San Petersburgo - Ciudad - Rusia
San Petersburgo es la segunda ciudad más poblada de Rusia, con 7 millones de habitantes (2016) y un área metropolitana de 5,85 millones. Se encuentra en la Región de Leningrado, nombre que compartió con la ciudad durante la época soviética (1924-1991).
La Venecia del Norte , la capital cultural de Rusia son algunos de los nombres relacionados con San Petersburgo, la segunda ciudad más importante de Rusia y la población.
Situado en el noroeste del país, en la costa del Báltico, San Petersburgo siempre ha tenido una importancia estratégica para Rusia.
Desde el inicio del proyecto, los arquitectos e ingenieros más valiosos han participado en el desarrollo de la ciudad. Además de los rusos, dejaron sus huellas arquitectónicas allí representando a representantes de Suiza, Italia, Francia y otros países.
Se puede apreciar la influencia de la arquitectura italiana en el siglo XVIII y, en menor medida, en el francés. En la ciudad se construyó un gran número de monumentos y conjuntos de arquitectura barroca y neoclásica.
The Motherland Calls Volgograd - Changing of the Guards
The Motherland Calls (Russian: Родина-мать зовёт! ), also called Mother Motherland, Mother Motherland Is Calling, simply The Motherland, or The Mamayev Monument, is a statue in Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia, commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad. It was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin. Declared the largest statue in the world in 1967, it is the last non-religious statue to be declared the largest; every record holder since has been a Buddhism-related sculpture.
Celebrating anniversary of Russia's Leaning Tower of Pisa
(6 Aug 2018) LEADIN:
Russia is holding a celebration for its very own Leaning Tower of Pisa which is still standing after nearly 300 years.
The Nevyansk Tower is a much-loved symbol of Russia's Urals region - but it's not clear whether it was intentionally built to lean.
It's not quite as famous as its Italian cousin, but Russia's Leaning Tower is still attracting a lot of attention.
The Nevyansk Tower was built nearly three hundred years ago and it's still going strong.
In fact, experts say it may even have been built deliberately to look like this, unlike the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
The most important distinguishing feature between these two towers is that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is a falling tower, while the Nevyansk Tower is inclined, and will never fall. The legend that the Nevyansk Tower was built to resemble the one in Pisa has not been confirmed but continues today, says Yulia Suvorova, head of the exhibitions department at the Nevyansk Historical and Architectural Museum.
Local people are very proud of the tower and every year they celebrate its birthday - this time it's said to be 293 years old.
The tower is 57.5 metres high and has a square base measuring 9.5 by 9.5 metres.
The deviation of the tower from the vertical is about 1.85 metres at the top.
There are two theories for why the tower is leaning.
Some experts believe it was designed like that, while others think the decline occurred during the construction, most probably because of the nearby pond causing the ground to subside.
Unfortunately, there are no official documents and sources about the construction of the tower, so today researchers are putting forward several versions, explains Suvorova.
Either the Nevyansk tower was intended to be leaning from the beginning, or the decline occurred during the construction of the tower. Near the tower there is a large pond, Nevyansky pond, perhaps it affected the ground.
If the second theory is correct, the deviation from vertical line happened at an early stage of the construction so the builders tried to rebalance the tower during construction of the upper levels, bending them in the opposite direction.
The rebalance was finally achieved, with the very top of the tower and weather vane being vertical.
As well as being an architectural curiosity, the tower is also an important historical monument, a symbol of the metal and mining industry of Russia.
The tower is thought to have been built in 1725 by one of the founders of the Urals and Siberia mining business, Akinfy Demidov.
It's not clear what the leaning tower was intended for, but among its many uses, it has a bell tower, a sentry post, a factory archive, a laboratory, a prison - and even Demidov's office.
The Demidov family became some of Russia's first industrialists, and it was from here that they developed their mining and metal production empire.
They built more than 20 factories across the Urals and Siberia, covering an area that became known as the Demidov kingdom, which had its own police, army, secret diplomats and fleet.
The centre of this empire was Nevyansk, with the tower as its symbol.
One of the most fascinating features of the tower is the so-called acoustic room on the sixth floor, in which, standing in one corner, you can clearly hear what people whisper in the opposite corner.
Another important historical element are the tower's clock chimes, which were bought in England and cost Demidov more than the construction of the tower itself.
