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Hotel Review: Favorite Parkhotel, Mainz, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany - August 2017
Hotel Review: Favorite Parkhotel, Mainz, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany - August 2017.
The Favorite Parkhotel is located outside the centre of Mainz approximately 2 kms south of the hauptbahnhof. It is adjacent to the Südbrucke rail / pedestrian bridge over the River Rhine and is a 15 minute walk from Mainz Römisches Theater railway station, which is the closest station and a lovely walk through the Stadtpark, which is directly behind the hotel.
The hotel is built into a hill, which slopes outside, and this means that internally, that there are quite a few stairs to get from one end of the building to the other. The hotel has a modern airy feel, is bright internally and decorated to a high quality specification.
The reception has a bright lobby area for sitting and a very novel aquarium built into one of the walls. The reception staff were friendly and spoke excellent English. I asked for a room on a high floor with a good view, and I was given a room on the 5th floor (out of 6) with a road view. At the time of entering the room I was none the wiser that this was an inferior view, so was happy upon arrival at the room (read on for the full story).
To get to the room via lift / elevator you need to use your key card, this is a good security measure. The lift had a glass side, which was nice and novel for a view of the outside.
The fifth floor corridor was decorated with football memorabilia of FSV Mainz 05. The room I was allocated - 547, was next to the lift shaft. Upon entering I didn't realise what a problem this would be. The lift was noisy and I could constantly hear it during my stay, this is one reason that I would never stay in that particular room again.
The room cost €89.10 booked with room only. It was nicely decorated, with a good king-sized bed, it had good air-conditioning, nice decor (reminiscent of a Park Inn by Radisson), luggage storage area, mirrors, wardrobe, safe, mini-bar, storage cupboards, flat screen Phillips TV, plenty of plug sockets, a table computer, desk, chair, lamps, comfy chair, clock radio, and Juliette balcony. As I had booked a single room, I was given a single duvet, one large pillow and on small pillow. I found this a little on the mean side.
The bathroom had a window to it from the bedroom, and I never worked out if the glass would go opaque or not, it's really quite voyeuristic if not! The bathroom was nice and airy and clean, the shower was unfortunately over a bath.
The toilet was in a separate room, but unfortunately there was no sink in this room, meaning that all toilet users have to use the door handle without washing their hands, I find this quite disgusting. It is very unhygienic and leads to germ transference.
Apart from that I found the room to be very nice, I liked it a lot and was quite satisfied with it.
I decided to go for a swim, I took advice from reception as to how to get to the pool from my room, unfortunately the pool was a LONG walk away, down LOTS OF STEPS. Top tip, if you are staying at this hotel in the 'upper block', ignore the instructions from reception, go to the 5th floor, walk through the gym (getting a free bottle of water en-route), outside across the deck past the spa bath (be careful if the deck is wet), enter the other door, and take that lift down to the pool. It will save you a 5 minute walk down about 10 flights of stairs.
The pool was very nice, not huge, but it had fully functioning hydro pumps and a bubble spa area. It was very nice to swim in, and I had a very enjoyable swim in there. The poolside shower was also very good.
The hotel has a biergarten, which was very nice, as was the bar. The beer prices (€4.50 for half a litre of pilsner) were quite reasonable for a hotel.
The breakfast buffet cost extra (€15.00), but was a little treat to myself, and it was very nice with an excellent selection. The restaurant was comfortable, and I had a good view of the trains crossing the Südbrucke.
Upon checking out of the hotel, I walked through the Stadtpark to Mainz Römisches Theater railway station, and it was on this side of the hotel, that I realised that I had been given an inferior room, as the rooms on the park side of the hotel have full balconies and a nice view. Furthermore, they are away from the noisy lift. If I were to stay at this hotel again, I would INSIST on having a room on a high floor, with a park view, well away from the elevator.
In summary, this is an excellent hotel, and I did very much enjoy my stay here. I would certainly stay here again if I was visiting Mainz in future, but I would make a more informed room choice at the time of booking, and I would take the quick route to the swimming pool!
