Best Attractions and Places to See in Shantou, China
Shantou Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top things you have to do in Shantou . We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Shantou for You. Discover Shantou as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Shantou .
This Video has covered top attractions and Best Things to do in Shantou .
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List of Best Things to do in Shantou , China
Zhongshan Park
Queshi Scenic Resort
Chen Cihong Former residence
Stone Fort Park
Tian Tan Garden
Jufeng Temple
Chen Ci Hong Mansion
Queshi Bridge
Mazu Palace
Shantou in China , business, trade , hotels, canning, garments, lithography, 汕头在中国,商贸,酒店,罐头,服装,平版印刷
Shantou in China , business, trade , hotels, canning, garments, lithography, 汕头在中国,商贸,酒店,罐头,服装,平版印刷
Shantou business,
Shantou travel,
Shantou hotels,
Shantou trade,
Shantou industry,
Shantou toursim,
Shantou storm,
Shantou floods,
Shantou floodings,
Tropical Storm MAWAR
Shantou, Mawar,
Shantou cyclone,
Shantou's economy is medium by Guangdong standards. Manufacturing accounts for a large and increasing share of employment. Canning, garments, lithography, plastic, and toys are some of the principal products. Toy manufacturing is the city's leading export industry, with 400 million U.S. dollars worth of exports each year.
Guiyu, a populous town in Chaoyang District, is the biggest electronic waste site on earth.[20] Health-environmental issues incurred have concerned international organisations such as Greenpeace.
In 2000, the biggest tax fraud in the history of the People's Republic of China was uncovered, estimated worthy of 32.3 billion yuan.
Shantou, formerly romanized as Swatow[1] and sometimes known as Santow,[2] is a prefecture-level city on the eastern coast of Guangdong, China, with a total population of 5,391,028 as of 2010 and an administrative area of 2,064 square kilometres (797 sq mi). Shantou has direct jurisdiction over six districts and one county, and the six urban districts of Shantou have a population of 5,330,764. With it and the surrounding cities of Jieyang and Chaozhou, the metropolitan region known as Chaoshan covers an area of 10,404 km2 (4,017 sq mi), and had a permanent population of 13,937,897 at the end of 2010. It's built up area spread of 11 districts was home to 11,635,577 inhabitants at the 2010 census.[3]
Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China established in the 1980s, but did not blossom in the manner that cities such as Shenzhen, Xiamen and Zhuhai did. However, it remains eastern Guangdong's economic centre, and is home to Shantou University, a member of the Project 211 group.
Tourism attractions[edit]
Chen Cihong's Former Residence
Shipaotai Park (Chinese: 石炮台公园; pinyin: Shí pàotái gōngyuán)
Chen Cihong's Former Residence (Chinese: 陈慈黉故居; pinyin: Chén Cíhóng gùjū)
Nan'ao Island (南澳島 Nanao Dao): rated as Guangdong's most beautiful island by China's National Geographic magazine
Palace-Temple of Old Mother (老媽宮 Laoma Gong): dedicated to the goddess Matsu
Temple of Emperor Guan (關帝廟 Guandi Miao): dedicated to Guan Yu
Tropic of Cancer Symbol Tower (北回归线标志塔 Beihuiguixian Biaozhita): The Tropic of Cancer slips through Centipede Mountain, which is 20 kilometers away from the city proper.
Cultural Revolution Museum (文革博物馆 Wenge Bowuguan): The country's only museum dedicated to the Cultural Revolution.
Shantou Museum (汕头博物馆 Shantou Bowuguan): An art museum.
Shantou Founding Museum (汕头开埠博物馆 Shantou Kai Bubowuguan): This history museum is devoted to the establishment of Swatow (Shantou) as a treaty port in the 19th century, not to be confused with Shantou Museum.