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Russia: Volunteers excavate and identify lost Red Army airmen
Researchers from Vologda were at work in the Leningrad Oblast, Wednesday, to excavate the remains of lost Red Army soldiers and airmen that died when their IL-2 plane crashed into a lake in 1943.
The excavation is part of a nationwide campaign to find the last resting place of Red Army soldiers that died in combat but have yet to be found or identified. Intense fighting between the Axis forces and the Soviet Union meant many combatants were buried immediately, without informing family members or identification of the dead.
The excavation has already managed to identify one of the pilots from the plane crash, 22 year-old Aleksei Arisarhovich Ukhimenko.
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Беслан. Помни / Beslan. Remember (english & español subs)
Всем привет. Мы - в Северной Осетии, небольшой республике на самом юге России.
15 лет назад здесь случился самый страшный теракт в нашей истории. 1 сентября прямо во время праздничной линейки террористы захватили школу №1 города Беслан. В заложниках оказалось более 1000 человек, три дня их удерживали без еды и воды в душном, тесном и обвешанном взрывчаткой спортзале.
Когда случился штурм, большая часть заложников была освобождена, но 334 человека погибли, 186 из них - дети.
Про Беслан снято много видео, но это совсем не причина не вспоминать про эту трагедию вновь.
Когда изучаешь обстоятельства этого теракта, хочется кричать и плакать - от ужаса, злобы, сочувствия и боли. В этом выпуске мы покажем людей, которые продолжают жить нормальной жизнью, как бы сильно по ним этот теракт ни ударил. Мы покажем, что Беслан - это не только кошмар 2004 года, но и очень сильные люди, которые уже полтора десятилетия ведут героическую борьбу за свое здоровье и счастье.
Ну и вообще - чем чаще и громче напоминать про Беслан, тем лучше. Вот наша логика:
- когда-то государство допустило ошибки, которые привели к беде;
- теперь государство должно окружить максимальной заботой всех, кто пострадал.
И только через эту заботу оно может заслужить прощение, а после - и доверие людей.
Делает ли государство все, чтобы его простили?
Делает ли государство все, чтобы ему доверяли?
Или кто-то очень стесняется этой темы и делает все, чтобы никогда и никак ее не касаться?
Все это мы и хотели узнать. Все что узнали - рассказываем вам.
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Счет получателя - 4081 7810 5603 4254 4141
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Код подразделения банка по месту ведения счета карты - 528 632 015
Стас Бокоев
Клип Lova
Творческое объединение reLove
Диана Муртазова
НЕ ПЕРЕВОДИТЕ ДЕНЬГИ на счета и карточки, которые вы увидите в комментариях или где-то еще. Настоящие реквизиты - здесь, в описании. Остальное - с большой долей вероятности, мошенники. Спасибо.
En este episodio dejamos Moscú para seguir avanzando por Rusia. Visitamos la ciudad de Kazán y el museo de tecnología militar en Togliatti.
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Cardo Scala Rider:
Max: @maxhemi
SW: Syktyvkar Volmet 8888 KHz Syktyvkar, Russia 2013-08-16
Radio Receiver: Sangean ATS-909X
Antenna: Wellbrook UMB130 balun and 100 m longwire pointing 90°
Preselector: MFJ-956
Location: near Craiova, Romania
Time: 18:59 UTC 2013-08-16
Station: Syktyvkar Volmet
Language: Russian
Frequencies: 8888 kHz USB (Syktyvkar , Russia 2605 km)
Info: The reception was made outdoors. ID at 00:25.
Четвърти лекционен тур с Лъчезар Бояджиев - 22.10.2016
Четвърти лекционен тур - 22.10.2016
Тема на маршрута: Музея през „прозореца“ на града
На 22 октомври, се състоя последният четвърти лекционен тур от „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“, 2016 в София. Този път „обиколката“ на града бе на закрито – а именно в музея - Квадрат 500. Там участниците видяха колекцията през погледа на Лъчезар Бояджиев, който въз основа на конкретни произведения говори за града.
Лъчезар Бояджиев за последния четвърти лекционен тур:
Музеят през „прозореца” на града – ще ходим из Квадрата, но ще го гледаме през снимки от града!
Какво е съвремие и съ-временно? (Contemporaneity and con-temporary?)
Какво е „образ на времето”, който внушава един музей?
Какво е „експозиция” в града за разлика от експозицията в музея?
Защо градът и музеят не могат един без друг?
Защо София не е Скопие, и никога няма да бъде, въпреки че на онези, които „инвестират в идентичност” много им се иска?