This film is a Moss Travel Media production –
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Det store jordskjelvet den 23 oktober 1904. Med Edvard Munch i Horten
Lørdag 22 oktober 1904 tok Edvard Munch inn på hotell i Horten istedet for å reise videre til Åsgårdstrand og sitt hus. Trolig hadde han vært ute og ranglet til sent på kveld og formen var nok ikke på topp da han våknet i 11:30- tiden søndag formiddag av et voldsomt jordskjelv. Noen dager senere forteller han om skjelvet i et brev til sin tante.
Under skjelvet i 1904 ble flere kirkebygg på Østlandet påført skader.
Conrad D. Lindholm, NORSAR forteller om det såkalte Oslo-skjelvet i en artikkel i Aftenposten, 24/10 2004 (utdrag):
Søndag den 23 oktober 1904 kl. 11:27 inntraff et jordskjelv som rystet områdene på begge sider av Oslofjorden fra syd for Fredrikstad/Tønsberg til nord for Oslo. Jordskjelvet er i ettertid blitt beregnet til en styrke på 5.4 på Richters skala og er det største kjente jordskjelv i denne delen av Norge i historisk tid. Skjelvet skjedde midt under høymessen (i en tid da kirkene var fullere enn idag), og det skapte flere steder tilløp til panikk og førte til betydelige skader på bygninger. Det er nå gått hundre år uten noe nytt jordskjelv av tilnærmet samme størrelse i denne delen av Norge, og denne seismiske stillheten gir grunn til å spørre om 1904-jordskjelvet var en enkeltstående hendelse, eller om et nytt stort jordskjelv i syd-Norge er rett rundt hjørnet.
Rystelsene fra jordskjelvet var sterkest innenfor trekanten Moss, Fredrikstad, Tønsberg, men med kraftige rystelser også i Oslo som på den tiden var det tettest befolkede området (derfor kalles det også ofte for Oslo-skjelvet). Den maksimale intensiteten var VII (en skala fra I-XII som beskriver rystelsers styrke) som tilsvarer at de fleste mennesker ble skremt og mange hadde vansker med å stå oppreist. Jordskjelvet ble følt over et område på 800.000 km² fra Namsos i nord til Polen (tidl. Pommern) i syd og over hele syd Norge til Helsinki i øst. Hovedskjelvet ble innledet med minst 11 forskjelv, og minst 18 etterskjelv ble rapportert.
Redaktør Hans-Christian Oset forteller i Borreminne (Utdrag, Årg. 20, 2004):
Tre store rystelser har også herjet byen vår, de to siste husker fortsatt mange: 9. april 1940, slaget på Indre havn, og 23. februar 1945, bombingen av Verftet. Den tredje jeg tenker på er knyttet til 1904. Utpå høstparten, nærmere bestemt 23. oktober, er det 100 år siden byen ble rystet av det kraftigste jordskjelv vi noensinne har opplevet på våre kanter. I årenes løp var det nesten et standardspørsmål når jeg intervjuet eldre mennesker i Horten: Husker du jordskjelvet i 1904 ? Mange mintes dagen.
En søndag var det, midt i kirketiden, rundt halv tolv. Jeg vet ikke om Richters skala var oppfunnet den gangen, men at skjelvet var meget kraftig har mange fortalt. Det gikk i retning nordvest-sydøst og varte 10-12 sekunder. Fra begge kirkene, Metodistkirken og Garnisonskirken, styrtet folk ut, mer og mindre panikkslagne. Sogneprest Neumann preket i kirken her inne, brøt prekenen av da vinduene klirret og kalkpussen drysset fra oven, men kunne fortsette gudstjenesten etter at folk var falt til ro. Så alvorlig så man på det inntrufne, at det ble bygget innvendige trapper fra galleriet ned i kirkeskipet og en ny utgang ble laget på langveggen mot syd.
I filmen:
Fotografier fra Horten rundt 1900 av Anders Beer Wilse, med tillatelse fra Norsk folkemuseum
To skisser fra skissebok (MM T 138)
Opplest brev fra Edvard Munch til Karen Bjølstad, datert 30.10.1904. (MM N 880)
Vintage Best Western sign
This is a great looking replica of the vintage Best Western hotel chain. The sign was made for a prop. The sign is about 48 tall and 90 long
Lancaster Artist Lofts
Lancaster is now home to its first lofts dedicated to the arts and humanities. Not only will artist have a place to call home, it will be affordable and an entire community will be built around it, restaurants, museums and events.