潮州開合式廣濟古橋船河+古城及韓愈等文物古蹟-粵語解述2017 Delinkable Floating Guangji Bridge
饒宗頤學術館,始建於1993年11月,是第一個潮籍名人學術館。該館占地面積450多平方米,建築面積700平方米。學術館坐北朝南,大門上有啟功題字的「饒宗頤學術館」橫匾,文氣斐然。樓內第一層展廳以「譽傳寰宇耀名邦」為題,介紹饒先生歷年行跡及主要學術貢獻;第二層題為「墨瀋丹青動藝林」,陳列了饒先生的書畫作品;第三層展廳則以「曠世奇才饒宗頤」為題,從「博大精深」、「預流導路」、「勤奮自勵」三個方面,對饒先生的學術成就及治學精神,予以述評、介紹;第四層則為小型會議廳。此外,尚有收藏圖籍的「書巢」及再現歷史環境的「選堂讀書處」等設置。 2006年重建了饒宗頤學術館,年底剪綵落成。學術館經過擴大,裝修,成為一座古色古香的「頤園」。
廣東高鐵往汕頭崎碌石炮臺及龍湖千年古寨保家園-粵語解述2017 Shipaotai Park
2017石炮臺公園是以崎碌炮臺為主景點建築而成的紀念性公園,是清代粵東地區的主要海防建築。崎碌炮臺始建於清代同治十三年,光緒五年竣工(即1874-1879年),歷時五年,耗資八萬銀元,至今已有一百多年的歷史。它位於舊汕頭的東南角,為環圓形城堡建築,與隔岸蘇安山上的炮臺現呼應,扼住汕頭海灣出入口,地理位置十分險要,是清代粵東地區的主要海防建築。十九世紀中期,第一、二次鴉片戰爭先後爆發,腐敗無能的清朝政府與美、英、法等列強簽訂了喪權辱國的《南京條約》和《天津條約》實行門戶開放,汕頭就是當時十個通商口岸之一。由於外國商船紛至遝來,加上海防鬆散,當時駐潮州總兵方耀順應民意,以“鄰分不淨,潮海嚴防”為由,奏請清廷建築崎碌炮臺。崎碌炮臺主要以貝灰砂、煮爛糯米飯及紅糖漿調合夯築而成。大門、炮巷均採用規格花崗石塊砌築,因而俗稱“石炮臺”。1983年,列入汕頭市建設總體規劃,決定在石炮臺周圍再擴地58畝,建設成汕頭市石炮臺公園。1989年,被廣東省人民政府定為省級重點文物保護單位。炮臺總面積19607平方米,其中城堡面積10568平方米,有一條寬23米、水深3米的護台河環繞炮臺一周。炮臺內廣場直徑85米,全台直徑116米,外牆高6米,內牆高5.15米。炮臺分上下兩層, 各設18個炮位和若干槍眼,底層的炮巷4.1米,長約300米深邃迂回。炮臺內有一道27極波紋型石階,設計巧妙實用,便於炮械循級推上檯面。檯面上有72個通風報話塔,每三個為一組,呈品字型鼎立。它是炮塔上下傳達資訊及供底層的通風採光之用。炮臺東北面有一月牙型點將台,用於指揮及觀看兵丁操練,在點將台的西北角有一條螺旋石臺階通往炮巷。臺階較隱蔽,便於作戰時疏散及向檯面運送彈藥。石炮臺堅固嚴密,炮臺裡的火炮最大的一座為五千斛前膛洋炮,射程可達十五、六華里,對入侵者有一定威懾作用。炮臺廣場東北角有一口淡水井,是當時清兵生活飲用水。雖然水井離海邊只有數十米,但水質卻很甘甜清純。
Shantou, also known as Swatow or Santow, is a prefecture-level city on the eastern coast of Guangdong province, People's Republic of China, with a total population of 5,391,028 as of 2010 and an administrative area of 2,064 square kilometres. Shantou has direct jurisdiction over six districts and one county, and the six urban districts of Shantou have a population of 5,330,764. With it and the surrounding cities of Jieyang and Chaozhou, the metropolitan region known as Chaoshan covers an area of 10,404 km2, and had a permanent population of 13,937,897 at the end of 2010. It's built up area spread of 11 districts was home to 11,635,577 inhabitants at the 2010 census.
Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China established in the 1980s, but did not blossom in the manner that cities such as Shenzhen, Xiamen and Zhuhai did. However, it remains eastern Guangdong's economic centre, and is home to Shantou University, a member of the Project 211 group.
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Guangdong in China becomes pioneer for reforms
Since the 1980s, South China's Guangdong Province has been a pioneer for reform. Guangdong set an ambitious timetable, wanting all state firms to list or at least own a listed company by 2020. CCTV's Li Yang filed this report.
Funride in Heyuan China
crazy ride at a fairground
JB Chingay 2013 - 3 March 2013 (Teochew Deity arrives back to Ku Miao)
This is the chaos when the Teochew Deity arrives back at the JB Ku Miao the day after the night parade the previous night. Many of the devotees are trying to make sure that the papers used to secure the deity to the sedan chair are kept with the devotees.