Защо Квадрат 500 не е Лувъра и никога няма да бъде?
Защо въведението в съ-временното изкуство всъщност зависи изцяло от Вас?
Между другото ще стане дума и за:
- опакото на пространството;
- град и село;
- религия и бохема;
- идеология и форма;
- художници и бълдъзи;
- фотография и скулптура;
- живопис и днес.
Повече за Лекционните турове с Лъчезар Бояджиев и образователната платформа „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“:
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ е проект на фондация „Отворени изкуства“ и галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство“ 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура“ на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф“
Партньор: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: @BG on Air, Виж София, егоист,,, Artnewscafe Bulletin
Камера и монтаж: Калин Серапионов
„Въведение в съвременното изкуство” е проект на Фондация „Отворени изкуства” и Галерия SARIEV Contemporary.
Проектът „Въведение в съвременното изкуство” 2016 – София е финансиран от Столична програма „Култура” на Столична община за 2016 г.
С подкрепата на награда „Гауденц Б. Руф”.
Партньори: Национална художествена галерия
Медийни партньори: Виж! София,,, artnewscafé бюлетин, егоист.
The Turkish police crackdown has been widely condemned for its violent intensity - even riot control methods are not quite what they seem, as Irina Galushko reports. READ MORE:
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Saint Petersburg | Wikipedia audio article
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Saint Petersburg
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg, IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk] (listen)) is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012, part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city).
Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703. On 1 September 1914, the name was changed from Saint Petersburg to Petrograd (Russian: Петрогра́д, IPA: [pʲɪtrɐˈgrat]), on 26 January 1924 to Leningrad (Russian: Ленингра́д, IPA: [lʲɪnʲɪnˈgrat]), and on 1 October 1991 back to Saint Petersburg. During the periods 1713–1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow, which is about 625 km (388 miles) to the south-east.
Saint Petersburg is one of the most modern cities of Russia, as well as its cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world.
Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.
Ту-144 в Музее истории гражданской авиации, Ульяновск
Небольшая экскурсия на борт легендарного сверхзвукового советского пассажирского самолета Ту-144 (СССР-77110) в головном отраслевом музее истории гражданской авиации, в Ульяновске
Туполев Ту-144 - советский сверхзвуковой авиалайнер, разработанный КБ Туполева в 1960-хх. Первый сверхзвуковой гражданский самолет в мире, являвшийся конкурентом европейскому сверхзвуковому лайнеру - Concorde. Фактически, за всю историю авиации, только эти два самолета эксплуатировались на сверхзвуковых коммерческих рейсах.
Созданный с применением наиболее продвинутых доступных технологий, Ту-144 столкнулся с множеством сложностей, но успешно преодолел большую часть из них. К сожалению, ряд фундаментальных проблем сверхзвукового траспорта так решения своего и не нашли. После короткого периода эксплуатации, лайнеры ушли на покой.
St. Petersburg | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:30 1 Name
00:03:33 2 History
00:03:43 2.1 Imperial era (1703–1917)
00:12:53 2.2 Revolution and Soviet era (1917–1941)
00:16:51 2.3 World War II (1941–1945)
00:18:42 2.4 Post-war Soviet era (1945–1991)
00:21:29 2.5 Contemporary era (1991–present)
00:25:32 3 Geography
00:29:05 3.1 Climate
00:31:12 3.2 Toponymy
00:35:43 4 Demographics
00:39:59 4.1 Religion
00:40:17 5 Government
00:43:07 6 Economy
00:49:37 7 Cityscape
00:58:06 8 Tourism
01:02:05 9 Dramatic Theatre
01:02:30 10 Media and communications
01:03:04 11 Culture
01:03:13 11.1 Museums
01:05:30 11.2 Music
01:11:14 11.3 Film
01:13:19 11.4 Literature
01:15:54 12 Education
01:16:56 13 Sports
01:20:57 13.1 2018 FIFA World Cup
01:21:30 14 Infrastructure
01:21:39 14.1 Transportation
01:22:37 14.1.1 Roads and public transport
01:25:12 14.2 Saint Petersburg public transportation statistics
01:26:06 14.2.1 Waterways
01:27:15 14.2.2 Rail
01:29:32 14.2.3 Air
01:31:02 14.3 Parks
01:33:13 15 Famous people
01:33:51 16 Crime
01:37:12 17 Twin towns and sister cities
01:37:44 18 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг, tr. Sankt-Peterburg, IPA: [ˈsankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk] (listen)) is Russia's second-largest city after Moscow, with 5 million inhabitants in 2012, part of the Saint Petersburg agglomeration with a population of 6.2 million (2015). An important Russian port on the Baltic Sea, it has a status of a federal subject (a federal city).