The old Mossevei
The old road from Oslo towards Moss, along the beautiful Gjersjøen lake. Established in 1859 according to the chaussee principle. Camping and outdoor hollidays by the lake. Still a beautifull drive!
The film is produced by Lutter øre As for Akershus County Council 2019. Drones by Dronegutta AS.
Paintings and photos:
1. Christiania fra Galgeberg. Michael Gustaf Aackersvärd, tidlig 1800. Oslo Museum
2. Christiania fra Ekeberg, W.R. Wilson, 1821. Oslo Museum.
3. Ekebergbakken. Malt av Wergmann, Peter Chr. Friedrich, tidlig 1800. Fotografert av Rune Aakvik 2013. Oslo Museum.
4. Christian Wilhelm Bergh. Malt av Knud Larsen Bergslien, ca 1860. Oslo Museum.
5. Ingeniørløytnant Christian V. Berghs mesterverk fra 1850. Skilling-Magazin, 1867. Avfotografert 1971. Norsk teknisk Museum.
6. Ljabrochausseen. Carl Emil Baagøe, 1865. Oslo Museum.
7. Mosseveien ved Gjersjøen. Anders Beer Wilse, 1932. Oslo Museum.
8. Kviknechausseen. 1914. Norsk Vegmuseum.
9. Håkon Kjærnes på Youngstorvet i Oslo med gulrøtter fra Nedre Kjærnes. 1930. Akershusmuseet (MiA).
10. Skyssgutt med hest. Avfotografering Ola Arvid Flatmark. Statens Vegvesen.
11. Gamle Tyrigraven. 1890. MiA.
12. Sandvigen ved Gjersjøen i Oppegaard, Café og Restaurant. Utlånt av Villa Sandvigen 2018.
13. Gamle Ringnes skysstasjon, ca. 1910-20. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
14. Tangen vertshus, ca. 1920. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
15. Hest og vogn på sølete veg. Otto Gløersen, 1914. Oslo Museum.
16. Fam Børretsen og deres første bil. Søndre Fåle gård i Ås, 1926. MiA
17. Gjersjø bensinstasjon, 1933. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
18. Ungdommer poserer på badestrand. Braathen Lorentz, 1929. MiA.
19. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Flaggstenger. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
20. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Telt. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
21. Gjersjøviken sommercamp, to gutter på huske. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
22. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Småbarn med flaske. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
23. Gjersjøviken Sommercamp. Vakt ved porten. 1937-40. Oslo Museum.
24. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Badebrygge. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
25. Bilkø i begge felt på Riksvei 1. Dagbladet,1958. Norsk Folkemuseum.
26. Fotoserie med biler og trafikk i Oslo og på Mosseveien. Dagbladet, 1949. Norsk Folkemuseum.
27. Telt-tur til Eidsted ved Gjersjøen. Familie foran telt. 1951. MiA.
28. Campingliv med to barn. 1950-60-tallet. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
29. Tyrigrava med campingplass, Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
30. Fra Tyrigrava kro, Herr og fru Bolstad. Dagbladet,1965. Norsk Folkemuseum.
31. Parkerte biler foran Tyrigrava Kro og Pub. Dagbladet, 1959. Norsk Folkemuseum.
32. Fra Tyrigrava kro, gjester i spisesalen. Dagbladet, 1965. Norsk Folkemuseum.
33. Fra Tyrigrava kro, utvendig bilde av kroen, med lastebiler parkert utenfor. Dagbladet,1965. Norsk folkemuseum.
34. Ringnes kafe ved Gjersjøen. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
35. MC klubben Varg ved Tyrigrava. Alf Grønnvold, 1958.
36. Villa Sandvigen. Scannet fotografi, utlånt av Villa Sandvigen 2018.
37. Restaurant Sandvigen, interiør med kvinne. Dagbladet, 1963. Norsk Folkemuseum.
38. Seiersten kiosk. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
39. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Odde. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
40. Tangen kafé og overnatting. 1960-tallet. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
41. Ringnes Gjersjøen. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
42. Utsikt mot Gjersjøen. Dagbladet, 1958. Norsk Folkemuseum.
43. Oversikt mot nord fra Vinterbro bru anlegg av nye Mossevei. Vinterbro, 1970. Statens vegvesen.
A video that was created highlighting a character that I had on my show for SMTX.TV web show.