Shenzhen | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:33 1 Etymology
00:03:35 2 History
00:04:22 2.1 Nantou
00:06:59 2.2 Market town
00:07:44 2.3 Special Economic Zone
00:10:33 3 Geography
00:12:45 3.1 Climate
00:14:55 4 Cityscape
00:15:04 5 Politics
00:15:43 6 Administrative divisions
00:18:58 7 Economy
00:24:00 7.1 Technology industry
00:25:26 7.1.1 Industrial zones
00:26:47 7.2 Economic cooperation with Hong Kong
00:31:21 7.2.1 Qianhai
00:33:05 8 Demographics
00:36:04 8.1 Historic
00:36:47 8.2 Other Statistics
00:39:14 8.3 Metropolitan area
00:39:40 8.4 Ethnic groups
00:39:49 8.4.1 Koreans
00:42:38 8.5 Languages
00:45:09 8.6 Religion
00:46:17 8.7 Crime
00:48:08 9 Education
00:49:21 9.1 Colleges and universities
00:51:01 10 Transport
00:51:10 10.1 Public transport
00:55:36 10.2 Roads
00:57:55 10.3 Railway
01:00:48 10.4 Air
01:02:00 10.5 Ferries
01:03:36 10.6 Connection with Hong Kong
01:05:27 11 Architecture
01:10:59 12 Parks and recreation
01:11:09 12.1 Parks and gardens
01:14:54 12.2 Theme parks
01:18:23 12.3 Beaches
01:18:59 13 Culture
01:20:51 13.1 Cuisine
01:21:55 13.2 Museums and exhibition centers
01:22:56 13.3 Theaters and concert halls
01:23:21 14 Media
01:24:54 15 Sports
01:27:14 16 Sister cities
01:27:57 17 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Shenzhen (, Mandarin: [ʂə́n.ʈʂə̂n] (listen)) is a major city in Guangdong Province, China; it forms part of the Pearl River Delta megalopolis, bordering Hong Kong to the south, Huizhou to the northeast, and Dongguan to the northwest. It holds sub-provincial administrative status, with powers slightly less than those of a province.
Shenzhen, which roughly follows the administrative boundaries of Bao'an County, officially became a city in 1979, taking its name from the former county town, whose train station was the last stop on the Mainland Chinese section of the railway between Canton and Kowloon. In 1980, Shenzhen was established as China's first special economic zone. Shenzhen's registered population as of 2017 was estimated at 12,905,000. However, local police and authorities estimate the actual population to be about 20 million, due to large populations of short-term residents, unregistered floating migrants, part-time residents, commuters, visitors, as well as other temporary residents. Shenzhen was one of the fastest-growing cities in the world in the 1990s and the 2000s and has been ranked second on the list of ‘top 10 cities to visit in 2019 by Lonely Planet.Shenzhen's cityscape results from its vibrant economy - made possible by rapid foreign investment following the institution of the policy of reform and opening-up in 1979. The city is a leading global technology hub, dubbed by media as the next Silicon Valley.Shenzhen hosts the Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as the headquarters of numerous multinational companies such as JXD, Vanke, Hytera, CIMC, SF Express, Shenzhen Airlines, Nepstar, Hasee, Ping An Bank, Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Tencent, ZTE, Huawei, DJI and BYD. Shenzhen ranks 14th in the 2019 Global Financial Centres Index. It has one of the busiest container ports in the world.
Shenzhen | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:48 1 Etymology
00:02:38 2 History
00:03:16 2.1 Nantou
00:05:19 2.2 Market town
00:05:56 2.3 Special Economic Zone
00:08:00 3 Geography
00:09:44 3.1 Climate
00:11:27 4 Cityscape
00:11:36 5 Politics
00:12:13 6 Administrative divisions
00:14:46 7 Economy
00:18:44 7.1 High-Tech Industry
00:19:54 7.1.1 Industrial zones
00:20:59 7.2 Economic cooperation with Hong Kong
00:24:33 7.2.1 Qianhai
00:25:56 8 Demographics
00:29:04 8.1 Metropolitan area
00:29:26 8.2 Languages
00:31:23 8.3 Religion
00:32:18 9 Education
00:32:27 9.1 Colleges and universities
00:33:30 9.2 International schools
00:34:01 10 Transport
00:34:10 10.1 Public transport
00:37:12 10.2 Roads
00:39:00 10.3 Railway
00:41:16 10.4 Air
00:42:14 10.5 Ferries
00:43:29 10.6 Connection with Hong Kong
00:45:04 11 Architecture
00:49:19 12 Parks and recreation
00:49:28 12.1 Parks and gardens
00:52:24 12.2 Theme parks
00:54:02 13 Culture
00:54:38 13.1 Overseas Chinese Town (OCT)
00:55:19 13.2 Beaches
00:55:35 13.3 Museums and exhibition centers
00:56:10 14 Media
00:56:42 15 Sports
00:58:35 16 Sister cities
01:00:43 17 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Shenzhen ([ʂə́n.ʈʂə̂n] (listen)) is a major city in Guangdong Province, China; it forms part of the Pearl River Delta megalopolis north of Hong Kong. It holds sub-provincial administrative status, with powers slightly less than a province.
