Беларускія песні: традыцыя адлегласці, дак. фільм
Спачатку яны едуць у экспедыцыю ў палескую глуш, а пасля ты танчыш пад гэтую музыку ў модным менскім клубе. Фільм «Беларускія песні: Традыцыя адлегласці» распавядае, як дзякуючы маладым ды апантаным, традыцыйны спеў не памірае разам са старымі палешукамі.
Рэж. Арцём Лобач, 2017 г., Беларусь
Incredible! In the 21st century Belarus sells bicycles from wood
In Belarus, the company that produces doors, offers wooden bicycles, the frames of which are made of birch .
A bicycle from a birch costs 1890 Belarusian rubles (about $ 1 thousand).
The warranty on the bicycle frame is five years.
The history of a wooden bicycle, particularly on the territory of Belarus, goes back to the first half of the 20th century, at least from that time the wooden model was preserved. The bicycle, dating back to 1933, is kept in the Pinsk Museum of Belarusian Polesye and is a prototype, entirely made up of wood.
Nowadays wooden bicycles are made by hand, the machine only processes the tree, and all other operations are done by the person. Therefore, each bike is unique in its way, unique, and valued highly, as it always was.
Designers and designers of the enterprise take seriously any minor things, both in the construction of bicycle frames, and in the selection of components. The basis of production is laid down its driving qualities, i.e. How easily, pleasantly and effectively the consumer can ride it. Under each new frame, taking into account the purpose of the bicycle, certain components are selected, which will best be combined with its geometry. Existing models are designed and manufactured using the latest advances in the field of bicycle technology.
Plates from different types of wood are cut into layers and blanks, and then glued with a special waterproofing adhesive in special temperature and humidity conditions. When the frame is assembled, it is covered with several layers of primer, impregnation and varnish of the ship's level. Thanks to competent gluing and manual finishing, the frames are resistant to temperature overloads and humidity. All parts are carefully checked for deformation and reduction in size before they are assembled together. Although the frame is based on wood, the design uses steel alloys for the steering tube, carriage, seat post and front and rear fork flanges.