaelic Riders at Marché des Lices (Rennes, Bretagne)
Trans Musicales 2016 - MEUTE au Marché des Lices