Situated on the Neva River, at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea, it was founded by Tsar Peter the Great on 27 May [O.S. 16 May] 1703. During the periods 1713–1728 and 1732–1918, Saint Petersburg was the capital of Imperial Russia. In 1918, the central government bodies moved to Moscow, which is about 625 km (388 miles) to the south-east.
Saint Petersburg is often considered Russia's cultural capital. The Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Saint Petersburg is home to the Hermitage, one of the largest art museums in the world. Many foreign consulates, international corporations, banks and businesses have offices in Saint Petersburg.
Новосибирск — для грустных
Новосибирск — крупнейший город России после Москвы и Петербурга. Но, несмотря на это, город ни с чем не ассоциируется, у города нет лица.
Улицы Новосибирска увешаны рекламой, всюду какие-то пёстрые вывески и неправильная парковка. А общественный транспорт? Они до сих пор используют ПАЗики!
Городская среда наших городов:
Мурманск: мусорное гетто полгода спустя
Прогулка с мэром Красноярска | Понимание есть — результата нет
Тамбов: нормальный мальчик сюда не захочет
Самара: город небезразличных людей
Для тех, кто хочет помочь с субтитрами или переводом этого ролика:
Предложения по поводу коллабораций, развития канала и сотрудничеству (кроме рекламы):
David Cutter Music - Ack Woi
Bobby Renz - Mountain
cool nights - Dixxy
Evening Train - Pold
Oh La La - dyalla
Almost Original - Joakim Karud
Ryan Little - Mama
Funk Your Style - TONEZPRO
NOSEDIVE - Muciojad
Brock Berrigan - Scenic Route
Jordan Rees - Underworld
Sorrow - Sappheiros
Ryan Little - Amusement Park
Maykop culture | Wikipedia audio article
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Maykop culture
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Maykop culture (scientific transliteration: Majkop, Russian: майкоп, [mai.kɔp]), c. 3700 BC–3000 BC, was a major Bronze Age archaeological culture in the western Caucasus region of southern Russia.
It extends along the area from the Taman Peninsula at the Kerch Strait to near the modern border of Dagestan and southwards to the Kura River. The culture takes its name from a royal burial found in Maykop kurgan in the Kuban River valley.
Irrora - Russian 'My Own Religion' Tour 2015 (Eng Sub)
Great documentary about Irrora's Russian Tour which took place in August and September of 2015.
Interviews with members of the band, live shows and backstage life review.
Listen to the full album:
Download the album on
Google Play:
Vladimir Lenin | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Vladimir Lenin
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), better known by the alias Lenin, was a Russian communist revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a Marxist, he developed political theories known as Leninism.
Born to a wealthy middle-class family in Simbirsk, Lenin embraced revolutionary socialist politics following his brother's 1887 execution. Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for participating in protests against the Russian Empire's Tsarist government, he devoted the following years to a law degree. He moved to Saint Petersburg in 1893 and became a senior Marxist activist. In 1897, he was arrested for sedition and exiled to Shushenskoye for three years, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya. After his exile, he moved to Western Europe, where he became a prominent theorist in the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP). In 1903, he took a key role in a RSDLP ideological split, leading the Bolshevik faction against Julius Martov's Mensheviks. Encouraging insurrection during Russia's failed Revolution of 1905, he later campaigned for the First World War to be transformed into a Europe-wide proletarian revolution, which as a Marxist he believed would cause the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement with socialism. After the 1917 February Revolution ousted the Tsar and established a Provisional Government, he returned to Russia to play a leading role in the October Revolution, in which the Bolsheviks overthrew the new regime.
Lenin's Bolshevik government initially shared power with the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, elected soviets, and a multi-party Constituent Assembly, although by 1918 it had centralised power in the new Communist Party. Lenin's administration redistributed land among the peasantry and nationalised banks and large-scale industry. It withdrew from the First World War by signing a treaty with the Central Powers and promoted world revolution through the Communist International. Opponents were suppressed in the Red Terror, a violent campaign administered by the state security services; tens of thousands were killed or interned in concentration camps. His administration defeated right and left-wing anti-Bolshevik armies in the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1922 and oversaw the Polish–Soviet War of 1919–1921. Responding to wartime devastation, famine, and popular uprisings, in 1921 Lenin encouraged economic growth through the market-oriented New Economic Policy. Several non-Russian nations secured independence after 1917, but three re-united with Russia through the formation of the Soviet Union in 1922. In increasingly poor health, Lenin died at his dacha in Gorki, with Joseph Stalin succeeding him as the pre-eminent figure in the Soviet government.