Shenzhen, which roughly follows the administrative boundaries of Bao'an County, officially became a city in 1979, taking its name from the former county town, whose train station was the last stop on the Mainland Chinese section of the railway between Canton and Kowloon. In 1980, Shenzhen was established as China's first special economic zone. Shenzhen's registered population as of 2017 was estimated at 12,905,000. However, the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee estimates that the population of Shenzhen is about 20 million, due to the large unregistered floating migrant population living in the city. Shenzhen was one of the fastest-growing cities in the world in the 1990s and the 2000s. And has been ranked second on the list of ‘top 10 cities to visit in 2019Shenzhen's cityscape results from its vibrant economy - made possible by rapid foreign investment following the institution of the policy of reform and opening-up in 1979. The city is a leading global technology hub, dubbed by media as the next Silicon Valley.Shenzhen hosts the Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as the headquarters of numerous multinational companies such as JXD, Vanke, Hytera, CIMC, Shenzhen Airlines, Nepstar, Hasee, Ping An Bank, Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, Tencent, ZTE, Huawei and BYD. Shenzhen ranks 12th in the 2018 Global Financial Centres Index. It has one of the busiest container ports in the world.
Korean Buddhism | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Korean Buddhism
00:01:21 1 Historical overview of the development of Korean Buddhism
00:04:06 2 Buddhism in the Three Kingdoms
00:06:41 2.1 Goguryeo
00:07:51 2.2 Baekje
00:08:42 2.3 Silla
00:11:01 3 Buddhism in the North South States Period (668–935)
00:11:15 3.1 Unified Silla (668–935)
00:13:54 3.2 Balhae (698–926)
00:14:50 3.3 Seon
00:17:27 4 Buddhism as state religion in the Goryeo period (918–1392)
00:17:47 4.1 Rise of the Seon
00:19:02 4.2 Hwaeom (Huayan) and Seon
00:20:26 4.3 Jinul
00:22:26 4.4 Late Goryeo
00:24:40 5 Suppression under the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910)
00:30:44 6 Buddhism under Japanese colonial rule
00:32:22 7 Buddhism and Westernization (1945~present)
00:33:10 7.1 South Korea
00:40:17 7.2 North Korea
00:41:10 7.3 Current situation
00:43:24 7.3.1 Antagonism from Korean Protestantism
00:45:40 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Korean Buddhism is distinguished from other forms of Buddhism by its attempt to resolve what it sees as inconsistencies in Mahayana Buddhism. Early Korean monks believed that the traditions they received from foreign countries were internally inconsistent. To address this, they developed a new holistic approach to Buddhism. This approach is characteristic of virtually all major Korean thinkers, and has resulted in a distinct variation of Buddhism, which is called Tongbulgyo (interpenetrated Buddhism), a form that sought to harmonize all disputes (a principle called hwajaeng 和諍) by Korean scholars. Korean Buddhist thinkers refined their predecessors' ideas into a distinct form.
As it now stands, Korean Buddhism consists mostly of the Seon lineage, primarily represented by the Jogye and Taego Orders. The Korean Seon has a strong relationship with other Mahayana traditions that bear the imprint of Chan teachings as well as the closely related Zen. Other sects, such as the modern revival of the Cheontae lineage, the Jingak Order (Korean: 大韓佛敎眞覺宗, 대한불교진각종, a modern esoteric sect), and the newly formed Won, have also attracted sizable followings.Korean Buddhism has also contributed much to East Asian Buddhism, especially to early Chinese, Japanese, and Tibetan schools of Buddhist thought.