【K】Iceland Travel-Seydisfjordur[아이슬란드 여행-세이디스피요로드]세이디스 피오르드 마을/Village/Seydisfjordur/Church/Kirkjan
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[한국어 정보]
다시 길을 떠난다. 스쳐지나가는 어떤 풍경도 눈을 떼지 못할 정도로 아름답다. 길고 좁은 동부해안의 계곡 도로를 달려 도착한 곳은 동화 같은 작은 마을 세이디스 피오르드.이 마을은 색색깔의 주택들이 옹기종기 모여 있는 풍경으로 유명하다. 19세기 노르웨이에서 완성품을 들여와 지은 것이라고 한다. 가장 유명한 블라 키르크잔 교회 앞에서는 매년 여름 다양한 콘서트가 열린다. “세이디스피오르드는 정말 살기 좋은 멋진 마을이에요. 작지만 활기차고 식당도 많고 사람들이 많죠. 아주 좋은 곳이에요.” 지금도 덴마크에서 일주일에 한번 페리가 운항되는 이곳은 예전엔 유명한 무역항이었다. 이곳 사람들 대부분은 어업에 종사한다. 요즘은 대구가 주로 잡힌다고 한다. 고기잡이 50년 경력의 팔순 할아버지는 아직도 힘이 넘친다. “여기서 바다로 나가시는 분들이 얼마나 되나요? 여름에는 약 12척의 작은 보트가 출항하고 1년 내내 바다로 나가는 배는 저거 하나예요. 쉬엄쉬엄하는 거죠. 한달 간 연안에서 고기를 잡았고 다시 이 배를 타고 나갈 거예요.” 큰 욕심 없이 쉬엄쉬엄하신다는 할아버지. 욕심 부리지 않고 살아가는 모습이 이 연세에도 정정하신 이유가 아닐까하는 생각이 들었다.
[English: Google Translator]
I leave the road again. Any landscape passing by is beautiful enough to keep an eye on. It is a small fairytale town called Seidisfjord where the long, narrow, eastern coastal valley road is reached. This town is famous for the scenery where colorful houses are gathered. It is said that the finished product was built in the 19th century in Norway. In front of the most famous Blekerk church, there is a variety of concerts every summer. The Seidisfjord is a really nice town to live in. It is small but vibrant, there are many restaurants and lots of people. It is a very good place. It is still a famous trade port in the past, where ferries are operated once a week in Denmark. Most of the people here are engaged in fishing. Daegu is said to be caught mainly these days. Fifty-year-old falcons of fishing experience are still full of strength. How many people are going out to sea here? There are about 12 small boats out in the summer and a boat that goes out to sea all year round. It is very easy. I've caught fish on the coast for a month and I'll be back on this boat again. I thought that the reason why I live without greed is why I am correcting this age.
[Iceland: Google Translator]
Ég leyfi veginum aftur. Allir landslag liggur við er fallegt nóg til að halda auga á. Það er lítið ævintýri bæ sem heitir Seidisfjord þar sem langur og mjór, austur strand Valley Road er náð. Þessi bær er frægur fyrir landslag þar litrík húsin eru safnað. Það er sagt að fullunnin varan var byggð á 19. öld í Noregi. Framan frægustu Blekerk kirkju, það er margs konar tónleika á hverju sumri. The Seidisfjord er mjög fallegur bær að búa í. Það er lítið en lifandi, það eru margir veitingastaðir og fullt af fólki. Það er mjög góður staður. Það er samt frægur viðskipti höfn í fortíðinni, þar sem ferjur eru reknir einu sinni í viku í Danmörku. Flestir hér stunda veiðar. Daegu er sagður vera veiddur aðallega þessa dagana. Fimmtíu ára gamall fálkar af veiðireynslu eru enn fullt af styrk. Hversu margir eru að fara út á sjó hér? Það eru um 12 bátar út í sumar og bátur sem fer út á sjó allt árið um kring. Það er mjög auðvelt. Ég hef lent fisk á ströndinni í mánuð og ég kem aftur á þessum bát aftur. ég hélt að ástæðan fyrir því að ég bý án græðgi vegna er ég að leiðrétta þetta aldri.