Widely considered one of the most significant and influential figures of the 20th century, Lenin was the posthumous subject of a pervasive personality cult within the Soviet Union until its dissolution in 1991. He became an ideological figurehead behind Marxism–Leninism and thus a prominent influence over the international communist movement. A controversial and highly divisive individual, Lenin is viewed by supporters as a champion of socialism and the working class, while critics on both the left and right emphasize his role as founder and leader of an authoritarian regime responsible for political repression and mass killings.
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Kazan | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:20 1 Etymology
00:02:24 2 History
00:02:33 2.1 Middle Ages
00:05:12 2.2 Russian Tsardom period
00:06:23 2.3 Russian Empire period
00:08:12 2.4 Soviet period
00:09:16 2.5 Modern period
00:09:54 2.5.1 Millennium of Kazan
00:11:03 3 Heraldry
00:12:35 4 Administrative and municipal status
00:13:04 4.1 City divisions
00:13:16 5 Economy
00:14:03 5.1 Investments
00:15:43 6 Transportation
00:15:52 6.1 Cycling
00:16:36 6.2 Public transit
00:17:03 6.2.1 Bus
00:17:42 6.2.2 Tram
00:18:10 6.2.3 Trolleybus
00:18:42 6.2.4 Metro
00:19:07 6.3 Railways
00:19:48 6.4 Waterways
00:20:05 6.5 Highways
00:20:41 6.6 Intercity buses
00:21:11 6.7 Kazan International Airport
00:22:20 7 Demographics
00:22:29 7.1 Population
00:22:57 7.2 Ethnicity
00:23:20 7.3 Religion
00:23:38 7.4 Languages
00:23:55 8 Geography
00:24:04 8.1 Climate
00:24:54 9 Central Kazan
00:25:02 9.1 Kremlin
00:26:06 9.1.1 Towers
00:28:49 9.2 Bistä, or Posad
00:29:47 9.3 Wooden Kazan
00:30:28 9.4 Other major buildings
00:31:28 10 Cityscape
00:31:37 11 Education and science
00:31:46 11.1 Primary and secondary education
00:32:23 11.2 Higher education
00:33:43 11.3 Science
00:34:48 11.4 Public health
00:35:32 12 Government and administration
00:35:41 12.1 Mayor
00:35:49 12.2 City Duma
00:36:05 12.3 Executive committee
00:36:20 12.4 Government of the Republic of Tatarstan
00:36:39 13 Communication
00:38:31 14 Sports
00:39:15 14.1 Notable athletes
00:39:54 14.2 Infrastructure
00:40:43 14.3 Important events
00:41:41 15 International relations
00:42:41 15.1 Branch offices of embassies
00:42:53 15.2 Consulates
00:43:05 15.3 Visa centers
00:43:34 15.4 Twin towns and sister cities
00:43:49 15.5 International organizations membership
00:43:59 15.6 Other organizations
00:44:07 16 Notable people
00:44:40 17 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Kazan (; Russian: Каза́нь, IPA: [kɐˈzanʲ]; Tatar: Казан) is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. With a population of 1,243,500, it is the sixth most populous city in Russia.
Kazan lies at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers in European Russia, about 715 kilometres (444 mi) east from Moscow. In the Late Middle Ages, Kazan was an important trade and political center within the Golden Horde. In 1438, the city became the capital of the Khanate of Kazan. In 1552, Kazan was captured by Ivan the Terrible and became part of Russia. The city was largely destroyed during Pugachev's Rebellion, but was later rebuilt during the reign of Catherine the Great. In the following centuries, Kazan grew to become a major industrial, cultural and religious center in Russia.
Kazan is renowned for its vibrant mix of Oriental and Russian cultures. In 2015, 2.1 million tourists visited Kazan, and 1.5 million tourists visited the Kazan Kremlin, a World Heritage Site. In April 2009, the Russian Patent Office granted Kazan the right to brand itself as the Third Capital of Russia. In 2009 it was chosen as the sports capital of Russia and it still is referred to as such.