Albergue at San Antón (Castrojeriz on the Camino de Santiago)
Along the Camino de Santiago-- 3 km before Castrojeriz and 40 km after Burgos -- are the ruins of the Convento San Antón, inside which is an albergue that can host up to 12 pilgrims each night. I had the honor of volunteering there for 18 days in July, 2017. Here's a little tour.
San Anton Ruins - An albergue you can not MISS on the Camino
Camino 4 - unforgettable San Anton Albergue
Donativo #Albergue in #San #Anton was one of the best
I met nice american hospitalera Kerri there
And she made all different
Fotos de: Burgos - Castrojeriz - Ruinas del Convento de San Antón
Fotos de la provincia de Burgos, Castrojeriz, Ruinas del Convento de San Antón
Albergue San Anton (Hontanas-Castrojeriz)
Day 13- Camino Santiago: Tardajos to Castrojeriz
August 18- Up early to hit the Camino by 5:30. It was my hope to catch Isidoro in Rabe de las Calzadas and much to my surprise and delight he was accompanied by 2 new pilgrims who had started in Burgos, Manuel and Livienne. We were to become the Selfie Quattro gang.
We were in the Meseta now and heading over Alto Meseta towards Hornillos del Camino. It was a joyful morning of introductions and more. Manuel, Mannie is a New Mexico native and Livienne initially introduced herself as a Hawaiian, later to be revealed as Hungarian. She is a positively delightful woman in her early 30's and I enjoyed getting to know her. Mannie would prove to be one of my best friends on the Camino. Along the way I scavenged for wire as I had run out of my favorite gauge for mobiles. I found some at what looked like an old processing area for whatever it is they process in the vast farmlands around us. I brought it with me and soon we were in Hornillos. We found the Meeting place in a small square with the Bar Manola and tok the time to rest and grab a late Desyuno. Livienne, it turns out, is a massage therapist, much to Isidoro's delight. We pass time while he gets a foot massage and I make a mobile for the Bar Manola. I finish and present it to the waitress who happened to also be Hungarian (small Camino). We finished up and left hiking together to the Ruins of a Convent at San Anton. We stopped for a break and it was here that the 4 person Selfie came into being. They wanted to rest and I wanted to press forward. We all agreed to meet in Casrojeriz at the Albergue San Esteban. I took off only to have them catch me later as I searched for rocks and meandered the last few kilometers.
The evening was fantastic and I prepared myself for a very early morning rise to dash to Fromista before the Correos closed. I was expecting a package.
Castillo de Castrojeriz y Convento de San Antón
Dos lugares que hay que conocer. Castrojeriz sola ya tiene atractivos culturales e históricos para visitar, el castillo es otro más que nadie debería dejar de ver, espectaculares vistas desde 910 m.
Y el Convento de San Antón, las ruinas, igualmente. Antiguo palacio de Pedro I el cruel, fue más tarde ocupado por unos religiosos que se dedicaron a cuidar a los peregrinos de una enfermedad muy frecuente en aquella época derivada de comer pan de centeno. Ruta del Camino de Santiago
Convento de San Anton en el Camino de Santiago
Una de las construcciones más hermosas que puedes ver en el Camino de Santiago.
Lee la reseña completa y ve fotos aqui:
HITOS DEL CAMINO FRANCÉS : Ruinas del convento de San Antón
Hospital de Peregrino, San Anton
Hospital de Peregrino, San Anton
Day 14 Sunrise on the Camino Frances: Hornillos - Castrojeriz 2016
Camino Frances takes closer and closer to the quiet abandonment or desolation of the Meseta or desert of sort. Spectacular sunrise, brings promise of a new day. We walk by the ruins of XV century Convent of San Antonio. It is Friday, September 2nd, 2016. Meseta is like nothingness in the eyes of this word, but abundance in the spiritual world. Something important is about to happen. On day 15 we will walk the Meseta. We walked total of 20 kilometers today.
Albergue in a Church
Some are more interesting than others.
1 This is the church albergue we stayed at our first night
or our FaceBook page Walking the Camino de Santiago Fast Estate Sales San Diego
4422 Glacier Ave Suite A,
San Diego, CA 92120
Albergue San Anton
Reflexión del Camino de Santiago del padre de la Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
EP18 - CAMINO FRANCES | The day we slept in a prison!
DAY: Salceda to Monte Del Gozo
18 miles (lots of exploring today, 41k steps, 29km
We started we the day with the best breakfast so far. Banana, yoghurt, honey, croissants, a mug of coffee and toast. Perfect!!
It’s been another wonderful day of Forrest trails. Today the trees looked rather mysterious and magical.
We stopped for an early lunch with fellow pilgrims at 11.30am. An hour later we continued our walk all the way to Monte del Gonzo.
I had mixed emotions when Rachel and I first arrived. This Albergue is like no other. It holds 400 beds and the site looks like a prison camp (See video that I will post when we return). We didn’t see any familiar faces and we knew Julie & crew were a few hours behind us. We dropped our bags at “The Prison” and walked up to the sculptures where we caught our first clear views of Santiago and the three spires of the cathedral.
After discussions about how this Albergue would be perfect in “The Walking Dead” we had a brief chat about perhaps walking the extra 3 miles to Santiago. It was only brief as I’m keen on seeing the sunrise over the city in the morning and I want to have energy when I finish this journey, not be hot, sweaty and tired.