■클립명: 유럽104-아이슬란드04-17 동화 같은 작은 마을 세이디스피요르드
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 백승철 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 5월May
마을,village,바다,sea,종교시설,church,유럽Europe북유럽아이슬란드Iceland백승철20175월외이스튀를란드Eastern RegionAustfirðir동아이슬란드May걸어서 세계속으로
Malia Leaves Amsterdam
I went to Amsterdam and didn't hire a prostitute.
Video used as torture, All Cars are Girls by Khyan,
If you have any desire to seek me out here:
There ya go...
Gamle Mossevei
Gamle Mosseveis historie fra tilblivelse i 1859 med skysstasjoner, hvilesteder - og videre om fritids- og campinglivet i mellomkrigsåra og etter 2.verdenskrig, til 70-tallet da denne veien ble lagt ned som hovedferdselsåre. Denne vakre veien kan fortsatt oppleves, og er et kulturminne som må tas vare på.
Filmen er produsert av Lutter øre AS for Akershus fylkeskommune 2019. Dronefilm av Dronegutta AS.
Bilde og illustrasjonsliste:
1. Christiania fra Galgeberg. Michael Gustaf Aackersvärd, tidlig 1800. Oslo Museum
2. Christiania fra Ekeberg, W.R. Wilson, 1821. Oslo Museum.
3. Ekebergbakken. Malt av Wergmann, Peter Chr. Friedrich, tidlig 1800. Fotografert av Rune Aakvik 2013. Oslo Museum.
4. Christian Wilhelm Bergh. Malt av Knud Larsen Bergslien, ca 1860. Oslo Museum.
5. Ingeniørløytnant Christian V. Berghs mesterverk fra 1850. Skilling-Magazin, 1867. Avfotografert 1971. Norsk teknisk Museum.
6. Ljabrochausseen. Carl Emil Baagøe, 1865. Oslo Museum.
7. Mosseveien ved Gjersjøen. Anders Beer Wilse, 1932. Oslo Museum.
8. Kviknechausseen. 1914. Norsk Vegmuseum.
9. Håkon Kjærnes på Youngstorvet i Oslo med gulrøtter fra Nedre Kjærnes. 1930. Akershusmuseet (MiA).
10. Skyssgutt med hest. Avfotografering Ola Arvid Flatmark. Statens Vegvesen.
11. Gamle Tyrigraven. 1890. MiA.
12. Sandvigen ved Gjersjøen i Oppegaard, Café og Restaurant. Utlånt av Villa Sandvigen 2018.
13. Gamle Ringnes skysstasjon, ca. 1910-20. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
14. Tangen vertshus, ca. 1920. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
15. Hest og vogn på sølete veg. Otto Gløersen, 1914. Oslo Museum.
16. Fam Børretsen og deres første bil. Søndre Fåle gård i Ås, 1926. MiA
17. Gjersjø bensinstasjon, 1933. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
18. Ungdommer poserer på badestrand. Braathen Lorentz, 1929. MiA.
19. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Flaggstenger. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
20. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Telt. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
21. Gjersjøviken sommercamp, to gutter på huske. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
22. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Småbarn med flaske. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
23. Gjersjøviken Sommercamp. Vakt ved porten. 1937-40. Oslo Museum.
24. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Badebrygge. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
25. Bilkø i begge felt på Riksvei 1. Dagbladet,1958. Norsk Folkemuseum.
26. Fotoserie med biler og trafikk i Oslo og på Mosseveien. Dagbladet, 1949. Norsk Folkemuseum.
27. Telt-tur til Eidsted ved Gjersjøen. Familie foran telt. 1951. MiA.
28. Campingliv med to barn. 1950-60-tallet. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
29. Tyrigrava med campingplass, Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
30. Fra Tyrigrava kro, Herr og fru Bolstad. Dagbladet,1965. Norsk Folkemuseum.
31. Parkerte biler foran Tyrigrava Kro og Pub. Dagbladet, 1959. Norsk Folkemuseum.
32. Fra Tyrigrava kro, gjester i spisesalen. Dagbladet, 1965. Norsk Folkemuseum.
33. Fra Tyrigrava kro, utvendig bilde av kroen, med lastebiler parkert utenfor. Dagbladet,1965. Norsk folkemuseum.
34. Ringnes kafe ved Gjersjøen. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
35. MC klubben Varg ved Tyrigrava. Alf Grønnvold, 1958.
36. Villa Sandvigen. Scannet fotografi, utlånt av Villa Sandvigen 2018.
37. Restaurant Sandvigen, interiør med kvinne. Dagbladet, 1963. Norsk Folkemuseum.
38. Seiersten kiosk. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
39. Gjersjøviken sommercamp. Odde. Anders Beer Wilse, 1939. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
40. Tangen kafé og overnatting. 1960-tallet. Oppegård historielags kalender 1996.
41. Ringnes Gjersjøen. Jac Brun, 1958. Nasjonalbiblioteket.
42. Utsikt mot Gjersjøen. Dagbladet, 1958. Norsk Folkemuseum.
43. Oversikt mot nord fra Vinterbro bru anlegg av nye Mossevei. Vinterbro, 1970. Statens vegvesen.
Bekkestua, Bærum, Norway December 2013
A short glimpse from Bekkestua in Bærum municipality in Akershus county. Filmed on December 1st, 2013.
The Fake Vinegar In British Fish and Chip Shops
Non-brewed condiment is what they call it: it's chemically very similar to proper vinegar, a mixture of ethanoic acid, colourings and flavourings, but it's put together by just combining simple chemicals rather than brewing. Hardly anyone knows, and those that do know don't generally care; so here's my question. Does it matter?
Thanks to Matt Gray for the sweeping camerawork on this! He's at and
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OSLO - Norway Travel Guide | Around The World
Oslo is the capital and largest city of Norway, and the third largest city of Scandinavia. Oslo is also the demographic, economic and political centre of Norway.
Oslo is served by three airports: Oslo Airport (Gardermoen), Sandefjord Airport (Torp) and Moss Airport (Rygge). Oslo Airport is the largest of the three and is the main international gateway to Norway.
There is a comprehensive public transport system in Oslo, consisting of buses, trams, trains, metro (T-bane) and boats. The public transport is planned and coordinated by Ruter.
Ruter Service Center (formerly known as Trafikanten) is the information centre for public transport in Oslo. It is situated at Jernbanetorget, just outside Oslo Central Station, by the foot of the clock tower, as well as at Aker Brygge and at Oslo Airport (Gardermoen). They hand out free maps, give information and sell all kinds of tickets. The Ruter website has timetables, maps, route planner and search engines for all city transport in Oslo, as well as all transport in the nearby counties of Akershus, Østfold, Oppland, Hedmark, Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark. The Oslo Tourist Information Centre is in the same office at Jernbanetorget, at the rear counters.
Architecture in Oslo may at first seem dull. Unlike for instance its Swedish counterpart, Stockholm, downtown Oslo has only scattered monumental buildings where in particular the Parliament-Palace axis (upper part of Karl Johan Street) has a certain Parisian grandeur. The charm of Oslo can also be found in the affluent inner-city suburbs of for instance Frogner and Fagerborg as well as above St.Hanshaugen park. Northern Europe has a distinct wooden house tradition. Wooden houses are not allowed downtown, but these charming houses can be found in large numbers in villa suburbs such as Bygdøy and Holmenkollen, or former workers' areas such as Rodeløkka, Kampen, Vålerenga, Damstredet, Hellerud or Telthusbakken. Oslo also has many exciting building projects and a huge part of the city's waterfront will in a few years have changed.
Oslo has a large number of museums. If you are planning on seeing several of the expensive attractions in a short period of time, then the most cost effective way to do this is to buy an Oslo Pass. It includes unlimited entry to most of the museums and the Holmenkollen ski jump (but not the Royal Palace), free travel on Oslo's quite expensive public transport (NOK 90 for 1 zone / 24 hrs), and even limited discounts on some restaurants and other attractions. Students get a 20% discount on the Oslo pass. You could also buy a travel card allowing unlimited travel on public transport (no student discount on this) for NOK 90 (1 zone/24 hrs). You can buy 24, 48 or 72 hour Oslo passes or travel cards. They can be purchased at Tourist Information Offices in Oslo and through the Ruter app (in App Store and Play).