I had a shower at “The Prison”. It was one of those communal showers where you have to dress in the open (not very British!). The door to the shower was made for very weird shaped people as it hardly covered anything! Imagine my horror when I am washing shampoo from my hair and I hear a male voice singing. Luckily he continues to mop the floor with his head down, otherwise he would have had a surprise!
Pizza and then an early night as we walk into Santiago tomorrow.
What a journey it’s been!
All my videos will always be under five minutes as I value your time. Please let me know what aspects of the trail you would like to see more of. Perhaps it’s the buildings? The people? The villages? The scenery? The wild flowers? The churches? Let me know in the comments below.
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1. iPhone X
2. Rode VideoMicro Compact -
3. Rode SC7 iPhone Accessory -
4. Artic Wolffilms iPhone adaptor/tripod mount -
5. Tripod stand for Smooth Q Gimbal -
6. Magisto video editing app -
7. PicMonkey to create custom thumbnails -
8. YouTube Studio app to upload thumbnails on the go - search on the App Store.
Walking refreshes the soul, now go and take a hike!
Monasterio de Ríoseco
Los monjes bernardos ocuparon a principios del siglo XII, una pequeña
explanada a la izquierda, de la carretera que asciende hasta San Martín
del Rojo, al norte de donde se encuentran las ruinas del Monasterio. En
este lugar todavía podemos ver parte de los muros hasta donde llegaba
el recinto cerrado del Monasterio de Rioseco. Allí permanecerían, hasta
que en el año 1221, la comunidad compró a los Velasco un extenso solar
donde ubicaron el nuevo Monasterio. En el siglo XIV, Rioseco formaría
uno de los más potentes patrimonios económicos de los cistercienses
castellanos. Seguirían años de penuria y crisis a mediados del s. XV y
años de crecimiento como en el s. XVII. Desde 1808 a 1809 los invasores
franceses embargaron buena parte de los granos almacenados y desde este
ultimo año hasta el 29 de Junio de 1814 los monjes tuvieron que
exclaustrarse. Aunque volvieron a él, no duraron mucho ya que, el 29 de
octubre de 1820, los comisarios del gobierno revolucionario tomaron
posesión de este monasterio.
Los Albergues: Hospital de Peregrinos de San Antón
Trailer Capítulo 4 Camino de Santiago 360º (Redecilla - Itero de la Vega)
Capítulo 4: de Redecilla a Itero de la Vega
Llegamos a Castilla y León, recorriendo la provincia de Burgos.
Antonio y Margaret se detendrán a visitar la antiquísima pila bautismal de Redecilla del Camino y conocerán Tosantos y su ermita rupestre antes de atravesar los montes de Oca, andando sobre los pasos de los antiguos caminantes.
Un plato caliente de sopa de ajo les espera en el albergue de San Juan de Ortega. Tras recorrer bosques profundos y misteriosos, hacen parada en la ciudad de Burgos, donde el usuario puede elegir entre degustar un plato de morcilla típica con Antonio en Casa Ojeda o acompañar a Margaret a admirar la majestuosa catedral gótica.
Más adelante, las ruinas del convento de San Antón, que han visto caer mil imperios y surgir otros mil. Tras dejar atrás el Alto del Mostelares, llegarán a Nicolás de Puente Fitero, donde participarán en un ritual lleno de espiritualidad.
Todo esto y mucho más en el cuarto capítulo de nuestra app. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Chapter 4: from Redecilla to Itero de la Vega
We arrive to Castile and León, crossing the province of Burgos.
Antonio and Margaret will to visit the baptismal sink of Redecilla del Camino and will get to know Tosantos and its cave before crossing the mounts of Oca, walking on the steps of the ancient walkers.
A hot dish of soup of garlic waits for them in the lodging of San Juan de Ortega. After the recomforting banquet, they stop in the city of Burgos, where the user can choose between tasting a plate of typical morcilla with Antonio at Casa Ojeda or accompanying Margaret to admiring the majestic Gothic cathedral.
Further ahead, the ruins of the convent of San Antón, which have seen a thousand empires fall and a thousand empires rise. After leaving the Alto del Mostelares behind, they reach Nicolás de Puente Fitero, where they participate in a ritual plenty of spirituality.
All that and much more in the fourth chapter of our app. Do not miss it!
Convento de San Antonio de Nalda La Rioja 2017
Convento de San Antonio de Nalda La Rioja 2017
Camino de Santiago: Hontanas a Boadilla del Camino. Camino Francés, 13.
Nos enfrentamos a kilómetros de camino con escaso arbolado que permita guarecernos del calor o la lluvia, pero es una de las etapas más completas del recorrido. Unos primeros kilómetros por caminos y lejos de las carreteras hasta llegar al Convento de San Antón y Castrojériz. Su iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Manzano combina el románico y el gótico. Desde aquí ascendemos al Alto de Mostelares y disfrutamos de unas estupendas vistas de la comarca Tierra de Campos, “el granero de España”. Tenemos siete kilómetros por estos campos hasta el río Pisuerga, que lo cruzamos para entrar en la provincia de Palencia. En Boadilla del Camino no dejéis de visitar el rollo gótico y la iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción. Es una de las etapas más bonitas que se pueden hacer en primavera. En verano hay que tener mucho cuidado con el calor.