Oslo is a very green city. Lots of parks are scattered around town.
There are a lot of both expensive and cheap places to eat in Oslo. The cheapest restaurants are Asian restaurants which in many cases serve good food at low prices. Check the menus on the door.
Buy at least one Hot dog. They are referred to as pølse and they are great for keeping the low blood sugar troll at bay and to increase your weight! Other street snacks are also available throughout the city, but it's usually more expensive than in comparable cities elsewhere.
Aker Brygge (tram 12, bus 21, 32, 33 or 54; stops Aker Brygge, Vika Atrium or Bryggetorget) is a waterfront located south of the city hall. During summer the area is very noisy and vibrant. There are outdoor restaurants and bars almost everywhere. Be sure to get some tasty sea-food (or whatever else you like to eat) while you are there, or just enjoy your cold beer in the summer sea-breeze. Be advised that this is also the most expensive area in Oslo to dine or drink, so unless the weather is good, you can just as well stay indoors somewhere else.
All bars, pubs and restaurants in Oslo are smoke-free, which means you have to go outside to smoke. But since you can't drink on the street, you have to leave your drink inside, unless the bar/pub has a designated drink-area which is still open (they always close earlier than the venues themselves). Oslo is generally expensive. The price for a half-liter of beer is typically ranging from NOK 58-70. Closing hours are as late as to 03:30 in city center. National legislation says you can't serve any alcohol after 03:00. Oslo has a flurishing craft beer scene.
Grasmere Lake District - Grave Of William Wordsworth, Grasmere Gingerbread
Grasmere is a village in the Lake District, around 4 miles northwest of Ambleside. It is famous for its connections with the poet William Wordsworth.
This video shows some of the attractions, hotels, and other sights found in and around Grasmere:
0:04 -- River Rothay -- runs east of the village
0:42 -- Wordsworth Daffodil Garden
1:10 -- The grave of poet William Wordsworth, in the churchyard of St Oswald's Church
1:18 -- The Rowan Tree -- restaurant on Stock Lane with fantastic terrace overlooking the River Rothay and St Oswald's Church
1:20 -- St Oswald's Church
2:05 -- Church Stile -- 17th century cottages owned by the National Trust
2:09 -- Dale Lodge Hotel -- the beer garden of Tweedies Bar
2:21 -- Jumble Room -- colourful, organic restaurant
2:26 -- Lamb Inn -- public bar of the Grasmere Red Lion Hotel
2:39 -- Grasmere Red Lion Hotel
2:43 -- Grasmere village green
3:13 -- Moss Grove Organic Hotel
3:22 -- The Wordsworth Hotel & Spa
3:28 -- Sarah Nelson's Grasmere Gingerbread Shop
3:42 -- Wordsworth Museum
3:54 -- Dove Cottage -- Former home of William Wordsworth
4:14 -- Villa Colombina -- Italian restaurant close to Dove Cottage
4:17 -- View from Faeryland Tea Garden -- on the northern shore of Grasmere
Havnebyen Horten byr på kultur- og naturopplevelser. Borreparken og Midgard tar deg med inn i vikingenes verden og magi. På Karljohansvern finner du Norges nasjonale fotomuseum; Preus museum og Marinemuseet.
Walter the weather man | Spark of Insanity | JEFF DUNHAM
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Spinosaurus fishes for prey | Planet Dinosaur | BBC
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150th Anniversary of the Battle of Ridgeway Parade
What is this?
A three-part event to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Ridgeway.
When is this?
Saturday, June 4th, 2016 from noon - 6:30 p.m.
Where is this?
There are three components at three different locations:
• Parade - Noon - from Crystal Ridge Arena, up Ridge Rd. to Hwy. #3, to Ridgeway Battlefield Park.
• Ceremony - 1pm - at Ridgeway Battlefield Park
• Festival - 3pm - at Crystal Ridge Arena
How do I get there / where do I park?
• Highway #3 will be closed from Gorham Road to Ridgemount Road from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
• Free parking and shuttle bus service will be at the Crystal Ridge Arena - Rebstock Road entrance to the park beside the arena.
• Buses will run from there to Ridgeway Battlefield Park from 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
• Buses will run from Ridgeway Battlefield Park back to the Arena from 2:30 p.m.
Who is putting this on?
The Town of Fort Erie along with The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada and The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry - Wentworth Regiment. It is being coordinated by Fort Erie Museum and Cultural Services and the Fort Erie Community and Gaming Development Corporation.
What is the cost?
Admission is free to all three events.
What is happening during the Parade?
• Approximately 200 soldiers from The Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada and The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, along with their regimental band, will march up Ridge Road from the Crystal Ridge Arena to Ridgeway Battlefield Park.
• They will stop at Ridgeway Village Square where the Mayor of Fort Erie will grant each regiment “Freedom of the City”.
• Several community and youth organizations will line the sidewalks in downtown Ridgeway to greet the soldiers.
• This Is a marching parade, not a parade with floats etc.
What is happening during the Ceremony?
• A parachute drop - unfurling a Canadian flag - to mark the opening.
• Period music from The Orono Cornet Band
• Plaque unveilings; a bronze plaque in memory of the soldiers who died as a result of being deployed to this battle; a Memorial to the Ridgeway Nine, the 9 soldiers who died at the battle; and a
Heritage Tree plaque for the Ironwood Tree that stood on the battlefield in 1866.
• Book launch - First Hand Accounts of the 1866 Fenian Raid and Battle of Ridgeway, published by Fort Erie Museum Services.
• Tributes to the soldiers who lost their lives as a result of this battle through speeches, wreath laying, honour guards, taps, and a gun salute.
What is happening at the Festival?
• Tactical demonstrations by The Queen’s Own Rifles Pioneers and Skirmishers and The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Ceremonial Guard - Wentworth Regiment.
• Modern and historic weapons and uniform displays by the Canadian Armed Forces.
• Artifact displays by the Fort Erie Historical Museum, The Queen’s Own Rifles Museum, The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Armoury, and various collectors.
• Music by the Orono Cornet Band and the Military Regimental Band
• Interactive children’s activities - try on a soldiers uniform, arts and crafts projects
Are there washrooms at the Ceremony at Ridgeway Battlefield Park and at the Festival at Crystal Ridge Arena?
Yes, there will be outdoor portable toilets at both locations.
Will there be food at the Ceremony at Ridgeway Battlefield Park?
Yes, there will be a food truck which will also sell soft drinks, up until the ceremony begins at 1:00 p.m.
Will there be food at the Festival?
Yes, the Lions Club of Ridgeway and Fort Erie, along with their partners and sponsors will be selling food including hamburgers, hot dogs, pop and beer. This will take place on the pavement area next to the Crystal Ridge Community Centre, which is adjacent to the Crystal Ridge Arena.
Will I have time to watch both the Parade and the Ceremony?
Yes, you can watch the end of the parade from Hwy.#3 which is also where the ceremony will be taking place. If you chose to watch the parade from downtown Ridgeway, you would have to drive yourself to one of the side streets that run off of Highway #3 and walk to the ceremony - parking will be very limited. Another option is to station yourself at Ridgeway Battlefield Park and watch the parade on your cell phone. The parade will be live streamed on the Town's YouTube channel. Please ensure you can access this link before arriving:
Is this event accessible?
• Yes, there will be an accessible parking area, accessible shuttle bus, accessible washroom and accessible seating at the ceremony.
Who do I contact if I have questions?
The Fort Erie Historical Museum
• 402 Ridge Road, Ridgeway, ON, L0S 1N0.
• 905-894-5322
Video Stream & Production by WeeStreem
KIL Supporterklubb - Årsfilm 2010
En liten video satt sammen av ulike filmsnutter fra Kongsvinger Supporterklubb sesongen 2010. Noen bilder er også hentet fra oppryksfesten 2009. Filmen omhandler i hovedsak supporterkultur, tribunementalitet, tifo osv.